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HW 1 Worksheet

This is the worksheet for Homework 1. Your deliverables for this homework are:

  • This worksheet with all answers filled in. If you include plots/images, be sure to include all the required files. Alternatively, you can export it as a PDF and it will be self-sufficient.
  • Kaggle submission and writeup (details below)
  • Github repo with all of your code! You need to either fork it or just copy the code over to your repo. A simple way of doing this is provided below. Include the link to your repo below. If you would like to make the repo private, please dm us and we'll send you the GitHub usernames to add as collaborators.

YOUR GITHUB REPO HERE (or notice that you DMed us to share a private repo)

To move to your own repo:

First follow to clone the code. Additionally, create an empty repo on GitHub that you want to use for your code. Then run the following commands:

$ git remote rename origin staff # staff is now the provided repo
$ git remote add origin <your repos remote url>
$ git push -u origin main

Part -1: PyTorch review

Feel free to ask your NMEP friends if you don't know!

-1.0 What is the difference between torch.nn.Module and torch.nn.functional?

torch.nn.Module is a base class for pytorch models, managing different neural models. torch.nn.functional contains different functions such as F.relu().

-1.1 What is the difference between a Dataset and a DataLoader?

Dataset has a collection of dataset, while Dataloader loads batches of data when used for training.

-1.2 What does @torch.no_grad() above a function header do?

The function header disables the gradient computation and updates, and is commonly used when making predictions or evaluations.

Part 0: Understanding the codebase

Read through and follow the steps to understand how the repo is structured.

0.0 What are the files? Why do we have them?**

They define the model and dataset based on the input preferences. For example, we can specify it to be CIFAR-10 OR Medium Image Net based on the input.

0.1 Where would you define a new model?

We would define the model on under the models folder. We would also have to create a file that defines the layers.

0.2 How would you add support for a new dataset? What files would you need to change?

We would add it by defining a new class in the file under the data folder. We would also have to add the actual data in a folder and specify the relevant path for that.

0.3 Where is the actual training code?

The actual code is in the, and seems to be executed using the

0.4 Create a diagram explaining the structure of and the entire code repo.

Be sure to include the 4 main functions in it (main, train_one_epoch, validate, evaluate) and how they interact with each other. Also explain where the other files are used. No need to dive too deep into any part of the code for now, the following parts will do deeper dives into each part of the code. For now, read the code just enough to understand how the pieces come together, not necessarily the specifics. You can use any tool to create the diagram (e.g. just explain it in nice markdown, draw it on paper and take a picture, use, excalidraw, etc.)


Part 1: Datasets

The following questions relate to data/ and data/

1.0 Builder/General

1.0.0 What does build_loader do?

It builds(defines) the relevant dataset and model.

1.0.1 What functions do you need to implement for a PyTorch Datset? (hint there are 3)

We have the __init__, len, and get_item functin. The _init_ function pre-defines the dataset class, assigning path values and relevant values such as image size. The len function returns the length of the dataset when it is called. The get_item function allows us to access a single data through indexing.

1.1 CIFAR10Dataset

1.1.0 Go through the constructor. What field actually contains the data? Do we need to download it ahead of time?

We see that the dataset is obtained by CIFAR10(root="/data/cifar10", train=self.train, download=True). This function will download the data if it is not in the local environment. Thus, we do not need to download it ahead of time.

1.1.1 What is self.train? What is self.transform?

We can see that self.train is a boolean value. When it is given true, it means that we are in the step of training. We can also see that different transforms are performed based on the value of self.train. In the training step, we hae transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip() or horizontal flip performed, while we don't perform such when actual evluation is made (self.train != True).

1.1.2 What does __getitem__ do? What is index?

The __getitem__returns a single data pair (image and its label) based on the index given by the user.

1.1.3 What does __len__ do?

Is returns the length of the dataset.

1.1.4 What does self._get_transforms do? Why is there an if statement?

As noted in question 1.1.1 it performs albumentation or flipping of images to provide more diverse training. The if statement differentiates training step and evaluation/prediction step.

1.1.5 What does transforms.Normalize do? What do the parameters mean? (hint: take a look here:

It normalizes a tensor image based on mean and standard deviation input.

1.2 MediumImagenetHDF5Dataset

1.2.0 Go through the constructor. What field actually contains the data? Where is the data actually stored on honeydew? What other files are stored in that folder on honeydew? How large are they?

