This repository contains the code used in the paper Scale Equivariant Deep Learning for 3D Data by Thomas Wimmer, Vladimir Golkov, Hoai Nam Dang, Moritz Zaiss, Andreas Maier, and Daniel Cremers.
The ability of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to recognize objects regardless of their position in the image is due to the translation-equivariance of the convolutional operation. Group-equivariant CNNs transfer this equivariance to other transformations of the input. Dealing appropriately with objects and object parts of different scale is challenging, and scale can vary for multiple reasons such as the underlying object size or the resolution of the imaging modality.
In this paper, we propose a scale-equivariant convolutional network layer for three-dimensional data that guarantees scale-equivariance in 3D CNNs. Scale-equivariance lifts the burden of having to learn each possible scale separately, allowing the neural network to focus on higher-level learning goals, which leads to better results and better data-efficiency.
We provide an overview of the theoretical foundations and scientific work on scale-equivariant neural networks in the two-dimensional domain. We then transfer the concepts from 2D to the three-dimensional space and create a scale-equivariant convolutional layer for 3D data.
Using the proposed scale-equivariant layer, we create a scale-equivariant U-Net for medical image segmentation and compare it with a non-scale-equivariant baseline method. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in achieving scale-equivariance for 3D medical image analysis.
The repository does not contain an 'environment.yml' file but instead detailed instructions to setup the conda environment manually as this proved to be better working. This environment is needed to run the training and experiments with the given scripts, but the layers themselves should be usable with any PyTorch / NumPy version in a custom project.
Training was performed for up to 160 epochs, depending on the size of the training set, using an NVIDIA RTX 8000 GPU, up to 5 GB VRAM and 10 GB RAM. The training lasted about 2 hours on average.
The layers-folder contains the implementation of scale-equivariant convolutional layers for 3D. The models-folder contains the implementations of a baseline model, and a scale-equivariant U-Net. The models are created using PyTorch Lightning and can be trained using the files in the according modules.