Fee Delegation Transaction is a service where the feePayer pays the fee for the transaction that the Sender wants to execute. This is done by adding the feePayer's signature to the existing transaction information signed by the Sender and sending it. Fee Delegation Transaction only supports the DynamicFeeTxType among the existing transactions signed by the Sender and does not support LegacyTxType or AccessListTxType.
Tx Type | Tx Type supported with fee delegation |
LegacyTxType | No |
AccessListTxType | No |
DynamicFeeTxType | Yes |
- core/types/transaction.go
const (
LegacyTxType = iota
FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTxType = 22 //fee delegation
- core/types/transaction.go
type Transaction struct {
inner TxData // Consensus contents of a transaction
time time.Time // Time first seen locally (spam avoidance)
// caches
hash atomic.Value
size atomic.Value
from atomic.Value
feePayer atomic.Value //fee delegation
- core/types/transaction.go
type TxData interface {
txType() byte // returns the type ID
copy() TxData // creates a deep copy and initializes all fields
chainID() *big.Int
accessList() AccessList
data() []byte
gas() uint64
gasPrice() *big.Int
gasTipCap() *big.Int
gasFeeCap() *big.Int
value() *big.Int
nonce() uint64
to() *common.Address
rawSignatureValues() (v, r, s *big.Int)
setSignatureValues(chainID, v, r, s *big.Int)
// fee delegation
feePayer() *common.Address
rawFeePayerSignatureValues() (v, r, s *big.Int)
- core/types/feedelegate_dynamic_fee_tx.go
type FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx struct {
SenderTx DynamicFeeTx
FeePayer *common.Address `rlp:"nil"`
// Signature values
FV *big.Int `json:"fv" gencodec:"required"` // feePayer V
FR *big.Int `json:"fr" gencodec:"required"` // feePayer R
FS *big.Int `json:"fs" gencodec:"required"` // feePayer S
- core/types/feedelegate_dynamic_fee_tx.go
func (tx *FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx) SetSenderTx(senderTx TxData) {
tx.SenderTx.ChainID = senderTx.ChainID
tx.SenderTx.Nonce = senderTx.Nonce
tx.SenderTx.GasFeeCap = senderTx.GasFeeCap
tx.SenderTx.GasTipCap = senderTx.GasTipCap
tx.SenderTx.Gas = senderTx.Gas
tx.SenderTx.To = senderTx.To
tx.SenderTx.Value = senderTx.Value
tx.SenderTx.Data = senderTx.Data
copy(tx.SenderTx.AccessList, senderTx.AccessList)
v, r, s := senderTx.rawSignatureValues()
tx.SenderTx.V = v
tx.SenderTx.R = r
tx.SenderTx.S = s
// copy creates a deep copy of the transaction data and initializes all fields.
func (tx *FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx) copy() TxData {
cpy := &FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx{
SenderTx: tx.copySenderTx(),
FeePayer: copyAddressPtr(tx.FeePayer),
FV: new(big.Int),
FR: new(big.Int),
FS: new(big.Int),
if tx.FV != nil {
if tx.FR != nil {
if tx.FS != nil {
return cpy
func (tx *FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx) copySenderTx() DynamicFeeTx {
cpy := DynamicFeeTx{
Nonce: tx.SenderTx.Nonce,
To: copyAddressPtr(tx.SenderTx.To),
Data: common.CopyBytes(tx.SenderTx.Data),
Gas: tx.SenderTx.Gas,
// These are copied below.
AccessList: make(AccessList, len(tx.SenderTx.AccessList)),
Value: new(big.Int),
ChainID: new(big.Int),
GasTipCap: new(big.Int),
GasFeeCap: new(big.Int),
V: new(big.Int),
R: new(big.Int),
S: new(big.Int),
copy(cpy.AccessList, tx.SenderTx.accessList())
if tx.SenderTx.Value != nil {
if tx.SenderTx.ChainID != nil {
if tx.SenderTx.GasTipCap != nil {
if tx.SenderTx.GasFeeCap != nil {
if tx.SenderTx.V != nil {
if tx.SenderTx.R != nil {
if tx.SenderTx.S != nil {
return cpy
// accessors for innerTx.
