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7580475 · Sep 27, 2022


50 lines (46 loc) · 3.74 KB

File metadata and controls

50 lines (46 loc) · 3.74 KB



Name Type Description Notes
acl AccessControlListSimple [optional]
chart_title_bg_color str Background color of the chart title text area, in rgba(rvalue,gvalue,bvalue,avalue) [optional]
chart_title_color str Text color of the chart title text are, in rgba(rvalue,gvalue,bvalue,avalue) [optional]
chart_title_scalar int Scale (normally 100) of chart title text size [optional]
created_epoch_millis int [optional]
creator_id str [optional]
customer str id of the customer to which this dashboard belongs [optional]
dashboard_attributes JsonNode Experimental Dashboard Attributes [optional]
default_end_time int Default end time in milliseconds to query charts [optional]
default_start_time int Default start time in milliseconds to query charts [optional]
default_time_window str Default time window to query charts [optional]
deleted bool [optional]
description str Human-readable description of the dashboard [optional]
disable_refresh_in_live_mode bool Refresh variables in Live Mode [optional]
display_description bool Whether the dashboard description section is opened by default when the dashboard is shown [optional]
display_query_parameters bool Whether the dashboard parameters section is opened by default when the dashboard is shown [optional]
display_section_table_of_contents bool Whether the "pills" quick-linked the sections of the dashboard are displayed by default when the dashboard is shown [optional]
event_filter_type str How charts belonging to this dashboard should display events. BYCHART is default if unspecified [optional]
event_query str Event query to run on dashboard charts [optional]
favorite bool [optional]
force_v2_ui bool Whether to force this dashboard to use the V2 UI [optional]
hidden bool [optional]
hide_chart_warning bool Hide chart warning [optional]
id str Unique identifier, also URL slug, of the dashboard
include_obsolete_metrics bool Whether to include the obsolete metrics [optional]
modify_acl_access bool Whether the user has modify ACL access to the dashboard. [optional]
name str Name of the dashboard
num_charts int [optional]
num_favorites int [optional]
orphan bool [optional]
parameter_details dict(str, DashboardParameterValue) The current (as of Wavefront 4.0) JSON representation of dashboard parameters. This is a map from a parameter name to its representation [optional]
parameters dict(str, str) Deprecated. An obsolete representation of dashboard parameters [optional]
sections list[DashboardSection] Dashboard chart sections
system_owned bool Whether this dashboard is system-owned and not writeable [optional]
tags WFTags [optional]
updated_epoch_millis int [optional]
updater_id str [optional]
url str Unique identifier, also URL slug, of the dashboard
views_last_day int [optional]
views_last_month int [optional]
views_last_week int [optional]

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