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Build custom Waves Explorer for your node

Sergey Ishchenko edited this page Nov 18, 2017 · 1 revision

Setting up dev environment

Linux-like systems

Suppose we are working in ubuntu (in other systems should be similar)

sudo apt-get install nodejs npm git


For windows things are different (what's why you probably love it) - you have to install tools manually:

Building client from sources

This is to set up build pipeline and dependency management.

npm install -g gulp-cli bower

Downloading source code and installing dependencies

git clone
cd WavesExplorerLite
npm install

Building a distribution

gulp distr

You can find distribution packages grouped by network type in ./distr directory. Waves Platform team uses three main configurations: devnet, testnet and mainnet. Each configuration has it's own config file ./src/js/config.<configuration name>.js

Development loop

If you're going to customize client look and feel or just change it's functionality, you need to understand how to test your changes locally. Ready to test package is created by gulp via command line:

gulp build

You can start local server using

node server.js

Just use your browser to open http://localhost:3000

Network configuration

Custom explorer for official Waves network

If you want to create your own version of explorer to existing network, there's no need to configure anything. It works out of the box.

Client distribution for your private blockchain

In this case you need to know how chain parameters work. The network uses code symbol which should match the same setting of your node. You also have to change node address. Please make sure that this address is accessible from your customers' machines.

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