func (tx *FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx) txType() byte { return FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTxType }
func (tx *FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx) chainID() *big.Int { return tx.SenderTx.ChainID }
func (tx *FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx) accessList() AccessList { return tx.SenderTx.AccessList }
func (tx *FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx) data() []byte { return tx.SenderTx.Data }
func (tx *FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx) gas() uint64 { return tx.SenderTx.Gas }
func (tx *FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx) gasFeeCap() *big.Int { return tx.SenderTx.GasFeeCap }
func (tx *FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx) gasTipCap() *big.Int { return tx.SenderTx.GasTipCap }
func (tx *FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx) gasPrice() *big.Int { return tx.SenderTx.GasFeeCap }
func (tx *FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx) value() *big.Int { return tx.SenderTx.Value }
func (tx *FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx) nonce() uint64 { return tx.SenderTx.Nonce }
func (tx *FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx) to() *common.Address { return tx.SenderTx.To }
func (tx *FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx) feePayer() *common.Address { return tx.FeePayer }
func (tx *FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx) rawFeePayerSignatureValues() (v, r, s *big.Int) {
return tx.FV, tx.FR, tx.FS
func (tx *FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx) rawSignatureValues() (v, r, s *big.Int) {
return tx.SenderTx.rawSignatureValues()
func (tx *FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx) setSignatureValues(chainID, v, r, s *big.Int) {
tx.FV, tx.FR, tx.FS = v, r, s
- Include core/types/transaction_signing.go
// fee delegation
type feeDelegateSigner struct{ londonSigner }
func NewFeeDelegateSigner(chainId *big.Int) Signer {
return feeDelegateSigner{londonSigner{eip2930Signer{NewEIP155Signer(chainId)}}}
func (s feeDelegateSigner) Sender(tx *Transaction) (common.Address, error) {
if tx.Type() != FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTxType {
return s.londonSigner.Sender(tx)
V, R, S := tx.RawFeePayerSignatureValues()
// DynamicFee txs are defined to use 0 and 1 as their recovery
// id, add 27 to become equivalent to unprotected Homestead signatures.
V = new(big.Int).Add(V, big.NewInt(27))
if tx.ChainId().Cmp(s.chainId) != 0 {
return common.Address{}, ErrInvalidChainId
return recoverPlain(s.Hash(tx), R, S, V, true)
func (s feeDelegateSigner) Equal(s2 Signer) bool {
x, ok := s2.(feeDelegateSigner)
return ok && x.chainId.Cmp(s.chainId) == 0
func (s feeDelegateSigner) SignatureValues(tx *Transaction, sig []byte) (R, S, V *big.Int, err error) {
txdata, ok := tx.inner.(*FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx)
if !ok {
return s.londonSigner.SignatureValues(tx, sig)
// Check that chain ID of tx matches the signer. We also accept ID zero here,
// because it indicates that the chain ID was not specified in the tx.
if txdata.SenderTx.chainID().Sign() != 0 && txdata.SenderTx.chainID().Cmp(s.chainId) != 0 {
return nil, nil, nil, ErrInvalidChainId
R, S, _ = decodeSignature(sig)
V = big.NewInt(int64(sig[64]))
return R, S, V, nil
// Hash returns the hash to be signed by the sender.
// It does not uniquely identify the transaction.
