From 8d12dfdd3005f0222fecb0a6823a755f1569f491 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hansmorb \n"
@@ -194,19 +194,19 @@ msgstr ""
"das Team.\n"
" \n"
@@ -679,19 +679,19 @@ msgstr ""
" The article {{item:post_title}} is now fully usable again.Mitmachen?
" Die Zukunft dieses Plugins ist abhängig von deiner Unterstützung. Du kannst uns mit einer Spende unterstützen unter:"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:76
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:75
msgid "General"
msgstr "Allgemein"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:81
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:80
msgid "Naming and permalinks"
msgstr "Namen und Permalinks"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:86
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:85
msgid "Customize names & slugs. You can set an individual slug for items and locations to create individual permalinks.
Notice: If the new settings do not work directly (you will get a 404 page error on frontend pages), you must click on the Settings -> Permalinks page after saving these settings to refresh the Wordpress permalink settings."
msgstr "Passe Namen & Slugs an. Du kannst individuelle Slugs für Artikel und Standorte festlegen, um individuelle Permalinks zu erstellen.
Hinweis: Sollten die Änderungen nicht sofort funktionieren (404 Seite nicht gefunden wird auf der Webseite angezeigt), müsstest Du nach dem Speichern dieser Einstellungen auf die Seite Einstellungen -> Permalinks klicken, um die WordPress Permalink-Einstellungen zu aktualisieren."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:93
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:92
msgid "Items slug"
msgstr "Artikel slug"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:99
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:98
msgid "The slug for article detail page. Type in the slug without slashes. Example: cb_item or article. The url for the items detail will be like %s"
msgstr "Die Slug für Artikel Detailseite. Gib den Slug ohne Schrägstriche ein. Beispiel: cb-artikel oder artikel. Die URL für die Artikel-Detailseite lautet dann z.b: %s"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:110
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:109
msgid "Locations slug"
msgstr "Standorte Slug"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:116
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:115
msgid "The slug for location detail page. Type in the slug without slashes. Example: cb_location or location. The url for the items detail will be like %s"
msgstr "Die Slug für die Standort Detailseite. Gib den Slug ohne Schrägstriche ein. Beispiel: cb-standort oder Standort. Die URL für die Standort-Detailseite lautet dann z.b: %s"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:127
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:126
msgid "Bookings Page"
msgstr "Buchungsseite"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:133
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:132
msgid "The page where you included the [cb_bookings] shortcode. This is used in the Users Widget"
msgstr "Die Seite, auf der Du den [cb_bookings]-Kurzcode eingefügt hast. Dies wird im Benutzer*in Widget verwendet"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:146
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:160
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:145
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:159
msgid "Booking comment"
msgstr "Buchungskommentar"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:150
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:149
msgid "Activate booking comments in booking page"
msgstr "Aktiviere Buchungskommentare auf der Buchungsseite"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:152
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:151
msgid "If enabled, users can enter an internal comment about their booking on the booking confirmation page. This comment can be included in the booking confirmation email."
msgstr "Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, können Nutzende auf der Buchungsbestätigungsseite einen internen Kommentar zu ihrer Buchung eingeben. Dieser Kommentar kann in die Buchungsbestätigungs-E-Mail integriert werden."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:156
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:155
msgid "Headline above the comment field in frontend"
msgstr "Überschrift über dem Kommentarfeld im Frontend"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:158
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:157
msgid "Text that will be shown above the comment field in the booking confirmation page."
msgstr "Text, der über dem Kommentarfeld auf der Buchungsbestätigungsseite angezeigt wird."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:163
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:162
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beschreibung"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:165
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:164
msgid "Short infotext to inform the user how the comment field will be used (e.g. only internal comment etc.) "
msgstr "Kurzer Infotext zur Information des Benutzenden, wie das Kommentarfeld verwendet wird (z.B. nur interner Kommentar etc.) "
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:167
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:166
msgid "Here you can leave a comment about your booking. This will be sent to the station."
msgstr "Hier ein Kommentar zur Buchung eingegeben werden. Dieser wird an die Station gesendet."
@@ -145,42 +145,42 @@ msgstr "Hier ein Kommentar zur Buchung eingegeben werden. Dieser wird an die Sta
msgid "Booking Codes"
msgstr "Buchungs-Codes"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:266
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:265
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "Vorlagen"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:271
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:270
msgid "Email templates"
msgstr "E-Mail Vorlagen"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:275
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:645
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:274
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:644
msgid "Mail-Header from E-Mail"
msgstr "Absender E-Mail Mail-Adresse"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:276
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:275
msgid "E-Mail that will be shown as sender in generated emails"
msgstr "E-Mail, die als Absender in automatisch versendeten E-Mails angezeigt wird"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:282
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:652
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:281
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:651
msgid "Mail-Header from Name"
msgstr "Absender E-Mail Name"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:283
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:653
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:282
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:652
msgid "Name that will be shown as sender in generated emails"
msgstr "Name, der als Absender in automatisch versendeten E-Mails angezeigt wird"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:289
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:288
msgid "Mail-Signature"
msgstr "E-Mail-Signatur"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:290
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:289
msgid "E-Mail signature that will appear wherever you put {{booking:getEmailSignature}}"
msgstr "E-Mail-Signatur, die überall dort erscheint, wo Du {{booking:getEmailSignature}} eingibst."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:294
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:293
msgid ""
@@ -261,36 +261,36 @@ msgstr ""
" "
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:354
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:353
msgid "Attach iCalendar file to booking email"
msgstr "iCalendar Datei an Buchungsmail anhängen"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:357
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:356
msgid "Will attach an iCalendar compatible file for users to import in their respective calendar application."
msgstr "Hängt eine iCalendar kompatible Datei an die Buchung an, die Nutzende in ihre digitalen Kalender importieren können."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:360
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:359
msgid "iCalendar event title"
msgstr "iCalendar Termin Titel"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:363
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:362
msgid "The title of the attached event"
msgstr "Der Titel des angehängten Termins"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:365
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1504
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:364
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1503
msgid "{{item:post_title}} at {{location:post_title}}"
msgstr "{{item:post_title}} am Standort {{location:post_title}}."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:372
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:371
msgid "iCalendar event description"
msgstr "iCalendar Termin Beschreibung"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:375
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:374
msgid "The description for the attached event."
msgstr "Die Beschreibung des angehängten Termins."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:377
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:376
msgid ""
" Pick up: {{booking:pickupDatetime}}\n"
"Return date: {{booking:returnDatetime}}\n"
@@ -302,19 +302,19 @@ msgstr ""
"{{booking:formattedBookingCode}} "
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:387
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:386
msgid "Booking canceled email subject"
msgstr "E-Mail-Betreff für stornierte Buchungen"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:390
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:389
msgid "Booking canceled: {{item:post_title}} at {{location:post_title}} {{booking:formattedBookingDate}}"
msgstr "Buchung storniert: {{item:post_title}} am Standort {{location:post_title}} {{booking:formattedBookingDate}}"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:393
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:392
msgid "Booking canceled email body"
msgstr "E-Mail-Text für stornierte Buchungen"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:397
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:396
msgid ""
"Hi {{user:first_name}},
@@ -332,270 +332,270 @@ msgstr ""
" "
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:415
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:414
msgid "Template and booking process messages"
msgstr "Template und Buchungsprozess-Meldungen"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:420
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:419
msgid "Booking confirmed message"
msgstr "Text für bestätigte Buchungen"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:423
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:422
msgid "This text is shown as a status message on booking page after a user has confirmed the booking"
msgstr "Dieser Text wird als Statusmeldung auf der Buchungsseite angezeigt, nachdem die/der Benutzende die Buchung bestätigt hat"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:424
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:423
msgid "Your booking is confirmed. A confirmation mail has been sent to you."
msgstr "Deine Buchung wurde bestätigt. Du hast eine Bestätigungs-E-Mail erhalten."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:427
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:426
msgid "Item not available"
msgstr "Artikel nicht verfügbar"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:430
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:429
msgid "This text is shown on item listings (shortcode cb_items) and item detail page if there is no valid bookable timeframe set for this item"
msgstr "Dieser Text wird auf Artikellisten (Shortcode cb_items) und der Artikeldetailseite angezeigt, wenn kein gültiger buchbarer Zeitrahmen für diesen Artikel festgelegt"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:431
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:430
msgid "This item is currently not bookable."
msgstr "Dieser Artikel ist derzeit nicht buchbar."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:434
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:433
msgid "Location without available items"
msgstr "Standort ohne verfügbare Artikel"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:437
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:436
msgid "This text is shown on location listings and location detail page if there are no items available at this location"
msgstr "Dieser Text wird auf der Standortliste und auf der Standortdetailseite angezeigt, wenn an diesem Standort keine Artikel verfügbar sind"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:438
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:437
msgid "No items available at this location right now."
