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File metadata and controls

369 lines (366 loc) · 20.9 KB

FlinkCluster Custom Resource Definition

The Kubernetes Operator for Apache Flink uses CustomResourceDefinition named FlinkCluster for specifying a Flink job cluster (sample) or Flink session cluster (sample), depending on whether the job spec is specified. Similarly to other kinds of Kubernetes resources, the custom resource consists of a resource Metadata, a specification in a Spec field and a Status field. The definitions are organized in the following structure. The v1beta1 version of the API definition is implemented here.

|__ metadata
|__ spec
    |__ image
        |__ name
        |__ pullPolicy
        |__ pullSecrets
    |__ batchSchedulerName
    |__ serviceAccountName
    |__ jobManager
        |__ accessScope
        |__ ports
            |__ rpc
            |__ blob
            |__ query
            |__ ui
        |__ extraPorts
        |__ ingress
            |__ hostFormat
            |__ annotations
            |__ useTLS
            |__ tlsSecretName
        |__ resources
        |__ memoryOffHeapRatio
        |__ memoryOffHeapMin
        |__ volumes
        |__ volumeMounts
        |__ volumeClaimTemplates
        |__ initContainers
        |__ nodeSelector
        |__ tolerations
        |__ sidecars
        |__ podAnnotations
        |__ podLabels
        |__ securityContext
    |__ taskManager
        |__ replicas
        |__ ports
            |__ data
            |__ rpc
            |__ query
        |__ extraPorts
        |__ resources
        |__ memoryOffHeapRatio
        |__ memoryOffHeapMin
        |__ volumes
        |__ volumeMounts
        |__ volumeClaimTemplates
        |__ initContainers
        |__ nodeSelector
        |__ tolerations
        |__ sidecars
        |__ podAnnotations
        |__ podLabels
        |__ securityContext
    |__ job
        |__ jarFile
        |__ className
        |__ args
        |__ fromSavepoint
        |__ allowNonRestoredState
        |__ takeSavepointOnUpgrade
        |__ autoSavepointSeconds
        |__ savepointsDir
        |__ savepointGeneration
        |__ parallelism
        |__ noLoggingToStdout
        |__ volumes
        |__ volumeMounts
        |__ initContainers
        |__ restartPolicy
        |__ cleanupPolicy
            |__ afterJobSucceeds
            |__ afterJobFails
            |__ afterJobCancelled
        |__ cancelRequested
        |__ podAnnotations
        |__ podLabels
        |__ securityContext
    |__ envVars
    |__ envFrom
    |__ flinkProperties
    |__ hadoopConfig
        |__ configMapName
        |__ mountPath
    |__ gcpConfig
        |__ serviceAccount
            |__ secretName
            |__ keyFile
            |__ mountPath
    |__ logConfig
    |__ revisionHistoryLimit
    |__ recreateOnUpdate
|__ status
    |__ state
    |__ components
        |__ jobManagerStatefulSet
            |__ name
            |__ state
        |__ jobManagerService
            |__ name
            |__ state
            |__ nodePort
        |__ jobManagerIngress
            |__ name
            |__ state
            |__ urls
        |__ taskManagerStatefulSet
            |__ name
            |__ state
        |__ job
            |__ name
            |__ id
            |__ state
            |__ fromSavepoint
            |__ savepointGeneration
            |__ savepointLocation
            |__ lastSavepointTriggerID
            |__ lastSavepointTime
            |__ restartCount
    |__ control
        |__ name
        |__ details
        |__ state
        |__ message
        |__ updateTime
    |__ savepoint
        |__ jobID
        |__ triggerID
        |__ triggerTime
        |__ triggerReason
        |__ state
        |__ message
    |__ currentRevision
    |__ nextRevision
    |__ collisionCount
    |__ lastUpdateTime
  • FlinkCluster:
    • metadata (required): Resource metadata (name, namespace, labels, etc).
    • spec (required): Flink job or session cluster spec.
