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This document will help you compile and install bolt on your server. Generally, you only need to be concerned about two parts. The first part is how to build bolt which is described in the "Download and Build Bolt" section. The second part is when you fail to build bolt, you should check the "Prerequisites" section.

Download and Build Bolt
    Environment variables
    Compilation Tools
    Android Tools
    Other Dependency Libraries
    Optional Software
Common install problem

Download and Build Bolt

A simple shell script is provided to build and install the Bolt library, and you should modify it according to your scenario and environment. Set all the options correctly in bolt.cmake. Use help message to find more useful information.

NOTE: Some Build options are set by default in, which will overwrite the settings in bolt.cmake. You should check these two files meticulously before installation.

Here are the examples of installation on different platforms(arm_gnu, arm_llvm, arm_ndkv7 and x86_gnu).

git clone
cd bolt

# build for ARM V8+ GNU CPU platform
./ -c arm_gnu -t 33

# build for Android ARM V8+ CPU platform
./ -c arm_llvm -t 33 -g OFF

# build for Android ARM V8+ CPU + MALI GPU platform
./ -c arm_llvm -t 33 -g ON

# build for X86 GNU CPU platform
./ -c x86_gnu -t 33

# build for Android ARM V7 CPU platform
./ -c arm_ndkv7 -t 33

We will install Bolt to install_ directory. These subdirectories will be found in it:

  • include

  • lib

    • build for Java application
    • build for C/C++ application
    • flow sub project library
    • inference sub project library
    • tensor computing sub project library
    • image sub project library
    • blas_enhance sub project library
    • model_tools sub project library
    • uni sub project library
  • tools

    • X2bolt for generally converting deep learning(caffe/onnx/tflite) model to bolt model
    • tensorflow2caffe for converting tensorflow model to caffe model
    • pytorch2caffe for converting pytorch model to caffe model
    • tensor_computing_library_search for performance tuning of the operator library
  • examples

    • benchmark for measuring inference performance of any model (.bolt)
    • tinybert for intention identification
    • nmt for machine translation
    • classification for imagenet classification task
    • asr_rnnt for automatic speech recognition task (RNNT model)
    • asr_convolution_transformer for automatic speech recognition task (Convolution+Transformer model)
    • tts for text to speech
  • docs

    • API/html: doxygen html document for C/Java/Flow API

If you want to build operator uni tests and C/Java/Flow API tests, please turn on the BUILD_TEST option when you build Bolt. These executables will be installed to install_/tests directory.


Here are all options in bolt.cmake.

options default note
USE_CROSS_COMPILE ON use cross compile or not
USE_GNU_GCC OFF use GNU gcc compler or not
USE_LLVM_CLANG OFF use LLVM clang compiler or not
USE_IOS_CLANG OFF use ios compiler or not
USE_DYNAMIC_LIBRARY OFF use dynamic library or not
USE_MINSIZEREL OFF use cmake library storage size optimization
USE_ANDROID_LOG OFF use Android log or not
USE_DEBUG OFF use debug information or not
USE_PROFILE OFF print each layer performance information or not
USE_PROFILE_STATISTICS OFF print performance statistics information or not
USE_THREAD_SAFE OFF use thread safe function or not
USE_CAFFE ON use caffe model as input or not
USE_ONNX ON use onnx model as input or not
USE_TFLITE ON use tflite model as input or not
USE_TFLITE ON use tensorflow model as input or not
USE_GENERAL ON use serial CPU code for debug or not
USE_X86 OFF use X86 AVX2 instruction or not
USE_NEON OFF use ARM NEON instruction or not
USE_ARMV7 OFF use ARMv7 CPU or not
USE_ARMV8 ON use ARMv8 CPU or not
USE_MALI ON use MALI GPU for parallel or not
USE_FP32 OFF use FP32 implementation or not
USE_FP16 ON use FP16 implementation or not
USE_F16_MIX_PRECISION ON use ARM NEON mixed-precision (F16/F32) or not
USE_INT8 ON use INT8 implementation or not
USE_OPENMP OFF use OpenMP to run operator multi-thread or not, currently only support partial float32 operator
USE_LIBRARY_TUNING ON use algorithm tuning or not
USE_FLOW ON use flow or not
USE_TEST OFF build unit test or not

Environment variables

Some Linux shell environment variables are reserved for Bolt.