msgstr "Keine Artikel an diesem Standort verfügbar."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:441
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:440
msgid "Show contactdetails on booking without confirmation?"
msgstr "Kontaktdaten bei Buchung ohne Bestätigung anzeigen?"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:444
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:443
msgid "If activated the contactdetails (e.g. phone number, pickupinstructions) will be shown on booking page even if the booking is not confirmed by user. Otherwise these info will be shown only after booking is confirmed"
msgstr "Bei Aktivierung werden die Kontaktdaten (z.B. Telefonnummer, Abholanweisungen) auf der Buchungsseite angezeigt, auch wenn die Buchung vom Nutzenden nicht bestätigt ist. Andernfalls werden diese Informationen erst angezeigt, nachdem die Buchung bestätigt wurde"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:447
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:446
msgid "Infotext hidden contactdetails"
msgstr "Infotext, wenn Kontaktdetails nicht angezeigt werden"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:450
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:449
msgid "This text is displayed when contact details of the station are shown only after booking confirmation."
msgstr "Dieser Text wird angezeigt, wenn die Kontaktdaten des Standorts erst nach Buchungsbestätigung angezeigt werden."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:451
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:450
msgid "Please confirm the booking to see the contact details for pickup and return."
msgstr "Bitte bestätige die Buchung, um die Kontaktdaten für die Abholung und Rückgabe zu sehen."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:454
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:453
msgid "Text book this item on booking page"
msgstr "Text für diesen Artikel buchen auf der Buchungsseite"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:457
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:456
msgid "This text is displayed on a booking detail page above the booking calendar ."
msgstr "Dieser Text wird auf einer Buchungsdetailseite über dem Buchungskalender angezeigt."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:458
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:457
msgid "Book this item at this location"
msgstr "Buche den Artikel an dieser Station"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:461
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:460
msgid "Label for booking button"
msgstr "Text für \"Buchen\"-Button"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:464
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:463
msgid "This text is displayed on the booking button on item/location listing pages."
msgstr "Dieser Text wird auf dem Buchungs-Button auf den Artikel-/Standortlistenseiten angezeigt."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:465
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:464
msgid "Book item"
msgstr "Artikel buchen"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:468
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:467
msgid "User details on booking page"
msgstr "Benutzer*innen-Details auf der Buchungsseite"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:471
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:470
msgid "This textblock is displayed on the booking details page. Please use template-tags to fill in user details"
msgstr "Dieser Text wird auf einer Buchungsdetailseite angezeigt. Bitte nutze Template-Tags, um Kontaktdaten von Nutzenden einzufügen"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:472
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:471
msgid "{{[Phone: ]user:phone}}
{{[Address: ]user:address}}"
msgstr "{{[Telefon: ]user:phone}}
{{[Adresse: ]user:address}}"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:482
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:481
msgid "Image formatting"
msgstr "Bildformatierung"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:487
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:486
msgid "Listing image small width (in px)"
msgstr "Breite des kleinen Listenbildes (in px)"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:490
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:489
msgid "Defines the image width of small images in location and item listings"
msgstr "Definiert die Bildbreite von kleinen Bildern in Standort- und Artikellisten"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:497
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:496
msgid "Listing image small height (in px)"
msgstr "Höhe des kleinen Listenbildes (in px)"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:500
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:499
msgid "Defines the image height of small images in location and item listings"
msgstr "Definiert die Bildhöhe von kleinen Bildern in Standort- und Artikellisten"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:507
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:506
msgid "Listing image medium width (in px)"
msgstr "Breite des mittleren Listenbildes (in px)"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:510
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:509
msgid "Defines the image width of medium images in location and item listings"
msgstr "Definiert die Bildbreite von mittleren Bildern in Standort- und Artikellisten"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:517
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:516
msgid "Listing image medium height (in px)"
msgstr "Höhe des mittleren Listenbildes (in px)"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:520
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:519
msgid "Defines the image height of medium images in location and item listings"
msgstr "Definiert die Bildhöhe mittlerer Bilder in Standort- und Artikellisten"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:527
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:526
msgid "Crop images"
msgstr "Bilder beschneiden"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:530
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:529
msgid "If checked the image will be cropped to specified dimensions using center crop positions"
msgstr "Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, wird das Bild mithilfe der mittleren Zuschneidepositionen auf die angegebenen Abmessungen zugeschnitten"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:539
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:538
msgid "Color schemes"
msgstr "Farbschema"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:544
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:543
msgid "Base color"
msgstr "Grundfarbe"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:547
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:546
msgid "Defines the color that is used in headings and buttons"
msgstr "Definiert die Farbe, die in Überschriften und für Knöpfe genutzt wird"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:551
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:550
msgid "Secondary color"
msgstr "Sekundärfarbe"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:554
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:553
msgid "The color shown when hovering a button or a link"
msgstr "Definiert die Farbe für ausgewählte Knöpfe und Links"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:558
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:557
msgid "Button color"
msgstr "Button Farbe"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:561
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:560
msgid "The default color for buttons"
msgstr "Die Standardfarbe für Knöpfe"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:565
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:564
msgid "Confirmation / Available Color"
msgstr "Bestätigung / Verfügbar Farbe"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:568
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:567
msgid "The color that is used to signify if an item is available or that an action has been completed successfully"
msgstr "Die Farbe die benutzt wird um darzustellen, dass ein Artikel verfügbar ist oder, dass eine Aktion erfolgreich beendet wurde"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:573
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:572
msgid "Cancel / Not Available Color"
msgstr "Abbrechen / Nicht verfügbar Farbe"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:576
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:575
msgid "The color that is used to signify if an item is unavailable or for buttons to abort actions"
msgstr "Die Farbe, die benutzt wird um darzustellen, dass ein Artikel blockiert ist oder, für Knöpfe mit denen Aktionen abgebrochen werden können"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:581
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:580
msgid "Temporarily Unavailable Color"
msgstr "Temporär nicht verfügbar Farbe"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:584
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:583
msgid "The color that is used to signify if an item is temporarily unbookable (i.e. holiday)"
msgstr "Die Farbe, die benutzt wird um einen temporär nicht buchbaren Artikel darzustellen (z.B. Urlaubstage)"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:589
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:588
msgid "Greyed out Color"
msgstr "Ausgegraut Farbe"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:592
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:591
msgid "The color used to signify that no timeframe has been created for an item or a button that is not yet clickable"
msgstr "Die Farbe die verwendet wird um anzuzeigen, dass kein Zeitrahmen für einen Artikel erstellt wurde oder, dass ein Knopf noch nicht klickbar ist"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:597
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:596
msgid "Background Color"
msgstr "Hintergrundfarbe"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:600
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:599
msgid "The color used for the background of tables and similar elements"
msgstr "Die Hintergrundfarbe, die für den Hintergrund von Tabellen und ähnlichen Elementen verwendet wird"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:605
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:604
msgid "Notice Background Color"
msgstr "Hinweis Hintergrundfarbe"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:608
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:607
msgid "The color used for the background of notices"
msgstr "Die Farbe, die im Hintergrund von Hinweistexten verwendet wird"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:612
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:611
msgid "Light text color"
msgstr "Helle Schriftfarbe"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:615
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:614
msgid "The color used for light text on dark backgrounds"
msgstr "Die Farbe, die für hellen Text auf dunklem Hintergrund verwendet wird"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:619
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:618
msgid "Dark text color"
msgstr "Dunkle Schriftfarbe"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:622
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:621
msgid "The color used for dark text on light backgrounds"
msgstr "Die Farbe, die für dunklen Text auf hellem Hintergrund verwendet wird"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:635
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:634
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:311
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:332
#: templates/dashboard-index.php:47
msgid "Restrictions"
msgstr "Einschränkungen"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:640
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:639
msgid "Manage Item Restriction Templates"
msgstr "Verwaltung der Vorlagen für Einschränkungen"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:641
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:640
msgid "Templates for restriction emails.
More Information in the documentation"
msgstr "Vorlagen für Einschränkungs-E-Mails.
