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203 lines (176 loc) · 8.23 KB


Subscribe channel, 1-1 chat, private group, or public group to a web feed

Subscribe the current chat:

The user issuing the command must have administrative rights in the chat.

Subscribe a referenced channel:

Both the user performing this command and the bot must be admin in the target channel. The command may be issued from any chat with the bot. For a better experience it is recommended to give bot the permission to edit and pin messages.

command  | argument
/sub     | <optional: chat_id> <mandadory: space-separated list of
examples | /sub https://rest.of.url1 
         | /sub -25154554  
response | error or success message                               

View or edit a chat's or channel's settings

View or edit the current chat's settings:

The user issuing the command must have administrative rights in the chat.

View or edit a referenced channel:

Both the user performing this command and the bot must be admin in the target channel. The command may be issued from any chat with the bot. For a better experience it is recommended to give bot the permission to edit and pin messages.

command  | argument
/set     | <optional: channel id> <optional: line break + 
         |   ":"-separated key-value pairs 
examples | /set
         | digest_at: 08:00 12:00 19:00
         | pin: true
         | disable_webview: true 
         | /set -25154554
         | digest_every: 9000
         | pin: true
         | disable_webview: true
returns  | error or success message                                   

Available settings

Here are the default settings, that come into play as soon as you subscribe a chat to a web feed:

blacklist: undefined
    # list of keywords that exclude items
    # containing any of them from notifications
digest_at: undefined
    # the time of the day at which digests are sent
digest_every: 1d
    # every day, post a digest (summmary) of
    # all new items across all feeds this chat is subscribed to
    # since last time
digest_size: 10
    # have the digest (summary) contain max. 10 items per feed
digest_start: undefined
    # input a datestring in the yyyy-mm-dd format
    # to use a start date for your digests
disable_web_view: false
    # do not prevent Telegram from rendering the first item using the
    # InstantView feature
only_search: undefined
    # list of feeds whose items should be ignored from notifications unless they match search
    # keywords
pagination: false
    # slices a message into many "pages" and adds button controls beneath them 
    # allowing users to flip back and forth between pages
    # if the paginated message is a digest, this setting overrides 'digest_collapse' 
paused: false
    # not paused
pin: false
    # do not try to pin digests
search_notif: undefined
    # the list of keywords used for 'only_search'
share_link: true
    # always add a button linking a digest to its web rendered version
    # a link for sharing with non-Telegram users


  • all defaults can be reset to their default value with:
    <key>: reset
  • when digest_at is set, digest_every is used a step in terms of number of days. Values below "1d" are ignored. This means you can set
    digest_at: 08:00
    digest_every: 2d
    for a morning digest every other day.
  • when set to less than 1 day, digest_every is ignored and only digest_at is used;
  • search_notif and only_search allow to completely ignore certain feeds from digest while still getting notifications on matches. For example:
    digest_every: 1d
    search_notif: kernel
    only_search: url1 url2
    means that the feeds at url1 and url2 will be ignored from your daily digests, unless any one of them contains a match for the keyword "kernel".

List subscribed to web feeds

Both chats and channels.

command   | argument
/list     | <optional: chat_id of the channel>    
example   | /lchan -25154554
response  | list of #s associated with   
          | each subscribed to web feed 

Show information about a subscribed to feed

Only in non-channels.

command      | argument
/feed, /f    | <# of the target feed, or full url >           
example      | /feed 1, /feed
response     | information about the target feed              

Previewing (dry-run) a chat's or channel's next digest

command      | argument
/testdigest  | <optional: channel id>           
example      | /testdigest, /testdigest -102333565
response     | the chat's or channel's next digest            

Fetching fresh items

Only in non-channels.

command  | argument
/fresh   | <# of days representing how old the items can be at most 
example  | /fresh 1 
response | all at most #-old items collected 
         |  from all feeds the chat is subscribed to

Displaying items from a single feed

Only in non-channels.

command     | argument
/items, /i  | <# or full url of the target of days 
            |   representing the max "age" of the items
example     | /items 1
            | /i
response    | all the items available from the target feed


  • /changelog: Show the latest changelog
  • /pause <optional: channel_id>: Suspend notification to the chat or channel.
  • /link <channel_id>: allow the current chat to manage the referenced chat or channel. NB: if the current chat is already subscribed to the bot, the subscription will be cancelled.
  • /resume <optional: channel_id>: Whether the bot is allowed to send notification messages to the chat or channel.
  • /migrate <from: chat or channel_id> <to: chat or channel id>: Copies the settings defined for the first chat or channel, to the second. Then runs '/purge' on the first.
  • /purge <optional: channel_id> (chat admins only): Make the database forget entirely about the chat or channel.
  • /reset <optional: channel_id> (chat admins only): Set the chat's or channel's settings to the defaults
  • /search, /se <space-separated keywords> (non-channels only): Search for keywords in all items in all feeds the current chat is subscribed to.
    • example: /se cheap cloud host
  • /unsub <optional: channel_id>(chat admins only) <list of 1-space-separated #s or full url addresses>
    • unsubscribe from all the feeds passed as argument (if valid).
    • examples: /unsub 1 2 3 for the current chat, /unsub -1456658 for channel -1456658.