diff --git a/src/content/docs/en/basics/layouts.mdx b/src/content/docs/en/basics/layouts.mdx
index 8dcab7c30648a..11611fa948ab0 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/en/basics/layouts.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/en/basics/layouts.mdx
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ We conventionally use the term "layout" for Astro components that provide common
But, there is nothing special about a layout component! They can [accept props](/en/basics/astro-components/#component-props) and [import and use other components](/en/basics/astro-components/#component-structure) like any other Astro component. They can include [UI frameworks components](/en/guides/framework-components/) and [client-side scripts](/en/guides/client-side-scripts/). They do not even have to provide a full page shell, and can instead be used as partial UI templates.
-However, if a layout component does contain a page shell, its `` element must be the parent of all other elements in the component. All [`
```astro title="src/pages/index.astro"