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Yehonal edited this page Dec 28, 2020 · 2 revisions

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How to get FeedbackUI fields from the database

FeedbackUI sends a JSON string to the server that is stored as a text into the character -> bugreport db table

You can use the following query (Still not complete) to extract the data and create a view:

`type`->>'$.reportCalendar' as reportCalendar,
`type`->>'$.reportDate' as reportDate,
`type`->>'$.reportGameTime' as reportGameTime,
`type`->>'$.reportSubjectId' as reportSubjectId,
`type`->>'$.reportSubjectType' as reportSubjectType,
`type`->>'$.reportSubjectSubType' as reportSubjectSubType,
`type`->>'$.currentWorldMapAreaId' as currentWorldMapAreaId,
`type`->>'$.currentWorldMapZoneId' as currentWorldMapZoneId,
`type`->>'$.currentWorldMapMapId' as currentWorldMapMapId,
`type`->>'$.text' as `text`
from bugreport
where JSON_VALID(`type`)
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