The basic Future API is less powerful than the ZIO API, but it's a quick way to get started without prior knowledge of effect systems.
import com.wixpress.dst.greyhound.core.consumer.domain.ConsumerRecord
import com.wixpress.dst.greyhound.core.producer.ProducerRecord
import com.wixpress.dst.greyhound.core.Serdes
import com.wixpress.dst.greyhound.future._
import com.wixpress.dst.greyhound.future.GreyhoundConsumer.aRecordHandler
import scala.concurrent.{Future, ExecutionContext}
val config = GreyhoundConfig(Set("localhost:9092"))
// Define your Greyhound topology
val builder = GreyhoundConsumersBuilder(config)
initialTopics = Set("some-topic"),
group = "some-consumer-group",
handle = aRecordHandler {
new RecordHandler[Int, String] {
override def handle(record: ConsumerRecord[Int, String])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Any] =
/* Your handling logic */
keyDeserializer = Serdes.IntSerde,
valueDeserializer = Serdes.StringSerde,
clientId = "client-id-1"))
for {
// Start consuming
consumers <-
// Create a producer and produce to topic
producer <- GreyhoundProducerBuilder(config).build
_ <- producer.produce(
record = ProducerRecord("some-topic", "hello world", Some(123)),
keySerializer = Serdes.IntSerde,
valueSerializer = Serdes.StringSerde)
// Shutdown all consumers and producers
_ <- producer.shutdown
_ <- consumers.shutdown
} yield ()
By default, all Greyhound metrics are reported using a simple SLF4J logger. You can easily swap it for your own custom reporter like so:
import com.wixpress.dst.greyhound.core.metrics.GreyhoundMetric
import com.wixpress.dst.greyhound.future._
val runtime = GreyhoundRuntimeBuilder()
.withMetricsReporter { metric: GreyhoundMetric =>
// Report to Prometheus / StatsD / OpenTracing etc..
val config = GreyhoundConfig(Set("boostrap-server"), runtime)
val builder = GreyhoundConsumersBuilder(config)
// ...