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How to Build Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives Cryptography (Intel® IPP Cryptography)

Software Requirements

Common tools

  • CMake* 3.18 or higher
  • Python 3.8.1
  • The Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.15
  • OpenSSL* 3.0.8 or higher

Linux* OS

  • Common tools
  • Intel® C++ Compiler Classic 2021.9 for Linux* OS
  • GCC 8.3
  • GCC 9.1
  • GCC 10.1
  • GCC 11.1
  • Clang 9.0
  • Clang 12.0
  • GNU binutils 2.32

Windows* OS

  • Common tools
  • Intel® C++ Compiler Classic 2021.9 for Windows* OS
  • Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler* version 19.16 provided by Microsoft Visual Studio* 2017 version 15.9

NOTE: Support for this compiler version will be removed from Intel IPP Cryptography starting 2021.4 release. If you use it for building Intel IPP Cryptography library, please plan on migrating to a newer supported version of Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler*.

  • Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler* version 19.24 provided by Microsoft Visual Studio* 2019 version 16.4
  • Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler* version 19.30 provided by Microsoft Visual Studio* 2022 version 17.0

NOTE: CMake* 3.21 or higher is required to build using Microsoft Visual Studio* 2022.


  • Common tools
  • Intel® C++ Compiler Classic 2021.9 for macOS*

Building Intel IPP Cryptography on Linux* OS

The software was validated on:

  • Red Hat* Enterprise Linux* 8

To build the Intel IPP Cryptography library on Linux* OS, complete the following steps:

  1. Clone the source code from GitHub* as follows:

    git clone --recursive
  2. Set the environment for one of the supported C/C++ compilers.

    Example for Intel® Compiler:

    source /opt/intel/bin/ intel64

    For details, refer to the Intel® C++ Compiler Developer Guide and Reference.

  3. Run CMake* in the command line.


    For Intel® C++ Compiler:

    CC=icc CXX=icpc cmake CMakeLists.txt -B_build -DARCH=intel64

    For GCC:

    CC=gcc CXX=g++ cmake CMakeLists.txt -B_build -DARCH=intel64

    For the complete list of supported CMake options, refer to the CMake Build Options section.

  4. Navigate to the build folder specified in the CMake command line and start the build:

    cd _build
    make all

    You can find the built libraries in the <build_dir>/.build/<RELEASE|DEBUG>/lib directory.

Building Intel IPP Cryptography on Windows* OS

The software was validated on:

  • Windows Server* 2019

To build the Intel IPP Cryptography library on Windows* OS, complete the following steps:

  1. Clone the source code from GitHub* as follows:

    git clone --recursive
  2. Set the environment variables for one of the supported C/C++ compilers. For Intel® Compiler instructions, refer to the Intel® C++ Compiler Developer Guide and Reference. For MSVC* Compiler, refer to Use the MSVC toolset from the command line.

  3. Run CMake* in the command line.


    For Intel® C++ Compiler and Visual Studio* 2019:

    cmake CMakeLists.txt -B_build -G"Visual Studio 16 2019" -T"Intel C++ Compiler 19.2" -Ax64

    For MSVC* Compiler and Visual Studio* 2019:

    cmake CMakeLists.txt -B_build -G"Visual Studio 16 2019" -Ax64

    For the complete list of supported CMake options, please refer to the CMake Build Options section.

  4. Navigate to the build folder, specified in the CMake command line and start build either from Visual Studio* or in the command line.

    Build from command line:

    cmake --build . --parallel 4 --target ALL_BUILD --config Release

    Build from Visual Studio*: Open the Microsoft Visual Studio* solution Intel(R) IPP Crypto.sln, choose project (build target) from the Solution Explorer and run the build.

Building Intel IPP Cryptography on macOS*

The software was validated on:

  • macOS* 12.0

To build the Intel IPP Cryptography library on macOS*, complete the following steps:

  1. Clone the source code from GitHub* as follows:

    git clone --recursive
  2. Set the environment variables for one of the supported C/C++ compilers.

    Example for Intel® Compiler:

    source /opt/intel/bin/ intel64

    For details, refer to the Intel® C++ Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

  3. Run CMake* in the command line.


    For Intel® C++ Compiler:

    CC=icc CXX=icpc cmake CMakeLists.txt -B_build -DARCH=intel64

    For the complete list of supported CMake options, refer to the CMake Build Options section.

  4. Navigate to the build folder specified in the CMake command line and start the build:

    cd _build
    make all

    You can find the built libraries in the <build_dir>/.build/<RELEASE|DEBUG>/lib directory.

CMake Build Options

Common for all operating systems

  • -B<build-dir> - defines the build directory. This is the directory where CMake puts the generated Microsoft Visual Studio* solution or makefiles.

  • -DARCH=<ia32|intel64> - on Linux* OS and macOS*, defines the target architecture for the build of the Intel IPP Cryptography library.

    NOTE: On Windows* OS, use -G/-A instead. See the description of these options below.

    NOTE: Due to the significant shift in the industry towards 64-bit architecture, the support of 32-bit libraries is deprecated in the Intel IPP Cryptography 2021.9 release and targeted to be removed after one year deprecation notice period.

