From e0b554bf9f881f4c5a98f13e3ccec1db837241e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Domenic Denicola serialized state, which is serialized
state or null, initially null title, a string or null This need not have any relation with the current scroll restoration mode, a scroll
restoration mode, initially " If there is no next page, does nothing. Pushes the given data onto the session history, with the given title, and, if provided and
- not null, the given URL. Pushes the given data onto the session history, and, if provided and not null, the given URL.
+ (The second parameter exists for historical reasons, and cannot be omitted; passing the empty
+ string is traditional.) Updates the current entry in the session history to have the given data, title, and, if
- provided and not null, URL. Updates the current entry in the session history to have the given data, and if provided and
+ not null, URL. (The second parameter exists for historical reasons, and cannot be omitted;
+ passing the empty string is traditional.) The URL and history update steps, given a serializedData as the serialized
state; title as the title; the scroll restoration mode of the
current entry in the session history as the scroll restoration mode. If serializedData is not null, then set entry's serialized state to serializedData. Set entry's title to
- title. Update entry so that it represents a GET request, if it currently represents a
non-GET request (e.g. it was the result of a POST submission). The title
of the document. The session history entry title is intended to explain the state of the document at that point,
- so that the user can navigate the document's
@@ -82934,18 +82925,20 @@ interface History {
@@ -83161,8 +83154,7 @@ interface History {
. pushState
(data, title [, url ] )history
. pushState
(data, ""[, url])history
. replaceState
(data, title [, url ] )history
. replaceState
(data, ""[, url])Document
a URL newURL, an optional serialized state-or-null serializedData (default null), an optional
- string-or-null title (default null), and an optional
+ data-x="uhus-serializedData">serializedData (default null), and an optional
boolean isPush (default false), are:
@@ -83200,8 +83192,6 @@ interface History {
- title, url)
method steps are to run the shared history
- push/replace state steps given this, data, title,
- url, and true.
The replaceState(data, title,
+ data-x="dom-history-replaceState">replaceState(data, unused,
method steps are to run the shared history push/replace state
- steps given this, data, title, url, and
- false.
The shared history push/replace state steps, given a History
- history, a value data, a string title, a scalar value
- string-or-null url, and a boolean isPush, are:
Let document be history's associated Document
Run the URL and history update steps given document and newURL, with serializedData set to - serializedData, title set to title, and isPush set to isPush.
The title is purely advisory. User agents might use the title - in the user interface.
-User agents may limit the number of state objects added to the session history per page. If a
page hits the implementation-defined limit, user agents must remove the entry
immediately after the first entry for that Document
object in the session history
@@ -83374,7 +83357,7 @@ interface History {
var currentPage = 5; // prefilled by server
function go(d) {
setupPage(currentPage + d);
- history.pushState(currentPage, document.title, '?x=' + currentPage);
+ history.pushState(currentPage, "", '?x=' + currentPage);
onpopstate = function(event) {
@@ -83418,7 +83401,7 @@ interface History {
var i = 1;
function inc() {
- history.pushState(i, 'Line - ' + i);
+ history.pushState(i, "");
function set(newI) {
i = newI;
@@ -86201,10 +86184,6 @@ new PaymentRequest(…); // Allowed to use
If the current entry's title is null, then
- set its title to the value returned by the document.title
IDL attribute.
Save persisted state to the current entry.
Let newDocument be entry's