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Releases: wielebenwir/commonsbooking

Release 2.4.5

10 May 22:01
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NEW: Restrict bookings to user groups. It is now possible to restrict bookable timeframes to one or more user groups to restrict bookings based on these timeframes.
FIXED: In case of consecutive time frames, it could happen that not all time frames were displayed in the calendar. This is now fixed. (#612)
FIXED: In a some combination of time frames it could happen that an already existing booking could be overwritten (in case of slotwise booking). (#610)
FIXED: Some parts in the calendar were not translated to English when the website language was set to English. (#545)
FIXED: API was available by default – this is standard behaviour of the wordpress integrated API too. Now the CommonsBooking API is deactived by default an can be activated in CommonsBooking options. We also removed the Owner information from items that has been available via the API (first and last name)
FIXED: In the email template tags, the tag following the pattern {{xxx:yyy}} could not be used within an a href link as it is not allowed by WordPress security methods. We have now added the alternative divider #. This now also works in a href links. Example a href=”{{xxxx#yyyy}}”
FIXED: New booking codes could not be generated in some cases.

Release 2.4.4

26 Apr 20:56
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2.4.4 (26.04.2021)

NEW: Added category filter in items and locations shortcode. You can use [cb_items category_slug=category_slug] to show items by a single category.
NEW: Added the p attribute to cb_items shortcode, so you can display a single item by using [cb_items p=POSTID]
CHANGED: Item and location list in select dropdown in timeframe editor is not restricted to published elements anymore.
ENHANCED: template improvements: not available notice now in separate line in item/location lists
ENHANCED: pickupinstructions now inclueded in the location section on the booking page (changed template: booking-single.php)
ENHANCED: inlcuded pickupinstructions in the following templates: location-calendar-header.php / location-single-meta.php
ENHANCED: Changed the standard image thumbnail size in listings
FIXED: If multiple timeframes are set the calendar only showed the last timeframe in booking calendar.
FIXED: Fixed some issues with map category filter
FIXED: fixed interaction issues with calender when using timeslots. pickup field resets when selecting pickup time (fixed issues #629 and #619)

Release 2.4.3

09 Apr 15:20
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= 2.4.3 (09.04.2021) =

  • NEW: Booking comment: Users can add an internal comment to a booking that can be viewed by location administrators and can be used in email template via template tags (see template tags in documentation)
  • NEW: Maximum bookable days are now without limitation. You can choose the maximum days in the timeframe editor.
  • NEW: We added 2 new menu items in the CommonsBooking section so that you can now the edit Commonsbooking categories for locations and items (rename, remove etc.)
  • NEW: Hide Contact Details: It is now possible to configure whether contact details of the station are only displayed after the booking has been confirmed by the user. This prevents users from already receiving booking details for an unconfirmed booking and thus possibly already contacting the location without having completed the booking.
  • ENHANCED: Added migration of elementor special fields
  • ENHANCED: Added map link to dashboard
  • ENHANCED: Validation of bookings optimized
  • FIXED: Bookable timeframe without enddate caused some issues in frontend calendar. Now it is possible to leave end date empty to allow infinite booking timeframe
  • FIXED: performance issue on some systems in backend view (issue #546)
  • FIXED: cancelation of an unconfirmed booking triggered a cancelation mail to user and location. Now the cancelation mail will not be send anymore. (issue #532)
  • FIXED: fixed a timeframe validation error (isse #548)
  • FIXED: calendar not shown in edge / explorer in some versions. Thanks to @danielappelt for fixing it
  • FIXED: Added tooltips in map configuration
  • FIXED: Multiple categories are not imported during migration.
  • TEMPLATES: modification in templates: booking-single-form.php and booking-single.php
  • ENHANCED: Make CommonsBooking Menu entry fit better in WP Admin für Wordpress 5.7 #593

Release 2.4.2

09 Apr 15:48
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stable tag 2.4.2

Release 2.4.1

09 Apr 15:48
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update version number 2.4.1

Release 2.4.0

09 Apr 15:49
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updated stable version to 2.4


12 Feb 13:12
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added description and translation, hotfix calculation error in map ma…


21 Dec 16:54
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  • fixed issue pickupinstructions not shown in booking confirmation page

please download from wordpress plugin directory:


21 Dec 14:13
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  • Added:
    ** Updated translation and minor text edits
    ** Set default values on activation and upates

  • Fixed:
    ** Fix: 404-page after installation because of missing permalink refresh


17 Dec 10:55
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  • fixed some minor sanitization issues
  • optimised options descriptions

This is the first version available via wordpress plugin directory :-)