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wolfBoot TPM support

In wolfBoot we support TPM based root of trust, sealing/unsealing, cryptographic offloading and measured boot using a TPM.

Build Options

Config Option Preprocessor Macro Description
WOLFTPM=1 WOLFBOOT_TPM Enables wolfTPM support
WOLFBOOT_TPM_VERIFY=1 WOLFBOOT_TPM_VERIFY Enables cryptographic offloading for RSA2048 and ECC256/384 to the TPM.
WOLFBOOT_TPM_KEYSTORE=1 WOLFBOOT_TPM_KEYSTORE Enables TPM based root of trust. NV Index must store a hash of the trusted public key.
WOLFBOOT_TPM_KEYSTORE_NV_BASE=0x WOLFBOOT_TPM_KEYSTORE_NV_BASE=0x NV index in platform range 0x1400000 - 0x17FFFFF.
MEASURED_BOOT=1 WOLFBOOT_MEASURED_BOOT Enable measured boot. Extend PCR with wolfBoot hash.
MEASURED_PCR_A=16 WOLFBOOT_MEASURED_PCR_A=16 The PCR index to use. See docs/
WOLFBOOT_TPM_SEAL=1 WOLFBOOT_TPM_SEAL Enables support for sealing/unsealing based on PCR policy signed externally.
WOLFBOOT_TPM_SEAL_NV_BASE=0x01400300 WOLFBOOT_TPM_SEAL_NV_BASE To override the default sealed blob storage location in the platform hierarchy.
WOLFBOOT_TPM_SEAL_AUTH=secret WOLFBOOT_TPM_SEAL_AUTH Password for sealing/unsealing secrets, if omitted the PCR policy will be used

Root of Trust (ROT)

See wolfTPM Secure Root of Trust (ROT) example here.

The design uses a platform NV handle that has been locked. The NV stores a hash of the public key. It is recommended to supply a derived "authentication" value to prevent TPM tampering. This authentication value is encrypted on the bus.

Cryptographic offloading

The RSA2048 and ECC256/384 bit verification can be offloaded to a TPM for code size reduction or performance improvement. Enabled using WOLFBOOT_TPM_VERIFY. NOTE: The TPM's RSA verify requires ASN.1 encoding, so use SIGN=RSA2048ENC

Measured Boot

The wolfBoot image is hashed and extended to the indicated PCR. This can be used later in the application to prove the boot process was not tampered with. Enabled with WOLFBOOT_MEASURED_BOOT and exposes API wolfBoot_tpm2_extend.

Sealing and Unsealing a secret

See the wolfTPM Sealing/Unsealing example here

Known PCR values must be signed to seal/unseal a secret. The signature for the authorization policy resides in the signed header using the --policy argument. If a signed policy is not in the header then a value cannot be sealed. Instead the PCR(s) values and a PCR policy digest will be printed to sign. You can use ./tools/keytools/sign or ./tools/tpm/policy_sign to sign the policy externally.

This exposes two new wolfBoot API's for sealing and unsealing data with blob stored to NV index:

int wolfBoot_seal_auth(const uint8_t* pubkey_hint, const uint8_t* policy, uint16_t policySz,
    int index, const uint8_t* secret, int secret_sz, const byte* auth, int authSz);
int wolfBoot_unseal_auth(const uint8_t* pubkey_hint, const uint8_t* policy, uint16_t policySz,
    int index, uint8_t* secret, int* secret_sz, const byte* auth, int authSz);

By default this index will be based on an NV Index at (0x01400300 + index). The default NV base can be overridden with WOLFBOOT_TPM_SEAL_NV_BASE.

NOTE: The TPM's RSA verify requires ASN.1 encoding, so use SIGN=RSA2048ENC

Testing seal/unseal with simulator

% cp config/examples/sim-tpm-seal.config .config
% make keytools
% make tpmtools
% echo aaa > aaa.bin
% echo bbb > bbb.bin
% ./tools/tpm/pcr_extend 0 aaa.bin
% ./tools/tpm/pcr_extend 1 bbb.bin
# hash for policy PCR is done 1 then 0
% ./tools/tpm/policy_create -pcr=1 -pcr=0 -out=policy.bin
# if ROT enabled
% ./tools/tpm/rot -write [-auth=TestAuth]
% make clean

