diff --git a/hal/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/hal/SPIJNI.java b/hal/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/hal/SPIJNI.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 242053ec382..00000000000
--- a/hal/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/hal/SPIJNI.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-package edu.wpi.first.hal;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
- * SPI HAL JNI functions.
- *
- * @see "SPI.h"
- */
-public class SPIJNI extends JNIWrapper {
- /** Invalid port number. */
- public static final int INVALID_PORT = -1;
- /** Onboard SPI bus port CS0. */
- public static final int ONBOARD_CS0_PORT = 0;
- /** Onboard SPI bus port CS1. */
- public static final int ONBOARD_CS1_PORT = 1;
- /** Onboard SPI bus port CS2. */
- public static final int ONBOARD_CS2_PORT = 2;
- /** Onboard SPI bus port CS3. */
- public static final int ONBOARD_CS3_PORT = 3;
- /** MXP (roboRIO MXP) SPI bus port. */
- public static final int MXP_PORT = 4;
- /** Clock idle low, data sampled on rising edge. */
- public static final int SPI_MODE0 = 0;
- /** Clock idle low, data sampled on falling edge. */
- public static final int SPI_MODE1 = 1;
- /** Clock idle high, data sampled on falling edge. */
- public static final int SPI_MODE2 = 2;
- /** Clock idle high, data sampled on rising edge. */
- public static final int SPI_MODE3 = 3;
- /**
- * Initializes the SPI port. Opens the port if necessary and saves the handle.
- *
- *
If opening the MXP port, also sets up the channel functions appropriately.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS3, 4 for MXP
- * @see "HAL_InitializeSPI"
- */
- public static native void spiInitialize(int port);
- /**
- * Performs an SPI send/receive transaction.
- *
- *
This is a lower-level interface to the spi hardware giving you more control over each
- * transaction.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP
- * @param dataToSend Buffer of data to send as part of the transaction.
- * @param dataReceived Buffer to read data into.
- * @param size Number of bytes to transfer. [0..7]
- * @return Number of bytes transferred, -1 for error
- * @see "HAL_TransactionSPI"
- */
- public static native int spiTransaction(
- int port, ByteBuffer dataToSend, ByteBuffer dataReceived, byte size);
- /**
- * Performs an SPI send/receive transaction.
- *
- *
This is a lower-level interface to the spi hardware giving you more control over each
- * transaction.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP
- * @param dataToSend Buffer of data to send as part of the transaction.
- * @param dataReceived Buffer to read data into.
- * @param size Number of bytes to transfer. [0..7]
- * @return Number of bytes transferred, -1 for error
- * @see "HAL_TransactionSPI"
- */
- public static native int spiTransactionB(
- int port, byte[] dataToSend, byte[] dataReceived, byte size);
- /**
- * Executes a write transaction with the device.
- *
- *
Writes to a device and wait until the transaction is complete.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP
- * @param dataToSend The data to write to the register on the device.
- * @param sendSize The number of bytes to be written
- * @return The number of bytes written. -1 for an error
- * @see "HAL_WriteSPI"
- */
- public static native int spiWrite(int port, ByteBuffer dataToSend, byte sendSize);
- /**
- * Executes a write transaction with the device.
- *
- *
Writes to a device and wait until the transaction is complete.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP
- * @param dataToSend The data to write to the register on the device.
- * @param sendSize The number of bytes to be written
- * @return The number of bytes written. -1 for an error
- * @see "HAL_WriteSPI"
- */
- public static native int spiWriteB(int port, byte[] dataToSend, byte sendSize);
- /**
- * Executes a read from the device.
- *
- *
This method does not write any data out to the device.
- *
- *
Most spi devices will require a register address to be written before they begin returning
- * data.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP
- * @param initiate initiates a transaction when true. Just reads when false.
- * @param dataReceived A pointer to the array of bytes to store the data read from the device.
- * @param size The number of bytes to read in the transaction. [1..7]
- * @return Number of bytes read. -1 for error.
- * @see "HAL_ReadSPI"
- */
- public static native int spiRead(int port, boolean initiate, ByteBuffer dataReceived, byte size);
- /**
- * Executes a read from the device.
- *
- *
This method does not write any data out to the device.
- *
- *
Most spi devices will require a register address to be written before they begin returning
- * data.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP
- * @param initiate initiates a transaction when true. Just reads when false.
- * @param dataReceived A pointer to the array of bytes to store the data read from the device.
- * @param size The number of bytes to read in the transaction. [1..7]
- * @return Number of bytes read. -1 for error.
- * @see "HAL_ReadSPI"
- */
- public static native int spiReadB(int port, boolean initiate, byte[] dataReceived, byte size);
- /**
- * Closes the SPI port.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP
- * @see "HAL_CloseSPI"
- */
- public static native void spiClose(int port);
- /**
- * Sets the clock speed for the SPI bus.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP
- * @param speed The speed in Hz (500KHz-10MHz)
- * @see "HAL_SetSPISpeed"
- */
- public static native void spiSetSpeed(int port, int speed);
- /**
- * Sets the SPI Mode.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP
- * @param mode The SPI mode to use
- * @see "HAL_SetSPIMode"
- */
- public static native void spiSetMode(int port, int mode);
- /**
- * Gets the SPI Mode.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP
- * @return The SPI mode currently set
- * @see "HAL_GetSPIMode"
- */
- public static native int spiGetMode(int port);
- /**
- * Sets the CS Active high for a SPI port.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP
- * @see "HAL_SetSPIChipSelectActiveHigh"
- */
- public static native void spiSetChipSelectActiveHigh(int port);
- /**
- * Sets the CS Active low for a SPI port.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP
- * @see "HAL_SetSPIChipSelectActiveLow"
- */
- public static native void spiSetChipSelectActiveLow(int port);
- /**
- * Initializes the SPI automatic accumulator.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP.
- * @param bufferSize The accumulator buffer size.
- * @see "HAL_InitSPIAuto"
- */
- public static native void spiInitAuto(int port, int bufferSize);
- /**
- * Frees an SPI automatic accumulator.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP.
- * @see "HAL_FreeSPIAuto"
- */
- public static native void spiFreeAuto(int port);
- /**
- * Sets the period for automatic SPI accumulation.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP.
- * @param period The accumulation period (seconds).
- * @see "HAL_StartSPIAutoRate"
- */
- public static native void spiStartAutoRate(int port, double period);
- /**
- * Starts the auto SPI accumulator on a specific trigger.
- *
- *
Note that triggering on both rising and falling edges is a valid configuration.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP.
- * @param digitalSourceHandle The trigger source to use (Either HAL_AnalogTriggerHandle or
- * HAL_DigitalHandle).
- * @param analogTriggerType The analog trigger type, if the source is an analog trigger.
- * @param triggerRising Trigger on the rising edge if true.
- * @param triggerFalling Trigger on the falling edge if true.
- * @see "HAL_StartSPIAutoTrigger"
- */
- public static native void spiStartAutoTrigger(
- int port,
- int digitalSourceHandle,
- int analogTriggerType,
- boolean triggerRising,
- boolean triggerFalling);
- /**
- * Stops an automatic SPI accumulation.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP.
- * @see "HAL_StopSPIAuto"
- */
- public static native void spiStopAuto(int port);
- /**
- * Sets the data to be transmitted to the device to initiate a read.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP.
- * @param dataToSend Pointer to the data to send (Gets copied for continue use, so no need to keep
- * alive).
- * @param zeroSize The number of zeros to send after the data.
- * @see "HAL_SetSPIAutoTransmitData"
- */
- public static native void spiSetAutoTransmitData(int port, byte[] dataToSend, int zeroSize);
- /**
- * Immediately forces an SPI read to happen.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP.
- * @see "HAL_ForceSPIAutoRead"
- */
- public static native void spiForceAutoRead(int port);
- /**
- * Reads data received by the SPI accumulator. Each received data sequence consists of a timestamp
- * followed by the received data bytes, one byte per word (in the least significant byte). The
- * length of each received data sequence is the same as the combined dataSize + zeroSize set in
- * spiSetAutoTransmitData.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP.
- * @param buffer The buffer to store the data into.
- * @param numToRead The number of words to read.
- * @param timeout The read timeout (in seconds).
- * @return The number of words actually read.
- * @see "HAL_ReadSPIAutoReceivedData"
- */
- public static native int spiReadAutoReceivedData(
- int port, ByteBuffer buffer, int numToRead, double timeout);
- /**
- * Reads data received by the SPI accumulator. Each received data sequence consists of a timestamp
- * followed by the received data bytes, one byte per word (in the least significant byte). The
- * length of each received data sequence is the same as the combined dataSize + zeroSize set in
- * spiSetAutoTransmitData.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP.
- * @param buffer The buffer to store the data into.
- * @param numToRead The number of words to read.
- * @param timeout The read timeout (in seconds).
- * @return The number of words actually read.
- * @see "HAL_ReadSPIAutoReceivedData"
- */
- public static native int spiReadAutoReceivedData(
- int port, int[] buffer, int numToRead, double timeout);
- /**
- * Gets the count of how many SPI accumulations have been missed.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP.
- * @return The number of missed accumulations.
- * @see "HAL_GetSPIAutoDroppedCount"
- */
- public static native int spiGetAutoDroppedCount(int port);
- /**
- * Configure the Auto SPI Stall time between reads.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP.
- * @param csToSclkTicks the number of ticks to wait before asserting the cs pin
- * @param stallTicks the number of ticks to stall for
- * @param pow2BytesPerRead the number of bytes to read before stalling
- * @see "HAL_ConfigureSPIAutoStall"
- */
- public static native void spiConfigureAutoStall(
- int port, int csToSclkTicks, int stallTicks, int pow2BytesPerRead);
- /** Utility class. */
- private SPIJNI() {}
diff --git a/hal/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/hal/simulation/SPIAccelerometerDataJNI.java b/hal/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/hal/simulation/SPIAccelerometerDataJNI.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b38fb553314..00000000000
--- a/hal/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/hal/simulation/SPIAccelerometerDataJNI.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-package edu.wpi.first.hal.simulation;
-import edu.wpi.first.hal.JNIWrapper;
-/** JNI for SPI accelerometer data. */
-public class SPIAccelerometerDataJNI extends JNIWrapper {
- public static native int registerActiveCallback(
- int index, NotifyCallback callback, boolean initialNotify);
- public static native void cancelActiveCallback(int index, int uid);
- public static native boolean getActive(int index);
- public static native void setActive(int index, boolean active);
- public static native int registerRangeCallback(
- int index, NotifyCallback callback, boolean initialNotify);
- public static native void cancelRangeCallback(int index, int uid);
- public static native int getRange(int index);
- public static native void setRange(int index, int range);
- public static native int registerXCallback(
- int index, NotifyCallback callback, boolean initialNotify);
- public static native void cancelXCallback(int index, int uid);
- public static native double getX(int index);
- public static native void setX(int index, double x);
- public static native int registerYCallback(
- int index, NotifyCallback callback, boolean initialNotify);
- public static native void cancelYCallback(int index, int uid);
- public static native double getY(int index);
- public static native void setY(int index, double y);
- public static native int registerZCallback(
- int index, NotifyCallback callback, boolean initialNotify);
- public static native void cancelZCallback(int index, int uid);
- public static native double getZ(int index);
- public static native void setZ(int index, double z);
- public static native void resetData(int index);
- /** Utility class. */
- private SPIAccelerometerDataJNI() {}
diff --git a/hal/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/hal/simulation/SPIDataJNI.java b/hal/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/hal/simulation/SPIDataJNI.java
deleted file mode 100644
index fa8df895df2..00000000000
--- a/hal/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/hal/simulation/SPIDataJNI.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-package edu.wpi.first.hal.simulation;
-import edu.wpi.first.hal.JNIWrapper;
-/** JNI for SPI data. */
-public class SPIDataJNI extends JNIWrapper {
- public static native int registerInitializedCallback(
- int index, NotifyCallback callback, boolean initialNotify);
- public static native void cancelInitializedCallback(int index, int uid);
- public static native boolean getInitialized(int index);
- public static native void setInitialized(int index, boolean initialized);
- public static native int registerReadCallback(int index, BufferCallback callback);
- public static native void cancelReadCallback(int index, int uid);
- public static native int registerWriteCallback(int index, ConstBufferCallback callback);
- public static native void cancelWriteCallback(int index, int uid);
- public static native int registerReadAutoReceiveBufferCallback(
- int index, SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallback callback);
- public static native void cancelReadAutoReceiveBufferCallback(int index, int uid);
- public static native void resetData(int index);
- /** Utility class. */
- private SPIDataJNI() {}
diff --git a/hal/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/hal/simulation/SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallback.java b/hal/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/hal/simulation/SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallback.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 10dd0d2e213..00000000000
--- a/hal/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/hal/simulation/SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallback.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-package edu.wpi.first.hal.simulation;
-public interface SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallback {
- int callback(String name, int[] buffer, int numToRead);
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/cpp/handles/HandlesInternal.cpp b/hal/src/main/native/cpp/handles/HandlesInternal.cpp
index 80dca7107a4..6436667fb31 100644
--- a/hal/src/main/native/cpp/handles/HandlesInternal.cpp
+++ b/hal/src/main/native/cpp/handles/HandlesInternal.cpp
@@ -61,20 +61,6 @@ HAL_PortHandle createPortHandle(uint8_t channel, uint8_t module) {
handle += channel;
return handle;
-HAL_PortHandle createPortHandleForSPI(uint8_t channel) {
- // set last 8 bits, then shift to first 8 bits
- HAL_PortHandle handle = static_cast(HAL_HandleEnum::Port);
- handle = handle << 16;
- // set second set up bits to 1
- int32_t temp = 1;
- temp = (temp << 8) & 0xff00;
- handle += temp;
- // shift to last set of bits
- handle = handle << 8;
- // add channel to last 8 bits
- handle += channel;
- return handle;
HAL_Handle createHandle(int16_t index, HAL_HandleEnum handleType,
int16_t version) {
if (index < 0) {
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/SPIJNI.cpp b/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/SPIJNI.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0940de6da73..00000000000