Weitere Informationen in der Dokumentation"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:646
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:645
msgid "Email that will be shown as sender in generated emails"
msgstr "E-Mail, die als Absender in automatisch versendeten E-Mails angezeigt wird"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:661
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:660
msgid "Breakdown email subject"
msgstr "Ausfall E-Mail Betreff"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:664
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:663
msgid "Breakdown of {{item:post_title}} for your booking {{booking:formattedBookingDate}}"
msgstr "Ausfall von {{item:post_title}} für deine Buchung {{booking:formattedBookingDate}}"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:667
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:666
msgid "Breakdown email body"
msgstr "E-Mail-Text für Ausfall"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:671
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:670
msgid ""
"Hello {{user:first_name}},
@@ -625,19 +625,19 @@ msgstr ""
" {{booking:getEmailSignature}}\n"
" "
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:692
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:691
msgid "Usage restriction email subject"
msgstr "E-Mail-Betreff der Verwendungseinschränkung"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:695
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:694
msgid "Restriction of use for {{item:post_title}} for your booking {{booking:formattedBookingDate}}"
msgstr "Nutzungsbeschränkung für {{item:post_title}} für deine Buchung {{booking:formattedBookingDate}}"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:698
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:697
msgid "Restriction email body"
msgstr "E-Mail-Text für Einschränkung"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:702
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:701
msgid ""
"Hello {{user:first_name}},
" Hello {{user:first_name}},
Your booking period for the item {{item:post_title}} will start soon.
@@ -772,31 +772,31 @@ msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:915
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:914
msgid "Sent reminder x days before booking start"
msgstr "Sende eine Erinnerung x Tage vor Buchungsbeginn"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:918
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:917
msgid "This reminder email will be sent to users x days before the start of the booking. If the booking is made less days before the specified days, no reminder email will be sent"
msgstr "Diese Erinnerungs-E-Mail wird x Tage vor Beginn der Buchung an Benutzende gesendet. Wenn die Buchung in weniger als den angegebenen Tagen erfolgt, wird keine Erinnerungs-E-Mail gesendet"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:934
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1066
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1150
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:933
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1065
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1149
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Uhrzeit"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:937
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1069
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1153
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:936
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1068
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1152
msgid "Define when the reminder should be sent. The actual sending may differ from the defined value by a few hours, depending on how your WordPress is configured."
msgstr "Lege fest, wann die Erinnerung gesendet werden soll. Der tatsächliche Versand kann um einige Stunden vom definierten Wert abweichen, je nachdem, wie dein WordPress konfiguriert ist."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:980
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:979
msgid "email after booking has ended"
msgstr "E-Mail nach Ende der Buchung"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:983
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:982
msgid ""
"Here you can set whether users should receive an additional e-mail after completing a booking. This can be used, for example, to inquire about the users satisfaction or possible problems during the booking.\n"
The email will be sent around midnight after the booking day has ended."
@@ -804,11 +804,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Hier kannst Du du einstellen, ob Nutzende nach Abschluss einer Buchung eine zusätzliche E-Mail erhalten sollen. Dies kann beispielsweise genutzt werden, um sich nach der Zufriedenheit oder möglichen Problemen bei der Buchung zu erkundigen.\n"
"Die E-Mail wird um Mitternacht nach Buchungsende gesendet."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1001
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1000
msgid "Your booking of {{item:post_title}} {{booking:formattedBookingDate}} has ended"
msgstr "Deine Buchung von {{item:post_title}} {{booking:formattedBookingDate}} ist beendet"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1008
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1007
msgid ""
Your booking of {{item:post_title}} at {{location:post_title}} has ended.
@@ -821,270 +821,270 @@ msgstr ""
Deine Buchung von {{item:post_title}} am Standort {{location:post_title}} ist beendet.
Wir hoffen, dass alles wie erwartet funktioniert hat.
Bitte lass uns uns wissen, wenn Probleme aufgetreten sind.
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1197
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1196
msgid "Migration"
msgstr "Migration"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1215
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1214
msgid "Migrate from Commons Booking Version 0.X"
msgstr "Migriere von Commons Booking Version 0.X"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1217
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1216
msgid "Migrate data from CommonsBooking Version 0.X.
The migration includes: locations, items, timeframes and bookings.
If you have clicked \"Migrate\" before, starting the migration again will overwrite any changes you made to locations, items, timeframes and bookings.
Please read the documentation How to migrate from version 0.9.x to 2.x.x before you start migration."
msgstr "Migriere Daten aus CommonsBooking Version 0.X.
Die Migration umfasst: Standorte, Artikel, Zeitrahmen und Buchungen.
Wenn du bereits zuvor \"Migrieren\" geklickt hast, startet die Migration erneut und wird alle Änderungen an Standorten, Artikeln, Zeitrahmen oder Buchungen, die du in der Zwischenzeit gemacht hast, überschreiben.
Bitte lies die Dokumentation auf Migration von Version 0.9.x auf 2.x.x., bevor Du mit der Migration beginnst."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1220
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1219
#: src/View/Migration.php:77
msgid "Start Migration"
msgstr "Migration starten"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1231
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1230
msgid "CommonsBooking Version 0.X profile fields"
msgstr "CommonsBooking Version 0.X Nutzerprofil-Felder"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1233
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1232
msgid "Enable the following legacy CommonsBooking Version 0.X user profile fields:"
msgstr "Aktiviere die folgenden veralteten Nutzer-Profilfelder aus Commons Booking Version 0.X:"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1236
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1235
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Aktivieren"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1241
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1240
msgid "Terms & Services Url"
msgstr "Nutzungsbedingungen & Services URL"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1250
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1249
msgid "Migrate bookings to new version"
msgstr "Buchungen auf neue Version migrieren"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1252
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1251
msgid "Migrate bookings to new format so that they are listed at bookings menu item.
This function is only for special cases during migration. Please use it only in case of problems with migration."
msgstr "Migriere Buchungen in ein neues Format, sodass diese unter dem Menüpunkt Buchungen aufgelistet werden.
Diese Funktion gilt nur für Sonderfälle während der Migration. Bitte nur bei Problemen währen der Migration verwenden. "
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1255
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1254
#: src/View/MassOperations.php:109
#: src/View/Migration.php:112
msgid "Migrate bookings"
msgstr "Buchungen migrieren"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1268
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1326
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1267
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1325
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Export"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1272
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1271
msgid "Download timeframes export"
msgstr "Zeitrahmen-Export herunterladen"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1276
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1275
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Map.php:557
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:53
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:421
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:104
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:103
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:495
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1277
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1276
msgid "Select Type of this timeframe (e.g. bookable, repair, holidays, booking). See Documentation for detailed information."
msgstr "Wähle den Typ dieses Zeitrahmens (z.B. buchbar, Reparatur, Urlaub, Buchung). Ausführliche Informationen findest Du in der Dokumentation."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1283
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1282
msgid "Location-Fields"
msgstr "Standort-Felder"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1285
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1294
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1284
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1293
msgid "Just add field names, no matter if its a post- or a meta-field. Comma separated list. Beside the standard post fields and standard postmeta-fields, the following custom meta fields are available. Copy only the values in [] in the field without the brackets. %s"
msgstr "Fügen weitere Feldnamen hinzu, egal ob es sich um ein Post- oder ein Metafelder handelt. Kommagetrennte Liste. Neben den Standard-Postfeldern und Standard-Postmeta-Feldern stehen die folgenden benutzerdefinierten Metafelder zur Verfügung. Kopieren nur die Werte in [] in das Feld ohne die Klammern. %s"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1292
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1291
msgid "Item-Fields"
msgstr "Artikel-Felder"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1301
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1300
msgid "User-Fields"
msgstr "User-Felder"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1302
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1301
msgid "Just add field names, no matter if its a userfield or a meta-field. Comma separated list."
msgstr "Fügen Sie einfach Feldnamen hinzu, egal ob es sich um ein Benutzerfeld oder ein Metafeld handelt. Kommagetrennte Liste."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1307
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1306
msgid "Export start date"
msgstr "Export Startdatum"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1317
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1316
msgid "Export end date"
msgstr "Export-Enddatum"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1334
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1333
msgid "Cron settings for timeframes export"
msgstr "Cron-Einstellungen für den Zeitrahmenexport"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1338
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1337
msgid "Run as cronjob"
msgstr "Als Cronjob anlegen"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1343
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1342
msgid "Export interval"
msgstr "Exportintervall"
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1346
#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1347
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1348
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "Minuten"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1349
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1348
msgid "daily"
msgstr "täglich"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1353
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1352
msgid "Export timerange"
msgstr "Export-Zeitbereich"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1354
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1353
msgid "Export timerange in days."
msgstr "Exportiere diesen Zeitraum (in Tagen)"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1363
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1362
msgid "Filepath"
msgstr "Dateipfad"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1364
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1363
msgid "Absolute path on your webserver (including trailing slash) where export file will be saved to."