      • image (required): Flink image for JobManager, TaskManager and job containers.
        • name (required): Image name.
        • pullPolicy (optional): Image pull policy.
        • pullSecrets (optional): Secrets for image pull.
      • batchSchedulerName (optional): BatchSchedulerName specifies the batch scheduler name for JobManager, TaskManager. If empty, no batch scheduling is enabled.
      • serviceAccountName (optional): the name of the service account(which must already exist in the namespace). If empty, the default service account in the namespace will be used.
      • jobManager (required): JobManager spec.
        • accessScope (optional): Access scope of the JobManager service. enum("Cluster", "VPC", "External", "NodePort", "Headless"). Cluster: accessible from within the same cluster; VPC: accessible from within the same VPC; External: accessible from the internet. NodePort: accessible through node port; Headless: pod IPs assumed to be routable and advertised directly with clusterIP: None.
          Currently VPC and External are only available for GKE.
        • ports (optional): Ports that JobManager listening on.
          • rpc (optional): RPC port, default: 6123.
          • blob (optional): Blob port, default: 6124.
          • query (optional): Query port, default: 6125.
          • ui (optional): UI port, default: 8081.
        • extraPorts (optional): Extra ports to be exposed. For example, Flink metrics reporter ports: Prometheus, JMX and so on. Each port number and name must be unique among ports and extraPorts. ContainerPort is required and name and protocol are optional.
        • ingress (optional): Provide external access to JobManager UI/API.
          • hostFormat (optional): Host format for generating URLs. ex) {{$clusterName}}
          • annotations (optional): Annotations for ingress configuration.
          • useTLS (optional): TLS use, default: false.
          • tlsSecretName (optional): Kubernetes secret resource name for TLS.
        • resources (optional): Compute resources required by JobManager container. If omitted, a default value will be used. See more info about resources.
        • memoryOffHeapRatio (optional): Percentage of off-heap memory in containers, as a safety margin, default: 25
        • memoryOffHeapMin (optional): Minimum amount of off-heap memory in containers, as a safety margin, default: 600M. You can express this value like 600M, 572Mi and 600e6. See more info about value expression.
        • volumes (optional): Volumes in the JobManager pod. See more info about volumes.
        • volumeMounts (optional): Volume mounts in the JobManager container. See more info volume mounts.
        • volumeClaimTemplates (optional): A template for persistent volume claim each requested and mounted to JobManager pod,
          This can be used to mount an external volume with a specific storageClass or larger captivity (for larger/faster state backend)
        • initContainers (optional): Init containers of the JobManager pod. See more info about init containers.
        • nodeSelector (optional): Selector which must match a node's labels for the JobManager pod to be scheduled on that node. See more info
        • tolerations (optional): Allows the JobManager pod to run on a tainted node in the cluster. See more info
        • sidecars (optional): Sidecar containers running alongside with the JobManager container in the pod. See more info about containers.
        • podAnnotations (optional): Pod template annotations for the JobManager StatefulSet. See more info about annotations.
        • podLabels (optional): Pod template labels for the JobManager StatefulSet.
        • securityContext (optional): PodSecurityContext for the JobManager pod. See more info.
      • taskManager (required): TaskManager spec.
        • replicas (required): The number of TaskManager replicas.
        • ports (optional): Ports that TaskManager listening on.
          • data (optional): Data port.
          • rpc (optional): RPC port.
          • query (optional): Query port.
        • extraPorts (optional): Extra ports to be exposed. For example, Flink metrics reporter ports: Prometheus, JMX and so on. Each port number and name must be unique among ports and extraPorts. ContainerPort is required and name and protocol are optional.
        • resources (optional): Compute resources required by JobManager container. If omitted, a default value will be used. See more info about resources.
        • memoryOffHeapRatio (optional): Percentage of off-heap memory in containers, as a safety margin, default: 25
        • memoryOffHeapMin (optional): Minimum amount of off-heap memory in containers, as a safety margin, default: 600M. You can express this value like 600M, 572Mi and 600e6. See more info about value expression.