--- a/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/SPIJNI.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "HALUtil.h"
-#include "edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI.h"
-#include "hal/SPI.h"
-using namespace hal;
-using namespace wpi::java;
-static_assert(HAL_SPIPort::HAL_SPI_kInvalid ==
- edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI_INVALID_PORT);
-static_assert(HAL_SPIPort::HAL_SPI_kOnboardCS0 ==
- edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI_ONBOARD_CS0_PORT);
-static_assert(HAL_SPIPort::HAL_SPI_kOnboardCS1 ==
- edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI_ONBOARD_CS1_PORT);
-static_assert(HAL_SPIPort::HAL_SPI_kOnboardCS2 ==
- edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI_ONBOARD_CS2_PORT);
-static_assert(HAL_SPIPort::HAL_SPI_kOnboardCS3 ==
- edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI_ONBOARD_CS3_PORT);
-static_assert(HAL_SPIPort::HAL_SPI_kMXP == edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI_MXP_PORT);
-static_assert(HAL_SPIMode::HAL_SPI_kMode0 ==
- edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI_SPI_MODE0);
-static_assert(HAL_SPIMode::HAL_SPI_kMode1 ==
- edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI_SPI_MODE1);
-static_assert(HAL_SPIMode::HAL_SPI_kMode2 ==
- edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI_SPI_MODE2);
-static_assert(HAL_SPIMode::HAL_SPI_kMode3 ==
- edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI_SPI_MODE3);
-extern "C" {
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiInitialize
- * Signature: (I)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint port)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_InitializeSPI(static_cast(port), &status);
- CheckStatusForceThrow(env, status);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiTransaction
- * Signature: (ILjava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;B)I
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint port, jobject dataToSend, jobject dataReceived,
- jbyte size)
- uint8_t* dataToSendPtr = nullptr;
- if (dataToSend != nullptr) {
- dataToSendPtr =
- reinterpret_cast(env->GetDirectBufferAddress(dataToSend));
- }
- uint8_t* dataReceivedPtr =
- reinterpret_cast(env->GetDirectBufferAddress(dataReceived));
- jint retVal = HAL_TransactionSPI(static_cast(port),
- dataToSendPtr, dataReceivedPtr, size);
- return retVal;
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiTransactionB
- * Signature: (I[B[BB)I
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint port, jbyteArray dataToSend,
- jbyteArray dataReceived, jbyte size)
- if (size < 0) {
- ThrowIllegalArgumentException(env, "SPIJNI.spiTransactionB() size < 0");
- return 0;
- }
- wpi::SmallVector recvBuf;
- recvBuf.resize(size);
- jint retVal =
- HAL_TransactionSPI(static_cast(port),
- reinterpret_cast(
- JSpan(env, dataToSend).data()),
- recvBuf.data(), size);
- env->SetByteArrayRegion(dataReceived, 0, size,
- reinterpret_cast(recvBuf.data()));
- return retVal;
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiWrite
- * Signature: (ILjava/lang/Object;B)I
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint port, jobject dataToSend, jbyte size)
- uint8_t* dataToSendPtr = nullptr;
- if (dataToSend != nullptr) {
- dataToSendPtr =
- reinterpret_cast(env->GetDirectBufferAddress(dataToSend));
- }
- jint retVal =
- HAL_WriteSPI(static_cast(port), dataToSendPtr, size);
- return retVal;
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiWriteB
- * Signature: (I[BB)I
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint port, jbyteArray dataToSend, jbyte size)
- jint retVal = HAL_WriteSPI(static_cast(port),
- reinterpret_cast(
- JSpan(env, dataToSend).data()),
- size);
- return retVal;
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiRead
- * Signature: (IZLjava/lang/Object;B)I
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint port, jboolean initiate, jobject dataReceived,
- jbyte size)
- if (size < 0) {
- ThrowIllegalArgumentException(env, "SPIJNI.spiRead() size < 0");
- return 0;
- }
- uint8_t* dataReceivedPtr =
- reinterpret_cast(env->GetDirectBufferAddress(dataReceived));
- jint retVal;
- if (initiate) {
- wpi::SmallVector sendBuf;
- sendBuf.resize(size);
- retVal = HAL_TransactionSPI(static_cast(port), sendBuf.data(),
- dataReceivedPtr, size);
- } else {
- retVal = HAL_ReadSPI(static_cast(port),
- reinterpret_cast(dataReceivedPtr), size);
- }
- return retVal;
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiReadB
- * Signature: (IZ[BB)I
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint port, jboolean initiate, jbyteArray dataReceived,
- jbyte size)
- if (size < 0) {
- ThrowIllegalArgumentException(env, "SPIJNI.spiReadB() size < 0");
- return 0;
- }
- jint retVal;
- wpi::SmallVector recvBuf;
- recvBuf.resize(size);
- if (initiate) {
- wpi::SmallVector sendBuf;
- sendBuf.resize(size);
- retVal = HAL_TransactionSPI(static_cast(port), sendBuf.data(),
- recvBuf.data(), size);
- } else {
- retVal = HAL_ReadSPI(static_cast(port), recvBuf.data(), size);
- }
- env->SetByteArrayRegion(dataReceived, 0, size,
- reinterpret_cast(recvBuf.data()));
- return retVal;
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiClose
- * Signature: (I)V
- */
- (JNIEnv*, jclass, jint port)
- HAL_CloseSPI(static_cast(port));
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiSetSpeed
- * Signature: (II)V
- */
- (JNIEnv*, jclass, jint port, jint speed)
- HAL_SetSPISpeed(static_cast(port), speed);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiSetMode
- * Signature: (II)V
- */
- (JNIEnv*, jclass, jint port, jint mode)
- HAL_SetSPIMode(static_cast(port),
- static_cast(mode));
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiGetMode
- * Signature: (I)I
- */
- (JNIEnv*, jclass, jint port)
- return static_cast(HAL_GetSPIMode(static_cast(port)));
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiSetChipSelectActiveHigh
- * Signature: (I)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint port)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetSPIChipSelectActiveHigh(static_cast(port), &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiSetChipSelectActiveLow
- * Signature: (I)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint port)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetSPIChipSelectActiveLow(static_cast(port), &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiInitAuto
- * Signature: (II)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint port, jint bufferSize)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_InitSPIAuto(static_cast(port), bufferSize, &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiFreeAuto
- * Signature: (I)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint port)
- int32_t status = 0;
- if (port != HAL_kInvalidHandle) {
- HAL_FreeSPIAuto(static_cast(port), &status);
- }
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiStartAutoRate
- * Signature: (ID)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint port, jdouble period)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_StartSPIAutoRate(static_cast(port), period, &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiStartAutoTrigger
- * Signature: (IIIZZ)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint port, jint digitalSourceHandle,
- jint analogTriggerType, jboolean triggerRising, jboolean triggerFalling)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_StartSPIAutoTrigger(static_cast(port), digitalSourceHandle,
- static_cast(analogTriggerType),
- triggerRising, triggerFalling, &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiStopAuto
- * Signature: (I)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint port)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_StopSPIAuto(static_cast(port), &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiSetAutoTransmitData
- * Signature: (I[BI)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint port, jbyteArray dataToSend, jint zeroSize)
- JSpan jarr(env, dataToSend);
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetSPIAutoTransmitData(static_cast(port),
- reinterpret_cast(jarr.data()),
- jarr.size(), zeroSize, &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiForceAutoRead
- * Signature: (I)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint port)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_ForceSPIAutoRead(static_cast(port), &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiReadAutoReceivedData
- * Signature: (ILjava/lang/Object;ID)I
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint port, jobject buffer, jint numToRead,
- jdouble timeout)
- uint32_t* recvBuf =
- reinterpret_cast(env->GetDirectBufferAddress(buffer));
- int32_t status = 0;
- jint retval = HAL_ReadSPIAutoReceivedData(
- static_cast(port), recvBuf, numToRead, timeout, &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- return retval;
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiReadAutoReceivedData
- * Signature: (I[IID)I
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint port, jintArray buffer, jint numToRead,
- jdouble timeout)
- if (numToRead < 0) {
- ThrowIllegalArgumentException(
- env, "SPIJNI.spiReadAutoReceivedData() numToRead < 0");
- return 0;
- }
- wpi::SmallVector recvBuf;
- recvBuf.resize(numToRead);
- int32_t status = 0;
- jint retval =
- HAL_ReadSPIAutoReceivedData(static_cast(port),
- recvBuf.data(), numToRead, timeout, &status);
- if (!CheckStatus(env, status)) {
- return retval;
- }
- if (numToRead > 0) {
- env->SetIntArrayRegion(buffer, 0, numToRead,
- reinterpret_cast(recvBuf.data()));
- }
- return retval;
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiGetAutoDroppedCount
- * Signature: (I)I
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint port)
- int32_t status = 0;
- auto retval =
- HAL_GetSPIAutoDroppedCount(static_cast(port), &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- return retval;
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_SPIJNI
- * Method: spiConfigureAutoStall
- * Signature: (IIII)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint port, jint csToSclkTicks, jint stallTicks,
- jint pow2BytesPerRead)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_ConfigureSPIAutoStall(static_cast(port), csToSclkTicks,
- stallTicks, pow2BytesPerRead, &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
-} // extern "C"
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/simulation/SPIAccelerometerDataJNI.cpp b/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/simulation/SPIAccelerometerDataJNI.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 51bb32061d6..00000000000
--- a/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/simulation/SPIAccelerometerDataJNI.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "CallbackStore.h"
-#include "edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIAccelerometerDataJNI.h"
-#include "hal/simulation/SPIAccelerometerData.h"
-using namespace hal;
-extern "C" {
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIAccelerometerDataJNI
- * Method: registerActiveCallback
- * Signature: (ILjava/lang/Object;Z)I
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint index, jobject callback, jboolean initialNotify)
- return sim::AllocateCallback(env, index, callback, initialNotify,
- &HALSIM_RegisterSPIAccelerometerActiveCallback);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIAccelerometerDataJNI
- * Method: cancelActiveCallback
- * Signature: (II)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint index, jint handle)
- return sim::FreeCallback(env, handle, index,
- &HALSIM_CancelSPIAccelerometerActiveCallback);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIAccelerometerDataJNI
- * Method: getActive
- * Signature: (I)Z
- */
- (JNIEnv*, jclass, jint index)
- return HALSIM_GetSPIAccelerometerActive(index);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIAccelerometerDataJNI
- * Method: setActive
- * Signature: (IZ)V
- */
- (JNIEnv*, jclass, jint index, jboolean value)
- HALSIM_SetSPIAccelerometerActive(index, value);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIAccelerometerDataJNI
- * Method: registerRangeCallback
- * Signature: (ILjava/lang/Object;Z)I
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint index, jobject callback, jboolean initialNotify)
- return sim::AllocateCallback(env, index, callback, initialNotify,
- &HALSIM_RegisterSPIAccelerometerRangeCallback);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIAccelerometerDataJNI
- * Method: cancelRangeCallback
- * Signature: (II)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint index, jint handle)
- return sim::FreeCallback(env, handle, index,
- &HALSIM_CancelSPIAccelerometerRangeCallback);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIAccelerometerDataJNI
- * Method: getRange
- * Signature: (I)I
- */
- (JNIEnv*, jclass, jint index)
- return HALSIM_GetSPIAccelerometerRange(index);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIAccelerometerDataJNI
- * Method: setRange
- * Signature: (II)V
- */
- (JNIEnv*, jclass, jint index, jint value)
- HALSIM_SetSPIAccelerometerRange(index, value);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIAccelerometerDataJNI
- * Method: registerXCallback
- * Signature: (ILjava/lang/Object;Z)I
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint index, jobject callback, jboolean initialNotify)
- return sim::AllocateCallback(env, index, callback, initialNotify,
- &HALSIM_RegisterSPIAccelerometerXCallback);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIAccelerometerDataJNI
- * Method: cancelXCallback
- * Signature: (II)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint index, jint handle)
- return sim::FreeCallback(env, handle, index,
- &HALSIM_CancelSPIAccelerometerXCallback);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIAccelerometerDataJNI
- * Method: getX
- * Signature: (I)D
- */
- (JNIEnv*, jclass, jint index)
- return HALSIM_GetSPIAccelerometerX(index);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIAccelerometerDataJNI
- * Method: setX
- * Signature: (ID)V
- */
- (JNIEnv*, jclass, jint index, jdouble value)
- HALSIM_SetSPIAccelerometerX(index, value);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIAccelerometerDataJNI
- * Method: registerYCallback
- * Signature: (ILjava/lang/Object;Z)I
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint index, jobject callback, jboolean initialNotify)
- return sim::AllocateCallback(env, index, callback, initialNotify,
- &HALSIM_RegisterSPIAccelerometerYCallback);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIAccelerometerDataJNI
- * Method: cancelYCallback
- * Signature: (II)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint index, jint handle)
- return sim::FreeCallback(env, handle, index,
- &HALSIM_CancelSPIAccelerometerYCallback);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIAccelerometerDataJNI
- * Method: getY
- * Signature: (I)D
- */
- (JNIEnv*, jclass, jint index)
- return HALSIM_GetSPIAccelerometerY(index);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIAccelerometerDataJNI
- * Method: setY
- * Signature: (ID)V
- */
- (JNIEnv*, jclass, jint index, jdouble value)
- HALSIM_SetSPIAccelerometerY(index, value);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIAccelerometerDataJNI
- * Method: registerZCallback
- * Signature: (ILjava/lang/Object;Z)I
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint index, jobject callback, jboolean initialNotify)
- return sim::AllocateCallback(env, index, callback, initialNotify,
- &HALSIM_RegisterSPIAccelerometerZCallback);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIAccelerometerDataJNI
- * Method: cancelZCallback
- * Signature: (II)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint index, jint handle)
- return sim::FreeCallback(env, handle, index,
- &HALSIM_CancelSPIAccelerometerZCallback);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIAccelerometerDataJNI
- * Method: getZ
- * Signature: (I)D
- */
- (JNIEnv*, jclass, jint index)
- return HALSIM_GetSPIAccelerometerZ(index);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIAccelerometerDataJNI
- * Method: setZ
- * Signature: (ID)V
- */
- (JNIEnv*, jclass, jint index, jdouble value)
- HALSIM_SetSPIAccelerometerZ(index, value);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIAccelerometerDataJNI
- * Method: resetData
- * Signature: (I)V
- */
- (JNIEnv*, jclass, jint index)
- HALSIM_ResetSPIAccelerometerData(index);
