CommandBox bundles some custom predicates and handlers to make your life easier.
The predicate cf-admin()
will returns true
if the incoming URL is to the Lucee or ColdFusion admin:
cf-admin() -> set-error( 404 );
// Is the equivalent of
regex(pattern='^/(CFIDE/administrator|CFIDE/adminapi|CFIDE/AIR|CFIDE/appdeployment|CFIDE/cfclient|CFIDE/classes|CFIDE/componentutils|CFIDE/debug|CFIDE/images|CFIDE/orm|CFIDE/portlets|CFIDE/scheduler|CFIDE/ServerManager|CFIDE/services|CFIDE/websocket|CFIDE/wizards|lucee/admin)/.*', case-sensitive=false) -> set-error(404)
The handler block-external()
blocks any request not from localhost with a 404 response code. You can pair this with any predicate you choose.
cf-admin() -> block-external()
// Is the equivalent of
cf-admin() -> ip-access-control( default-allow=false, failure-status=404, acl={ 127.*.*.* allow } )
The handler block-cf-admin()
blocks any request to the Lucee or ColdFusion admin with a 404 response code.
// Is the equivalent of
cf-admin() -> set-error( 404 );
You can build your own predicates and handlers by compiling java classes that implement the io.undertow.predicate.PredicateBuilder
or io.undertow.server.handlers.builder.HandlerBuilder
interfaces. If the proper service metadata is present in your jar's META-INF folder, undertow will automatically find and register your builders via Java's service loader.
This isn't super difficult but involves a few moving parts. If you're interested in writing your own handlers and predicates to use in your server rules, reach out on the mailing list and we'll walk you through it.
You can see the custom handlers and predicates documented above in our Runwar source code here:
Custom handlers:
{% embed url="" %}
Custom Predicates:
{% embed url="" %}