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Guide to install and build w11a systems, test benches and support software

Table of content

All instructions below assume that the project files reside in a working directory with the name represented as <install-dir>

  • to download the repository

      git clone
  • use the latest snapshop under master

      cd <install-dir>
      git checkout master
  • to use tagged verions list available tags

      cd <install-dir>
      git tag -l

    and select one of them

      cd <install-dir>
      git checkout tags/<tag>

The GitHub repository contains the full version history since 2010. Prior to October 2016, the project was maintained on OpenCores as project w11. In October 2016 the repository was moved from OpenCores to GitHub including all revision history.

This project contains not only VHDL code but also support software. Therefore quite a few software packages are expected to be installed. The following list gives the Ubuntu/Debian package names, but mapping this to other distributions should be straightforward.

  • building the FPGA bit files requires the Xilinx design tools

    • Vivado WebPACK (for Series-7 based designs)
    • ISE WebPACK (for Spartan-3 and Spartan-6 based designs)
  • building and using the rlink backend software requires:

    • full C/C++ development chain (gcc,g++,cpp,make)
      -> package: build-essential
    • libusb 1.0 (>= 1.0.6)
      -> package: libusb-1.0-0-dev
    • Perl (>= 5.10) (usually included in base installations)
    • Tcl (>= 8.6), with tclreadline support
      -> package: tcl tcl-dev tcllib tclreadline
  • for VHDL simulations one needs

    • GHDL
      -> see for the unfortunately gory details
    • GTKWave
      -> package: gtkwave
  • for cross-verification the SimH simulator is used. See for the unfortunately gory details.

  • additional requirements for using Cypress FX (on Nexys2/3) see

  • for doxygen documentation an up-to-date installation of doxygen is required, version or later.

The make flows for building test benches (GHDL, Vivado xsim or ISE ISim based) and FPGA bit files (with Vivado or ISE), as well as the support software (mainly the rlink backend server), requires the definition of the environment variables:

Variable Comment
RETROBASE must refer to the installation root directory
PATH the tools binary directory $RETROBASE/tools/bin must be in the path
current working directory . must be in the path (expected e.g. by TBW)
LD_LIBRARY_PATH the tools library directory $RETROBASE/tools/lib must be in the library path
MANPATH the tools man page directory $RETROBASE/tools/man should be in the man path
TCLINC pathname for includes of Tcl runtime library
TCLLIBNAME name of Tcl runtime library
RETRO_FX2_VID default USB VID, see below
RETRO_FX2_PID default USB PID, see below
TCLLIB pathname for libraries of Tcl (optional)
BOOSTINC pathname for includes of boost library (optional)
BOOSTLIB pathname for libraries of boost library (optional, BOOSTINC and BOOSTLIB must be either both defined or both undefined)

For bash and alike use

  export RETROBASE=<install-dir>
  export PATH=$PATH:$RETROBASE/tools/bin:.
  export MANPATH=$MANPATH:$RETROBASE/tools/man

Boost was essential in the pre-c++11 times but has been completely replaced by std:: classes provided by c++11. In most cases the Tcl version coming with the distribution will work, in those cases simply use

  export TCLINC=/usr/include/tcl8.6
  export TCLLIBNAME=tcl8.6

and don't set up BOOSTINC and BOOSTLIB.

After that building functional model based test benches will work. If you want to also build post-synthesis or post-place&route test benches read the next section.

For Cypress FX2 (on Nexys2/3) related setup see

The build system for test benches also supports test benches run against the gate level models derived after synthesis or place&route. In this case GHDL has to link against a compiled a UNISIM, UNIMACRO or SIMPRIM library. The details are described in

The backend codebase uses many c++11 language features, e.g. nullptr, auto, lambda functions, list initialization, range-based for, to name the most prominent. Recently some c++17 language features are used as well. A C++ compiler with full c++17 support is therefore needed, so either gcc 7.3 or clang 7. Current experience is:

  • gcc 9.3.0 and clang 10, as in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, will work !!
  • gcc 8.3.0 and clang 7, as in Debian 10, should work !!

