diff --git a/Locales/deDE.lua b/Locales/deDE.lua index 4e248e84..e95b01e4 100644 --- a/Locales/deDE.lua +++ b/Locales/deDE.lua @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ --- This file generated by scripts from WindToolsScripts +-- This file generated by scripts from WindToolsScripts -- https://github.com/wind-addons/WindToolsScripts/tree/master/MergeLocales local L = ElvUI[1].Libs.ACL:NewLocale("ElvUI", "deDE") @@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ L["You can customize the global shadow color, disable some skins, set the level L["You can customize the sentence templates, channels, etc."] = "Du kannst die Satzvorlagen, Kanäle usw. anpassen." L["You can disable this alert in [%s]-[%s]-[%s]"] = "Du kannst diese Warnung in [%s]-[%s]-[%s] deaktivieren" L["You can disable this alert via disabling WeakAuras Skin in Skins - Addons."] = "Du kannst diese Warnung deaktivieren, indem Du WeakAuras Skin in Skins – Add-ons deaktivierst." -L["You can disable/enable compatibility check via the option in the bottom of [WindTools]-[Information]-[Help]."] = "Du kannst die Kompatibilitätsprüfung über die Option unten in [WindTools]-[Informationen]-[Hilfe] deaktivieren/aktivieren." +L["You can disable/enable compatibility check via the option in the bottom of [WindTools]-[Advanced]-[Core]."] = "Du kannst die Kompatibilitätsprüfung über die Option unten in [WindTools]-[Erweitert]-[Kern] deaktivieren/aktivieren." L["You can find the setting in [%s] - [Tooltips] - [General]."] = "Die Einstellung findest Du unter [%s] – [Tooltips] – [Allgemein]." L["You can limit the config only work in the current realm, otherwise it will work in all realms in the region you configurated above."] = "Du kannst die Konfiguration so beschränken, dass sie nur im aktuellen Bereich funktioniert, andernfalls funktioniert sie in allen Bereichen der oben konfigurierten Region." L["You can limit the config only work in the specific faction."] = "Du kannst die Konfiguration so beschränken, dass sie nur auf die jeweilige Fraktion beschränkt bleibt." diff --git a/Locales/enUS.lua b/Locales/enUS.lua index 80ccb4ff..3b6a0a77 100644 --- a/Locales/enUS.lua +++ b/Locales/enUS.lua @@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ L["You can customize the global shadow color, disable some skins, set the level L["You can customize the sentence templates, channels, etc."] = true L["You can disable this alert in [%s]-[%s]-[%s]"] = true L["You can disable this alert via disabling WeakAuras Skin in Skins - Addons."] = true -L["You can disable/enable compatibility check via the option in the bottom of [WindTools]-[Information]-[Help]."] = true +L["You can disable/enable compatibility check via the option in the bottom of [WindTools]-[Advanced]-[Core]."] = true L["You can find the setting in [%s] - [Tooltips] - [General]."] = true L["You can limit the config only work in the current realm, otherwise it will work in all realms in the region you configurated above."] = true L["You can limit the config only work in the specific faction."] = true diff --git a/Locales/esMX.lua b/Locales/esMX.lua index f2e38f62..43896b88 100644 --- a/Locales/esMX.lua +++ b/Locales/esMX.lua @@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ L["You can customize the global shadow color, disable some skins, set the level L["You can customize the sentence templates, channels, etc."] = "Puedes personalizar las plantillas de frases, canales, etc." L["You can disable this alert in [%s]-[%s]-[%s]"] = "Puedes desactivar esta alerta en [%s]-[%s]-[%s]" L["You can disable this alert via disabling WeakAuras Skin in Skins - Addons."] = "Puedes desactivar esta alerta desactivando la skin de WeakAuras en Skins - Addons." -L["You can disable/enable compatibility check via the option in the bottom of [WindTools]-[Information]-[Help]."] = "Puedes desactivar/activar la comprobación de compatibilidad mediante la opción en la parte inferior de [WindTools]-[Información]-[Ayuda]." +L["You can disable/enable compatibility check via the option in the bottom of [WindTools]-[Advanced]-[Core]."] = "Puedes desactivar/activar la comprobación de compatibilidad mediante la opción en la parte inferior de [WindTools]-[Avanzado]-[Núcleo]." L["You can find the setting in [%s] - [Tooltips] - [General]."] = "Puedes encontrar la configuración en [%s] - [Descripción Emergente] - [General]." L["You can limit the config only work in the current realm, otherwise it will work in all realms in the region you configurated above."] = "Puedes limitar la configuración solo para funcionar en el reino actual, de lo contrario funcionará en todos los reinos de la región