For the exhaustive list of commands, see this document.
1 digest every day at noon (UTC):
digest_at: 12:00
1 digest every day at noon (UTC) presented as a condensed list of feed titles, showing only the last 3 items and a link to view the full digest:
digest_at: 12:00
digest_collapse: 3
1 digest every other day at noon (UTC) with a shareable link for non-Telegram users:
digest_at: 12:00
digest_every: 2d
share_link: true
Exclude the words meanword from all messages, and set search notifications on items from the feed at
for just the items that contain the string pop_os:
blacklist: meanword
search_notif: pop_os
Here are the default settings, that come into play as soon as you subscribe a chat to a web feed:
blacklist: undefined
# list of keywords that exclude items
# containing any of them from notifications
digest_at: undefined
# the time of the day at which digests are sent
digest_every: 1d
# every day, post a digest (summmary) of
# all new items across all feeds this chat is subscribed to
# since last time
digest_size: 10
# have the digest (summary) contain max. 10 items per feed
digest_start: undefined
# input a datestring in the yyyy-mm-dd format
# to use a start date for your digests
disable_web_view: false
# do not prevent Telegram from rendering the first item using the
# InstantView feature
only_search: undefined
# list of feeds whose items should be ignored from notifications unless they match search
# keywords
paused: false
# not paused
pin: false
# do not try to pin digests
search_notif: undefined
# the list of keywords used for 'only_search'
share_link: true
# append at the end of the digest (summary)
# a link for sharing with non-Telegram users
# __NB__: set this to `false` if the channel is linked to a comment chat
# otherwise the "Share link" button will _replace_ the "Leave a comment" feature
# added by Telegram.