-} // extern "C"
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/simulation/SPIDataJNI.cpp b/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/simulation/SPIDataJNI.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 977f25b65ee..00000000000
--- a/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/simulation/SPIDataJNI.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "BufferCallbackStore.h"
-#include "CallbackStore.h"
-#include "ConstBufferCallbackStore.h"
-#include "SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackStore.h"
-#include "edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIDataJNI.h"
-#include "hal/simulation/SPIData.h"
-using namespace hal;
-extern "C" {
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIDataJNI
- * Method: registerInitializedCallback
- * Signature: (ILjava/lang/Object;Z)I
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint index, jobject callback, jboolean initialNotify)
- return sim::AllocateCallback(env, index, callback, initialNotify,
- &HALSIM_RegisterSPIInitializedCallback);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIDataJNI
- * Method: cancelInitializedCallback
- * Signature: (II)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint index, jint handle)
- return sim::FreeCallback(env, handle, index,
- &HALSIM_CancelSPIInitializedCallback);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIDataJNI
- * Method: getInitialized
- * Signature: (I)Z
- */
- (JNIEnv*, jclass, jint index)
- return HALSIM_GetSPIInitialized(index);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIDataJNI
- * Method: setInitialized
- * Signature: (IZ)V
- */
- (JNIEnv*, jclass, jint index, jboolean value)
- HALSIM_SetSPIInitialized(index, value);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIDataJNI
- * Method: registerReadCallback
- * Signature: (ILjava/lang/Object;)I
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint index, jobject callback)
- return sim::AllocateBufferCallback(env, index, callback,
- &HALSIM_RegisterSPIReadCallback);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIDataJNI
- * Method: cancelReadCallback
- * Signature: (II)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint index, jint handle)
- sim::FreeBufferCallback(env, handle, index, &HALSIM_CancelSPIReadCallback);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIDataJNI
- * Method: registerWriteCallback
- * Signature: (ILjava/lang/Object;)I
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint index, jobject callback)
- return sim::AllocateConstBufferCallback(env, index, callback,
- &HALSIM_RegisterSPIWriteCallback);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIDataJNI
- * Method: cancelWriteCallback
- * Signature: (II)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint index, jint handle)
- sim::FreeConstBufferCallback(env, handle, index,
- &HALSIM_CancelSPIWriteCallback);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIDataJNI
- * Method: registerReadAutoReceiveBufferCallback
- * Signature: (ILjava/lang/Object;)I
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint index, jobject callback)
- return sim::AllocateSpiBufferCallback(
- env, index, callback, &HALSIM_RegisterSPIReadAutoReceivedDataCallback);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIDataJNI
- * Method: cancelReadAutoReceiveBufferCallback
- * Signature: (II)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint index, jint handle)
- sim::FreeSpiBufferCallback(env, handle, index,
- &HALSIM_CancelSPIReadAutoReceivedDataCallback);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SPIDataJNI
- * Method: resetData
- * Signature: (I)V
- */
- (JNIEnv*, jclass, jint index)
- HALSIM_ResetSPIData(index);
-} // extern "C"
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/simulation/SimulatorJNI.cpp b/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/simulation/SimulatorJNI.cpp
index 859c7f5b73d..84dded1d340 100644
--- a/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/simulation/SimulatorJNI.cpp
+++ b/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/simulation/SimulatorJNI.cpp
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
#include "CallbackStore.h"
#include "ConstBufferCallbackStore.h"
#include "SimDeviceDataJNI.h"
-#include "SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackStore.h"
#include "edu_wpi_first_hal_simulation_SimulatorJNI.h"
#include "hal/HAL.h"
#include "hal/handles/HandlesInternal.h"
@@ -22,11 +21,9 @@ static JavaVM* jvm = nullptr;
static JClass notifyCallbackCls;
static JClass bufferCallbackCls;
static JClass constBufferCallbackCls;
-static JClass spiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackCls;
static jmethodID notifyCallbackCallback;
static jmethodID bufferCallbackCallback;
static jmethodID constBufferCallbackCallback;
-static jmethodID spiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackCallback;
namespace hal::sim {
jint SimOnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved) {
@@ -73,23 +70,9 @@ jint SimOnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved) {
return JNI_ERR;
- spiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackCls = JClass(
- env, "edu/wpi/first/hal/simulation/SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallback");
- if (!spiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackCls) {
- return JNI_ERR;
- }
- spiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackCallback =
- env->GetMethodID(spiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackCls, "callback",
- "(Ljava/lang/String;[II)I");
- if (!spiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackCallback) {
- return JNI_ERR;
- }
- InitializeSpiBufferStore();
if (!InitializeSimDeviceDataJNI(env)) {
return JNI_ERR;
@@ -106,7 +89,6 @@ void SimOnUnload(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved) {
- spiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackCls.free(env);
jvm = nullptr;
@@ -127,9 +109,6 @@ jmethodID GetConstBufferCallback() {
return constBufferCallbackCallback;
-jmethodID GetSpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallback() {
- return spiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackCallback;
} // namespace hal::sim
extern "C" {
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/simulation/SimulatorJNI.h b/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/simulation/SimulatorJNI.h
index 3e71acdb381..6432079cacf 100644
--- a/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/simulation/SimulatorJNI.h
+++ b/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/simulation/SimulatorJNI.h
@@ -15,5 +15,4 @@ JavaVM* GetJVM();
jmethodID GetNotifyCallback();
jmethodID GetBufferCallback();
jmethodID GetConstBufferCallback();
-jmethodID GetSpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallback();
} // namespace hal::sim
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/simulation/SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackStore.cpp b/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/simulation/SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackStore.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c58c945753..00000000000
--- a/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/simulation/SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackStore.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackStore.h"
-#include "SimulatorJNI.h"
-#include "hal/Types.h"
-#include "hal/handles/UnlimitedHandleResource.h"
-using namespace hal;
-using namespace hal::sim;
-using namespace wpi::java;
-static hal::UnlimitedHandleResource<
- SIM_JniHandle, SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackStore,
- hal::HAL_HandleEnum::SimulationJni>* callbackHandles;
-namespace hal::sim {
-void InitializeSpiBufferStore() {
- static hal::UnlimitedHandleResource
- cb;
- callbackHandles = &cb;
-} // namespace hal::sim
-void SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackStore::create(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) {
- m_call = JGlobal(env, obj);
-int32_t SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackStore::performCallback(
- const char* name, uint32_t* buffer, int32_t numToRead) {
- JNIEnv* env;
- JavaVM* vm = sim::GetJVM();
- bool didAttachThread = false;
- int tryGetEnv = vm->GetEnv(reinterpret_cast(&env), JNI_VERSION_1_6);
- if (tryGetEnv == JNI_EDETACHED) {
- // Thread not attached
- didAttachThread = true;
- if (vm->AttachCurrentThread(reinterpret_cast(&env), nullptr) != 0) {
- // Failed to attach, log and return
- std::puts("Failed to attach");
- std::fflush(stdout);
- return -1;
- }
- } else if (tryGetEnv == JNI_EVERSION) {
- std::puts("Invalid JVM Version requested");
- std::fflush(stdout);
- }
- auto toCallbackArr = MakeJIntArray(
- env, std::span{buffer, static_cast(numToRead)});
- jint ret = env->CallIntMethod(m_call, sim::GetBufferCallback(),
- MakeJString(env, name), toCallbackArr,
- static_cast(numToRead));
- jint* fromCallbackArr = reinterpret_cast(
- env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(toCallbackArr, nullptr));
- for (int i = 0; i < ret; i++) {
- buffer[i] = fromCallbackArr[i];
- }
- env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(toCallbackArr, fromCallbackArr, JNI_ABORT);
- if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
- env->ExceptionDescribe();
- }
- if (didAttachThread) {
- vm->DetachCurrentThread();
- }
- return ret;
-void SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackStore::free(JNIEnv* env) {
- m_call.free(env);
-SIM_JniHandle sim::AllocateSpiBufferCallback(
- JNIEnv* env, jint index, jobject callback,
- RegisterSpiBufferCallbackFunc createCallback) {
- auto callbackStore =
- std::make_shared();
- auto handle = callbackHandles->Allocate(callbackStore);
- if (handle == HAL_kInvalidHandle) {
- return -1;
- }
- uintptr_t handleAsPtr = static_cast(handle);
- void* handleAsVoidPtr = reinterpret_cast(handleAsPtr);
- callbackStore->create(env, callback);
- auto callbackFunc = [](const char* name, void* param, uint32_t* buffer,
- int32_t numToRead, int32_t* outputCount) {
- uintptr_t handleTmp = reinterpret_cast(param);
- SIM_JniHandle handle = static_cast(handleTmp);
- auto data = callbackHandles->Get(handle);
- if (!data) {
- return;
- }
- *outputCount = data->performCallback(name, buffer, numToRead);
- };
- auto id = createCallback(index, callbackFunc, handleAsVoidPtr);
- callbackStore->setCallbackId(id);
- return handle;
-void sim::FreeSpiBufferCallback(JNIEnv* env, SIM_JniHandle handle, jint index,
- FreeSpiBufferCallbackFunc freeCallback) {
- auto callback = callbackHandles->Free(handle);
- if (callback == nullptr) {
- return;
- }
- freeCallback(index, callback->getCallbackId());
- callback->free(env);
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/simulation/SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackStore.h b/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/simulation/SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackStore.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 18e8a441719..00000000000
--- a/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/simulation/SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackStore.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#pragma once
-#include "SimulatorJNI.h"
-#include "hal/Types.h"
-#include "hal/Value.h"
-#include "hal/handles/UnlimitedHandleResource.h"
-#include "hal/simulation/NotifyListener.h"
-#include "hal/simulation/SPIData.h"
-namespace hal::sim {
-class SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallbackStore {
- public:
- void create(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj);
- int32_t performCallback(const char* name, uint32_t* buffer,
- int32_t numToRead);
- void free(JNIEnv* env);
- void setCallbackId(int32_t id) { callbackId = id; }
- int32_t getCallbackId() { return callbackId; }
- private:
- wpi::java::JGlobal m_call;
- int32_t callbackId;
-void InitializeSpiBufferStore();
-using RegisterSpiBufferCallbackFunc = int32_t (*)(
- int32_t index, HAL_SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallback callback, void* param);
-using FreeSpiBufferCallbackFunc = void (*)(int32_t index, int32_t uid);
-SIM_JniHandle AllocateSpiBufferCallback(
- JNIEnv* env, jint index, jobject callback,
- RegisterSpiBufferCallbackFunc createCallback);
-void FreeSpiBufferCallback(JNIEnv* env, SIM_JniHandle handle, jint index,
- FreeSpiBufferCallbackFunc freeCallback);
-} // namespace hal::sim
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/HAL.h b/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/HAL.h
index b8281d4609e..041fdd93024 100644
--- a/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/HAL.h
+++ b/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/HAL.h
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
#include "hal/PWM.h"
#include "hal/Ports.h"
#include "hal/Power.h"
-#include "hal/SPI.h"
#include "hal/SerialPort.h"
#include "hal/SimDevice.h"
#include "hal/Threads.h"
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/SPI.h b/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/SPI.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 32644b6fab8..00000000000
--- a/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/SPI.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#pragma once
-#include "hal/AnalogTrigger.h"
-#include "hal/SPITypes.h"
-#include "hal/Types.h"
- * @defgroup hal_spi SPI Functions
- * @ingroup hal_capi
- * @{
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * Initializes the SPI port. Opens the port if necessary and saves the handle.
- *
- * If opening the MXP port, also sets up the channel functions appropriately.
- *
- * @param[in] port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS3, 4
- * for MXP
- * @param[out] status the error code, or 0 for success
- */
-void HAL_InitializeSPI(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t* status);
- * Performs an SPI send/receive transaction.
- *
- * This is a lower-level interface to the spi hardware giving you more control
- * over each transaction.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4
- * for MXP
- * @param dataToSend Buffer of data to send as part of the transaction.
- * @param dataReceived Buffer to read data into.
- * @param size Number of bytes to transfer. [0..7]
- * @return Number of bytes transferred, -1 for error
- */
-int32_t HAL_TransactionSPI(HAL_SPIPort port, const uint8_t* dataToSend,
- uint8_t* dataReceived, int32_t size);
- * Executes a write transaction with the device.
- *
- * Writes to a device and wait until the transaction is complete.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4
- * for MXP
- * @param dataToSend The data to write to the register on the device.
- * @param sendSize The number of bytes to be written
- * @return The number of bytes written. -1 for an error
- */
-int32_t HAL_WriteSPI(HAL_SPIPort port, const uint8_t* dataToSend,
- int32_t sendSize);
- * Executes a read from the device.
- *
- * This method does not write any data out to the device.
- *
- * Most spi devices will require a register address to be written before they
- * begin returning data.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for
- * MXP
- * @param buffer A pointer to the array of bytes to store the data read from the
- * device.
- * @param count The number of bytes to read in the transaction. [1..7]
- * @return Number of bytes read. -1 for error.
- */
-int32_t HAL_ReadSPI(HAL_SPIPort port, uint8_t* buffer, int32_t count);
- * Closes the SPI port.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP
- */
-void HAL_CloseSPI(HAL_SPIPort port);
- * Sets the clock speed for the SPI bus.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for
- * MXP
- * @param speed The speed in Hz (500KHz-10MHz)
- */
-void HAL_SetSPISpeed(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t speed);
- * Sets the SPI Mode.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for
- * MXP
- * @param mode The SPI mode to use
- */
-void HAL_SetSPIMode(HAL_SPIPort port, HAL_SPIMode mode);
- * Gets the SPI Mode.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for
- * MXP
- * @return The SPI mode currently set
- */
-HAL_SPIMode HAL_GetSPIMode(HAL_SPIPort port);
- * Sets the CS Active high for a SPI port.
- *
- * @param[in] port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for
- * MXP
- * @param[out] status the error code, or 0 for success
- */
-void HAL_SetSPIChipSelectActiveHigh(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t* status);
- * Sets the CS Active low for a SPI port.
