- 0.1.0 : 2012.09.18
- Features
- Create Login, Card, Layout, BookMain, and there is no database connection.
- 0.2.0 : 2012.10.05
- Features
- Add these modules, AddBook, Add Users, ChackBook, CheckLent, CheckUser, DeleteBook, DeleteUsers, JdbcFiles, LendBook, ReturnBook, UpdateBook & UpdateUsers.
- Cuz I do this on my Mac and there is no SQLServer on it, although I write a JdbcFiles, but there’s still no database connection.
- 0.2.1 : 2012.10.06
- Features
- Do some chenges in User Management menu, eliminate the use of FlowLayout in CheckUser module, cuz I don’t think it’s beautiful to put the methods in a line.
- 0.2.2 : 2012.10.06
- Features
- redesign all of the Layouts.
- 0.3.0 : 2012.10.07
- Features
- Use MySQL database, successfully login, bugs when Add, Check & Delete sth. ;-)
- 0.3.1 : 2012.10.07
- Features
- Add, Edit & Delete function in User & Book menu seems work fine.