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ICC -- Indel and carry-forward error corrections for next-generation sequencing data


ICC is a software pipeline to correct sequencing errors such as indel and CAFIE errors in next generation sequencing data (Roche 454 pyrosequencing and Ion Torrent), call single nucleotide variant and calculate haplotype frequencies.

System Requirements

ICC has been tested on systems running Linux, Mac OS X and MS Windows.


  1. Download to your preferred directory.
  2. Unzip
  3. Run "perl" in directory ICC_vx.x/Scripts.

Note: x.x is the version number. NCBI's BLAST+ packages (version 2.2.27+) for Linux, Mac and Windows have been pre-installed in ICC package. will automatically detect your operating system and configure the paths to run BLAST and perl scripts. If you move installed ICC_vx.x to other place, you need to run again before you execute ICC package.

How to run ICC package?

Starting with raw pyrosequencing reads fasta and quality files, ICC needs to run following four sequential steps:

1, Read quality filtering

Usage: perl /whereICCInstalled/Scripts/ [-option value]

Required parameters:

-is <file>            Input pyrosequencing reads fasta file
-iq <file>            Input pyrosequencing reads quality file

Required parameters:

-is <file>            Input pyrosequencing reads fasta file
-iq <file>            Input pyrosequencing reads quality file
-os <file>            Output fasta file for reads passing quality filter
-oq <file>            Output quality file for reads passing quality filter

Other options:

-l <int>              Read length cutoff value. Read will be discard if it's length is
                      shorter than cutoff. [default: 100]
-q <int>              Read quality cutoff value. Read will be discard if it's average
                      quality is smaller than cutoff. [default: 25]
-proc <int>           Number of computer processors to use [default: 1]
-h                    Usage help

2, Map filtered reads to reference by BLAST

Usage: perl /whereICCInstalled/Scripts/ [-option value]

Required parameters:

-in <file>            Input quality filtered reads fasta file
-ref <file>           Input reference sequence fasta file

Other options:

-mt <int>             Match reward for BLAST algorithm. [default: 1]
-mm <int>             Mis-match penalty for BLAST algorithm. [default: -1]
-go <int>             Cost to open a gap for BLAST algorithm. [default: 1]  
-ge <int>             Cost to extend a gap for BLAST algorithm. [default: 2] 
-proc <int>           Number of computer processors to use [default: 1]
-h                    Usage help         

3, Retrieve sequences in windows or individual regions

3.1. Retrieve consecutive windows' sequences

Usage: perl /whereICCInstalled/Scripts/ [-option value]

Required parameters:

-ref <file>           Input reference sequence fasta file

Other options:

-rs <int>             Start position in reference sequence to retrieve windows. 
                      [default: 1. i.e. beginning of the reference]
-re <int>             End position in reference sequence to retrieve windows. 
                      [default: 0. i.e. end of the reference]
-ws <int>             Window size. [default: 60]  
-ss <int>             Window stride size. [default: 60]  
-afc <int>            Alignment fraction Cutoff. Read will be considered to
                      specifically align to reference if the fraction of alingment is 
                      greater than cutoff.  [default: 0.6]  
-dlx                  Flag to delete xml file after running the script. [default: false] 
-proc <int>           Number of computer processors to use [default: 1]
-h                    Usage help

Note: a serial sub-directories will be created in working directory with the name of "Region_-". num1 is the start position of window in reference, num2 is the end position of window in reference. Each subdirectory contains retrieved read sequences covering the window.

3.2. Retrieve sequences in a specific region

Usage: perl /whereICCInstalled/Scripts/ [-option value]

Required parameters:

-ref <file>           Input reference sequence fasta file
-rs <int>             Start position in reference sequence to retrieve region. 
-re <int>             End position in reference sequence to retrieve region. 

Other options:

-afc <float>          Alignment fraction Cutoff. Read will be considered to
                      specifically align to reference if the fraction of alignment is 
                      greater than cutoff.  [default: 0.6]  
-dlx                  Flag to delete xml file after running the script. [default: false]
-proc <int>           Number of computer processors to use [default: 1]
-h                    Usage help

Note: a sub-directory will be created in working directory with the name of "Region_-". num1 is the start position of the region in reference, num2 is the end position of the region in reference. Subdirectory contains retrieved read sequences covering the region.

4, Error correction, variant calling and profiling

Usage: perl /whereICCInstalled/Scripts/ [-option value] 


-od <directory>       Output directory where ICC processing data and results will be 
                      stored. It will be created in the directory of 
                      [default: ICC_output]
-cs <int>             Minimal cluster size as a cluster seed in three clustering steps
                      (homopolymer indel, indel and carry-forward errors only). 
                      Increasing the value will dramatically speed up the clustering.
                      [default: 2. i.e. clusters with only one read will not cluster
                      other reads]
-cf <float>           Carry-forward frequency cutoff. Carry-forward will be corrected
                      if it's frequency is lower than cutoff [default: 0.05]
-u <float>            Overall mismatch rate per site to approximate a Poisson 
                      distribution of error. [default: 0.00013]
-mt <int>             Match reward in multiple and pairwise alignment algorithm 
                      [default: 10]
-mm <int>             Mis-match penalty in multiple and pairwise alignment algorithm 
                      [default: -9]
-gp <int>             Gap penalty in multiple and pairwise alignment algorithm 
                      [default: -15]
-ar                   Assemble before and after corrected reads in each window into 
                      full length reads
-proc <int>           Number of computer processors to use [default: 1]
-h                    Usage help

Note: You have to run in your working directory in which all subdirectories of "Region_-" are. It will output multiple files after the program finishes. The file names all begin with . _ICC.log records the process of running the program. _nt_freq.txt shows nucleotide frequencies at each position across reference before variant calling using Poisson distribution model. _SNV_freq.txt shows single nucleotide frequency by Poisson distribution. _nt_hyplotypes.fas is nucleotide hyplotype fasta file. _nt_hyplo_freq.txt is the file giving the frequency of each nucleotide hyplotype. _aa_hyplotypes.fas is amino acid hyplotype fasta file. _aa_hyplo_freq.txt is the file listing the frequency of each amino acid hyplotype. beforeCorr_assembled.fas and afterCorr_assembled.fas are assembled reads from windows before and after ICC corrections if option "-ar" is set.


The package includes example dataset you can test in the directory of ICC_vx.x/Example.

How to run example data?

1, Change working directory into ICC Example directory

Usage: cd /whereICCInstalled/Example

2, Example read quality filtering

Usage: perl /whereICCInstalled/Scripts/ -is exampleReads.fas \
-iq exampleReads.qual -os exampleReadsFilter.fas -oq exampleReadsFilter.qual

3, Map filtered reads to example reference by BLAST

Usage: perl /whereICCInstalled/Scripts/ -in exampleReadsFilter.fas \
-ref exampleReference.fas -out exampleReadsFilterRef.xml

4, Retrieve consecutive windows' sequences

Usage: perl /whereICCInstalled/Scripts/ \
-xml exampleReadsFilterRef.xml -ref exampleReference.fas

5, Error correction, variant calling and profiling

Usage: perl /whereICCInstalled/Scripts/ -proc 10 -ar

The following result files will be created: Example_aa_hyplo_freq.txt, Example_aa_hyplotypes.fas, Example_nt_freq.txt, Example_nt_hyplo_freq.txt, Example_nt_hyplotypes.fas, Example_SNV_freq.txt, beforeCorr_assembled.fas, afterCorr_assembled.fas.