msgstr "Absoluter Pfad auf deinem Webserver (einschließlich abschließender Schrägstrich), in dem die Exportdatei gespeichert wird."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1376
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1404
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1375
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1403
msgid "API"
msgstr "Schnittstelle"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1380
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1379
msgid "Configure API Access"
msgstr "Konfigurieren des API-Zugriffs"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1384
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1383
msgid "Activate API"
msgstr "API aktivieren"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1385
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1384
msgid "If selected, the API is enabled. See more information in the documentation: API documentation"
msgstr "Wenn diese Option ausgewählt ist, ist die API aktiviert. Weitere Informationen in der Dokumentation: API-Dokumentation"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1390
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1389
msgid "Enable API Access without API-Key"
msgstr "Aktiviert den API-Zugang ohne API-Schlüssel"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1391
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1390
msgid "If selected, the API is accessible without an API-Key. For details see: API documentation"
msgstr "Wenn diese Option ausgewählt ist, ist die API ohne API-Schlüssel zugänglich. Weitere Informationen findest du unter: API-Dokumentation"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1398
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1397
msgid "API shares"
msgstr "API Freigaben"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1399
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1398
msgid "You can define on or more API shares. Read the documentation for more information about API shares and configuration API documentation"
msgstr "Du kannst ein oder mehrere API-Freigaben definieren. Weitere Informationen zu API-Freigaben und zur Konfiguration findest du in der API-Dokumentation"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1405
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1404
msgid "Add Another API"
msgstr "Weitere API hinzufügen"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1406
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1405
msgid "Remove API"
msgstr "API entfernen"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1413
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1412
msgid "API name"
msgstr "Schnittstellen Name"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1414
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1413
msgid "Internal name for this API share"
msgstr "Interner Name für diese API-Freigabe"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1419
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1418
msgid "API enabled"
msgstr "Schnittelle aktiviert"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1420
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1419
msgid "If checked this API share is enabled"
msgstr "Wenn ausgewählt, ist diese API-Freigabe aktiviert"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1425
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1424
msgid "Push URL"
msgstr "Push URL"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1426
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1425
msgid "URL that gets push information everytime there was a change on CommonsBooking data"
msgstr "URL, welche eine Push-Information bekommt, sobald es Änderungen den CommonsBooking Daten gibt"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1431
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1430
msgid "API Key"
msgstr "API Schlüssel"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1434
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1433
msgid " You must set an API-Key. The API key should consist of alphanumeric characters and be at least 24 characters long."
msgstr " Du musst einen API-Key setzen. Der API-Schlüssel sollte aus alphanumerischen Zeichen bestehen und mindestens 24 Zeichen lang sein."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1437
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1436
msgid "API Owner"
msgstr "API-Besitzer"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1438
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1437
msgid "The owner value is provided by the API. It is set to the blog name by default in this version. In future versions you may be able to change this information"
msgstr "Der API-Besitzer wird von der API bereitgestellt. In dieser Version ist standardmäßig der Blogname festgelegt. In zukünftigen Versionen können diese Informationen möglicherweise selbst geändert werden"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1458
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1457
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Erweiterte Optionen"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1462
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1461
msgid "Set Custom metadata to locations and items"
msgstr "Festlegen von benutzerdefinierten Metadaten für Standorte und Artikel"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1464
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1463
msgid "This is an advanced feature and should only be used if you are experienced or instructed how to set it up properly. In future versions we will add more detailed information and documentation."
msgstr "Dies ist eine erweiterte Funktion und sollte nur verwendet werden, wenn du erfahren oder in der Konfiguration unterwiesen wurdest . In zukünftigen Versionen werden wir detailliertere Informationen und Dokumentationen hinzufügen."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1472
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1471
msgid "Meta Data"
msgstr "Metadaten"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1474
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1473
msgid ""
"Use only this format, separated by semicolon and each entry in a new line:
post_type(item/location);field-name;label(english),type(checkbox,number,text),description(in english)
" Example: item;waterproof;Waterproof material;checkbox;\"This item is waterproof and can be used in heavy rain\" "
msgstr "Verwende nur dieses Format, getrennt durch Semikolon und jeden Eintrag in einer neuen Zeile:
post_type(item/location);field-name;label(english),type(checkbox,number,text),description(in english)
Beispiel: item;wasserdicht; Wasserdichtes Material;Checkbox;\" Dieser Artikel ist wasserdicht und kann bei starkem Regen verwendet werden\" "
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1486
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1485
msgid "iCalendar Feed"
msgstr "iCalendar Feed"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1488
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1487
msgid "Enables users to copy a url for a dynamic iCalendar feed into their own digital calendars. This feature is experimental."
msgstr "Erlaubt Nutzenden eine URL für einen dynamischen iCalendar in ihre eigenen digitalen Kalender zu kopieren. Dieses Feature ist experimentell."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1496
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1495
msgid "Enable iCalendar feed"
msgstr "iCalendar Feed aktivieren"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1501
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1500
msgid "Event title"
msgstr "Termin Titel"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1502
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1514
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1501
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1513
msgid "You can use template tags here as well"
msgstr "Hier können auch Template Tags verwendet werden"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1513
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1512
msgid "Event description"
msgstr "Terminbeschreibung"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1516
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1515
msgid ""
"Pick up: {{booking:pickupDatetime}}\n"
@@ -1098,32 +1098,32 @@ msgstr ""
"{{booking:formattedBookingCode}} "
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1531
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1530
msgid "Advanced caching settings"
msgstr "Erweiterte Cachingoptionen"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1534
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1533
msgid "Allows you to change options regarding the caching system"
msgstr "Erlaubt die Anpassung der Optionen für das Caching-System"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1543
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1542
msgid "Filesystem cache path"
msgstr "Dateisystem-Cache Pfad"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1544
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1543
msgid "Where the filesystem cache should be created. Only change when filesystem caching is not working."
msgstr "Wo der Dateisystem-Cache angelegt werden soll. Nur ändern, wenn das Dateisystem-Caching nicht funktioniert."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1550
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1567
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1549
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1566
msgid "Current connection status"
msgstr "Aktueller Verbindungsstatus"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1556
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1555
msgid "Enable REDIS Caching (experimental)"
msgstr "REDIS-Caching aktivieren (experimentell)"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1561
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1560
msgid "REDIS DSN (REDIS Server URL)"
msgstr "REDIS DSN (REDIS-Server-URL)"
@@ -1404,14 +1404,14 @@ msgid "Directory %s could not be written to."
msgstr "Der Ordner %s ist nicht beschreibbar."
#: src/View/Admin/Filter.php:58
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:775
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:773
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:455
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:712
msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Startdatum"
#: src/View/Admin/Filter.php:62
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:792
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:790
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:465
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:736
msgid "End date"
@@ -1436,15 +1436,15 @@ msgstr "Nicht verfügbar"
#: src/View/Booking.php:190
#: src/View/MassOperations.php:38
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:443
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:103
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:441
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:102
#: templates/shortcode-bookings.php:73
msgid "User"
msgstr "Nutzende*r"
#: src/View/Booking.php:194
#: src/View/MassOperations.php:42
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:965
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:963
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:481
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"
@@ -1461,30 +1461,30 @@ msgstr "Die Datei wird als .txt Datei durch Tabstopp getrennt exportiert, sodass
msgid "Booking codes list"
msgstr "Liste der Buchungscodes"
-#: src/View/Calendar.php:225
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:444
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:757
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:981
+#: src/View/Calendar.php:223
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:442
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:755
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:979
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Item.php:117
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:54
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:443
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:105
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:104
#: templates/shortcode-bookings.php:72
msgid "Item"
msgstr "Artikel"
-#: src/View/Calendar.php:169
+#: src/View/Calendar.php:167
msgid "No items found."
msgstr "Keine Artikel gefunden."
-#: src/View/Calendar.php:226
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:445
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:763
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:977
+#: src/View/Calendar.php:224
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:443
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:761
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:975
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Location.php:123
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:55
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:437
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:106
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:105
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:503
#: templates/shortcode-bookings.php:74
msgid "Location"
@@ -1503,19 +1503,19 @@ msgstr "Keine Buchungen im Papierkorb gefunden."
msgid "No locations found."
msgstr "Leider wurden keine Standorte gefunden."
-#: src/View/Map.php:35
+#: src/View/Map.php:34
msgid "Set / Update GPS Coordinates"
msgstr "GPS-Koordinaten abrufen / aktualisieren"
-#: src/View/Map.php:39
+#: src/View/Map.php:38
msgid "Set / update GPS coordinates from address"
msgstr "GPS-Koordinaten von Adresse abrufen / aktualisieren"
-#: src/View/Map.php:42
+#: src/View/Map.php:41
msgid "Click this button to automatically set the GPS coordinates based on the given address and set the marker on the map.
Save or update this location after setting the gps data."
msgstr "Klicke auf diese Schaltfläche, um die GPS-Koordinaten basierend auf der angegebenen Adresse automatisch abzurufen und die Markierung auf der Karte festzulegen.
