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100644 --- a/sudoku/solver.py +++ b/sudoku/solver.py @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import abc import logging -from collections import namedtuple +from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import Enum from typing import ( AnyStr, @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ List, Optional, TypeVar, + Type, ) from sudoku.dlx import DLX @@ -235,7 +236,10 @@ def solve(self) -> Optional[Sudoku]: return self.get_solved_sudoku(solution) -AlgorithmConfig = namedtuple('AlgorithmConfig', ['sudoku_type', 'solver_type']) +@dataclass +class AlgorithmConfig: + sudoku_type: Type[Sudoku] + solver_type: Type[SudokuSolver] class SolutionAlgorithm(Enum): @@ -252,23 +256,20 @@ def solve(sudoku: Optional[Sudoku] = None, sudoku_string: Optional[AnyStr] = Non if sudoku is None and sudoku_string is None: raise ValueError('Must provide a Sudoku instance or a sudoku string') - sudoku_type, solver_type = algorithm.value - if sudoku is None: - sudoku = sudoku_type.from_string(sudoku_string) - elif not isinstance(sudoku, sudoku_type): - raise ValueError(f'Algorithm {algorithm.name} requires an instance of {sudoku_type}') + sudoku = algorithm.value.sudoku_type.from_string(sudoku_string) + elif not isinstance(sudoku, algorithm.value.sudoku_type): + raise ValueError(f'Algorithm {algorithm.name} requires an instance of {algorithm.value.sudoku_type}') - solver = solver_type(sudoku, event_listener=event_listener) + solver = algorithm.value.solver_type(sudoku, event_listener=event_listener) return solver.solve() def get_solver(sudoku: Sudoku, algorithm: SolutionAlgorithm) -> SudokuSolver: """Return a SudokuSolver instance suitable for the given sudoku and algorithm.""" - sudoku_type, solver_type = algorithm.value - if not isinstance(sudoku, sudoku_type): - raise ValueError(f'Algorithm {algorithm.name} requires an instance of {sudoku_type}') - return solver_type(sudoku) + if not isinstance(sudoku, algorithm.value.sudoku_type): + raise ValueError(f'Algorithm {algorithm.name} requires an instance of {algorithm.value.sudoku_type}') + return algorithm.value.solver_type(sudoku) if __name__ == '__main__':