Required tools and libraries:

g++    >= 7.3    (see c++17 usage above)
libusb >= 1.0.5  (timerfd support)

To build all sharable libraries

cd $RETROBASE/tools/src
make -j 4

Default is to compile with -O2 and without -g. These options can be overwritten with the CXXOPTFLAGS environment variable (or make option). To build with -O3 optimize use

make -j 4 CXXOPTFLAGS=-O3

To build a debug version with full symbol table use

make -j 4 CXXOPTFLAGS=-g

To cleanup, e.g. before a re-build

cd $RETROBASE/tools/src
make realclean

The Tcl files are organized in several packages. To create the Tcl package files (pkgIndex.tcl)

cd $RETROBASE/tools/tcl

To use these packages it is convenient to make them available via the 'auto_path' mechanism. To do that add in your .tclshrc or .wishrc

lappend auto_path [file join $env(RETROBASE) tools tcl]
lappend auto_path [file join $env(RETROBASE) tools lib]

The w11 project contains two ready-to-use .tclshrc or .wishrc files which

  • include the auto_path statements above
  • activate tclreadline (and thus in tclshrc an event loop)

To use them simply copy them into your home directory (or soft link them)

cd $HOME
ln -s $RETROBASE/tools/tcl/.tclshrc .
ln -s $RETROBASE/tools/tcl/.wishrc  .

The generation of FPGA firmware and test benches is based on make flows.

All details on

  • building test benches
  • building FPGA bit files
  • configuring FPGAs

can be found under

Ready to build designs are organized in the directories


with <design>
  w11a            w11a system
  tst_rlink       rlink over serial link tester
  tst_rlink_cuff  rlink over FX2 interface tester

and <board>
  cmoda7          c7:      Digilent Cmod A7 board
  arty            arty:    Digilent Arty A7-35 board
  basys3          b3:      Digilent Basys3 board
  nexys4d         n4d:     Digilent Nexys4 board (DDR RAM version)
  nexys4          n4:      Digilent Nexys4 board (cellular RAM version)
  nexys3          n3:      Digilent Nexys3 board
  nexys2          n2:      Digilent Nexys2 board (-1200 FPGA version)
  s3board         s3:      Digilent S3board (-1000 FPGA version)

for w11a designs which only use BRAM as memory are provided
  arty_bram       br_arty: Digilent Arty A7-35 board
  nexys4d_bram    br_n4d:  Digilent Nexys4 board (DDR RAM version)

To build the designs locally use

 cd $RETROBASE/rtl/sys_gen/<design>/<board>
 make sys_<dtype>_<btype>.bit

with in most cases

  • <dtype> = <design>
  • <btype> = abbreviation for the board, e.g. n4 for nexys4.

Tarballs with ready-to-use bit files and all logfiles from the tool chain can be downloaded from .

This area is organized in folders for different releases. The tarball file names contain information about release, Xlinix tool, and design:

  • Vivado based designs: These designs can be loaded with the Vivado hardware server into the FPGA.

  • ISE based designs: These designs can be loaded with config_wrapper into the FPGA. The procedures for the supported boards are given below.


    1. XTWI_PATH and RETROBASE environment variables must be defined.
    2. config_wrapper bit2svf is only needed once to create the svf files.
    3. fx2load_wrapper is needed once after each board power on.
    • for Digilent Nexys3 board (using Cypress FX2 USB controller)

        xtwi config_wrapper --board=nexys3 bit2svf <design>.bit
        fx2load_wrapper     --board=nexys3
        xtwi config_wrapper --board=nexys3 jconfig <design>.svf
    • for Digilent Nexys2 board (using Cypress FX2 USB controller)

        xtwi config_wrapper --board=nexys2 bit2svf <design>.bit
        fx2load_wrapper     --board=nexys2
        xtwi config_wrapper --board=nexys2 jconfig <design>.svf
    • for Digilent S3board (using ISE Impact)

        xtwi config_wrapper --board=s3board iconfig <design>.bit

Currently there is not much real documentation included in the source files. The doxygen generated html output is nevertheless very useful to browse and navigate the source code. For details see in directory tools/dox.