Along side each input mechanism is corresponding support for input validators. Validators are used to both validate and sanitize your inputs. With Streetlamp comes a small selection of pre-built validators:
Class | Sanitize | Validate |
AlphabeticValidator |
Returns a string only containing alphabetic characters | Input must only contain case insensitive alphabetic characters |
EmailValidator |
Returns an e-mail address string | Input must be a valid e-mail address |
FilterVarsValidator |
Returns a string of the sanitized input matching the filter_var definition | Input must match the defined filter_var sanitization |
FloatValidator |
Returns a float value | Validates input is a float within the given range |
IntValidator |
Returns an int value | Validates input is an int within the given range |
RegExpValidator |
Returns a string matching the replace criteria if set, otherwise returns input | Validates input matches the regular expression pattern given |
Validators can be used alongside either one of the input parameters or within data bindings.
FilterVarsValidator(int $filter, int|array $options = 0);
public function simpleGetWithPathParameterAndValidator(
#[MustBeDivisibleByThreeValidator] int $validatorId
): ResponseBuilder {
return (new ResponseBuilder())
Just like with most aspects of Streetlamp, the validators can be easily customised and implemented.
As long as the custom validator implements the ValidatorInterface
it will work.
When implementing a custom validator if you throw any exceptions, it's essential your exceptions extend StreetLampRequestException
to respond to the client accordingly.
Example of a custom validator:
readonly class MustBeDivisibleByThreeValidator implements ValidatorInterface
public function validate(string $value): bool
return ((int) $value % 3) === 0;
public function sanitize(string $value): int
return ((int) $value) / 3;