English | 简体中文
VQA refers to visual question answering, which mainly asks and answers image content. DOC-VQA is one of the VQA tasks. DOC-VQA mainly asks questions about the text content of text images.
The DOC-VQA algorithm in PP-Structure is developed based on the PaddleNLP natural language processing algorithm library.
The main features are as follows:
- Integrate LayoutXLM model and PP-OCR prediction engine.
- Supports Semantic Entity Recognition (SER) and Relation Extraction (RE) tasks based on multimodal methods. Based on the SER task, the text recognition and classification in the image can be completed; based on the RE task, the relationship extraction of the text content in the image can be completed, such as judging the problem pair (pair).
- Supports custom training for SER tasks and RE tasks.
- Supports end-to-end system prediction and evaluation of OCR+SER.
- Supports end-to-end system prediction of OCR+SER+RE.
This project is an open source implementation of LayoutXLM: Multimodal Pre-training for Multilingual Visually-rich Document Understanding on Paddle 2.2, Included fine-tuning code on XFUND dataset.
We evaluate the algorithm on the Chinese dataset of XFUND, and the performance is as follows
Model | Task | hmean | Model download address |
LayoutXLM | SER | 0.9038 | link |
LayoutXLM | RE | 0.7483 | link |
LayoutLMv2 | SER | 0.8544 | link |
LayoutLMv2 | RE | 0.6777 | link |
LayoutLM | SER | 0.7731 | link |
Note: The test images are from the XFUND dataset.
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Boxes with different colors in the figure represent different categories. For the XFUND dataset, there are 3 categories: QUESTION
- Dark purple: HEADER
- Light purple: QUESTION
- Army Green: ANSWER
The corresponding categories and OCR recognition results are also marked on the upper left of the OCR detection frame.
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The red box in the figure represents the question, the blue box represents the answer, and the question and the answer are connected by a green line. The corresponding categories and OCR recognition results are also marked on the upper left of the OCR detection frame.
- (1) Install PaddlePaddle
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
# GPU installation
python3 -m pip install "paddlepaddle-gpu>=2.2" -i https://mirror.baidu.com/pypi/simple
# CPU installation
python3 -m pip install "paddlepaddle>=2.2" -i https://mirror.baidu.com/pypi/simple
For more requirements, please refer to the instructions in Installation Documentation.
- (1) pip install PaddleOCR whl package quickly (prediction only)
python3 -m pip install paddleocr
- (2) Download VQA source code (prediction + training)
[Recommended] git clone https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR
# If the pull cannot be successful due to network problems, you can also choose to use the hosting on the code cloud:
git clone https://gitee.com/paddlepaddle/PaddleOCR
# Note: Code cloud hosting code may not be able to synchronize the update of this github project in real time, there is a delay of 3 to 5 days, please use the recommended method first.
- (3) Install VQA's
python3 -m pip install -r ppstructure/vqa/requirements.txt
If you want to experience the prediction process directly, you can download the pre-training model provided by us, skip the training process, and just predict directly.
- Download the processed dataset
The download address of the processed XFUND Chinese dataset: https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/dataset/XFUND.tar.
Download and unzip the dataset, and place the dataset in the current directory after unzipping.
wget https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/dataset/XFUND.tar
- Convert the dataset
If you need to train other XFUND datasets, you can use the following commands to convert the datasets
python3 ppstructure/vqa/tools/trans_xfun_data.py --ori_gt_path=path/to/json_path --output_path=path/to/save_path
- Download the pretrained models
mkdir pretrain && cd pretrain
#download the SER model
wget https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/pplayout/ser_LayoutXLM_xfun_zh.tar && tar -xvf ser_LayoutXLM_xfun_zh.tar
#download the RE model
wget https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/pplayout/re_LayoutXLM_xfun_zh.tar && tar -xvf re_LayoutXLM_xfun_zh.tar
cd ../
Before starting training, you need to modify the following four fields
: point to the directory where the training set images are storedTrain.dataset.label_file_list
: point to the training set label fileEval.dataset.data_dir
: refers to the directory where the validation set images are storedEval.dataset.label_file_list
: point to the validation set label file
- start training
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 tools/train.py -c configs/vqa/ser/layoutxlm.yml
Finally, precision
, recall
, hmean
and other indicators will be printed.