func (s feeDelegateSigner) Hash(tx *Transaction) common.Hash {
senderV, senderR, senderS := tx.RawSignatureValues()
return prefixedRlpHash(
- internal/ethapi/api.go
type RPCTransaction struct {
BlockHash *common.Hash `json:"blockHash"`
BlockNumber *hexutil.Big `json:"blockNumber"`
From common.Address `json:"from"`
Gas hexutil.Uint64 `json:"gas"`
GasPrice *hexutil.Big `json:"gasPrice"`
GasFeeCap *hexutil.Big `json:"maxFeePerGas,omitempty"`
GasTipCap *hexutil.Big `json:"maxPriorityFeePerGas,omitempty"`
Hash common.Hash `json:"hash"`
Input hexutil.Bytes `json:"input"`
Nonce hexutil.Uint64 `json:"nonce"`
To *common.Address `json:"to"`
TransactionIndex *hexutil.Uint64 `json:"transactionIndex"`
Value *hexutil.Big `json:"value"`
Type hexutil.Uint64 `json:"type"`
Accesses *types.AccessList `json:"accessList,omitempty"`
ChainID *hexutil.Big `json:"chainId,omitempty"`
V *hexutil.Big `json:"v"`
R *hexutil.Big `json:"r"`
S *hexutil.Big `json:"s"`
// fee delegation
FeePayer *common.Address `json:"feePayer,omitempty"`
FV *hexutil.Big `json:"fv,omitempty"`
FR *hexutil.Big `json:"fr,omitempty"`
FS *hexutil.Big `json:"fs,omitempty"`
- example :
$ bin/gweimx.sh console
> personal.signTransaction({
chainId: "0x458",
gas: "0x5208",
maxFeePerGas: "0x174876e801",
maxPriorityFeePerGas: "0x174876e801",
hash: "0x19b5e90deb03cd4b87aca41ca09dcfed5e7c7ad33e6579f30f7efba722c54424",
input: "0x",
nonce: "0x1c",
to: "0xdb8408bb47bf5e745fed00fc2c99e2f4e1a9270f",
value: "0xdde0b6b3a7640000",
r: "0xb4dc96b4580bd1d3f090b953ea3612625dd834af8e7cc6146def84a0c137b32c",
s: "0x82427bf3a4589ffe79bebad9151ece587790462cd44abdd810abe0016134b8f",
v: "0x0",
feePayer: "0xdb8408bb47bf5e745fed00fc2c99e2f4e1a9270f"
raw: "0x16f8d0f8768204581c85174876e80185174876e80182520894db8408bb47bf5e745fed00fc2c99e2f4e1a9270f880de0b6b3a764000080c080a0b4dc96b4580bd1d3f090b953ea3612625dd834af8e7cc6146def84a0c137b32ca0082427bf3a4589ffe79bebad9151ece587790462cd44abdd810abe0016134b8f94db8408bb47bf5e745fed00fc2c99e2f4e1a9270f80a0ba376dff9a2a4344a570367c94eeee2434a0e44ccf2da900f54becc6adaf0b5ca077b7d15ab7ba7213b5189094ca1bd41c7a48390767e4acb14c98f3442e561abb",
tx: {
accessList: [],
chainId: "0x458",
feePayer: "0xdb8408bb47bf5e745fed00fc2c99e2f4e1a9270f",
fr: "0xba376dff9a2a4344a570367c94eeee2434a0e44ccf2da900f54becc6adaf0b5c",
fs: "0x77b7d15ab7ba7213b5189094ca1bd41c7a48390767e4acb14c98f3442e561abb",
fv: "0x0",
gas: "0x5208",
gasPrice: null,
hash: "0x19b5e90deb03cd4b87aca41ca09dcfed5e7c7ad33e6579f30f7efba722c54424",
input: "0x",
maxFeePerGas: "0x174876e801",
maxPriorityFeePerGas: "0x174876e801",
nonce: "0x1c",
r: "0xb4dc96b4580bd1d3f090b953ea3612625dd834af8e7cc6146def84a0c137b32c",
s: "0x82427bf3a4589ffe79bebad9151ece587790462cd44abdd810abe0016134b8f",
to: "0xdb8408bb47bf5e745fed00fc2c99e2f4e1a9270f",
type: "0x16",
v: "0x0",
value: "0xde0b6b3a7640000"
- internal/ethapi/api.go
func (s *PrivateAccountAPI) SignRawFeeDelegateTransaction(ctx context.Context, args TransactionArgs, input hexutil.Bytes, passwd string) (*SignTransactionResult, error) {
if args.FeePayer == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing FeePayer")
// Look up the wallet containing the requested signer
account := accounts.Account{Address: *args.FeePayer}
wallet, err := s.am.Find(account)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rawTx := new(types.Transaction)
