and running at home
Window / Door Contact
- HmIP-SWDO -> homematicip_cloud.binary_sensor
Pluggable Switch and Meter
- HmIP-PSM -> homematicip_cloud.switch
Switch Actuator and Meter for brand switches and dimming
- HmIP-BSM -> homematicip_cloud.light -> homematicip_cloud.light
- HmIP-BDT -> homematicip_cloud.light -> homematicip_cloud.light
Motion detectors
- HmIP-SMI -> homematicip_cloud.binary_sensor
- HmIP-SMI55 -> homematicip_cloud.binary_sensor
Radiator Thermostat
- HmIP-eTRV(-2) -> homematicip_cloud.climate
Temperature and Humidity Sensor
- HmIP-WTH -> homematicip_cloud.sensor (temperature and humidity)
- HmIP-STH -> homematicip_cloud.sensor (temperature and humidity)
- HmIP-STHD -> homematicip_cloud.sensor (temperature and humidity)