Speichere oder aktualisiere diesen Standort-Eintrag, nachdem die GPS-Daten aktualisiert wurden."
-#: src/View/Map.php:45
+#: src/View/Map.php:44
msgid "No GPS data could be found for the address entered.
Please check if the address is written correctly.
Alternatively, you can enter the GPS data manually into the corresponding fields."
msgstr "Für die eingegebene Adresse konnten keine GPS-Daten gefunden werden.
Bitte überprüfe, ob die Adresse korrekt geschrieben ist.
Alternativ kannst du die GPS-Daten auch manuell in die entsprechenden Felder eingeben."
@@ -1612,84 +1612,84 @@ msgstr "Download Export"
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Unbekannt"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:106
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:104
msgid "Admin-Booking"
msgstr "Admin-Buchung"
#. translators: $s = id of the item
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:258
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:256
msgid "Item does not exist. (%s)"
msgstr "Artikel existiert nicht. (%s)"
#. translators: $s = id of the location
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:262
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:260
msgid "Location does not exist. (%s)"
msgstr "Standort existiert nicht. (%s)"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:266
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:264
msgid "Start- and/or end-date is missing."
msgstr "Das Start- und/oder Enddatum fehlt."
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:297
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:295
msgid "Booking canceled."
msgstr "Buchung storniert."
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:313
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:311
msgid "There is already a booking in this time-range. This notice may also appear if there is an unconfirmed booking in the requested period. Unconfirmed bookings are deleted after about 10 minutes. Please try again in a few minutes."
msgstr "Es gibt bereits eine Buchung in diesem Zeitraum. Dieser Hinweis kann auch erscheinen, wenn es eine unbestätigte Buchung in dem gewünschten Zeitraum gibt. Unbestätigte Buchungen werden nach etwa 10 Minuten gelöscht. Bitte versuche es in ein paar Minuten erneut."
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:321
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:319
msgid "status changed by admin user via frontend. New status: "
msgstr "Status wurde vom Administrierenden über das Frontend geändert. Neuer Status: "
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:328
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:520
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:708
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:138
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:326
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:518
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:706
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:137
msgid "Booking"
msgstr "Buchung"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:372
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:370
msgid "There was an error while saving the booking. Please try again. Thrown error:"
msgstr "Es gab einen Fehler während der Buchung. Geworfener Fehler:"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:389
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:387
msgid "There was an error while saving the booking. Please try again. Resulting WP_ERROR: "
msgstr "Es gab einen Fehler während der Buchung. WP_ERROR: "
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:446
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:444
msgid "Bookingdate"
msgstr "Buchungsdatum"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:447
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:445
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:56
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:107
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:106
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:788
msgid "Start Date"
msgstr "Startdatum"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:448
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:446
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:57
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:108
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:107
msgid "End Date"
msgstr "Enddatum"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:449
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:447
msgid "Booking Status"
msgstr "Buchungsstatus"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:450
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:973
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:448
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:971
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:488
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Kommentar"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:519
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:517
#: templates/dashboard-index.php:45
msgid "Bookings"
msgstr "Buchungen"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:521
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:519
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Item.php:118
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Location.php:124
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:313
@@ -1697,25 +1697,25 @@ msgstr "Buchungen"
msgid "Add new"
msgstr "Neu hinzufügen"
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:520
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:522
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:524
msgid "Add new booking"
msgstr "Neue Buchung hinzufügen"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:523
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:739
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:521
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:737
msgid "Edit booking"
msgstr "Buchung bearbeiten"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:525
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:523
msgid "Show booking"
msgstr "Buchung anzeigen"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:526
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:524
msgid "Show bookings"
msgstr "Buchungen anzeigen"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:527
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:525
msgid "Search bookings"
msgstr "Buchungen suchen"
@@ -1723,103 +1723,103 @@ msgstr "Buchungen suchen"
msgid "Timeframes not found"
msgstr "Zeitrahmen wurden nicht gefunden"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:529
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:527
msgid "No bookings found in trash"
msgstr "Keine Buchungen im Papierkorb gefunden"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:530
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:528
msgid "Parent bookings:"
msgstr "Übergeordnete Buchungen:"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:531
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:529
msgid "All bookings"
msgstr "Alle Buchungen"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:532
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:530
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:1191
msgid "Timeframe archive"
msgstr "Zeitrahmenarchiv"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:533
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:531
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:1192
msgid "Timeframe attributes"
msgstr "Zeitrahmenattribute"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:534
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:532
msgid "Add to booking"
msgstr "Der Buchung hinzufügen"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:535
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:533
msgid "Added to booking"
msgstr "Zur Buchung hinzugefügt"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:536
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:534
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:1195
msgid "Timeframe image"
msgstr "Zeitrahmenbild"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:537
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:535
msgid "set booking image"
msgstr "Buchungsbild festlegen"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:538
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:536
msgid "remove booking image"
msgstr "Buchungsbild entfernen"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:539
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:537
msgid "use as booking image"
msgstr "als Buchungsbild verwenden"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:540
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:538
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:1178
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:1199
#: templates/dashboard-index.php:37
msgid "Timeframes"
msgstr "Zeitrahmen"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:848
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:846
msgid "External comment"
msgstr "Öffentlicher Kommentar"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:849
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:847
msgid "This comment can be seen by users in booking details. It can be set by users during the booking confirmation process if comments are enabled in settings."
msgstr "Dieser Kommentar ist intern für Zeitrahmen wie buchbar, Reparatur, Urlaub. Wenn es sich um eine Buchung handelt, kann dieser Kommentar von den Benutzenden während des Buchungsbestätigungsprozesses eingegeben werden."
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:854
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:852
#: templates/booking-single.php:131
msgid "Internal comment"
msgstr "Interner Kommentar"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:855
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:853
msgid "This internal comment can only be seen in the backend by privileged users like admins or cb-managers"
msgstr "Dieser interne Kommentar kann im Backend nur von autorisierten Nutzenden wie Admins oder CB-Managern gesehen werden"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:776
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:774
msgid "Set the start date. You must set the time to 00:00 if you want to book the full day "
msgstr "Lege das Startdatum fest. Setze die Uhrzeit auf 00:00, wenn du den ganzen Tag buchen willst "
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:793
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:791
msgid "Set the end date. You must set time to 23:59 if you want to book the full day"
msgstr "Lege das Enddatum fest. Setze die Zeit auf 23:59 Uhr, wenn du den ganzen Tag buchen willst"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:809
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:807
#: templates/booking-single.php:59
msgid "Booking Code"
msgstr "Buchungscode"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:815
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:813
msgid "Booking User"
msgstr "Buchende Person"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:830
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:828
msgid "Admin Booking User"
msgstr "Admin Booking Konto"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:841
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:839
msgid "This is the admin user who created or modified this booking."
msgstr "Dies ist der/die Admin-Nutzende, der diese Buchung erstellt oder geändert hat."
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:883
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:881
msgid ""
"Bookings should be created via frontend booking calendar.
"\t\tAs an admin you can create bookings via this admin interface. Please be aware that admin bookings are not validated\n"
@@ -2163,17 +2163,17 @@ msgid "Restriction Status"
msgstr "Status der Einschränkung"
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:73
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:249
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:248
msgid "Filter By Type "
msgstr "Filtern nach Typ "
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:99
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:275
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:274
msgid "Filter By Item "
msgstr "Filtern nach Artikel "
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:126
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:302
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:301
msgid "Filter By Location "
msgstr "Filtern nach Standort "
@@ -2328,19 +2328,19 @@ msgstr "Aktiv"
msgid "Problem solved"
msgstr "Problem gelöst"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:109
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:108
msgid "Max. Booking Duration"
msgstr "Maximale Buchungsdauer"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:133
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:132
msgid "Bookable"
msgstr "Buchbar"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:134
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:133
msgid "Holidays or location closed"
msgstr "Feiertage oder Station geschlossen"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:137
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:136
msgid "Blocked (not overbookable)"
msgstr "Geblockt (nicht überbuchbar)"
@@ -2597,15 +2597,15 @@ msgstr "Verwendung als Zeitrahmenbild"
msgid "Default values for following fields automatically set or restored, because they were empty:
msgstr "Standardwerte für folgende Felder wurden automatisch festgelegt oder wiederhergestellt, da sie leer waren:
-#: src/Wordpress/Options/OptionsTab.php:55
+#: src/Wordpress/Options/OptionsTab.php:53
msgid "CommonsBooking"
msgstr "CommonsBooking"
-#: src/Wordpress/Options/OptionsTab.php:146
+#: src/Wordpress/Options/OptionsTab.php:144
msgid "The export path does not exist or is not readable."
msgstr "Der Exportpfad ist nicht vorhanden oder nicht lesbar."
