The core API is just one function.
type Descriptors =
| "string"
| "text"
| "line-comment"
| "multi-comment"
| "unclosed-string"
| "unclosed-comment"
| "space";
interface Token<Types = Descriptors> {
type: Types;
start: number;
end: number;
value: string;
interface Options<T extends Token<unknown>> {
shouldAddToken(type: T["type"], value: string): boolean;
isStringDelimiter(char: string): boolean;
isDelimiter(char: string): boolean;
isWhitespace(char: string): boolean;
createToken(value: string, type: T["type"], start: number, end: number): T;
offset?: number;
function tokenize<T extends Token<unknown>>(
source: string,
}: Options<T>
): T[];
You can extend the tokenizer by providing options that match your use-case and extending the Token type.
type Delimiters = "(" | ")" | "," | ";" | ":";
type CSSCodeToken = Token<Descriptors | Delimiters>;
tokenize<CSSCodeToken>(source, {...})
The main idea is looping over all the characters and splitting tokens via isDelimiter
, isWhitespace
, and isStringDelimiter
After that, you can decide about the shape of the token with createToken
and if it should be included with shouldAddToken
TBD Seeker
TBD helpers
- better unclosed string ending detection