diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci-actions.yml b/.github/workflows/ci-actions.yml index 670e894a57..a2370081bd 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/ci-actions.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/ci-actions.yml @@ -367,11 +367,18 @@ jobs: path: . - name: Extract WildFly run: unzip wildfly.zip + # Build examples, start WFLY in background, give it time to boot, run JSF numberguess tests, shutdown WFLY - name: Build with Maven run: | + mvn clean verify -Dno-format -Dhttp.keepAlive=false -Dmaven.wagon.http.pool=false -Dmaven.wagon.httpconnectionManager.ttlSeconds=120 -f examples/pom.xml JBOSS_HOME=`pwd`'/wildfly' export JBOSS_HOME=`echo $JBOSS_HOME` - mvn clean verify -Dno-format -Dhttp.keepAlive=false -Dmaven.wagon.http.pool=false -Dmaven.wagon.httpconnectionManager.ttlSeconds=120 -f examples/pom.xml + $JBOSS_HOME/bin/standalone.sh & + sleep 5s + WFLY_PID=$(jps | grep -- jboss-modules.jar | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,}') + mvn clean wildfly:deploy -Dno-format -f examples/jsf/numberguess/pom.xml + mvn clean verify -Dno-format -Dhttp.keepAlive=false -Dmaven.wagon.http.pool=false -Dmaven.wagon.httpconnectionManager.ttlSeconds=120 -Pintegration-testing -f examples/jsf/numberguess/pom.xml + kill -9 $WFLY_PID - name: Prepare failure archive (if maven failed) if: failure() shell: bash