  • BOLT_ROOT: Bolt project home directory, set by user or Bolt.
  • BOLT_MEMORY_REUSE_OPTIMIZATION: whether to use memory reuse optimization. The default value is ON and you can set it OFF to disable memory reuse optimization. Note that this setting takes effect during the model conversion. Once the model (.bolt) is stored, the memory reuse behavior is fixed.
  • Bolt_TensorComputing_LibraryAlgoritmMap: a path on the target device set by user to save tensor_computing library performance tuning result.


Compilation Tools

  • Cmake

    <1> Installation

    sudo apt-get install cmake

    <2> Verfication

    cmake -version
    cmake -version

    If cmake has been installed successfully, you can see the uniquely determined cmake version number (e.g. 3.15.1). If you fail to see the version number or the number you see is lower than 3.2.0, please reinstall the cmake tool on your server. You can refer to the cmake official docs to implement the installation of cmake and set environment PATH to find it.

  • GNU make

    <1> Installation

    sudo apt-get install make

    <2> Verification

    make -version

    If GNU make has been installed successfully, you can see the uniquely determined GNU make version number (e.g. 4.1). If you fail to see the version number or the number you see is lower than 3.81, please reinstall the GNU make tool on your server. You can refer to the GNU make installation example to implement the installation of GNU make and set the environment PATH to find it.

  • Cross compiler

    NDK compiler uses Android NDK toolchains to build Bolt for Java APIs required by Android applications and ARM MALI GPU Bolt. ARM GNU compiler uses gcc to build Bolt for simple ARM CPU tests. Choose one of them according to your scenario.

    • Android NDK compiler

      <1> Installation

      Refer to the NDK installation example to install android-ndk-r20 and set environment PATH to find aarch64-linux-android21-clang++.

      <2> Verification

      aarch64-linux-android21-clang++ --version

      If android ndk has been installed successfully, you can see the InstalledDir which represent the ndk compilers storage path. If you fail to see InstalledDir, please reinstall ndk and set the environment PATH to find it.

    • ARM GNU compiler

      <1> Installation

      sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi

      <2> Verification

      Install gcc-arm-8.3-2019.03-x86_64-aarch64-linux-gnu and set Linux shell environment PATH to find aarch64-linux-gnu-g++. Simple test:

      aarch64-linux-gnu-g++ --version

      If GNU has been installed successfully, you can see the uniquely determined GNU compiler version number (e.g. 8.3.0). If you fail to see the version number or the number you see is lower than 8.3.0, please reinstall the ARM GNU compiler on your server. You can refer to the GNU compiler installation example to install GNU compiler and set the environment PATH to find it.

Android Tools

  • ADB

    <1> Installation

    Refer to the ADB installation example to install ADB tool helping you transfer the executables to android mobile phones.

    cd platform-tools
    mv adb /usr/bin/adb

    <2> Verification

    # list all available android devices
    adb devices

    If GDB has been installed successfully, you can see all the android devices on your server.

Other Dependency Libraries

Use install script to install the dependency libraries(protoc, protobuf, flatbuffers, tensorflow-lite, jpeg, ARM GPU OpenCL) to the third_party directory and generate a shell script to set up compilation environment. To choose ARM or X86, LLVM or GCC. Here is an example of installation for ARM NDK LLVM build.

./third_party/ -c arm_llvm -t 33

Optional Software

  • JDK

If you want to compile Java programs, you need to download and install Java SE Development Kit and set Linux shell environment PATH. Run the command "java -version" to verify whether jdk has been installed.


You can see the uniquely determined JDK version number (e.g. 1.8.0_265). If you fail to see the version number or the number you see is lower than 1.8.0_265, please reinstall the JDK on your server. You can refer to the JDK installation example to install JDK and set the environment PATH to find it.

  • Android dx

If you want to directly run jar file on Android device, you can use Android dx tool. Install Android v28.0.3 build tools and set Linux shell environment PATH. Run the command "dx --version" to verify the dx tool version.


You can see the uniquely determined dx version number (e.g. 1.16). If you fail to see the version number or the number you see is lower than 1.16, please reinstall the dx tool on your server.

Common install problem