- *
- * @param[in] port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4
- * for MXP
- * @param[out] status the error code, or 0 for success
- */
-void HAL_SetSPIChipSelectActiveLow(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t* status);
- * Gets the stored handle for a SPI port.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP
- * @return The stored handle for the SPI port. 0 represents no stored
- * handle.
- */
-int32_t HAL_GetSPIHandle(HAL_SPIPort port);
- * Sets the stored handle for a SPI port.
- *
- * @param port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for
- * MXP.
- * @param handle The value of the handle for the port.
- */
-void HAL_SetSPIHandle(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t handle);
- * Initializes the SPI automatic accumulator.
- *
- * @param[in] port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2,
- * 4 for MXP.
- * @param[in] bufferSize The accumulator buffer size.
- * @param[out] status the error code, or 0 for success
- */
-void HAL_InitSPIAuto(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t bufferSize, int32_t* status);
- * Frees an SPI automatic accumulator.
- *
- * @param[in] port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4
- * for MXP.
- * @param[out] status the error code, or 0 for success
- */
-void HAL_FreeSPIAuto(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t* status);
- * Sets the period for automatic SPI accumulation.
- *
- * @param[in] port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4
- * for MXP.
- * @param[in] period The accumulation period (seconds).
- * @param[out] status the error code, or 0 for success
- */
-void HAL_StartSPIAutoRate(HAL_SPIPort port, double period, int32_t* status);
- * Starts the auto SPI accumulator on a specific trigger.
- *
- * Note that triggering on both rising and falling edges is a valid
- * configuration.
- *
- * @param[in] port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard
- * CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP.
- * @param[in] digitalSourceHandle The trigger source to use (Either
- * HAL_AnalogTriggerHandle or HAL_DigitalHandle).
- * @param[in] analogTriggerType The analog trigger type, if the source is an
- * analog trigger.
- * @param[in] triggerRising Trigger on the rising edge if true.
- * @param[in] triggerFalling Trigger on the falling edge if true.
- * @param[out] status the error code, or 0 for success
- */
-void HAL_StartSPIAutoTrigger(HAL_SPIPort port, HAL_Handle digitalSourceHandle,
- HAL_AnalogTriggerType analogTriggerType,
- HAL_Bool triggerRising, HAL_Bool triggerFalling,
- int32_t* status);
- * Stops an automatic SPI accumulation.
- *
- * @param[in] port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4
- * for MXP.
- * @param[out] status the error code, or 0 for success
- */
-void HAL_StopSPIAuto(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t* status);
- * Sets the data to be transmitted to the device to initiate a read.
- *
- * @param[in] port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2,
- * 4 for MXP.
- * @param[in] dataToSend Pointer to the data to send (Gets copied for continue
- * use, so no need to keep alive).
- * @param[in] dataSize The length of the data to send.
- * @param[in] zeroSize The number of zeros to send after the data.
- * @param[out] status the error code, or 0 for success
- */
-void HAL_SetSPIAutoTransmitData(HAL_SPIPort port, const uint8_t* dataToSend,
- int32_t dataSize, int32_t zeroSize,
- int32_t* status);
- * Immediately forces an SPI read to happen.
- *
- * @param[in] port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4
- * for MXP.
- * @param[out] status the error code, or 0 for success
- */
-void HAL_ForceSPIAutoRead(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t* status);
- * Reads data received by the SPI accumulator. Each received data sequence
- * consists of a timestamp followed by the received data bytes, one byte per
- * word (in the least significant byte). The length of each received data
- * sequence is the same as the combined dataSize + zeroSize set in
- * HAL_SetSPIAutoTransmitData.
- *
- * @param[in] port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2,
- * 4 for MXP.
- * @param[out] buffer The buffer to store the data into.
- * @param[in] numToRead The number of words to read.
- * @param[in] timeout The read timeout (in seconds).
- * @param[out] status the error code, or 0 for success
- * @return The number of words actually read.
- */
-int32_t HAL_ReadSPIAutoReceivedData(HAL_SPIPort port, uint32_t* buffer,
- int32_t numToRead, double timeout,
- int32_t* status);
- * Gets the count of how many SPI accumulations have been missed.
- *
- * @param[in] port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4
- * for MXP.
- * @param[out] status the error code, or 0 for success
- * @return The number of missed accumulations.
- */
-int32_t HAL_GetSPIAutoDroppedCount(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t* status);
- * Configure the Auto SPI Stall time between reads.
- *
- * @param[in] port The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard
- * CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP.
- * @param[in] csToSclkTicks the number of ticks to wait before asserting the
- * cs pin
- * @param[in] stallTicks the number of ticks to stall for
- * @param[in] pow2BytesPerRead the number of bytes to read before stalling
- * @param[out] status the error code, or 0 for success
- */
-void HAL_ConfigureSPIAutoStall(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t csToSclkTicks,
- int32_t stallTicks, int32_t pow2BytesPerRead,
- int32_t* status);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} // extern "C"
-/** @} */
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/SPITypes.h b/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/SPITypes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8427bf339f1..00000000000
--- a/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/SPITypes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#pragma once
-#include "hal/Types.h"
- * @defgroup hal_spi SPI Functions
- * @ingroup hal_capi
- * @{
- */
-/** SPI port. */
- /** Invalid port number. */
- HAL_SPI_kInvalid = -1,
- /** Onboard SPI bus port CS0. */
- HAL_SPI_kOnboardCS0,
- /** Onboard SPI bus port CS1. */
- HAL_SPI_kOnboardCS1,
- /** Onboard SPI bus port CS2. */
- HAL_SPI_kOnboardCS2,
- /** Onboard SPI bus port CS3. */
- HAL_SPI_kOnboardCS3,
- /** MXP (roboRIO MXP) SPI bus port. */
-/** SPI mode. */
- /** Clock idle low, data sampled on rising edge. */
- HAL_SPI_kMode0 = 0,
- /** Clock idle low, data sampled on falling edge. */
- HAL_SPI_kMode1 = 1,
- /** Clock idle high, data sampled on falling edge. */
- HAL_SPI_kMode2 = 2,
- /** Clock idle high, data sampled on rising edge. */
- HAL_SPI_kMode3 = 3,
-/** @} */
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/handles/HandlesInternal.h b/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/handles/HandlesInternal.h
index 13a56db68fd..6b31f6e30b3 100644
--- a/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/handles/HandlesInternal.h
+++ b/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/handles/HandlesInternal.h
@@ -181,20 +181,6 @@ inline int16_t getPortHandleModule(HAL_PortHandle handle) {
return static_cast((handle >> 8) & 0xff);
-// using a 16 bit value so we can store 0-255 and still report error
- * Gets the SPI channel of a port handle.
- *
- * @param handle the port handle
- * @return the port SPI channel
- */
-inline int16_t getPortHandleSPIEnable(HAL_PortHandle handle) {
- if (!isHandleType(handle, HAL_HandleEnum::Port)) {
- return InvalidHandleIndex;
- }
- return static_cast((handle >> 16) & 0xff);
* Create a port handle.
@@ -204,14 +190,6 @@ inline int16_t getPortHandleSPIEnable(HAL_PortHandle handle) {
HAL_PortHandle createPortHandle(uint8_t channel, uint8_t module);
- * Create a port handle for SPI.
- *
- * @param channel the SPI channel
- * @return port handle for the channel
- */
-HAL_PortHandle createPortHandleForSPI(uint8_t channel);
* Create a handle for a specific index, type and version.
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/simulation/SPIAccelerometerData.h b/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/simulation/SPIAccelerometerData.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2018a40023b..00000000000
--- a/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/simulation/SPIAccelerometerData.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#pragma once
-#include "hal/Types.h"
-#include "hal/simulation/NotifyListener.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-void HALSIM_ResetSPIAccelerometerData(int32_t index);
-int32_t HALSIM_RegisterSPIAccelerometerActiveCallback(
- int32_t index, HAL_NotifyCallback callback, void* param,
- HAL_Bool initialNotify);
-void HALSIM_CancelSPIAccelerometerActiveCallback(int32_t index, int32_t uid);
-HAL_Bool HALSIM_GetSPIAccelerometerActive(int32_t index);
-void HALSIM_SetSPIAccelerometerActive(int32_t index, HAL_Bool active);
-int32_t HALSIM_RegisterSPIAccelerometerRangeCallback(
- int32_t index, HAL_NotifyCallback callback, void* param,
- HAL_Bool initialNotify);
-void HALSIM_CancelSPIAccelerometerRangeCallback(int32_t index, int32_t uid);
-int32_t HALSIM_GetSPIAccelerometerRange(int32_t index);
-void HALSIM_SetSPIAccelerometerRange(int32_t index, int32_t range);
-int32_t HALSIM_RegisterSPIAccelerometerXCallback(int32_t index,
- HAL_NotifyCallback callback,
- void* param,
- HAL_Bool initialNotify);
-void HALSIM_CancelSPIAccelerometerXCallback(int32_t index, int32_t uid);
-double HALSIM_GetSPIAccelerometerX(int32_t index);
-void HALSIM_SetSPIAccelerometerX(int32_t index, double x);
-int32_t HALSIM_RegisterSPIAccelerometerYCallback(int32_t index,
- HAL_NotifyCallback callback,
- void* param,
- HAL_Bool initialNotify);
-void HALSIM_CancelSPIAccelerometerYCallback(int32_t index, int32_t uid);
-double HALSIM_GetSPIAccelerometerY(int32_t index);
-void HALSIM_SetSPIAccelerometerY(int32_t index, double y);
-int32_t HALSIM_RegisterSPIAccelerometerZCallback(int32_t index,
- HAL_NotifyCallback callback,
- void* param,
- HAL_Bool initialNotify);
-void HALSIM_CancelSPIAccelerometerZCallback(int32_t index, int32_t uid);
-double HALSIM_GetSPIAccelerometerZ(int32_t index);
-void HALSIM_SetSPIAccelerometerZ(int32_t index, double z);
-void HALSIM_RegisterSPIAccelerometerAllCallbacks(int32_t index,
- HAL_NotifyCallback callback,
- void* param,
- HAL_Bool initialNotify);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} // extern "C"
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/simulation/SPIData.h b/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/simulation/SPIData.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 813b75f127c..00000000000
--- a/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/simulation/SPIData.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#pragma once
-#include "hal/Types.h"
-#include "hal/simulation/NotifyListener.h"
-typedef void (*HAL_SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallback)(const char* name,
- void* param,
- uint32_t* buffer,
- int32_t numToRead,
- int32_t* outputCount);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-void HALSIM_ResetSPIData(int32_t index);
-int32_t HALSIM_RegisterSPIInitializedCallback(int32_t index,
- HAL_NotifyCallback callback,
- void* param,
- HAL_Bool initialNotify);
-void HALSIM_CancelSPIInitializedCallback(int32_t index, int32_t uid);
-HAL_Bool HALSIM_GetSPIInitialized(int32_t index);
-void HALSIM_SetSPIInitialized(int32_t index, HAL_Bool initialized);
-int32_t HALSIM_RegisterSPIReadCallback(int32_t index,
- HAL_BufferCallback callback,
- void* param);
-void HALSIM_CancelSPIReadCallback(int32_t index, int32_t uid);
-int32_t HALSIM_RegisterSPIWriteCallback(int32_t index,
- HAL_ConstBufferCallback callback,
- void* param);
-void HALSIM_CancelSPIWriteCallback(int32_t index, int32_t uid);
-int32_t HALSIM_RegisterSPIReadAutoReceivedDataCallback(
- int32_t index, HAL_SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallback callback, void* param);
-void HALSIM_CancelSPIReadAutoReceivedDataCallback(int32_t index, int32_t uid);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} // extern "C"
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/sim/HAL.cpp b/hal/src/main/native/sim/HAL.cpp
index 939b9c43e8d..d69422e9375 100644
--- a/hal/src/main/native/sim/HAL.cpp
+++ b/hal/src/main/native/sim/HAL.cpp
@@ -84,8 +84,6 @@ void InitializeHAL() {
- InitializeSPIAccelerometerData();
- InitializeSPIData();
@@ -113,7 +111,6 @@ void InitializeHAL() {
- InitializeSPI();
} // namespace hal::init
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/sim/HALInitializer.h b/hal/src/main/native/sim/HALInitializer.h
index e2de7b6146b..4ccc10e8786 100644
--- a/hal/src/main/native/sim/HALInitializer.h
+++ b/hal/src/main/native/sim/HALInitializer.h
@@ -35,8 +35,6 @@ extern void InitializePowerDistributionData();
extern void InitializePWMData();
extern void InitializeRoboRioData();
extern void InitializeSimDeviceData();
-extern void InitializeSPIAccelerometerData();
-extern void InitializeSPIData();
extern void InitializeAccelerometer();
extern void InitializeAddressableLED();
extern void InitializeAnalogInput();
@@ -64,7 +62,6 @@ extern void InitializeREVPH();
extern void InitializePWM();
extern void InitializeSerialPort();
extern void InitializeSimDevice();
-extern void InitializeSPI();
extern void InitializeThreads();
} // namespace hal::init
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/sim/SPI.cpp b/hal/src/main/native/sim/SPI.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 70e2bde1dd5..00000000000
--- a/hal/src/main/native/sim/SPI.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "hal/SPI.h"
-#include "HALInitializer.h"
-#include "mockdata/SPIDataInternal.h"
-using namespace hal;
-namespace hal::init {
-void InitializeSPI() {}
-} // namespace hal::init
-extern "C" {
-void HAL_InitializeSPI(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t* status) {
- hal::init::CheckInit();
- SimSPIData[port].initialized = true;
-int32_t HAL_TransactionSPI(HAL_SPIPort port, const uint8_t* dataToSend,
- uint8_t* dataReceived, int32_t size) {
- return SimSPIData[port].Transaction(dataToSend, dataReceived, size);
-int32_t HAL_WriteSPI(HAL_SPIPort port, const uint8_t* dataToSend,
- int32_t sendSize) {
- return SimSPIData[port].Write(dataToSend, sendSize);
-int32_t HAL_ReadSPI(HAL_SPIPort port, uint8_t* buffer, int32_t count) {
- return SimSPIData[port].Read(buffer, count);
-void HAL_CloseSPI(HAL_SPIPort port) {
- SimSPIData[port].initialized = false;
-void HAL_SetSPISpeed(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t speed) {}
-void HAL_SetSPIMode(HAL_SPIPort port, HAL_SPIMode mode) {}
-HAL_SPIMode HAL_GetSPIMode(HAL_SPIPort port) {
- return HAL_SPI_kMode0;
-void HAL_SetSPIChipSelectActiveHigh(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t* status) {}
-void HAL_SetSPIChipSelectActiveLow(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t* status) {}
-int32_t HAL_GetSPIHandle(HAL_SPIPort port) {
- return 0;
-void HAL_SetSPIHandle(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t handle) {}
-void HAL_InitSPIAuto(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t bufferSize, int32_t* status) {}
-void HAL_FreeSPIAuto(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t* status) {}
-void HAL_StartSPIAutoRate(HAL_SPIPort port, double period, int32_t* status) {}
-void HAL_StartSPIAutoTrigger(HAL_SPIPort port, HAL_Handle digitalSourceHandle,
- HAL_AnalogTriggerType analogTriggerType,
- HAL_Bool triggerRising, HAL_Bool triggerFalling,
- int32_t* status) {}
-void HAL_StopSPIAuto(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t* status) {}
-void HAL_SetSPIAutoTransmitData(HAL_SPIPort port, const uint8_t* dataToSend,
- int32_t dataSize, int32_t zeroSize,
- int32_t* status) {}