  • -DMERGED_BLD:BOOL=<on|off> - optional. Defines the configuration of the Intel IPP Cryptography library to build:

    • -DMERGED_BLD:BOOL=on: default configuration. It includes the following steps:

      • Build of a dispatched static library with all available optimizations
      • Build of a dispatched dynamic library with all available optimizations
      • Generation of the single-CPU headers (for details, refer to this section)
    • -DMERGED_BLD:BOOL=off: build of one static library per optimization; build of one dynamic library per optimization.

  • -DPLATFORM_LIST="<platform list>" - optional, works only if -DMERGED_BLD:BOOL=off is set. Sets target platforms for the code to be compiled. See the supported platforms list here.

    • Example for Linux* OS and the IA-32 architecture: -DPLATFORM_LIST="m7;s8;p8;g9;h9"

    • Example for Linux* OS and the Intel® 64 architecture: -DPLATFORM_LIST="w7;n8;y8;e9;l9;k0"

  • -DIPPCP_CUSTOM_BUILD="<CPU features list>" - optional, works only if -DMERGED_BLD:BOOL=off is set, i.e. only for 1CPU libraries. Enables the CPU feature dispatching mask at compile-time based on the provided list.

    • Currently supported by the library custom features dispatching:
      1. Intel® Advanced Encryption Standard New Instructions (Intel® AES-NI) code-path enabling: IPPCP_AES_ON;IPPCP_CLMUL_ON
      2. Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions 512 (Intel(R) AVX-512) and vector extensions of Intel(R) AES New Instructions (Intel(R) AES-NI) code-path enabling: IPPCP_VAES_ON;IPPCP_VCLMUL_ON
    • Example: -DPLATFORM_LIST="IPPCP_AES_ON;IPPCP_CLMUL_ON" - this combination enables Intel® AES-NI in all 1CPU libraries, which contains this code path.
    • Example of using a combination of CPU features: -DPLATFORM_LIST="IPPCP_AES_ON;IPPCP_CLMUL_ON;IPPCP_VAES_ON;IPPCP_VCLMUL_ON" - in this combination the highest available feature in each 1CPU library will be enabled (e.g. for "y8" it’s Intel® AES-NI and for "k1" - Intel AVX-512 VAES)

Windows* OS

  • -G"<tool-chain-generator>" - defines the native build system CMake will generate from the input files. Refer to CMake documentation for the Visual Studio* generators options.

  • -A<x64|Win32> - for Visual Studio* 2019+, defines the target architecture for the build of the Intel IPP Cryptography library.

  • -T<Compiler> - defines the compiler for building. For example, to use Intel® Compiler, specify -T"Intel C++ Compiler 19.1".

NOTE: Refer to CMake documentation for more information on these options.

Linux* OS

  • -DNONPIC_LIB:BOOL=<off|on> - optional. Defines whether the built library is position-dependent or not.

    • -DNONPIC_LIB:BOOL=off: default. Position-independent code.

    • -DNONPIC_LIB:BOOL=on: position-dependent code.

CMake Commands FAQ

How to build a 32-bit library?

cmake CMakeLists.txt -B_build -DARCH=ia32

How to build a 64-bit generic library without any CPU-specific optimizations?

cmake CMakeLists.txt -B_build -DARCH=intel64 -DMERGED_BLD:BOOL=off -DPLATFORM_LIST=mx

How to build two libraries with optimizations for Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions 2 and Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions 512 instruction sets?

cmake CMakeLists.txt -B_build -DARCH=intel64 -DMERGED_BLD:BOOL=off -DPLATFORM_LIST="l9;k0"

How to build a library to work in a kernel space?

cmake CMakeLists.txt -B_build -DARCH=intel64 -DNONPIC_LIB:BOOL=on

How to specify path to OpenSSL*

cmake CMakeLists.txt -B_build -DARCH=intel64 -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=/path/to/openssl/include -DOPENSSL_LIBRARIES=/path/to/openssl/lib -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/openssl

Incorporating Intel® IPP Cryptography sources into custom build system

You can include Intel IPP Cryptography sources into some arbitrary project's CMake build system and build them with it.

Here is the minimal working example:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.18)


# `crypto` is the repository root folder of Intel IPP Cryptography

# 'main.cpp' is some arbitrary project's source file
add_executable("test_proj" main.cpp)
# `ippcp_s` is the target name of static library in the Intel IPP Cryptography build system.
# This static library will be built automatically, when you build your project.
target_link_libraries("test_proj" "ippcp_s")

Also you can use CMake module to find the Intel IPP Cryptography library installed on the system. The module location is examples/FindIPPCrypto.cmake and here is the example of its usage:

find_package(IPPCrypto REQUIRED MODULE)

   message(FATAL_ERROR "No Intel IPP Cryptography library found on the system.")

# If Intel IPP Cryptography is found, the following variables will be defined:
#     `IPPCRYPTO_LIBRARIES` - static library name
#     `IPPCRYPTO_INCLUDE_DIRS` - path to Intel IPP Cryptography headers
#     `IPPCRYPTO_ROOT_DIR` - library root dir (a folder with 'include' and 'lib' directories)