% ./wolfboot.elf get_version
Simulator assigned ./internal_flash.dd to base 0x107175000
Mfg IBM  (0), Vendor SW   TPM, Fw 8228.293 (0x120000), FIPS 140-2 1, CC-EAL4 0
Unlocking disk...
Boot partition: 0x1071f5000 (size 21288, version 0x1)
Error 395 reading blob from NV index 1400300 (error TPM_RC_HANDLE)
Error 395 unsealing secret! (TPM_RC_HANDLE)
Sealed secret does not exist!
Creating new secret (32 bytes)
Error 395 deleting blob from NV index 1400300 (error TPM_RC_HANDLE)
Wrote 242 bytes to NV index 0x1400300
Read 242 bytes from NV index 0x1400300
Secret Check 32 bytes
Secret 32 bytes
Boot partition: 0x1071f5000 (size 21288, version 0x1)
Boot header magic 0x00000000 invalid at 0x107275000
Boot partition: 0x1071f5000 (size 21288, version 0x1)
Booting version: 0x1
TPM Root of Trust valid (id 0)
Simulator assigned ./internal_flash.dd to base 0x1073cc000
% ./wolfboot.elf get_version
Simulator assigned ./internal_flash.dd to base 0x102f38000
Mfg IBM  (0), Vendor SW   TPM, Fw 8228.293 (0x120000), FIPS 140-2 1, CC-EAL4 0
Unlocking disk...
Boot partition: 0x102fb8000 (size 21288, version 0x1)
Read 242 bytes from NV index 0x1400300
Secret 32 bytes
Boot partition: 0x102fb8000 (size 21288, version 0x1)
Boot header magic 0x00000000 invalid at 0x103038000
Boot partition: 0x102fb8000 (size 21288, version 0x1)
Booting version: 0x1
TPM Root of Trust valid (id 0)
Simulator assigned ./internal_flash.dd to base 0x10318f000

Testing seal/unseal on actual hardware

  1. Get the actual PCR digest for policy.
  2. Sign policy and include in firmware image header.

Getting PCR values

If no signed policy exists, then the seal function will generate and display the active PCR's, PCR digest and policy digest (to sign)

% make tpmtools
% ./tools/tpm/rot -write
% ./tools/tpm/pcr_reset 16
% ./wolfboot.elf get_version
Simulator assigned ./internal_flash.dd to base 0x101a64000
Mfg IBM  (0), Vendor SW   TPM, Fw 8217.4131 (0x163636), FIPS 140-2 1, CC-EAL4 0
Boot partition: 0x101ae4000
Image size 57192
Policy header not found!
Generating policy based on active PCR's!
Getting active PCR's (0-16)
PCR 16 (counter 20)
Found 1 active PCR's (mask 0x00010000)
PCR Digest (32 bytes):
PCR Mask (0x00010000) and PCR Policy Digest (36 bytes):
Use this policy with the sign tool (--policy arg) or POLICY_FILE config
Image policy signature missing!
Boot partition: 0x101ae4000
Image size 57192
TPM Root of Trust valid (id 0)
Simulator assigned ./internal_flash.dd to base 0x101c2f000

The 0000010034ba061436aba2e9a167a1ee46af4a9578a8c6b9f71fdece21607a0cb40468ec above can be directly used by the keytool. The

echo "0000010034ba061436aba2e9a167a1ee46af4a9578a8c6b9f71fdece21607a0cb40468ec" | xxd -r -p > policy.bin

OR use the tools/tpm/policy_create tool to generate a digest to be signed. The used PCR(s) must be set using "-pcr=#". The PCR digest can be supplied using "-pcrdigest=" or if not supplied will be read from the TPM directly.

% ./tools/tpm/policy_create -pcr=16 -pcrdigest=f84085631f85333ad0338b06c82f16888b7923abaccffb881d5416e389be256c -out=policy.bin
# OR
% ./tools/tpm/policy_create -pcrmask=0x00010000 -pcrdigest=f84085631f85333ad0338b06c82f16888b7923abaccffb881d5416e389be256c -out=policy.bin
Policy Create Tool
PCR Index(s) (SHA256): 16  (mask 0x00010000)
PCR Digest (32 bytes):
PCR Mask (0x00010000) and PCR Policy Digest (36 bytes):
Wrote 36 bytes to policy.bin

Signing Policy

Building firmware with the policy digest to sign:

% make POLICY_FILE=policy.bin

OR manually sign the policy using the tools/tpm/policy_sign or tools/keytools/sign tools. These tools do not need access to a TPM, they are signing a policy digest. The result is a 32-bit PCR mask + signature.

Sign with policy_sign tool:

% ./tools/tpm/policy_sign -pcr=0 -pcrdigest=eca4e8eda468b8667244ae972b8240d3244ea72341b2bf2383e79c66643bbecc
Sign PCR Policy Tool
Signing Algorithm: ECC256
PCR Index(s) (SHA256): 0
Policy Signing Key: wolfboot_signing_private_key.der
PCR Digest (32 bytes):
PCR Policy Digest (32 bytes):
PCR Policy Digest (w/PolicyRef) (32 bytes):
PCR Mask (0x1) and Policy Signature (68 bytes):
Wrote PCR Mask + Signature (68 bytes) to policy.bin.sig

Sign using the signing key tool:

% ./tools/keytools/sign --ecc256 --policy policy.bin test-app/image.elf wolfboot_signing_private_key.der 1
wolfBoot KeyTools (Compiled C version)
wolfBoot version 1100000
Update type:          Firmware
Input image:          test-app/image.elf
Selected cipher:      ECC256
Selected hash  :      SHA256
Public key:           wolfboot_signing_private_key.der
Output  image:        test-app/image_v1_signed.bin
Target partition id : 1
image header size calculated at runtime (256 bytes)
Calculating SHA256 digest...
Signing the digest...
Opening policy file policy.bin
Signing the policy digest...
Saving policy signature to policy.bin.sig
Output image(s) successfully created.