-void HAL_ForceSPIAutoRead(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t* status) {}
-int32_t HAL_ReadSPIAutoReceivedData(HAL_SPIPort port, uint32_t* buffer,
- int32_t numToRead, double timeout,
- int32_t* status) {
- return SimSPIData[port].ReadAutoReceivedData(buffer, numToRead, timeout,
- status);
-int32_t HAL_GetSPIAutoDroppedCount(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t* status) {
- return 0;
-void HAL_ConfigureSPIAutoStall(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t csToSclkTicks,
- int32_t stallTicks, int32_t pow2BytesPerRead,
- int32_t* status) {}
-} // extern "C"
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/sim/mockdata/Reset.cpp b/hal/src/main/native/sim/mockdata/Reset.cpp
index cca21117a21..776aeafdf08 100644
--- a/hal/src/main/native/sim/mockdata/Reset.cpp
+++ b/hal/src/main/native/sim/mockdata/Reset.cpp
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@
#include "../PortsInternal.h"
@@ -83,12 +81,4 @@ extern "C" void HALSIM_ResetAllSimData(void) {
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < hal::kSPIAccelerometers; i++) {
- HALSIM_ResetSPIAccelerometerData(i);
- }
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < hal::kSPIPorts; i++) {
- HALSIM_ResetSPIData(i);
- }
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/sim/mockdata/SPIAccelerometerData.cpp b/hal/src/main/native/sim/mockdata/SPIAccelerometerData.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fa445006518..00000000000
--- a/hal/src/main/native/sim/mockdata/SPIAccelerometerData.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "../PortsInternal.h"
-#include "SPIAccelerometerDataInternal.h"
-using namespace hal;
-namespace hal::init {
-void InitializeSPIAccelerometerData() {
- static SPIAccelerometerData ssad[kSPIAccelerometers];
- ::hal::SimSPIAccelerometerData = ssad;
-} // namespace hal::init
-SPIAccelerometerData* hal::SimSPIAccelerometerData;
-void SPIAccelerometerData::ResetData() {
- active.Reset(false);
- range.Reset(0);
- x.Reset(0.0);
- y.Reset(0.0);
- z.Reset(0.0);
-extern "C" {
-void HALSIM_ResetSPIAccelerometerData(int32_t index) {
- SimSPIAccelerometerData[index].ResetData();
- SimSPIAccelerometerData, LOWERNAME)
-DEFINE_CAPI(HAL_Bool, Active, active)
-DEFINE_CAPI(int32_t, Range, range)
-DEFINE_CAPI(double, X, x)
-DEFINE_CAPI(double, Y, y)
-DEFINE_CAPI(double, Z, z)
-#define REGISTER(NAME) \
- SimSPIAccelerometerData[index].NAME.RegisterCallback(callback, param, \
- initialNotify)
-void HALSIM_RegisterSPIAccelerometerAllCallbacks(int32_t index,
- HAL_NotifyCallback callback,
- void* param,
- HAL_Bool initialNotify) {
- REGISTER(active);
- REGISTER(range);
-} // extern "C"
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/sim/mockdata/SPIAccelerometerDataInternal.h b/hal/src/main/native/sim/mockdata/SPIAccelerometerDataInternal.h
deleted file mode 100644
index db405f88b98..00000000000
--- a/hal/src/main/native/sim/mockdata/SPIAccelerometerDataInternal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#pragma once
-#include "hal/simulation/SPIAccelerometerData.h"
-#include "hal/simulation/SimDataValue.h"
-namespace hal {
-class SPIAccelerometerData {
- public:
- SimDataValue active{false};
- SimDataValue range{0};
- SimDataValue x{0.0};
- SimDataValue y{0.0};
- SimDataValue z{0.0};
- virtual void ResetData();
-extern SPIAccelerometerData* SimSPIAccelerometerData;
-} // namespace hal
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/sim/mockdata/SPIData.cpp b/hal/src/main/native/sim/mockdata/SPIData.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 82f7650aba3..00000000000
--- a/hal/src/main/native/sim/mockdata/SPIData.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "../PortsInternal.h"
-#include "SPIDataInternal.h"
-using namespace hal;
-namespace hal::init {
-void InitializeSPIData() {
- static SPIData ssd[kSPIPorts];
- ::hal::SimSPIData = ssd;
-} // namespace hal::init
-SPIData* hal::SimSPIData;
-void SPIData::ResetData() {
- initialized.Reset(false);
- read.Reset();
- write.Reset();
- autoReceivedData.Reset();
-int32_t SPIData::Read(uint8_t* buffer, int32_t count) {
- read(buffer, count);
- return count;
-int32_t SPIData::Write(const uint8_t* dataToSend, int32_t sendSize) {
- write(dataToSend, sendSize);
- return sendSize;
-int32_t SPIData::Transaction(const uint8_t* dataToSend, uint8_t* dataReceived,
- int32_t size) {
- write(dataToSend, size);
- read(dataReceived, size);
- return size;
-int32_t SPIData::ReadAutoReceivedData(uint32_t* buffer, int32_t numToRead,
- double timeout, int32_t* status) {
- int32_t outputCount = 0;
- autoReceivedData(buffer, numToRead, &outputCount);
- return outputCount;
-extern "C" {
-void HALSIM_ResetSPIData(int32_t index) {
- SimSPIData[index].ResetData();
-DEFINE_CAPI(HAL_Bool, Initialized, initialized)
-DEFINE_CAPI(HAL_BufferCallback, Read, read)
-DEFINE_CAPI(HAL_ConstBufferCallback, Write, write)
-DEFINE_CAPI(HAL_SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallback, ReadAutoReceivedData,
- autoReceivedData)
-} // extern "C"
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/sim/mockdata/SPIDataInternal.h b/hal/src/main/native/sim/mockdata/SPIDataInternal.h
deleted file mode 100644
index eb5a5a7a733..00000000000
--- a/hal/src/main/native/sim/mockdata/SPIDataInternal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#pragma once
-#include "hal/simulation/SPIData.h"
-#include "hal/simulation/SimCallbackRegistry.h"
-#include "hal/simulation/SimDataValue.h"
-namespace hal {
-class SPIData {
- public:
- int32_t Read(uint8_t* buffer, int32_t count);
- int32_t Write(const uint8_t* dataToSend, int32_t sendSize);
- int32_t Transaction(const uint8_t* dataToSend, uint8_t* dataReceived,
- int32_t size);
- int32_t ReadAutoReceivedData(uint32_t* buffer, int32_t numToRead,
- double timeout, int32_t* status);
- SimDataValue initialized{
- false};
- SimCallbackRegistry read;
- SimCallbackRegistry write;
- SimCallbackRegistry
- autoReceivedData;
- void ResetData();
-extern SPIData* SimSPIData;
-} // namespace hal
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/HAL.cpp b/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/HAL.cpp
index 4865023a289..4afdf94d3b9 100644
--- a/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/HAL.cpp
+++ b/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/HAL.cpp
@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ void InitializeHAL() {
- InitializeSPI();
} // namespace init
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/HALInitializer.h b/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/HALInitializer.h
index f3ae4a5c3bc..848ef0e84a9 100644
--- a/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/HALInitializer.h
+++ b/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/HALInitializer.h
@@ -47,6 +47,5 @@ extern void InitializePower();
extern void InitializePWM();
extern void InitializeSerialPort();
extern void InitializeSmartIo();
-extern void InitializeSPI();
extern void InitializeThreads();
} // namespace hal::init
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/SPI.cpp b/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/SPI.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bde55b8f1d4..00000000000
--- a/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/SPI.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "hal/SPI.h"
-#include "HALInitializer.h"
-#include "HALInternal.h"
-#include "hal/DIO.h"
-#include "hal/HAL.h"
-#include "hal/handles/HandlesInternal.h"
-using namespace hal;
-namespace hal::init {
-void InitializeSPI() {}
-} // namespace hal::init
-extern "C" {
-void HAL_InitializeSPI(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t* status) {
- hal::init::CheckInit();
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
-int32_t HAL_TransactionSPI(HAL_SPIPort port, const uint8_t* dataToSend,
- uint8_t* dataReceived, int32_t size) {
- return -1;
-int32_t HAL_WriteSPI(HAL_SPIPort port, const uint8_t* dataToSend,
- int32_t sendSize) {
- return -1;
-int32_t HAL_ReadSPI(HAL_SPIPort port, uint8_t* buffer, int32_t count) {
- return -1;
-void HAL_CloseSPI(HAL_SPIPort port) {}
-void HAL_SetSPISpeed(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t speed) {}
-void HAL_SetSPIMode(HAL_SPIPort port, HAL_SPIMode mode) {}
-HAL_SPIMode HAL_GetSPIMode(HAL_SPIPort port) {
- return HAL_SPI_kMode0;
-void HAL_SetSPIChipSelectActiveHigh(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
-void HAL_SetSPIChipSelectActiveLow(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
-int32_t HAL_GetSPIHandle(HAL_SPIPort port) {
- return 0;
-void HAL_SetSPIHandle(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t handle) {}
-void HAL_InitSPIAuto(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t bufferSize, int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
-void HAL_FreeSPIAuto(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
-void HAL_StartSPIAutoRate(HAL_SPIPort port, double period, int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
-void HAL_StartSPIAutoTrigger(HAL_SPIPort port, HAL_Handle digitalSourceHandle,
- HAL_AnalogTriggerType analogTriggerType,
- HAL_Bool triggerRising, HAL_Bool triggerFalling,
- int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
-void HAL_StopSPIAuto(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
-void HAL_SetSPIAutoTransmitData(HAL_SPIPort port, const uint8_t* dataToSend,
- int32_t dataSize, int32_t zeroSize,
- int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
-void HAL_ForceSPIAutoRead(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
-int32_t HAL_ReadSPIAutoReceivedData(HAL_SPIPort port, uint32_t* buffer,
- int32_t numToRead, double timeout,
- int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return 0;
-int32_t HAL_GetSPIAutoDroppedCount(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return 0;
-void HAL_ConfigureSPIAutoStall(HAL_SPIPort port, int32_t csToSclkTicks,
- int32_t stallTicks, int32_t pow2BytesPerRead,
- int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
-} // extern "C"
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/mockdata/SPIAccelerometerData.cpp b/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/mockdata/SPIAccelerometerData.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d0aa97f1de3..00000000000
--- a/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/mockdata/SPIAccelerometerData.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "hal/simulation/SPIAccelerometerData.h"
-#include "hal/simulation/SimDataValue.h"
-extern "C" {
-void HALSIM_ResetSPIAccelerometerData(int32_t index) {}
-DEFINE_CAPI(HAL_Bool, Active, false)
-DEFINE_CAPI(int32_t, Range, 0)
-DEFINE_CAPI(double, X, 0)
-DEFINE_CAPI(double, Y, 0)
-DEFINE_CAPI(double, Z, 0)
-void HALSIM_RegisterSPIAccelerometerAllCallbacks(int32_t index,
- HAL_NotifyCallback callback,
- void* param,
- HAL_Bool initialNotify) {}
-} // extern "C"
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/mockdata/SPIData.cpp b/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/mockdata/SPIData.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 433ca100ead..00000000000
--- a/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/mockdata/SPIData.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "hal/simulation/SPIData.h"
-#include "hal/simulation/SimDataValue.h"
-extern "C" {
-void HALSIM_ResetSPIData(int32_t index) {}
-DEFINE_CAPI(HAL_Bool, Initialized, false)
-DEFINE_CAPI(HAL_BufferCallback, Read)
-DEFINE_CAPI(HAL_ConstBufferCallback, Write)
-DEFINE_CAPI(HAL_SpiReadAutoReceiveBufferCallback, ReadAutoReceivedData)
-} // extern "C"
diff --git a/hal/src/test/native/cpp/mockdata/SPIDataTest.cpp b/hal/src/test/native/cpp/mockdata/SPIDataTest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 18e8ab3fbb6..00000000000
--- a/hal/src/test/native/cpp/mockdata/SPIDataTest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "hal/SPI.h"
-#include "hal/simulation/SPIData.h"
-namespace hal {
-std::string gTestSpiCallbackName;
-HAL_Value gTestSpiCallbackValue;
-void TestSpiInitializationCallback(const char* name, void* param,
- const struct HAL_Value* value) {
- gTestSpiCallbackName = name;
- gTestSpiCallbackValue = *value;
-TEST(SpiSimTest, SpiInitialization) {
- const int INDEX_TO_TEST = 2;
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SPIPort port;
- int callbackParam = 0;
- int callbackId = HALSIM_RegisterSPIInitializedCallback(
- INDEX_TO_TEST, &TestSpiInitializationCallback, &callbackParam, false);
- ASSERT_TRUE(0 != callbackId);
- port = HAL_SPI_kOnboardCS2;
- gTestSpiCallbackName = "Unset";
- HAL_InitializeSPI(port, &status);
- EXPECT_STREQ("Initialized", gTestSpiCallbackName.c_str());
-} // namespace hal
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/ADIS16448_IMU.cpp b/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/ADIS16448_IMU.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d42876c019..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/ADIS16448_IMU.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,943 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-/* Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Analog Devices Inc. All Rights Reserved. */
-/* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code */
-/* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */
-/* the project. */
-/* */
-/* Modified by Juan Chong - frcsupport@analog.com */
-#include "frc/ADIS16448_IMU.h"
-#include "frc/DigitalInput.h"
-#include "frc/DigitalOutput.h"
-#include "frc/Errors.h"
-#include "frc/MathUtil.h"
-#include "frc/SPI.h"
-#include "frc/Timer.h"
-/* Helpful conversion functions */
-static inline uint16_t BuffToUShort(const uint32_t* buf) {
- return (static_cast(buf[0]) << 8) | buf[1];
-static inline int16_t BuffToShort(const uint32_t* buf) {
- return (static_cast(buf[0]) << 8) | buf[1];
-using namespace frc;
-namespace {
-inline void ADISReportError(int32_t status, const char* file, int line,
- const char* function, const S& format,
- Args&&... args) {
- frc::ReportErrorV(status, file, line, function, format,
- fmt::make_format_args(args...));
-} // namespace
-#define REPORT_WARNING(msg) \
- ADISReportError(warn::Warning, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, msg);
-#define REPORT_ERROR(msg) \
- ADISReportError(err::Error, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, msg)
- : ADIS16448_IMU(kZ, SPI::Port::kMXP, CalibrationTime::_512ms) {}
-ADIS16448_IMU::ADIS16448_IMU(IMUAxis yaw_axis, SPI::Port port,
- CalibrationTime cal_time)
- : m_yaw_axis(yaw_axis),
- m_spi_port(port),
- m_simDevice("Gyro:ADIS16448", port) {
- if (m_simDevice) {
- m_connected =
- m_simDevice.CreateBoolean("connected", hal::SimDevice::kInput, true);
- m_simGyroAngleX =
- m_simDevice.CreateDouble("gyro_angle_x", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- m_simGyroAngleY =
- m_simDevice.CreateDouble("gyro_angle_y", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- m_simGyroAngleZ =
- m_simDevice.CreateDouble("gyro_angle_z", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- m_simGyroRateX =
- m_simDevice.CreateDouble("gyro_rate_x", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- m_simGyroRateY =
- m_simDevice.CreateDouble("gyro_rate_y", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- m_simGyroRateZ =
- m_simDevice.CreateDouble("gyro_rate_z", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- m_simAccelX =
- m_simDevice.CreateDouble("accel_x", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- m_simAccelY =
- m_simDevice.CreateDouble("accel_y", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- m_simAccelZ =
- m_simDevice.CreateDouble("accel_z", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- }
- if (!m_simDevice) {
- // Force the IMU reset pin to toggle on startup (doesn't require DS enable)
- // Relies on the RIO hardware by default configuring an output as low
- // and configuring an input as high Z. The 10k pull-up resistor internal to
- // the IMU then forces the reset line high for normal operation.