-#: src/Wordpress/Options/OptionsTab.php:154
+#: src/Wordpress/Options/OptionsTab.php:152
msgid "The export path is not writeable."
msgstr "Der Exportpfad ist nicht beschreibbar."
@@ -3202,35 +3202,35 @@ msgstr "Die Start- und Endzeit des Zeitrahmens dürfen nicht gleich sein. Wenn d
#: src/Plugin.php:713
#: src/Plugin.php:728
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:928
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:926
msgid "CommonsBooking Bookings"
msgstr "CommonsBooking Buchungen"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:528
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:526
msgid "Bookings not found"
msgstr "Keine Buchungen gefunden"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:953
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:951
msgid "Booking start"
msgstr "Buchungsbeginn"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:957
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:955
msgid "Booking end"
msgstr "Buchungsende"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:961
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:959
msgid "Time of booking"
msgstr "Buchungszeit"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:969
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:967
msgid "Booking code"
msgstr "Buchungscode"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:985
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:983
msgid "Time of cancellation"
msgstr "Storniert am"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:989
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:987
msgid "Admin booking by"
msgstr "Adminbuchung von"
@@ -3250,11 +3250,11 @@ msgstr ""
"\t\t\t\t\tWenn du Templates geändert hast, sichere sie bitte und wende deine Änderungen nach dem Update erneut an.
Bitte lies auch die %1$sUpdate Informationen%2$s und erstelle ein komplettes Backup deiner Seite vor dem Upgrade."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:172
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:171
msgid "Global location settings"
msgstr "Globale Standorteinstellungen"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:173
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:172
msgid "These settings are used for all locations. You can overwrite these settings for each location in the location settings."
msgstr "Diese Einstellungen werden für alle Standorte verwendet. Die Einstellungen können Sie für jeden Standort individuell in den Standorteinstellungen überschreiben werden."
@@ -3304,7 +3304,7 @@ msgstr "Mehrere buchbare Zeiträume überschneiden sich in dem definierten Datum
msgid "The other timeframe is overlapping with your weekly configuration."
msgstr "Der andere Zeitrahmen überschneidet sich mit einer wöchentlichen Konfiguration."
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:164
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:163
msgid "Select Dates:"
msgstr "Ausgewählte Daten:"
@@ -3344,13 +3344,13 @@ msgstr "Wählen Sie das Jahr und das Bundesland, für das Sie Feiertage importie
msgid "Daily repeated time periods are not allowed to overlap."
msgstr "Täglich wiederholende Zeiträume dürfen sich nicht überschneiden."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:183
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:187
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:199
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:182
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:186
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:198
msgid "Booking codes"
msgstr "Buchungscodes"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:191
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:190
msgid ""
"Enter the booking codes to be generated in advance for booking types with all-day booking time frames. Enter booking codes as a comma separated list, e.g.: Code1,Code2,Code3,Code4\n"
More information in the documentation: Booking codes"
@@ -3358,35 +3358,35 @@ msgstr ""
"Geben Sie die Buchungscodes ein, die für Buchungen mit ganztägigen Buchungszeiträumen im Voraus generiert werden sollen. Geben Sie die Buchungscodes als kommagetrennte Liste ein, z.B.: Code1,Code2,Code3,Code4\n"
Mehr Informationen dazu in der Dokumentation: Buchungscodes"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:204
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:203
msgid "Show booking codes for x days"
msgstr "Buchungscodes für x Tage anzeigen"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:205
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:204
msgid "Displays booking codes for the next x days on the timeframe page"
msgstr "Zeigt Buchungscodes für die nächsten x Tage auf der Zeitrahmenseite an"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:217
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:216
msgid "Booking codes by email"
msgstr "Buchungscodes per E-Mail"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:220
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:219
msgid "Send booking codes by email to location email(s) (automated by cron or ad hoc)"
msgstr "Senden von Buchungscodes per E-Mail an die Standort-E-Mail(s) (automatisch per Cron oder ad hoc)"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:223
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:222
msgid "Subject for booking codes email"
msgstr "Betreff für Buchungscodes E-Mail"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:226
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:225
msgid "Booking codes for {{codes:formatDateRange}} {{item:post_title}}"
msgstr "Buchungscodes für {{codes:formatDateRange}} {{item:post_title}}"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:229
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:228
msgid "Body for booking codes email"
msgstr "Nachricht für Buchungscodes E-Mail"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:233
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:232
msgid ""
Danke, das Team.
\n" " " -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:248 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:247 msgid "Backup E-Mail for booking codes email" msgstr "Backup E-Mail für Buchungscodes E-Mail" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:249 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:248 msgid "Email address that receives a bcc copy of booking codes mailing (not used if empty)" msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse, die eine BCC-Kopie der Buchungscodes erhält (zum Deaktivieren Feld leer lassen)" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:254 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:253 msgid "Attach iCalendar file to booking codes email" msgstr "iCalendar-Datei an eine E-Mail mit Buchungscodes anhängen" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:256 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:255 msgid "Will attach an iCalendar compatible file with booking codes per day to import in their respective calendar application." msgstr "Fügt eine iCalendar-kompatible Datei mit Buchungscodes für die einzelnen Tage bei, um sie in die jeweilige Kalenderanwendung zu importieren." @@ -3560,7 +3560,7 @@ msgstr "Nächste E-Mail geplant am: " msgid "(not planned)" msgstr "(nichts geplant)" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1537 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1536 #: src/Service/Cache.php:367 msgid "Clear Cache" msgstr "Cache leeren" @@ -3569,7 +3569,7 @@ msgstr "Cache leeren" msgid "Clear all cache items" msgstr "Alle Cache-Elemente löschen" -#: src/Wordpress/Options/OptionsTab.php:166 +#: src/Wordpress/Options/OptionsTab.php:164 msgid "Cache cleared." msgstr "Cache geleert." @@ -3614,67 +3614,67 @@ msgctxt "territory" msgid "State" msgstr "Bundesland" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:770 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:769 msgid "Restrict bookings by booking rules" msgstr "Buchungen durch Buchungsregeln beschränken" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:775 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:774 msgid "Count cancelled bookings towards quota" msgstr "Stornierte Buchungen mitzählen" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:776 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:775 msgid "Check if bookings that have been cancelled in the booking period shall be counted towards the amount of booked days for the user. More info in the documentation" msgstr "Prüft, ob die Buchungen die während der Buchungsperiode storniert wurden zu den maximal buchbaren Tagen eines Nutzenden angerechnet werden sollen. Mehr Infos dazu in der Dokumentation." -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:785 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:784 msgid "Rule " msgstr "Regel " -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:786 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:785 msgid "Add another rule" msgstr "Weitere Regel hinzufügen" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:787 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:786 msgid "Remove rule" msgstr "Regel entfernen" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:791 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:790 msgid "Rule type" msgstr "Regeltyp" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:792 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:791 msgid "Select the kind of rule" msgstr "Regel auswählen" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:802 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:801 msgid "Rule description" msgstr "Regelbeschreibung" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:820 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:819 msgid "Select an option" msgstr "Wähle eine Option" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:826 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:825 msgid "Applies to all" msgstr "Auf alle anwenden" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:827 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:826 msgid "Check if this rule applies to all items" msgstr "Wähle, ob diese Regel für alle Artikel gelten soll" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:832 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:831 msgid "Applies to categories" msgstr "Auf Kategorien anwenden" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:833 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:832 msgid "Check the categories that these rules apply to" msgstr "Wähle die Kategorien für die diese Regel gelten soll" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:844 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:843 msgid "Groups exempt from rule" msgstr "Befreite Nutzergruppen" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:845 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:844 msgid "Here you can define if the rule should not apply to a specific user group. Will apply to all groups if left empty (Administrators and item / location admins are always excluded)." msgstr "Hier kannst du festlegen, ob diese Regel NICHT für eine bestimmte Nutzendengruppe gelten soll. Die Regel gilt für alle Gruppen, wenn dieses Feld leer gelassen wird (Administratoren und Artikel/Standort Admins sind immer von der Regel ausgenommen)" @@ -3844,20 +3844,20 @@ msgstr "Buchungsregeln: Kein Regeltyp festgelegt." msgid "Your data" msgstr "Deine Daten" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1025 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1024 msgid "Reminder for locations before booking starts" msgstr "Erinnerung für Standorte vor Buchungsbeginn" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1028 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1027 msgid "You can set here whether locations should receive a reminder email before the start of a booking.The booking period for the item {{item:post_title}} at {{location:post_title}} will start soon.