We can see that the file path is already defined in the __init__function, and the self.file = h5py.File(filepath, "r") has the local file to be read. Since we defined a path, and we are reading the local file, we do not need to download it ahead of time.

Some background: HDF5 is a file format that stores data in a hierarchical structure. It is similar to a python dictionary. The files are binary and are generally really efficient to use. Additionally, h5py.File() does not actually read the entire file contents into memory. Instead, it only reads the data when you access it (as in __getitem__). You can learn more about hdf5 here and h5py here.

1.2.1 How is _get_transforms different from the one in CIFAR10Dataset?

Where as the CIFAR10 dataset completely separated if-else case for the training and non-training case, the one for this is different in a way that it has a common transform, and a separate transform for the training case.

1.2.2 How is __getitem__ different from the one in CIFAR10Dataset? How many data splits do we have now? Is it different from CIFAR10? Do we have labels/annotations for the test set?

It retreives data based on different self.split values ["train", "val", "test"].

1.2.3 Visualizing the dataset

Visualize ~10 or so examples from the dataset. There's many ways to do it - you can make a separate little script that loads the datasets and displays some images, or you can update the existing code to display the images where it's already easy to load them. In either case, you can use use matplotlib or PIL or opencv to display/save the images. Alternatively you can also use torchvision.utils.make_grid to display multiple images at once and use torchvision.utils.save_image to save the images to disk.

Be sure to also get the class names. You might notice that we don't have them loaded anywhere in the repo - feel free to fix it or just hack it together for now, the class names are in a file in the same folder as the hdf5 dataset.

The work is one on data_explore.ipynb

Part 2: Models

The following questions relate to models/ and models/

What models are implemented for you?

lenet and resnet18

What do PyTorch models inherit from? What functions do we need to implement for a PyTorch Model? (hint there are 2)

It inherits from nn.Module. We need to implement __init__ and forward functions.

How many layers does our implementation of LeNet have? How many parameters does it have? (hint: to count the number of parameters, you might want to run the code)

We have total of 12 layers, including feature layer, flatten layer, and forward layer. (features): Sequential( (0): Conv2d(3, 6, kernel_size=(5, 5), stride=(1, 1), padding=(2, 2)) (1): Sigmoid() (2): AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0) (3): Conv2d(6, 16, kernel_size=(5, 5), stride=(1, 1)) (4): Sigmoid() (5): AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0) ) (classifier): Sequential( (0): Linear(in_features=576, out_features=120, bias=True) (1): Sigmoid() (2): Linear(in_features=120, out_features=84, bias=True) (3): Sigmoid() (4): Linear(in_features=84, out_features=200, bias=True) )

Part 3: Training

The following questions relate to, and the configs in configs/.

3.0 What configs have we provided for you? What models and datasets do they train on?

lenet_base and resnet18_base is trained on cifar-10, while resnet18_medium is trained on the medium_imagenet data.

3.1 Open and go through main(). In bullet points, explain what the function does.

1. It gets datasets from config file
2. It defines the optimizer, loss, and scheduler
3. It trains and records the accuracy and losses 

3.2 Go through validate() and evaluate(). What do they do? How are they different?

Could we have done better by reusing code? Yes. Yes we could have but we didn't... sorry...

validate(): Evaluates the model's performance (accuracy and loss) on a validation dataset. evaluate(): Gets the model's raw predictions on a test dataset. We can see this because validate() stores different losses.

Part 4: AlexNet

Implement AlexNet. Feel free to use the provided LeNet as a template. For convenience, here are the parameters for AlexNet:

Input NxNx3 # For CIFAR 10, you can set img_size to 70
Conv 11x11, 64 filters, stride 4, padding 2
MaxPool 3x3, stride 2
Conv 5x5, 192 filters, padding 2
MaxPool 3x3, stride 2
Conv 3x3, 384 filters, padding 1
Conv 3x3, 256 filters, padding 1
Conv 3x3, 256 filters, padding 1
MaxPool 3x3, stride 2
nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((6, 6)) #
flatten into a vector of length x # what is x?
Dropout 0.5
Linear with 4096 output units
Dropout 0.5
Linear with 4096 output units
Linear with num_classes output units

ReLU activation after every Conv and Linear layer. DO NOT Forget to add activatioons after every layer. Do not apply activation after the last layer.

4.1 How many parameters does AlexNet have? How does it compare to LeNet? With the same batch size, how much memory do LeNet and AlexNet take up while training?