        • volumes (optional): Volumes in the TaskManager pod. See more info about volumes.
        • volumeMounts (optional): Volume mounts in the TaskManager containers. See more info about volume mounts.
        • volumeClaimTemplates (optional): A template for persistent volume claim each requested and mounted to each TaskManager pod,
          This can be used to mount an external volume with a specific storageClass or larger captivity (for larger/faster state backend) See more info about VolumeClaimTemplates in StatefulSet.
        • initContainers (optional): Init containers of the TaskManager pod. See more info about init containers.
        • nodeSelector (optional): Selector which must match a node's labels for the TaskManager pod to be scheduled on that node. See more info
        • tolerations (optional): Allows the TaskManager pod to run on a tainted node in the cluster. See more info
        • sidecars (optional): Sidecar containers running alongside with the TaskManager container in the pod. See more info about containers.
        • podAnnotations (optional): Pod template annotations for the TaskManager StatefulSet. See more info about annotations.
        • podLabels (optional): Pod template labels for the TaskManager StatefulSet.
        • securityContext (optional): PodSecurityContext for the TaskManager pods. See more info.
      • job (optional): Job spec. If specified, the cluster is a Flink job cluster; otherwise, it is a Flink session cluster.
        • jarFile (required): JAR file of the job. It could be a local file or remote URI, depending on which protocols (e.g., https://, gs://) are supported by the Flink image.
        • className (required): Fully qualified Java class name of the job.
        • args (optional): Command-line args of the job.
        • fromSavepoint (optional): Savepoint where to restore the job from. If Flink job must be restored from the latest available savepoint when Flink job updating, this field must be unspecified.
        • autoSavepointSeconds (optional): Automatically take a savepoint to the savepointsDir every n seconds.
        • savepointsDir (optional): Savepoints dir where to store automatically taken savepoints.
        • allowNonRestoredState (optional): Allow non-restored state, default: false.
        • takeSavepointOnUpgrade (optional): Should take savepoint before upgrading the job, default: false.
        • savepointGeneration (optional): Update this field to jobStatus.savepointGeneration + 1 for a running job cluster to trigger a new savepoint to savepointsDir on demand.
        • parallelism (optional): Parallelism of the job, default: 1.
        • noLoggingToStdout (optional): No logging output to STDOUT, default: false.
        • initContainers (optional): Init containers of the Job pod. See more info about init containers.
        • volumes (optional): Volumes in the Job pod. See more info about volumes.
        • volumeMounts (optional): Volume mounts in the Job containers. If there is no confilcts, these mounts will be automatically added to init containers; otherwise, the mounts defined in init containers will take precedence. See more info about volume mounts.
        • restartPolicy (optional): Restart policy when the job fails, enum("Never", "FromSavepointOnFailure"), default: "Never". "Never" means the operator will never try to restart a failed job, manual cleanup is required. "FromSavepointOnFailure" means the operator will try to restart the failed job from the savepoint recorded in the job status if available; otherwise, the job will stay in failed state. This option is usually used together with autoSavepointSeconds and savepointsDir.
        • cleanupPolicy (optional): The action to take after job finishes.
          • afterJobSucceeds (required): The action to take after job succeeds, enum("KeepCluster", "DeleteCluster", "DeleteTaskManager"), default "DeleteCluster".
          • afterJobFails (required): The action to take after job fails, enum("KeepCluster", "DeleteCluster", "DeleteTaskManager"), default "KeepCluster".
          • afterJobCancelled (required): The action to take after job cancelled, enum("KeepCluster", "DeleteCluster", "DeleteTaskManager"), default "DeleteCluster".
        • cancelRequested (optional): Request the job to be cancelled. Only applies to running jobs. If savePointsDir is provided, a savepoint will be taken before stopping the job.
        • podAnnotations (optional): Pod template annotations for the job. See more info about annotations.
        • podLabels (optional): Pod template labels for the job.