In the ./output/ser_layoutxlm/
folder will save the training log, the optimal model and the model for the latest epoch.
- resume training
To resume training, assign the folder path of the previously trained model to the Architecture.Backbone.checkpoints
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 tools/train.py -c configs/vqa/ser/layoutxlm.yml -o Architecture.Backbone.checkpoints=path/to/model_dir
- evaluate
Evaluation requires assigning the folder path of the model to be evaluated to the Architecture.Backbone.checkpoints
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 tools/eval.py -c configs/vqa/ser/layoutxlm.yml -o Architecture.Backbone.checkpoints=path/to/model_dir
Finally, precision
, recall
, hmean
and other indicators will be printed
- Use
OCR engine + SER
tandem prediction
Use the following command to complete the series prediction of OCR engine + SER
, taking the pretrained SER model as an example:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 tools/infer_vqa_token_ser.py -c configs/vqa/ser/layoutxlm.yml -o Architecture.Backbone.checkpoints=pretrain/ser_LayoutXLM_xfun_zh/ Global.infer_img=doc/vqa/input/zh_val_42.jpg
Finally, the prediction result visualization image and the prediction result text file will be saved in the directory configured by the config.Global.save_res_path
field. The prediction result text file is named infer_results.txt
- End-to-end evaluation of
OCR engine + SER
prediction system
First use the tools/infer_vqa_token_ser.py
script to complete the prediction of the dataset, then use the following command to evaluate.
python3 ppstructure/vqa/tools/eval_with_label_end2end.py --gt_json_path XFUND/zh_val/xfun_normalize_val.json --pred_json_path output_res/infer_results.txt
- start training
Before starting training, you need to modify the following four fields
: point to the directory where the training set images are storedTrain.dataset.label_file_list
: point to the training set label fileEval.dataset.data_dir
: refers to the directory where the validation set images are storedEval.dataset.label_file_list
: point to the validation set label file
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 tools/train.py -c configs/vqa/re/layoutxlm.yml
Finally, precision
, recall
, hmean
and other indicators will be printed.
In the ./output/re_layoutxlm/
folder will save the training log, the optimal model and the model for the latest epoch.
- resume training
To resume training, assign the folder path of the previously trained model to the Architecture.Backbone.checkpoints
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 tools/train.py -c configs/vqa/re/layoutxlm.yml -o Architecture.Backbone.checkpoints=path/to/model_dir
- evaluate
Evaluation requires assigning the folder path of the model to be evaluated to the Architecture.Backbone.checkpoints
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 tools/eval.py -c configs/vqa/re/layoutxlm.yml -o Architecture.Backbone.checkpoints=path/to/model_dir
Finally, precision
, recall
, hmean
and other indicators will be printed
- Use
OCR engine + SER + RE
tandem prediction
Use the following command to complete the series prediction of OCR engine + SER + RE
, taking the pretrained SER and RE models as an example:
python3 tools/infer_vqa_token_ser_re.py -c configs/vqa/re/layoutxlm.yml -o Architecture.Backbone.checkpoints=pretrain/re_LayoutXLM_xfun_zh/ Global.infer_img=doc/vqa/input/zh_val_21.jpg -c_ser configs/vqa/ser/layoutxlm. yml -o_ser Architecture.Backbone.checkpoints=pretrain/ser_LayoutXLM_xfun_zh/
Finally, the prediction result visualization image and the prediction result text file will be saved in the directory configured by the config.Global.save_res_path
field. The prediction result text file is named infer_results.txt
- LayoutXLM: Multimodal Pre-training for Multilingual Visually-rich Document Understanding, https://arxiv.org/pdf/2104.08836.pdf
- microsoft/unilm/layoutxlm, https://github.com/microsoft/unilm/tree/master/layoutxlm
- XFUND dataset, https://github.com/doc-analysis/XFUND
The content of this project itself is licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)