Adapted from
This repo is a basic boilerplate for pure Yul smart contract development, it also includes a create2 deployment script and multichain deployment handling.
To successfully compile and test this project, you will need to install solc.
- Head to ethereum's solidity releases and download the solc-static-linux.
- Run the following commands
chmod +x solc-static-linux
sudo mv solc-static-linux /usr/local/bin/solc
- Verify the installation
solc --version
Feel free to adjust the following:
- script/Contract.s.sol
Deployment script name, including constructor param handling if any and associated Contract name for compilation in the bashCommand.
- test/Contract.t.sol
Tests, name of the contracts.
3 test/mocks/Contract.sol
Interface of the Yul contract, associated methods.
- yul/Contract.yul
Yul contract name and code.
- scripts/
Name of the deployment file and contract.