configurada anteriormente." L["You can limit the config only work in the specific faction."] = "Puedes limitar la configuración solo para funcionar en la facción específica." diff --git a/Locales/frFR.lua b/Locales/frFR.lua index 72adf778..607a9a92 100644 --- a/Locales/frFR.lua +++ b/Locales/frFR.lua @@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ L["You can customize the global shadow color, disable some skins, set the level L["You can customize the sentence templates, channels, etc."] = "Vous pouvez personnaliser les modèles de phrases, les canaux, etc." L["You can disable this alert in [%s]-[%s]-[%s]"] = "Vous pouvez désactiver cette alerte dans [%s]-[%s]-[%s]" L["You can disable this alert via disabling WeakAuras Skin in Skins - Addons."] = "Vous pouvez désactiver cette alerte en désactivant le thème de WeakAuras dans Skins - Addons." -L["You can disable/enable compatibility check via the option in the bottom of [WindTools]-[Information]-[Help]."] = "Vous pouvez désactiver/activer le contrôle de compatibilité via l'option située en bas de [WindTools]-[Information]-[Aide]." +L["You can disable/enable compatibility check via the option in the bottom of [WindTools]-[Advanced]-[Core]."] = "Vous pouvez désactiver/activer le contrôle de compatibilité via l'option située en bas de [WindTools]-[Avancé]-[Noyau]." L["You can find the setting in [%s] - [Tooltips] - [General]."] = "Vous pouvez trouver le paramètre dans [%s] - [Info-bulles] - [Général]." L["You can limit the config only work in the current realm, otherwise it will work in all realms in the region you configurated above."] = "Vous pouvez limiter la configuration à fonctionner uniquement dans le royaume actuel, sinon elle fonctionnera dans tous les royaumes de la région que vous avez configurée ci-dessus." L["You can limit the config only work in the specific faction."] = "Vous pouvez limiter la configuration à fonctionner uniquement dans une faction spécifique." diff --git a/Locales/itIT.lua b/Locales/itIT.lua index 68eb7f87..16bde11a 100644 --- a/Locales/itIT.lua +++ b/Locales/itIT.lua @@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ L["You can customize the global shadow color, disable some skins, set the level L["You can customize the sentence templates, channels, etc."] = true L["You can disable this alert in [%s]-[%s]-[%s]"] = true L["You can disable this alert via disabling WeakAuras Skin in Skins - Addons."] = true -L["You can disable/enable compatibility check via the option in the bottom of [WindTools]-[Information]-[Help]."] = true +L["You can disable/enable compatibility check via the option in the bottom of [WindTools]-[Advanced]-[Core]."] = true L["You can find the setting in [%s] - [Tooltips] - [General]."] = true L["You can limit the config only work in the current realm, otherwise it will work in all realms in the region you configurated above."] = true L["You can limit the config only work in the specific faction."] = true diff --git a/Locales/koKR.lua b/Locales/koKR.lua index db946df3..c0911b58 100644 --- a/Locales/koKR.lua +++ b/Locales/koKR.lua @@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ L["You can customize the global shadow color, disable some skins, set the level L["You can customize the sentence templates, channels, etc."] = "문장 템플릿, 채널 등을 설정할 수 있습니다." L["You can disable this alert in [%s]-[%s]-[%s]"] = true L["You can disable this alert via disabling WeakAuras Skin in Skins - Addons."] = true -L["You can disable/enable compatibility check via the option in the bottom of [WindTools]-[Information]-[Help]."] = "[WindTools]-[정보]-[도움말] 하단의 옵션을 통해 호환성 검사를 비활성화/활성화할 수 있습니다." +L["You can disable/enable compatibility check via the option in the bottom of [WindTools]-[Advanced]-[Core]."] = "[WindTools]-[고급]-[코어] 하단의 옵션을 통해 호환성 검사를 비활성화/활성화할 수 있습니다." L["You can find the setting in [%s] - [Tooltips] - [General]."] = true L["You can limit the config only work in the current realm, otherwise it will work in all realms in the region you configurated above."] = true L["You can limit the config only work in the specific faction."] = true diff --git a/Locales/ptBR.lua b/Locales/ptBR.lua index b6223017..5e67e285 100644 --- a/Locales/ptBR.lua +++ b/Locales/ptBR.lua @@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ L["You can customize the global shadow color, disable some skins, set the level L["You can customize the sentence templates, channels, etc."] = true L["You can disable this alert in [%s]-[%s]-[%s]"] = true L["You can disable this alert via disabling WeakAuras Skin in Skins - Addons."] = true -L["You can disable/enable compatibility check via the option in the bottom