重要的先说:这本 简明 ASP.NET Core 手册 基于 Creative Commons Attribution(创作共用署名4.0)许可证,这意味着,欢迎你按自己的意愿复制、分发、克隆、重排本书中的资料。我仅有的要求就是,你要指出原作者(Nate Barbettini)。当然,中文版请别忘了译者:windsting 和 yuyi。
如果你看到错别字或者有问题的代码,欢迎修正它。我们乐于接受 pull request。
如果你不熟悉 Git 或者用不惯它,也没关系。可以在 登记问题 页面指出这个错误。请写得尽量详细一些。
如果你有什么建议,欢迎提交一个 议题 或者发邮件到 [email protected] 给我。我不一定回复所有来信,但我会尽量都读一下。
First things first: the Little ASP.NET Core Book is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution license, which means you are welcome to copy, redistribute, fork, or remix the material in the book as much as you want. All I ask is that you give credit to the original author (Nate Barbettini).
If you see a typo or a code error, feel free to fix it. Pull requests are gladly accepted!
If you're not familiar or comfortable with Git, that's fine. File an issue to point out the error. Please be as detailed as possible.
If you have a suggestion, feel free to file an issue or email me at [email protected]. I can't promise I will be able to respond to every suggestion, but I'll read as many as I can.