Mathematical nduction is an additional method of proofing that we will cover in further detail. Induction is a tool that can be used to establish the truth of a statement over all natural numbers.
- Goal: To prove
$P$ for all values of$n$ . - Approach:
- Prove
$P$ is true for a base case (usually$n=0$ or $n=1). - Assume
$P$ is true for some arbitrary$n=k$ . - Show
$P$ is true for$n=k+1$ , assuming$P$ holds for$n=k$ .
- Prove
$$\forall n\in\mathbb{N}, \sum_{i=0}^ni=\frac{n(n+1)}{2}$$.
*Base case* ($n=0$): $\sum_{i=0}^0i=0=\frac{0(0+1)}{2}$. The base case holds.
*Induction Hypothesis*: For an arbitrary $n=k\geq 0$, assume that $\sum_{i=0}^k
*Inductive Step*:
where the second equality follows from the Induction Hypothesis. By the
principle of mathematical induction, the claim follows.
When using induction, it is possible to choose a statement that is too broad or general to prove. For example, suppose we were proving the following statement: for all $n\geq 1$, the sum of the first $n$ odd numbers is a perfect square.
*Base case*($n=1$): This holds.
*Induction Hypothesis*: Assume the sum of the first $k$ odd numbers is a perfect
square, say $m^2$.
*Inductive Step*: The $(k+1)^{st}$ odd number is $2k+1$. By the I.H., the sum
of the first $k+1$ odd numbers is $m^2+2k+1$, which doesn't prove anything.
Now, if we strengthened the inductive hypothesis to: for all $n\geq 1$, the sum of the first $n$ odd numbers is $n^2$.
*Base case*($n=1$): This holds.
*Induction Hypothesis*: Assume the sum of the first $k$ odd numbers is a perfect
square $k^2$.
*Inductive Step*: The $(k+1)^{st}$ odd number is $2k+1$. By the I.H., the sum
of the first $k+1$ odd numbers is $k^2+2k+1=(k+1)^2$. Thus, bu the principle of
induction, the theorem holds.
What we have done so far is a notion of induction known as simple or weak
induction. We will now use a different notion called strong induction, where
we modify the induction hypothesis: instead of assuming just
There is no difference in the power of strong and weak induction: there are no statements you can only prove with strong induction and not weak induction. But strong induction can make proofs easier and more concise.
Every natural number $n>1$ can be written as a product of one or more primes.
*Base case*($n=2$): Clearly, $P(2)$ holds since 2 is a prime.
*Induction Hypothesis*: Assume $P(n)$ is true for all $2\leq n\leq k$.
*Inductive Step*: We have two cases, either $k+1$ is a prime number, or it is
In the first case, if $k+1$ is a prime number, then we are done as it is the
product of one prime, itself.
In the second case, if $k+1$ is not a prime, then by definition, $k+1=xy$ for
some $x, y\in\mathbb{Z}^+$ satisfying $1<x,y<k+1$. By the I.H., $x$ and $y$ can
each be written as the product of primes (since $x,y\leq n$). This therefore
implies $k+1$ can also be written as a product of primes.