- DigitalOutput* reset_out = new DigitalOutput(18); // Drive MXP DIO8 low
- Wait(10_ms);
- delete reset_out;
- m_reset_in = new DigitalInput(18); // Set MXP DIO8 high
- Wait(500_ms); // Wait for reset to complete
- ConfigCalTime(cal_time);
- if (!SwitchToStandardSPI()) {
- return;
- }
- bool needsFlash = false;
- // Set IMU internal decimation to 1 (output data rate of 819.2 SPS / (1 + 1)
- // = 409.6Hz), output bandwidth = 204.8Hz
- if (ReadRegister(SMPL_PRD) != 0x0001) {
- WriteRegister(SMPL_PRD, 0x0001);
- needsFlash = true;
- "ADIS16448: SMPL_PRD register configuration inconsistent! Scheduling "
- "flash update.");
- }
- // Set data ready polarity (LOW = Good Data) on DIO1 (PWM0 on MXP)
- if (ReadRegister(MSC_CTRL) != 0x0016) {
- WriteRegister(MSC_CTRL, 0x0016);
- needsFlash = true;
- "ADIS16448: MSC_CTRL register configuration inconsistent! Scheduling "
- "flash update.");
- }
- // Disable IMU internal Bartlett filter (204Hz bandwidth is sufficient) and
- // set IMU scale factor (range)
- if (ReadRegister(SENS_AVG) != 0x0400) {
- WriteRegister(SENS_AVG, 0x0400);
- needsFlash = true;
- "ADIS16448: SENS_AVG register configuration inconsistent! Scheduling "
- "flash update.");
- }
- // Clear offset registers
- if (ReadRegister(XGYRO_OFF) != 0x0000) {
- WriteRegister(XGYRO_OFF, 0x0000);
- needsFlash = true;
- "ADIS16448: XGYRO_OFF register configuration inconsistent! "
- "Scheduling flash update.");
- }
- if (ReadRegister(YGYRO_OFF) != 0x0000) {
- WriteRegister(YGYRO_OFF, 0x0000);
- needsFlash = true;
- "ADIS16448: YGYRO_OFF register configuration inconsistent! "
- "Scheduling flash update.");
- }
- if (ReadRegister(ZGYRO_OFF) != 0x0000) {
- WriteRegister(ZGYRO_OFF, 0x0000);
- needsFlash = true;
- "ADIS16448: ZGYRO_OFF register configuration inconsistent! "
- "Scheduling flash update.");
- }
- // If any registers on the IMU don't match the config, trigger a flash
- // update
- if (needsFlash) {
- "ADIS16448: Register configuration changed! Starting IMU flash "
- "update.");
- WriteRegister(GLOB_CMD, 0x0008);
- // Wait long enough for the flash update to finish (75ms minimum as per
- // the datasheet)
- Wait(0.5_s);
- REPORT_WARNING("ADIS16448: Flash update finished!");
- } else {
- "ADIS16448: Flash and RAM configuration consistent. No flash update "
- "required!");
- }
- if (!SwitchToAutoSPI()) {
- return;
- }
- // Notify DS that IMU calibration delay is active
- REPORT_WARNING("ADIS16448: Starting initial calibration delay.");
- // Wait for whatever time the user set as the start-up delay
- Wait(static_cast(m_calibration_time) * 1.2_s);
- // Execute calibration routine
- Calibrate();
- // Reset accumulated offsets
- Reset();
- // Tell the acquire loop that we're done starting up
- m_start_up_mode = false;
- // Let the user know the IMU was initialized successfully
- REPORT_WARNING("ADIS16448 IMU Successfully Initialized!");
- // TODO: Find what the proper pin is to turn this LED
- // Drive MXP PWM5 (IMU ready LED) low (active low)
- m_status_led = new DigitalOutput(19);
- }
- // Report usage and post data to DS
- HAL_Report(HALUsageReporting::kResourceType_ADIS16448, 0);
- wpi::SendableRegistry::AddLW(this, "ADIS16448", port);
- m_connected = true;
-ADIS16448_IMU::ADIS16448_IMU(ADIS16448_IMU&& other)
- : m_reset_in{std::move(other.m_reset_in)},
- m_status_led{std::move(other.m_status_led)},
- m_yaw_axis{std::move(other.m_yaw_axis)},
- m_gyro_rate_x{std::move(other.m_gyro_rate_x)},
- m_gyro_rate_y{std::move(other.m_gyro_rate_y)},
- m_gyro_rate_z{std::move(other.m_gyro_rate_z)},
- m_accel_x{std::move(other.m_accel_x)},
- m_accel_y{std::move(other.m_accel_y)},
- m_accel_z{std::move(other.m_accel_z)},
- m_mag_x{std::move(other.m_mag_x)},
- m_mag_y{std::move(other.m_mag_y)},
- m_mag_z{std::move(other.m_mag_z)},
- m_baro{std::move(other.m_baro)},
- m_temp{std::move(other.m_temp)},
- m_dt{std::move(other.m_dt)},
- m_alpha{std::move(other.m_alpha)},
- m_compAngleX{std::move(other.m_compAngleX)},
- m_compAngleY{std::move(other.m_compAngleY)},
- m_accelAngleX{std::move(other.m_accelAngleX)},
- m_accelAngleY{std::move(other.m_accelAngleY)},
- m_offset_buffer{other.m_offset_buffer},
- m_gyro_rate_offset_x{std::move(other.m_gyro_rate_offset_x)},
- m_gyro_rate_offset_y{std::move(other.m_gyro_rate_offset_y)},
- m_gyro_rate_offset_z{std::move(other.m_gyro_rate_offset_z)},
- m_avg_size{std::move(other.m_avg_size)},
- m_accum_count{std::move(other.m_accum_count)},
- m_integ_gyro_angle_x{std::move(other.m_integ_gyro_angle_x)},
- m_integ_gyro_angle_y{std::move(other.m_integ_gyro_angle_y)},
- m_integ_gyro_angle_z{std::move(other.m_integ_gyro_angle_z)},
- m_thread_active{other.m_thread_active.load()},
- m_first_run{other.m_first_run.load()},
- m_thread_idle{other.m_thread_idle.load()},
- m_start_up_mode{other.m_start_up_mode.load()},
- m_auto_configured{std::move(other.m_auto_configured)},
- m_spi_port{std::move(other.m_spi_port)},
- m_calibration_time{std::move(other.m_calibration_time)},
- m_spi{std::move(other.m_spi)},
- m_auto_interrupt{std::move(other.m_auto_interrupt)},
- m_connected{std::move(other.m_connected)},
- m_acquire_task{std::move(other.m_acquire_task)},
- m_simDevice{std::move(other.m_simDevice)},
- m_simConnected{std::move(other.m_simConnected)},
- m_simGyroAngleX{std::move(other.m_simGyroAngleX)},
- m_simGyroAngleY{std::move(other.m_simGyroAngleZ)},
- m_simGyroAngleZ{std::move(other.m_simGyroAngleZ)},
- m_simGyroRateX{std::move(other.m_simGyroRateX)},
- m_simGyroRateY{std::move(other.m_simGyroRateY)},
- m_simGyroRateZ{std::move(other.m_simGyroRateZ)},
- m_simAccelX{std::move(other.m_simAccelX)},
- m_simAccelY{std::move(other.m_simAccelY)},
- m_simAccelZ{std::move(other.m_simAccelZ)},
- m_mutex{std::move(other.m_mutex)} {}
-ADIS16448_IMU& ADIS16448_IMU::operator=(ADIS16448_IMU&& other) {
- if (this == &other) {
- return *this;
- }
- std::swap(this->m_reset_in, other.m_reset_in);
- std::swap(this->m_status_led, other.m_status_led);
- std::swap(this->m_yaw_axis, other.m_yaw_axis);
- std::swap(this->m_gyro_rate_x, other.m_gyro_rate_x);
- std::swap(this->m_gyro_rate_y, other.m_gyro_rate_y);
- std::swap(this->m_gyro_rate_z, other.m_gyro_rate_z);
- std::swap(this->m_accel_x, other.m_accel_x);
- std::swap(this->m_accel_y, other.m_accel_y);
- std::swap(this->m_accel_z, other.m_accel_z);
- std::swap(this->m_mag_x, other.m_mag_x);
- std::swap(this->m_mag_y, other.m_mag_y);
- std::swap(this->m_mag_z, other.m_mag_z);
- std::swap(this->m_baro, other.m_baro);
- std::swap(this->m_temp, other.m_temp);
- std::swap(this->m_dt, other.m_dt);
- std::swap(this->m_alpha, other.m_alpha);
- std::swap(this->m_compAngleX, other.m_compAngleX);
- std::swap(this->m_compAngleY, other.m_compAngleY);
- std::swap(this->m_accelAngleX, other.m_accelAngleX);
- std::swap(this->m_accelAngleY, other.m_accelAngleY);
- std::swap(this->m_offset_buffer, other.m_offset_buffer);
- std::swap(this->m_gyro_rate_offset_x, other.m_gyro_rate_offset_x);
- std::swap(this->m_gyro_rate_offset_y, other.m_gyro_rate_offset_y);
- std::swap(this->m_gyro_rate_offset_z, other.m_gyro_rate_offset_z);
- std::swap(this->m_avg_size, other.m_avg_size);
- std::swap(this->m_accum_count, other.m_accum_count);
- std::swap(this->m_integ_gyro_angle_x, other.m_integ_gyro_angle_x);
- std::swap(this->m_integ_gyro_angle_y, other.m_integ_gyro_angle_y);
- std::swap(this->m_integ_gyro_angle_z, other.m_integ_gyro_angle_z);
- this->m_thread_active = other.m_thread_active.load();
- this->m_first_run = other.m_first_run.load();
- this->m_thread_idle = other.m_thread_idle.load();
- this->m_start_up_mode = other.m_start_up_mode.load();
- std::swap(this->m_auto_configured, other.m_auto_configured);
- std::swap(this->m_spi_port, other.m_spi_port);
- std::swap(this->m_calibration_time, other.m_calibration_time);
- std::swap(this->m_spi, other.m_spi);
- std::swap(this->m_auto_interrupt, other.m_auto_interrupt);
- std::swap(this->m_connected, other.m_connected);
- std::swap(this->m_acquire_task, other.m_acquire_task);
- std::swap(this->m_simDevice, other.m_simDevice);
- std::swap(this->m_simConnected, other.m_simConnected);
- std::swap(this->m_simGyroAngleX, other.m_simGyroAngleX);
- std::swap(this->m_simGyroAngleY, other.m_simGyroAngleY);
- std::swap(this->m_simGyroAngleZ, other.m_simGyroAngleZ);
- std::swap(this->m_simGyroRateX, other.m_simGyroRateX);
- std::swap(this->m_simGyroRateY, other.m_simGyroRateY);
- std::swap(this->m_simGyroRateZ, other.m_simGyroRateZ);
- std::swap(this->m_simAccelX, other.m_simAccelX);
- std::swap(this->m_simAccelY, other.m_simAccelY);
- std::swap(this->m_simAccelZ, other.m_simAccelZ);
- std::swap(this->m_mutex, other.m_mutex);
- return *this;
-bool ADIS16448_IMU::IsConnected() const {
- if (m_simConnected) {
- return m_simConnected.Get();
- }
- return m_connected;
- * @brief Switches to standard SPI operation. Primarily used when exiting auto
- *SPI mode.
