diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index fc785f43f3..6c739ed42b 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Full documentation is available at https://wodby.com/docs/stacks/drupal/local. Images tags format is `[VERSION]-[STABILITY_TAG]` where: -`[VERSION]`** is the _version of an application_ (without patch version) running in a container, e.g. `wodby/nginx:1.15-x.x.x` where Nginx version is `1.15` and `x.x.x` is a stability tag. For some images we include both major and minor version like PHP `7.2`, for others we include only major like Redis `5`. +`[VERSION]` is the _version of an application_ (without patch version) running in a container, e.g. `wodby/nginx:1.15-x.x.x` where Nginx version is `1.15` and `x.x.x` is a stability tag. For some images we include both major and minor version like PHP `7.2`, for others we include only major like Redis `5`. `[STABILITY_TAG]` is the _version of an image_ that corresponds to a git tag of the image repository, e.g. `wodby/mariadb:10.2-3.3.8` has MariaDB `10.2` and stability tag [`3.3.8`](https://github.com/wodby/mariadb/releases/tag/3.3.8). New stability tags include patch updates for applications and image's fixes/improvements (new env vars, orchestration actions fixes, etc). Stability tag changes described in the corresponding a git tag description. Stability tags follow [semantic versioning](https://semver.org/).