Code | Results |
# Heading 1 |
## Heading 2 |
### Heading 3 |
#### Heading 4 |
##### Heading 5 |
###### Heading 6 |
Code | Results |
**Bold** |
Bold |
`Italic | Italic |
~~Striketrough~~ |
[link to localhost](https://localhost) |
link to localhost |
![image alt]( |
1. this is
2. an
3. ordered list
- this is
- an
- ordered list
* this is
* an
* unordered list
- this is
- an
- unordered list
| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
| :---------------- | :-----------------: | -----------------: |
| Left aligned text | Center aligned text | Right aligned text |
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
Left aligned text | Center aligned text | Right aligned text |