- *
- * @return A boolean indicating the success or failure of setting up the SPI
- *peripheral in standard SPI mode.
- *
- * This function switches the active SPI port to standard SPI and is used
- *primarily when exiting auto SPI. Exiting auto SPI is required to read or write
- *using SPI since the auto SPI configuration, once active, locks the SPI message
- *being transacted. This function also verifies that the SPI port is operating
- *in standard SPI mode by reading back the IMU product ID.
- **/
-bool ADIS16448_IMU::SwitchToStandardSPI() {
- // Check to see whether the acquire thread is active. If so, wait for it to
- // stop producing data.
- if (m_thread_active) {
- m_thread_active = false;
- while (!m_thread_idle) {
- Wait(10_ms);
- }
- // Maybe we're in auto SPI mode? If so, kill auto SPI, and then SPI.
- if (m_spi != nullptr && m_auto_configured) {
- m_spi->StopAuto();
- // We need to get rid of all the garbage left in the auto SPI buffer after
- // stopping it.
- // Sometimes data magically reappears, so we have to check
- // the buffer size a couple of times to be sure we got it all. Yuck.
- uint32_t trashBuffer[200];
- Wait(100_ms);
- int data_count = m_spi->ReadAutoReceivedData(trashBuffer, 0, 0_s);
- while (data_count > 0) {
- // Dequeue 200 at a time, or the remainder of the buffer if less than
- // 200
- m_spi->ReadAutoReceivedData(trashBuffer, (std::min)(200, data_count),
- 0_s);
- // Update remaining buffer count
- data_count = m_spi->ReadAutoReceivedData(trashBuffer, 0, 0_s);
- }
- }
- }
- if (m_spi == nullptr) {
- m_spi = new SPI(m_spi_port);
- m_spi->SetClockRate(1000000);
- m_spi->SetMode(frc::SPI::Mode::kMode3);
- m_spi->SetChipSelectActiveLow();
- }
- ReadRegister(PROD_ID); // Dummy read
- // Validate the product ID
- uint16_t prod_id = ReadRegister(PROD_ID);
- if (prod_id != 16448) {
- REPORT_ERROR("Could not find ADIS16448!");
- Close();
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-void ADIS16448_IMU::InitOffsetBuffer(int size) {
- // avoid exceptions in the case of bad arguments
- if (size < 1) {
- size = 1;
- }
- // set average size to size (correct bad values)
- m_avg_size = size;
- // resize vector
- if (m_offset_buffer != nullptr) {
- delete[] m_offset_buffer;
- }
- m_offset_buffer = new OffsetData[size];
- // set accumulate count to 0
- m_accum_count = 0;
- * This function switches the active SPI port to auto SPI and is used primarily
- *when exiting standard SPI. Auto SPI is required to asynchronously read data
- *over SPI as it utilizes special FPGA hardware to react to an external data
- *ready (GPIO) input. Data captured using auto SPI is buffered in the FPGA and
- *can be read by the CPU asynchronously. Standard SPI transactions are
- * impossible on the selected SPI port once auto SPI is enabled. The stall
- *settings, GPIO interrupt pin, and data packet settings used in this function
- *are hard-coded to work only with the ADIS16448 IMU.
- **/
-bool ADIS16448_IMU::SwitchToAutoSPI() {
- // No SPI port has been set up. Go set one up first.
- if (m_spi == nullptr && !SwitchToStandardSPI()) {
- REPORT_ERROR("Failed to start/restart auto SPI");
- return false;
- }
- // Only set up the interrupt if needed.
- if (m_auto_interrupt == nullptr) {
- m_auto_interrupt = new DigitalInput(10);
- }
- // The auto SPI controller gets angry if you try to set up two instances on
- // one bus.
- if (!m_auto_configured) {
- m_spi->InitAuto(8200);
- m_auto_configured = true;
- }
- // Set auto SPI packet data and size
- m_spi->SetAutoTransmitData({{GLOB_CMD}}, 27);
- // Configure auto stall time
- m_spi->ConfigureAutoStall(HAL_SPI_kMXP, 100, 1000, 255);
- // Kick off DMA SPI (Note: Device configuration impossible after SPI DMA is
- // activated)
- m_spi->StartAutoTrigger(*m_auto_interrupt, true, false);
- // Check to see if the acquire thread is running. If not, kick one off.
- if (!m_thread_idle) {
- m_first_run = true;
- m_thread_active = true;
- // Set up circular buffer
- InitOffsetBuffer(m_avg_size);
- // Kick off acquire thread
- m_acquire_task = std::thread(&ADIS16448_IMU::Acquire, this);
- } else {
- m_first_run = true;
- m_thread_active = true;
- }
- // Looks like the thread didn't start for some reason. Abort.
- /*
- if(!m_thread_idle) {
- REPORT_ERROR("Failed to start/restart the acquire() thread.");
- Close();
- return false;
- }
- */
- return true;
-int ADIS16448_IMU::ConfigCalTime(CalibrationTime new_cal_time) {
- if (m_calibration_time == new_cal_time) {
- return 1;
- } else {
- m_calibration_time = new_cal_time;
- m_avg_size = static_cast(m_calibration_time) * 819;
- InitOffsetBuffer(m_avg_size);
- return 0;
- }
-void ADIS16448_IMU::Calibrate() {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- // Calculate the running average
- int gyroAverageSize = (std::min)(m_accum_count, m_avg_size);
- double accum_gyro_rate_x = 0.0;
- double accum_gyro_rate_y = 0.0;
- double accum_gyro_rate_z = 0.0;
- for (int i = 0; i < gyroAverageSize; i++) {
- accum_gyro_rate_x += m_offset_buffer[i].gyro_rate_x;
- accum_gyro_rate_y += m_offset_buffer[i].gyro_rate_y;
- accum_gyro_rate_z += m_offset_buffer[i].gyro_rate_z;
- }
- m_gyro_rate_offset_x = accum_gyro_rate_x / gyroAverageSize;
- m_gyro_rate_offset_y = accum_gyro_rate_y / gyroAverageSize;
- m_gyro_rate_offset_z = accum_gyro_rate_z / gyroAverageSize;
- m_integ_gyro_angle_x = 0.0;
- m_integ_gyro_angle_y = 0.0;
- m_integ_gyro_angle_z = 0.0;
-uint16_t ADIS16448_IMU::ReadRegister(uint8_t reg) {
- uint8_t buf[2];
- buf[0] = reg & 0x7f;
- buf[1] = 0;
- m_spi->Write(buf, 2);
- m_spi->Read(false, buf, 2);
- return (static_cast(buf[0]) << 8) | buf[1];
- * This function writes an unsigned, 16-bit value into adjacent 8-bit addresses
- * via SPI. The upper and lower bytes that make up the 16-bit value are split
- * into two unsigned, 8-bit values and written to the upper and lower addresses
- * of the specified register value. Only the lower (base) address must be
- * specified. This function assumes the controller is set to standard SPI mode.
- **/
-void ADIS16448_IMU::WriteRegister(uint8_t reg, uint16_t val) {
- uint8_t buf[2];
- buf[0] = 0x80 | reg;
- buf[1] = val & 0xff;
- m_spi->Write(buf, 2);
- buf[0] = 0x81 | reg;
- buf[1] = val >> 8;
- m_spi->Write(buf, 2);
-void ADIS16448_IMU::Reset() {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- m_integ_gyro_angle_x = 0.0;
- m_integ_gyro_angle_y = 0.0;
- m_integ_gyro_angle_z = 0.0;
-void ADIS16448_IMU::Close() {
- if (m_reset_in != nullptr) {
- delete m_reset_in;
- m_reset_in = nullptr;
- }
- if (m_status_led != nullptr) {
- delete m_status_led;
- m_status_led = nullptr;
- }
- if (m_thread_active) {
- m_thread_active = false;
- if (m_acquire_task.joinable()) {
- m_acquire_task.join();
- }
- }
- if (m_spi != nullptr) {
- if (m_auto_configured) {
- m_spi->StopAuto();
- }
- delete m_spi;
- m_auto_configured = false;
- if (m_auto_interrupt != nullptr) {
- delete m_auto_interrupt;
- m_auto_interrupt = nullptr;
- }
- m_spi = nullptr;
- }
- delete[] m_offset_buffer;
-ADIS16448_IMU::~ADIS16448_IMU() {
- Close();
-void ADIS16448_IMU::Acquire() {
- // Set data packet length
- const int dataset_len = 29; // 18 data points + timestamp
- const int BUFFER_SIZE = 4000;
- // This buffer can contain many datasets
- uint32_t buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
- uint32_t previous_timestamp = 0;
- double compAngleX = 0.0;
- double compAngleY = 0.0;
- while (true) {
- // Wait for data
- Wait(10_ms);
- if (m_thread_active) {
- // Read number of bytes currently stored in the buffer
- int data_count = m_spi->ReadAutoReceivedData(buffer, 0, 0_s);
- // Check if frame is incomplete
- int data_remainder = data_count % dataset_len;
- // Remove incomplete data from read count
- int data_to_read = data_count - data_remainder;
- // Want to cap the data to read in a single read at the buffer size
- if (data_to_read > BUFFER_SIZE) {
- "ADIS16448 data processing thread overrun has occurred!");
- data_to_read = BUFFER_SIZE - (BUFFER_SIZE % dataset_len);
- }
- // Read data from DMA buffer
- m_spi->ReadAutoReceivedData(buffer, data_to_read, 0_s);
- // Could be multiple data sets in the buffer. Handle each one.
- for (int i = 0; i < data_to_read; i += dataset_len) {
- // Calculate CRC-16 on each data packet
- uint16_t calc_crc = 0xFFFF; // Starting word
- // Cycle through XYZ GYRO, XYZ ACCEL, XYZ MAG, BARO, TEMP (Ignore Status
- // & CRC)
- for (int k = 5; k < 27; k += 2) {
- // Process LSB
- uint8_t byte = static_cast(buffer[i + k + 1]);
- calc_crc = (calc_crc >> 8) ^ m_adiscrc[(calc_crc & 0xFF) ^ byte];
- // Process MSB
- byte = static_cast(buffer[i + k]);
- calc_crc = (calc_crc >> 8) ^ m_adiscrc[(calc_crc & 0xFF) ^ byte];
- }
- // Complement
- calc_crc = ~calc_crc;
- // Flip LSB & MSB
- calc_crc = static_cast((calc_crc << 8) | (calc_crc >> 8));
- // Extract DUT CRC from data buffer
- uint16_t imu_crc = BuffToUShort(&buffer[i + 27]);
- // Compare calculated vs read CRC. Don't update outputs or dt if CRC-16
- // is bad
- if (calc_crc == imu_crc) {
- // Timestamp is at buffer[i]
- m_dt = (buffer[i] - previous_timestamp) / 1000000.0;
- // Scale sensor data
- double gyro_rate_x = BuffToShort(&buffer[i + 5]) * 0.04;
- double gyro_rate_y = BuffToShort(&buffer[i + 7]) * 0.04;
- double gyro_rate_z = BuffToShort(&buffer[i + 9]) * 0.04;
- double accel_x = BuffToShort(&buffer[i + 11]) * 0.833;
- double accel_y = BuffToShort(&buffer[i + 13]) * 0.833;
- double accel_z = BuffToShort(&buffer[i + 15]) * 0.833;
- double mag_x = BuffToShort(&buffer[i + 17]) * 0.1429;
- double mag_y = BuffToShort(&buffer[i + 19]) * 0.1429;
- double mag_z = BuffToShort(&buffer[i + 21]) * 0.1429;
- double baro = BuffToShort(&buffer[i + 23]) * 0.02;
- double temp = BuffToShort(&buffer[i + 25]) * 0.07386 + 31.0;
- // Convert scaled sensor data to SI units
- double gyro_rate_x_si = gyro_rate_x * kDegToRad;
- double gyro_rate_y_si = gyro_rate_y * kDegToRad;
- // double gyro_rate_z_si = gyro_rate_z * kDegToRad;
- double accel_x_si = accel_x * kGrav;
- double accel_y_si = accel_y * kGrav;
- double accel_z_si = accel_z * kGrav;
- // Store timestamp for next iteration
- previous_timestamp = buffer[i];
- // Calculate alpha for use with the complementary filter
- m_alpha = kTau / (kTau + m_dt);
- // Run inclinometer calculations
- double accelAngleX =
- atan2f(-accel_x_si, std::hypotf(accel_y_si, -accel_z_si));
- double accelAngleY =
- atan2f(accel_y_si, std::hypotf(-accel_x_si, -accel_z_si));
- // Calculate complementary filter
- if (m_first_run) {
- compAngleX = accelAngleX;
- compAngleY = accelAngleY;
- } else {
- accelAngleX = FormatAccelRange(accelAngleX, -accel_z_si);
- accelAngleY = FormatAccelRange(accelAngleY, -accel_z_si);
- compAngleX =
- CompFilterProcess(compAngleX, accelAngleX, -gyro_rate_y_si);
- compAngleY =
- CompFilterProcess(compAngleY, accelAngleY, -gyro_rate_x_si);
- }
- // Update global variables and state
- {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- // Ignore first, integrated sample
- if (m_first_run) {
- m_integ_gyro_angle_x = 0.0;
- m_integ_gyro_angle_y = 0.0;
- m_integ_gyro_angle_z = 0.0;
- } else {
- // Accumulate gyro for offset calibration
- // Add most recent sample data to buffer
- int bufferAvgIndex = m_accum_count % m_avg_size;
- m_offset_buffer[bufferAvgIndex] =
- OffsetData{gyro_rate_x, gyro_rate_y, gyro_rate_z};
- // Increment counter
- m_accum_count++;
- }
- // Don't post accumulated data to the global variables until an
- // initial gyro offset has been calculated
- if (!m_start_up_mode) {
- m_gyro_rate_x = gyro_rate_x;
- m_gyro_rate_y = gyro_rate_y;
- m_gyro_rate_z = gyro_rate_z;
- m_accel_x = accel_x;
- m_accel_y = accel_y;
- m_accel_z = accel_z;
- m_mag_x = mag_x;
- m_mag_y = mag_y;
- m_mag_z = mag_z;
- m_baro = baro;
- m_temp = temp;
- m_compAngleX = compAngleX * kRadToDeg;
- m_compAngleY = compAngleY * kRadToDeg;
- m_accelAngleX = accelAngleX * kRadToDeg;
- m_accelAngleY = accelAngleY * kRadToDeg;
- // Accumulate gyro for angle integration and publish to global
- // variables
- m_integ_gyro_angle_x +=
- (gyro_rate_x - m_gyro_rate_offset_x) * m_dt;
- m_integ_gyro_angle_y +=
- (gyro_rate_y - m_gyro_rate_offset_y) * m_dt;
- m_integ_gyro_angle_z +=
- (gyro_rate_z - m_gyro_rate_offset_z) * m_dt;
- }
- }
- m_first_run = false;
- }
- }
- } else {
- m_thread_idle = true;
- previous_timestamp = 0.0;
- compAngleX = 0.0;
- compAngleY = 0.0;
- }
- }
-/* Complementary filter functions */
-double ADIS16448_IMU::FormatFastConverge(double compAngle, double accAngle) {
- if (compAngle > accAngle + std::numbers::pi) {
- compAngle = compAngle - 2.0 * std::numbers::pi;
- } else if (accAngle > compAngle + std::numbers::pi) {
- compAngle = compAngle + 2.0 * std::numbers::pi;
- }
- return compAngle;
-double ADIS16448_IMU::FormatAccelRange(double accelAngle, double accelZ) {
- if (accelZ < 0.0) {
- accelAngle = std::numbers::pi - accelAngle;
- } else if (accelZ > 0.0 && accelAngle < 0.0) {
- accelAngle = 2.0 * std::numbers::pi + accelAngle;
- }
- return accelAngle;
-double ADIS16448_IMU::CompFilterProcess(double compAngle, double accelAngle,
- double omega) {
- compAngle = FormatFastConverge(compAngle, accelAngle);
- compAngle =
- m_alpha * (compAngle + omega * m_dt) + (1.0 - m_alpha) * accelAngle;
- return frc::InputModulus(compAngle, -std::numbers::pi, std::numbers::pi);
-int ADIS16448_IMU::ConfigDecRate(uint16_t decimationRate) {
- // Switches the active SPI port to standard SPI mode, writes a new value to
- // the DECIMATE register in the IMU, adjusts the sample scale factor, and
- // re-enables auto SPI.
