This directory contains udev rules which ensure that the Cypress FX2 on
- Digilent Nexys2
- Digilent Nexys3
is read/write accessible for user land processes, either in
- original power on state (thus Digilent VID/PID)
- after custom firmware is loaded (thus VOTI VID/PID)
The rules assume that eligible user accounts are in group
Check with thegroups
command whether your account is in groupplugdev
in not, add this group to your accounts groups list.
To set up udev rules do
sudo cp -a 90-retro-usb-permissions.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo chown root:root /etc/udev/rules.d/90-retro-usb-permissions.rules
dir /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
to verify whether usb device was really put into group plugdev
# --> look for bus/dev of interest
find /dev/bus/usb -type c | sort| xargs ls -l
# --> check whether bus/dev of interest is in group plugdev