@@ -3873,38 +3873,38 @@ msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1086
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1171
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1085
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1170
msgid "Bookings of"
msgstr "Buchungen von"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1089
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1088
msgid "Define for which booking start day the notifications should be sent"
msgstr "Definiert an welchem Tag nach vor Buchungsbeginn die Benachrichtigungen gesendet werden sollen"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1098
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1183
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1097
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1182
msgid "current day"
msgstr "Gleicher Tag"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1099
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1184
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1098
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1183
msgid "next day"
msgstr "Nächstem Tag"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1108
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1107
msgid "Reminder for locations before booking ends"
msgstr "Erinnerung für Standorte vor Buchungsende"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1111
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1110
msgid "You can set here whether locations should receive a reminder email before the end of a booking.
More Information in the documentation"
msgstr "Hier kannst du einstellen, ob Standorte vor dem Ende einer Buchung eine Erinnerungs-E-Mail erhalten sollen.
Mehr Informationen in der Dokumentation"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1129
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1128
msgid "Booking of {{item:post_title}} {{booking:formattedBookingDate}}"
msgstr "Buchung von {{item:post_title}} {{booking:formattedBookingDate}}"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1136
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1135
msgid ""
The booking period for the item {{item:post_title}} at {{location:post_title}} will end soon.
@@ -3922,7 +3922,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1174
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1173
msgid "Define for which booking end day the notifications should be sent"
msgstr "Definiert an welchem Tag nach Buchungsendes die Benachrichtigungen gesendet werden sollen"
@@ -3967,19 +3967,19 @@ msgstr "Bitte melde dich an , um deine Buchungen zu sehe
msgid "A WordPress plugin for the management and booking of common goods."
msgstr "Ein WordPress-Plugin für die Verwaltung und Buchung von Gemeingütern."
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:271
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:269
msgid "Your reservation has expired, please try to book again"
msgstr "Deine Reservierung ist abgelaufen, bitte versuche erneut zu buchen"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1201
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1200
msgid "Finish upgrade to latest version"
msgstr "Upgrade auf aktuelle Version beenden"
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1203
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1202
msgid "Click here to finish the upgrade to the latest version.
This needs to be done after updating the plugin to a new version.
If you do not do this, the plugin may not work correctly."
msgstr "Hier klicken, um das Upgrade auf die neueste Version fertig zu stellen.
Dies ist erforderlich, nachdem das Plug-in auf eine neue Version aktualisiert wurde.
Ansonsten kann es sein, dass das Plugin nicht richtig funktioniert."
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1206
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1205
msgid "Finish upgrade"
msgstr "Upgrade fertigstellen"
@@ -4093,11 +4093,11 @@ msgid "Startdate is missing. Please enter a start date to publish this timeframe
msgstr "Das Startdatum fehlt. Ein Startdatum muss eingegeben werden, damit der Zeitrahmen veröffentlicht werden kann."
#: src/View/Booking.php:537
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:860
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:858
msgid "Submit booking"
msgstr "Buchung abschicken"
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:741
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:739
msgid ""
In this view, you as an admin can create or modify existing bookings. Please use it with caution.
\n" @@ -252,19 +252,19 @@ msgid "" "
\t\t\t\t\t" msgstr "" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:305 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:304 msgid "Booking confirmed email subject" msgstr "" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:310 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:309 msgid "Your booking {{item:post_title}} at {{location:post_title}} {{booking:formattedBookingDate}} " msgstr "" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:317 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:316 msgid "Booking confirmed email body" msgstr "" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:322 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:321 msgid "" "\n" "Hi {{user:first_name}},\n" @@ -669,19 +669,19 @@ msgid "" " {{booking:getEmailSignature}}" msgstr "" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:729 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:728 msgid "Restriction cancelled subject" msgstr "" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:732 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:731 msgid "Restriction for article {{item:post_title}} no longer exists" msgstr "" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:735 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:734 msgid "Restriction cancelled email body" msgstr "" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:739 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:738 msgid "" "
The article {{item:post_title}} is now fully usable again.
\n" @@ -693,125 +693,125 @@ msgid "" " {{booking:getEmailSignature}}" msgstr "" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:756 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:755 msgid "Restriction settings" msgstr "" -#: includes/OptionsArray.php:758 +#: includes/OptionsArray.php:757 msgid "Settings for restrictions.Your booking period for the item {{item:post_title}} will start soon.
@@ -825,41 +825,41 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:915
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:914
msgid "Sent reminder x days before booking start"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:918
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:917
msgid "This reminder email will be sent to users x days before the start of the booking. If the booking is made less days before the specified days, no reminder email will be sent"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:934
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1066
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1150
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:933
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1065
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1149
msgid "Time"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:937
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1069
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1153
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:936
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1068
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1152
msgid "Define when the reminder should be sent. The actual sending may differ from the defined value by a few hours, depending on how your WordPress is configured."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:980
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:979
msgid "email after booking has ended"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:983
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:982
msgid ""
"Here you can set whether users should receive an additional e-mail after completing a booking. This can be used, for example, to inquire about the users satisfaction or possible problems during the booking.\n"
The email will be sent around midnight after the booking day has ended."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1001
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1000
msgid "Your booking of {{item:post_title}} {{booking:formattedBookingDate}} has ended"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1008
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1007
msgid ""
Your booking of {{item:post_title}} at {{location:post_title}} has ended.
@@ -869,20 +869,20 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1025
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1024
msgid "Reminder for locations before booking starts"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1028
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1027
msgid "You can set here whether locations should receive a reminder email before the start of a booking.
More Information in the documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1039
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1122
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1038
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1121
msgid "The reminders need to be enabled for all locations individually. This is only the main on/off switch."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1053
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1052
msgid ""
The booking period for the item {{item:post_title}} at {{location:post_title}} will start soon.
@@ -892,38 +892,38 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1086
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1171
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1085
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1170
msgid "Bookings of"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1089
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1088
msgid "Define for which booking start day the notifications should be sent"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1098
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1183
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1097
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1182
msgid "current day"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1099
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1184
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1098
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1183
msgid "next day"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1108
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1107
msgid "Reminder for locations before booking ends"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1111
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1110
msgid "You can set here whether locations should receive a reminder email before the end of a booking.
More Information in the documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1129
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1128
msgid "Booking of {{item:post_title}} {{booking:formattedBookingDate}}"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1136
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1135
msgid ""
The booking period for the item {{item:post_title}} at {{location:post_title}} will end soon.
@@ -934,286 +934,286 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1174
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1173
msgid "Define for which booking end day the notifications should be sent"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1197
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1196
msgid "Migration"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1201
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1200
msgid "Finish upgrade to latest version"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1203
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1202
msgid "Click here to finish the upgrade to the latest version.
This needs to be done after updating the plugin to a new version.
If you do not do this, the plugin may not work correctly."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1206
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1205
msgid "Finish upgrade"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1215
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1214
msgid "Migrate from Commons Booking Version 0.X"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1217
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1216
msgid "Migrate data from CommonsBooking Version 0.X.
The migration includes: locations, items, timeframes and bookings.
If you have clicked \"Migrate\" before, starting the migration again will overwrite any changes you made to locations, items, timeframes and bookings.
Please read the documentation How to migrate from version 0.9.x to 2.x.x before you start migration."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1220
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1219
#: src/View/Migration.php:77
msgid "Start Migration"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1231
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1230
msgid "CommonsBooking Version 0.X profile fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1233
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1232
msgid "Enable the following legacy CommonsBooking Version 0.X user profile fields:"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1236
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1235
msgid "Enable"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1241
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1240
msgid "Terms & Services Url"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1250
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1249
msgid "Migrate bookings to new version"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1252
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1251
msgid "Migrate bookings to new format so that they are listed at bookings menu item.