        • securityContext (optional): PodSecurityContext for the Job pod. See more info.
      • envVars (optional): Environment variables shared by all JobManager, TaskManager and job containers.
      • envFrom (optional): Environment variables from ConfigMaps or Secrets shared by all JobManager, TaskManager and job containers.
      • flinkProperties (optional): Flink properties which are appened to flink-conf.yaml.
      • hadoopConfig (optional): Configs for Hadoop.
        • configMapName: The name of the ConfigMap which holds the Hadoop config files. The ConfigMap must be in the same namespace as the FlinkCluster.
        • mountPath: The path where to mount the Volume of the ConfigMap.
      • gcpConfig (optional): Configs for GCP.
        • serviceAccount: GCP service account.
          • secretName: The name of the Secret holding the GCP service account key file. The Secret must be in the same namespace as the FlinkCluster.
          • keyFile: The name of the service account key file.
          • mountPath: The path where to mount the Volume of the Secret.
      • logConfig (optional): The logging configuration, a string-to-string map that becomes the ConfigMap mounted at /opt/flink/conf in launched Flink pods. See below for some possible keys to include:
        • The contents of the log4j properties file to use. If not provided, a default that logs only to stdout will be provided.
        • logback-console.xml: The contents of the logback XML file to use. If not provided, a default that logs only to stdout will be provided.
        • Other arbitrary keys are also allowed, and will become part of the ConfigMap.
      • revisionHistoryLimit (optional): The maximum number of revision history to keep, default: 10.
      • recreateOnUpdate (optional): Recreate components when updating flinkcluster, default: true.
    • status: Flink job or session cluster status.
      • state: The overall state of the Flink cluster.
      • components: The status of the components.
        • jobManagerStatefulSet: The status of the JobManager StatefulSet.
          • name: The resource name of the JobManager StatefulSet.
          • state: The state of the JobManager StatefulSet.
        • jobManagerService: The status of the JobManager service.
          • name: The resource name of the JobManager service.
          • state: The state of the JobManager service.
          • nodePort (optional): The node port, present when accessScope is NodePort.
        • jobManagerIngress: The status of the JobManager ingress.
          • name: The resource name of the JobManager ingress.
          • state: The state of the JobManager ingress.
          • urls: The generated URLs for JobManager.
        • taskManagerStatefulSet: The status of the TaskManager StatefulSet.
          • name: The resource name of the TaskManager StatefulSet.
          • state: The state of the TaskManager StatefulSet.
        • job: The status of the job.
          • name: The resource name of the job.
          • id: The ID of the Flink job.
          • state: The state of the job.
          • fromSavepoint: The actual savepoint from which this job started. In case of restart, it might be different from the savepoint in the job spec.
          • savepointGeneration: The generation of the savepoint in savepointsDir taken by the operator. The value starts from 0 when there is no savepoint and increases by 1 for each successful savepoint.
          • savepointLocation: Last savepoint location.
          • lastSavepointTriggerID: Last savepoint trigger ID.
          • lastSavepointTime: Last successful or failed savepoint operation timestamp.
          • restartCount: The number of restarts.
      • control: The status of control requested by user.
        • name: Requested control name.
        • details: Control details.
        • state: Control state.
        • message: Control message.
        • updateTime: The updated time of control status.
      • savepoint: The status of savepoint progress.
        • jobID: The ID of the Flink job.
        • triggerID: Savepoint trigger ID.
        • triggerTime: Savepoint triggered time.
        • triggerReason: Savepoint triggered reason.
        • state: Savepoint state.
        • message: Savepoint message.
      • currentRevision: CurrentRevision indicates the version of FlinkCluster.
      • nextRevision: NextRevision indicates the version of FlinkCluster updating.
      • collisionCount: collisionCount is the count of hash collisions for the FlinkCluster. The controller uses this field as a collision avoidance mechanism when it needs to create the name for the newest ControllerRevision.
      • lastUpdateTime: Last update timestamp of this status.