of [WindTools]-[Information]-[Help]."] = true +L["You can disable/enable compatibility check via the option in the bottom of [WindTools]-[Advanced]-[Core]."] = true L["You can find the setting in [%s] - [Tooltips] - [General]."] = true L["You can limit the config only work in the current realm, otherwise it will work in all realms in the region you configurated above."] = true L["You can limit the config only work in the specific faction."] = true diff --git a/Locales/ruRU.lua b/Locales/ruRU.lua index e59cd17d..0276dfdf 100644 --- a/Locales/ruRU.lua +++ b/Locales/ruRU.lua @@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ L["You can customize the global shadow color, disable some skins, set the level L["You can customize the sentence templates, channels, etc."] = "Вы можете настроить шаблоны предложений, каналы и т.д." L["You can disable this alert in [%s]-[%s]-[%s]"] = "Вы можете отключить это оповещение в [%s]-[%s]-[%s]" L["You can disable this alert via disabling WeakAuras Skin in Skins - Addons."] = "Вы можете отключить это предупреждение, отключив скин WeakAuras в разделе 'Скины — Аддоны'." -L["You can disable/enable compatibility check via the option in the bottom of [WindTools]-[Information]-[Help]."] = "Вы можете включить/отключить проверку совместимости с помощью параметра снизу [WindTools]-[Информация]-[Справка]." +L["You can disable/enable compatibility check via the option in the bottom of [WindTools]-[Advanced]-[Core]."] = "Вы можете включить/отключить проверку совместимости с помощью параметра снизу [WindTools]-[Дополнительно]-[Ядро]." L["You can find the setting in [%s] - [Tooltips] - [General]."] = "Эту настройку можно найти в [%s] — [Подсказки] — [Общие]." L["You can limit the config only work in the current realm, otherwise it will work in all realms in the region you configurated above."] = "Вы можете ограничить работу конфигурации только в текущем игровом мире, иначе он будет работать во всех игровых мирах в регионе, который Вы настроили выше." L["You can limit the config only work in the specific faction."] = "Вы можете ограничить работу конфига только в конкретной фракции." diff --git a/Locales/zhCN.lua b/Locales/zhCN.lua index 053f94f0..ae468a47 100644 --- a/Locales/zhCN.lua +++ b/Locales/zhCN.lua @@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ L["You can customize the global shadow color, disable some skins, set the level L["You can customize the sentence templates, channels, etc."] = "你可以自定义发送模版, 频道等." L["You can disable this alert in [%s]-[%s]-[%s]"] = "你可以在 [%s]-[%s]-[%s] 中禁用此提醒." L["You can disable this alert via disabling WeakAuras Skin in Skins - Addons."] = "你可以通过禁用 美化外观 - 插件 中的 WeakAuras 皮肤来禁用此提醒." -L["You can disable/enable compatibility check via the option in the bottom of [WindTools]-[Information]-[Help]."] = "你可以通过设定位于 [Wind 工具箱]-[信息]-[帮助] 底部的选项来启用/停用兼容性检查." +L["You can disable/enable compatibility check via the option in the bottom of [WindTools]-[Advanced]-[Core]."] = "你可以通过设定位于 [Wind 工具箱]-[高级]-[核心] 底部的选项来启用/停用兼容性检查." L["You can find the setting in [%s] - [Tooltips] - [General]."] = "你可以在 [%s] - [鼠标提示] - [一般设定] 中找到此设定." L["You can limit the config only work in the current realm, otherwise it will work in all realms in the region you configurated above."] = "你可以限制配置仅在当前服务器生效, 否则将会在你上面配置的地区的所有服务器生效." L["You can limit the config only work in the specific faction."] = "你可以限制配置仅在特定阵营生效." diff --git a/Locales/zhTW.lua b/Locales/zhTW.lua index 5d48ad62..3bb70b5a 100644 --- a/Locales/zhTW.lua +++ b/Locales/zhTW.lua @@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ L["You can customize the global shadow color, disable some skins, set the level L["You can customize the sentence templates, channels, etc."] = "你可以自訂發送模版, 頻道等." L["You can disable this alert in [%s]-[%s]-[%s]"] = "你可以在 [%s]-[%s]-[%s] 中關閉此提醒" L["You can disable this alert via disabling WeakAuras Skin in Skins - Addons."] = "你可以在 美化外觀 - 插件 中關閉 WeakAuras 的美化皮膚來關閉此提醒." -L["You can disable/enable compatibility check via the option in the bottom of [WindTools]-[Information]-[Help]."] = "你可以通過設定位於 [Wind 工具箱]-[信息]-[幫助] 底部的選項來啟用/停用相容性檢查." +L["You can disable/enable compatibility check via the option in the bottom of [WindTools]-[Advanced]-[Core]."] = "你可以通過設定位於 [Wind 工具箱]-[進階]-[核心] 底部的選項來啟用/停用相容性檢查." L["You can find the setting in [%s] - [Tooltips] - [General]."] = "你可以在 [%s] - [浮動提示] - [一般] 中找到此設定." L["You can limit the config only work in the current realm, otherwise it will work in all realms in the region you configurated above."] = "你可以限制設定僅在當前伺服器中生效, 否則將在你上面設定的區域中的所有伺服器生效." L["You can limit the config only work in the specific faction."] = "你可以限制設定僅在特定陣營中生效."