(hint: use gpuststat)


4.2 Train AlexNet on CIFAR10. What accuracy do you get?

Report training and validation accuracy on AlexNet and LeNet. Report hyperparameters for both models (learning rate, batch size, optimizer, etc.). We get ~77% validation with AlexNet.

You can just copy the config file, don't need to write it all out again. Also no need to tune the models much, you'll do it in the next part.


Part 5: Weights and Biases

Parts 5 and 6 are independent. Feel free to attempt them in any order you want.

Background on W&B. W&B is a tool for tracking experiments. You can set up experiments and track metrics, hyperparameters, and even images. It's really neat and we highly recommend it. You can learn more about it here.

For this HW you have to use W&B. The next couple parts should be fairly easy if you setup logging for configs (hyperparameters) and for loss/accuracy. For a quick tutorial on how to use it, check out this quickstart. We will also cover it at HW party at some point this week if you need help.

5.0 Setup plotting for training and validation accuracy and loss curves. Plot a point every epoch.


5.1 Plot the training and validation accuracy and loss curves for AlexNet and LeNet. Attach the plot and any observations you have below.


5.2 For just AlexNet, vary the learning rate by factors of 3ish or 10 (ie if it's 3e-4 also try 1e-4, 1e-3, 3e-3, etc) and plot all the loss plots on the same graph. What do you observe? What is the best learning rate? Try at least 4 different learning rates.


5.3 Do the same with batch size, keeping learning rate and everything else fixed. Ideally the batch size should be a power of 2, but try some odd batch sizes as well. What do you observe? Record training times and loss/accuracy plots for each batch size (should be easy with W&B). Try at least 4 different batch sizes.


5.4 As a followup to the previous question, we're going to explore the effect of batch size on throughput, which is the number of images/sec that our model can process. You can find this by taking the batch size and dividing by the time per epoch. Plot the throughput for batch sizes of powers of 2, i.e. 1, 2, 4, ..., until you reach CUDA OOM. What is the largest batch size you can support? What trends do you observe, and why might this be the case?

You only need to observe the training for ~ 5 epochs to average out the noise in training times; don't train to completion for this question! We're only asking about the time taken. If you're curious for a more in-depth explanation, feel free to read this intro.


5.5 Try different data augmentations. Take a look here for torchvision augmentations. Try at least 2 new augmentation schemes. Record loss/accuracy curves and best accuracies on validation/train set.


5.6 (optional) Play around with more hyperparameters. I recommend playing around with the optimizer (Adam, SGD, RMSProp, etc), learning rate scheduler (constant, StepLR, ReduceLROnPlateau, etc), weight decay, dropout, activation functions (ReLU, Leaky ReLU, GELU, Swish, etc), etc.


Part 6: ResNet

6.0 Implement and train ResNet18

In models/*, we provided some skelly/guiding comments to implement ResNet. Implement it and train it on CIFAR10. Report training and validation curves, hyperparameters, best validation accuracy, and training time as compared to AlexNet.


6.1 Visualize examples

Visualize a couple of the predictions on the validation set (20 or so). Be sure to include the ground truth label and the predicted label. You can use wandb.log() to log images or also just save them to disc any way you think is easy.


Part 7: Kaggle submission

To make this more fun, we have scraped an entire new dataset for you! 🎉

We called it MediumImageNet. It contains 1.5M training images, and 190k images for validation and test each. There are 200 classes distributed approximately evenly. The images are available in 224x224 and 96x96 in hdf5 files. The test set labels are not provided :).

The dataset is downloaded onto honeydew at /data/medium-imagenet. Feel free to play around with the files and learn more about the dataset.

For the kaggle competition, you need to train on the 1.5M training images and submit predictions on the 190k test images. You may validate on the validation set but you may not use is as a training set to get better accuracy (aka don't backprop on it). The test set labels are not provided. You can submit up to 10 times a day (hint: that's a lot). The competition ends on TBD.

Your Kaggle scores should approximately match your validation scores. If they do not, something is wrong.

(Soon) when you run the training script, it will output a file called submission.csv. This is the file you need to submit to Kaggle. You're required to submit at least once.

Kaggle writeup

We don't expect anything fancy here. Just a brief summary of what you did, what worked, what didn't, and what you learned. If you want to include any plots, feel free to do so. That's brownie points. Feel free to write it below or attach it in a separate file.

REQUIREMENT: Everyone in your group must be able to explain what you did! Even if one person carries (I know, it happens) everyone must still be able to explain what's going on!

Now go play with the models and have some competitive fun! 🎉