if err := rawTx.UnmarshalBinary(input); err != nil {
return nil, err
V, R, S := rawTx.RawSignatureValues()
if rawTx.Type() == types.DynamicFeeTxType {
SenderTx := types.DynamicFeeTx{
To: rawTx.To(),
ChainID: rawTx.ChainId(),
Nonce: rawTx.Nonce(),
Gas: rawTx.Gas(),
GasFeeCap: rawTx.GasFeeCap(),
GasTipCap: rawTx.GasTipCap(),
Value: rawTx.Value(),
Data: rawTx.Data(),
AccessList: rawTx.AccessList(),
V: V,
R: R,
S: S,
FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx := &types.FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx{
FeePayer: args.FeePayer,
tx := types.NewTx(FeeDelegateDynamicFeeTx)
signed, err := wallet.SignTxWithPassphrase(account, passwd, tx, s.b.ChainConfig().ChainID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
data, err := signed.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &SignTransactionResult{data, signed}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("senderTx type error")
- example :
$ bin/gweimx.sh console
> personal.signRawFeeDelegateTransaction({"feePayer":"0xdb8408bb47bf5e745fed00fc2c99e2f4e1a9270f"},
raw: "0x16f8d0f8768204581c85174876e80185174876e80182520894db8408bb47bf5e745fed00fc2c99e2f4e1a9270f880de0b6b3a764000080c080a0b4dc96b4580bd1d3f090b953ea3612625dd834af8e7cc6146def84a0c137b32ca0082427bf3a4589ffe79bebad9151ece587790462cd44abdd810abe0016134b8f94db8408bb47bf5e745fed00fc2c99e2f4e1a9270f80a0ba376dff9a2a4344a570367c94eeee2434a0e44ccf2da900f54becc6adaf0b5ca077b7d15ab7ba7213b5189094ca1bd41c7a48390767e4acb14c98f3442e561abb",
tx: {
accessList: [],
chainId: "0x458",
feePayer: "0xdb8408bb47bf5e745fed00fc2c99e2f4e1a9270f",
fr: "0xba376dff9a2a4344a570367c94eeee2434a0e44ccf2da900f54becc6adaf0b5c",
fs: "0x77b7d15ab7ba7213b5189094ca1bd41c7a48390767e4acb14c98f3442e561abb",
fv: "0x0",
gas: "0x5208",
gasPrice: null,
hash: "0x19b5e90deb03cd4b87aca41ca09dcfed5e7c7ad33e6579f30f7efba722c54424",
input: "0x",
maxFeePerGas: "0x174876e801",
maxPriorityFeePerGas: "0x174876e801",
nonce: "0x1c",
r: "0xb4dc96b4580bd1d3f090b953ea3612625dd834af8e7cc6146def84a0c137b32c",
s: "0x82427bf3a4589ffe79bebad9151ece587790462cd44abdd810abe0016134b8f",
to: "0xdb8408bb47bf5e745fed00fc2c99e2f4e1a9270f",
type: "0x16",
v: "0x0",
value: "0xde0b6b3a7640000"
$ bin/gwemix.sh console
> eth.getTransaction('0x53ef850a55c09b698ccc33bb5f373ea1e67f5002b4d48bdcf9b2078b368d36a8')
accessList: [],
blockHash: "0x4cab269319725d2cf4d6eb118b11a54c6d73f819d01cc9c64653a5d1975254b8",
blockNumber: 127551,
chainId: "0x458",
feePayer: "0x82667998ae5fd9e4f4637fc805e97740c673c517",
fr: "0xde281f30f9c06f17a77ce391ef1f91b2c5bbcc28dbd4350c9a31c6d0b0fe5a37",
from: "0xe6205771b7777421bfddb90c93eda3f3d9d6e35a",
fs: "0x1f678163b0dfbd8913473305c9b3ee0e3d19705440df93d5095b1231f600bb61",
fv: "0x1",
gas: 21000,
gasPrice: 100000000001,
hash: "0x53ef850a55c09b698ccc33bb5f373ea1e67f5002b4d48bdcf9b2078b368d36a8",
input: "0x",
maxFeePerGas: 100000000001,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: 100000000001,
nonce: 30,
r: "0xbf9e47ffaf39aed6523c93f94badd5df32618bfd041fd95f5c411cbe79b5f7f5",
s: "0x5599c2eea6d4b290259ff545b65ba680cf4d1591610e04dca5b31b879acf09b",
to: "0x4231d51941be79312203e4c029a3b56162902353",
transactionIndex: 0,
type: "0x16",
v: "0x0",
value: 1000000000000000000
- Reference code : https://github.com/wemixarchive/feedelegation-js