This function is only for special cases during migration. Please use it only in case of problems with migration."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1255
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1254
#: src/View/MassOperations.php:109
#: src/View/Migration.php:112
msgid "Migrate bookings"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1268
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1326
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1267
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1325
msgid "Export"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1272
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1271
msgid "Download timeframes export"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1276
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1275
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Map.php:557
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:53
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:421
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:104
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:103
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:495
msgid "Type"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1277
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1276
msgid "Select Type of this timeframe (e.g. bookable, repair, holidays, booking). See Documentation for detailed information."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1283
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1282
msgid "Location-Fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1285
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1294
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1284
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1293
msgid "Just add field names, no matter if its a post- or a meta-field. Comma separated list. Beside the standard post fields and standard postmeta-fields, the following custom meta fields are available. Copy only the values in [] in the field without the brackets. %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1292
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1291
msgid "Item-Fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1301
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1300
msgid "User-Fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1302
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1301
msgid "Just add field names, no matter if its a userfield or a meta-field. Comma separated list."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1307
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1306
msgid "Export start date"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1317
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1316
msgid "Export end date"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1334
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1333
msgid "Cron settings for timeframes export"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1338
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1337
msgid "Run as cronjob"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1343
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1342
msgid "Export interval"
msgstr ""
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1346
#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1347
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1348
msgid "minutes"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1349
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1348
msgid "daily"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1353
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1352
msgid "Export timerange"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1354
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1353
msgid "Export timerange in days."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1363
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1362
msgid "Filepath"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1364
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1363
msgid "Absolute path on your webserver (including trailing slash) where export file will be saved to."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1376
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1404
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1375
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1403
msgid "API"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1380
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1379
msgid "Configure API Access"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1384
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1383
msgid "Activate API"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1385
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1384
msgid "If selected, the API is enabled. See more information in the documentation: API documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1390
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1389
msgid "Enable API Access without API-Key"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1391
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1390
msgid "If selected, the API is accessible without an API-Key. For details see: API documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1398
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1397
msgid "API shares"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1399
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1398
msgid "You can define on or more API shares. Read the documentation for more information about API shares and configuration API documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1405
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1404
msgid "Add Another API"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1406
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1405
msgid "Remove API"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1413
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1412
msgid "API name"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1414
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1413
msgid "Internal name for this API share"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1419
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1418
msgid "API enabled"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1420
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1419
msgid "If checked this API share is enabled"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1425
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1424
msgid "Push URL"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1426
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1425
msgid "URL that gets push information everytime there was a change on CommonsBooking data"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1431
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1430
msgid "API Key"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1434
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1433
msgid " You must set an API-Key. The API key should consist of alphanumeric characters and be at least 24 characters long."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1437
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1436
msgid "API Owner"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1438
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1437
msgid "The owner value is provided by the API. It is set to the blog name by default in this version. In future versions you may be able to change this information"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1458
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1457
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1462
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1461
msgid "Set Custom metadata to locations and items"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1464
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1463
msgid "This is an advanced feature and should only be used if you are experienced or instructed how to set it up properly. In future versions we will add more detailed information and documentation."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1472
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1471
msgid "Meta Data"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1474
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1473
msgid ""
"Use only this format, separated by semicolon and each entry in a new line:
post_type(item/location);field-name;label(english),type(checkbox,number,text),description(in english)
" Example: item;waterproof;Waterproof material;checkbox;\"This item is waterproof and can be used in heavy rain\" "
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1486
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1485
msgid "iCalendar Feed"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1488
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1487
msgid "Enables users to copy a url for a dynamic iCalendar feed into their own digital calendars. This feature is experimental."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1496
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1495
msgid "Enable iCalendar feed"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1501
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1500
msgid "Event title"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1502
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1514
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1501
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1513
msgid "You can use template tags here as well"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1513
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1512
msgid "Event description"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1516
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1515
msgid ""
"Pick up: {{booking:pickupDatetime}}\n"
@@ -1222,37 +1222,37 @@ msgid ""
"{{booking:formattedBookingCode}} "
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1531
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1530
msgid "Advanced caching settings"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1534
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1533
msgid "Allows you to change options regarding the caching system"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1537
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1536
#: src/Service/Cache.php:367
msgid "Clear Cache"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1543
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1542
msgid "Filesystem cache path"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1544
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1543
msgid "Where the filesystem cache should be created. Only change when filesystem caching is not working."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1550
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1567
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1549
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1566
msgid "Current connection status"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1556
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1555
msgid "Enable REDIS Caching (experimental)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1561
+#: includes/OptionsArray.php:1560
msgid "REDIS DSN (REDIS Server URL)"
msgstr ""
@@ -1630,7 +1630,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/Plugin.php:713
#: src/Plugin.php:728
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:928
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:926
msgid "CommonsBooking Bookings"
msgstr ""
@@ -1924,14 +1924,14 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: src/View/Admin/Filter.php:58
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:775
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:773
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:455
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:712
msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""
#: src/View/Admin/Filter.php:62
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:792
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:790
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:465
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:736
msgid "End date"
@@ -1956,15 +1956,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/View/Booking.php:190
#: src/View/MassOperations.php:38
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:443
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:103
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:441
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:102
#: templates/shortcode-bookings.php:73
msgid "User"
msgstr ""
#: src/View/Booking.php:194
#: src/View/MassOperations.php:42
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:965
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:963
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:481
msgid "Status"
msgstr ""
@@ -1974,7 +1974,7 @@ msgid "Code"
msgstr ""
#: src/View/Booking.php:537
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:860
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:858
msgid "Submit booking"
msgstr ""
@@ -2078,30 +2078,30 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Email booking codes"
msgstr ""
-#: src/View/Calendar.php:169
+#: src/View/Calendar.php:167
msgid "No items found."
msgstr ""
-#: src/View/Calendar.php:225
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:444
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:757
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:981
+#: src/View/Calendar.php:223
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:442
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:755
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:979
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Item.php:117
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:54
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:443
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:105
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:104
#: templates/shortcode-bookings.php:72
msgid "Item"
msgstr ""
-#: src/View/Calendar.php:226
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:445
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:763
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:977
+#: src/View/Calendar.php:224
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:443
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:761
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:975
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Location.php:123
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:55
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:437
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:106
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:105
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:503
#: templates/shortcode-bookings.php:74
msgid "Location"
@@ -2120,19 +2120,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "No locations found."
msgstr ""
-#: src/View/Map.php:35
+#: src/View/Map.php:34
msgid "Set / Update GPS Coordinates"
msgstr ""
-#: src/View/Map.php:39
+#: src/View/Map.php:38
msgid "Set / update GPS coordinates from address"
msgstr ""
-#: src/View/Map.php:42
+#: src/View/Map.php:41
msgid "Click this button to automatically set the GPS coordinates based on the given address and set the marker on the map.
Save or update this location after setting the gps data."
msgstr ""
-#: src/View/Map.php:45
+#: src/View/Map.php:44
msgid "No GPS data could be found for the address entered.
Please check if the address is written correctly.
Alternatively, you can enter the GPS data manually into the corresponding fields."
msgstr ""
@@ -2264,88 +2264,88 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download Export"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:106
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:104
msgid "Admin-Booking"
msgstr ""
#. translators: $s = id of the item
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:258
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:256
msgid "Item does not exist. (%s)"
msgstr ""
#. translators: $s = id of the location
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:262
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:260
msgid "Location does not exist. (%s)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:266
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:264
msgid "Start- and/or end-date is missing."
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:271
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:269
msgid "Your reservation has expired, please try to book again"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:297
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:295
msgid "Booking canceled."
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:313
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:311
msgid "There is already a booking in this time-range. This notice may also appear if there is an unconfirmed booking in the requested period. Unconfirmed bookings are deleted after about 10 minutes. Please try again in a few minutes."
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:321
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:319
msgid "status changed by admin user via frontend. New status: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:328
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:520
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:708
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:138
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:326
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:518
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:706
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:137
msgid "Booking"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:372
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:370
msgid "There was an error while saving the booking. Please try again. Thrown error:"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:389
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:387
msgid "There was an error while saving the booking. Please try again. Resulting WP_ERROR: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:446
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:444
msgid "Bookingdate"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:447
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:445
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:56
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:107
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:106
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:788
msgid "Start Date"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:448
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:446
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:57
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:108
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:107
msgid "End Date"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:449
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:447
msgid "Booking Status"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:450
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:973
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:448
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:971
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:488
msgid "Comment"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:519
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:517
#: templates/dashboard-index.php:45
msgid "Bookings"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:521
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:519
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Item.php:118
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Location.php:124
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Restriction.php:313
@@ -2353,87 +2353,87 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Add new"
msgstr ""
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:520
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:522
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:524
msgid "Add new booking"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:523
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:739
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:521
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:737
msgid "Edit booking"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:525
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:523
msgid "Show booking"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:526
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:524
msgid "Show bookings"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:527
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:525
msgid "Search bookings"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:528
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:526
msgid "Bookings not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:529
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:527
msgid "No bookings found in trash"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:530
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:528
msgid "Parent bookings:"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:531
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:529
msgid "All bookings"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:532
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:530
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:1191
msgid "Timeframe archive"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:533
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:531
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:1192
msgid "Timeframe attributes"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:534
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:532
msgid "Add to booking"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:535
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:533
msgid "Added to booking"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:536
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:534
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:1195
msgid "Timeframe image"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:537
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:535
msgid "set booking image"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:538
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:536
msgid "remove booking image"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:539
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:537
msgid "use as booking image"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:540
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:538
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:1178
#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Timeframe.php:1199
#: templates/dashboard-index.php:37
msgid "Timeframes"
msgstr ""
-#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:741
+#: src/Wordpress/CustomPostType/Booking.php:739
msgid ""
In this view, you as an admin can create or modify existing bookings. Please use it with caution.