- if (!SwitchToStandardSPI()) {
- REPORT_ERROR("Failed to configure/reconfigure standard SPI.");
- return 2;
- }
- // Check max
- if (decimationRate > 9) {
- "Attempted to write an invalid decimation value. Capping at 9");
- decimationRate = 9;
- }
- // Shift decimation setting to correct position and select internal sync
- uint16_t writeValue = (decimationRate << 8) | 0x1;
- // Apply to IMU
- WriteRegister(SMPL_PRD, writeValue);
- // Perform read back to verify write
- uint16_t readbackValue = ReadRegister(SMPL_PRD);
- // Throw error for invalid write
- if (readbackValue != writeValue) {
- REPORT_ERROR("ADIS16448 SMPL_PRD write failed.");
- }
- if (!SwitchToAutoSPI()) {
- REPORT_ERROR("Failed to configure/reconfigure auto SPI.");
- return 2;
- }
- return 0;
-units::degree_t ADIS16448_IMU::GetAngle() const {
- switch (m_yaw_axis) {
- case kX:
- return GetGyroAngleX();
- case kY:
- return GetGyroAngleY();
- case kZ:
- return GetGyroAngleZ();
- default:
- return 0_deg;
- }
-units::degrees_per_second_t ADIS16448_IMU::GetRate() const {
- switch (m_yaw_axis) {
- case kX:
- return GetGyroRateX();
- case kY:
- return GetGyroRateY();
- case kZ:
- return GetGyroRateZ();
- default:
- return 0_deg_per_s;
- }
-units::degree_t ADIS16448_IMU::GetGyroAngleX() const {
- if (m_simGyroAngleX) {
- return units::degree_t{m_simGyroAngleX.Get()};
- }
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::degree_t{m_integ_gyro_angle_x};
-units::degree_t ADIS16448_IMU::GetGyroAngleY() const {
- if (m_simGyroAngleY) {
- return units::degree_t{m_simGyroAngleY.Get()};
- }
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::degree_t{m_integ_gyro_angle_y};
-units::degree_t ADIS16448_IMU::GetGyroAngleZ() const {
- if (m_simGyroAngleZ) {
- return units::degree_t{m_simGyroAngleZ.Get()};
- }
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::degree_t{m_integ_gyro_angle_z};
-units::degrees_per_second_t ADIS16448_IMU::GetGyroRateX() const {
- if (m_simGyroRateX) {
- return units::degrees_per_second_t{m_simGyroRateX.Get()};
- }
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::degrees_per_second_t{m_gyro_rate_x};
-units::degrees_per_second_t ADIS16448_IMU::GetGyroRateY() const {
- if (m_simGyroRateY) {
- return units::degrees_per_second_t{m_simGyroRateY.Get()};
- }
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::degrees_per_second_t{m_gyro_rate_y};
-units::degrees_per_second_t ADIS16448_IMU::GetGyroRateZ() const {
- if (m_simGyroRateZ) {
- return units::degrees_per_second_t{m_simGyroRateZ.Get()};
- }
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::degrees_per_second_t{m_gyro_rate_z};
-units::meters_per_second_squared_t ADIS16448_IMU::GetAccelX() const {
- if (m_simAccelX) {
- return units::meters_per_second_squared_t{m_simAccelX.Get()};
- }
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return m_accel_x * 9.81_mps_sq;
-units::meters_per_second_squared_t ADIS16448_IMU::GetAccelY() const {
- if (m_simAccelY) {
- return units::meters_per_second_squared_t{m_simAccelY.Get()};
- }
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return m_accel_y * 9.81_mps_sq;
-units::meters_per_second_squared_t ADIS16448_IMU::GetAccelZ() const {
- if (m_simAccelZ) {
- return units::meters_per_second_squared_t{m_simAccelZ.Get()};
- }
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return m_accel_z * 9.81_mps_sq;
-units::tesla_t ADIS16448_IMU::GetMagneticFieldX() const {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::gauss_t{m_mag_x * 1e-3};
-units::tesla_t ADIS16448_IMU::GetMagneticFieldY() const {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::gauss_t{m_mag_y * 1e-3};
-units::tesla_t ADIS16448_IMU::GetMagneticFieldZ() const {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::gauss_t{m_mag_z * 1e-3};
-units::degree_t ADIS16448_IMU::GetXComplementaryAngle() const {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::degree_t{m_compAngleX};
-units::degree_t ADIS16448_IMU::GetYComplementaryAngle() const {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::degree_t{m_compAngleY};
-units::degree_t ADIS16448_IMU::GetXFilteredAccelAngle() const {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::degree_t{m_accelAngleX};
-units::degree_t ADIS16448_IMU::GetYFilteredAccelAngle() const {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::degree_t{m_accelAngleY};
-units::pounds_per_square_inch_t ADIS16448_IMU::GetBarometricPressure() const {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::mbar_t{m_baro};
-units::celsius_t ADIS16448_IMU::GetTemperature() const {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::celsius_t{m_temp};
-ADIS16448_IMU::IMUAxis ADIS16448_IMU::GetYawAxis() const {
- return m_yaw_axis;
-int ADIS16448_IMU::SetYawAxis(IMUAxis yaw_axis) {
- if (m_yaw_axis == yaw_axis) {
- return 1;
- } else {
- m_yaw_axis = yaw_axis;
- Reset();
- return 0;
- }
-int ADIS16448_IMU::GetPort() const {
- return m_spi_port;
-void ADIS16448_IMU::InitSendable(wpi::SendableBuilder& builder) {
- builder.SetSmartDashboardType("ADIS16448 IMU");
- builder.AddDoubleProperty(
- "Yaw Angle", [=, this] { return GetAngle().value(); }, nullptr);
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/ADIS16470_IMU.cpp b/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/ADIS16470_IMU.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fef9505a55..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/ADIS16470_IMU.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,944 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-/* Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Analog Devices Inc. All Rights Reserved. */
-/* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code */
-/* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */
-/* the project. */
-/* */
-/* Juan Chong - frcsupport@analog.com */
-#include "frc/ADIS16470_IMU.h"
-#include "frc/DigitalInput.h"
-#include "frc/Errors.h"
-#include "frc/MathUtil.h"
-#include "frc/Timer.h"
-/* Helpful conversion functions */
-static inline int32_t ToInt(const uint32_t* buf) {
- return static_cast((buf[0] << 24) | (buf[1] << 16) | (buf[2] << 8) |
- buf[3]);
-static inline int16_t BuffToShort(const uint32_t* buf) {
- return (static_cast(buf[0]) << 8) | buf[1];
-using namespace frc;
-namespace {
-inline void ADISReportError(int32_t status, const char* file, int line,
- const char* function, const S& format,
- Args&&... args) {
- frc::ReportErrorV(status, file, line, function, format,
- fmt::make_format_args(args...));
-} // namespace
-#define REPORT_WARNING(msg) \
- ADISReportError(warn::Warning, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, msg);
-#define REPORT_ERROR(msg) \
- ADISReportError(err::Error, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, msg)
- : ADIS16470_IMU(kZ, kY, kX, SPI::Port::kOnboardCS0, CalibrationTime::_1s) {}
-ADIS16470_IMU::ADIS16470_IMU(IMUAxis yaw_axis, IMUAxis pitch_axis,
- IMUAxis roll_axis)
- : ADIS16470_IMU(yaw_axis, pitch_axis, roll_axis, SPI::Port::kOnboardCS0,
- CalibrationTime::_1s) {}
-ADIS16470_IMU::ADIS16470_IMU(IMUAxis yaw_axis, IMUAxis pitch_axis,
- IMUAxis roll_axis, SPI::Port port,
- CalibrationTime cal_time)
- : m_yaw_axis(yaw_axis),
- m_pitch_axis(pitch_axis),
- m_roll_axis(roll_axis),
- m_spi_port(port),
- m_calibration_time(static_cast(cal_time)),
- m_simDevice("Gyro:ADIS16470", port) {
- if (yaw_axis == kYaw || yaw_axis == kPitch || yaw_axis == kRoll ||
- pitch_axis == kYaw || pitch_axis == kPitch || pitch_axis == kRoll ||
- roll_axis == kYaw || roll_axis == kPitch || roll_axis == kRoll) {
- "ADIS16470 constructor only allows IMUAxis.kX, IMUAxis.kY or "
- "IMUAxis.kZ as arguments.");
- "Constructing ADIS with default axes. (IMUAxis.kZ is defined as Yaw)");
- yaw_axis = kZ;
- pitch_axis = kY;
- roll_axis = kX;
- }
- if (m_simDevice) {
- m_connected =
- m_simDevice.CreateBoolean("connected", hal::SimDevice::kInput, true);
- m_simGyroAngleX =
- m_simDevice.CreateDouble("gyro_angle_x", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- m_simGyroAngleY =
- m_simDevice.CreateDouble("gyro_angle_y", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- m_simGyroAngleZ =
- m_simDevice.CreateDouble("gyro_angle_z", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- m_simGyroRateX =
- m_simDevice.CreateDouble("gyro_rate_x", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- m_simGyroRateY =
- m_simDevice.CreateDouble("gyro_rate_y", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- m_simGyroRateZ =
- m_simDevice.CreateDouble("gyro_rate_z", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- m_simAccelX =
- m_simDevice.CreateDouble("accel_x", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- m_simAccelY =
- m_simDevice.CreateDouble("accel_y", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- m_simAccelZ =
- m_simDevice.CreateDouble("accel_z", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- }
- if (!m_simDevice) {
- // Force the IMU reset pin to toggle on startup (doesn't require DS enable)
- // Relies on the RIO hardware by default configuring an output as low
- // and configuring an input as high Z. The 10k pull-up resistor internal to
- // the IMU then forces the reset line high for normal operation.
- DigitalOutput* reset_out =
- new DigitalOutput(27); // Drive SPI CS2 (IMU RST) low
- Wait(10_ms);
- delete reset_out;
- m_reset_in = new DigitalInput(27); // Set SPI CS2 (IMU RST) high
- Wait(500_ms); // Wait for reset to complete
- // Configure standard SPI
- if (!SwitchToStandardSPI()) {
- return;
- }
- bool needsFlash = false;
- // Set IMU internal decimation to 4 (output data rate of 2000 SPS / (4 + 1)
- // = 400Hz)
- if (ReadRegister(DEC_RATE) != 0x0004) {
- WriteRegister(DEC_RATE, 0x0004);
- needsFlash = true;
- "ADIS16470: DEC_RATE register configuration inconsistent! Scheduling "
- "flash update.");
- }
- // Set data ready polarity (HIGH = Good Data), Disable gSense Compensation
- // and PoP
- if (ReadRegister(MSC_CTRL) != 0x0001) {
- WriteRegister(MSC_CTRL, 0x0001);
- needsFlash = true;
- "ADIS16470: MSC_CTRL register configuration inconsistent! Scheduling "
- "flash update.");
- }
- // Disable IMU internal Bartlett filter (200Hz bandwidth is sufficient)
- if (ReadRegister(FILT_CTRL) != 0x0000) {
- WriteRegister(FILT_CTRL, 0x0000);
- needsFlash = true;
- "ADIS16470: FILT_CTRL register configuration inconsistent! "
- "Scheduling flash update.");
- }
- // If any registers on the IMU don't match the config, trigger a flash
- // update
- if (needsFlash) {
- "ADIS16470: Register configuration changed! Starting IMU flash "
- "update.");
- WriteRegister(GLOB_CMD, 0x0008);
- // Wait long enough for the flash update to finish (72ms minimum as per
- // the datasheet)
- Wait(0.3_s);
- REPORT_WARNING("ADIS16470: Flash update finished!");
- } else {
- "ADIS16470: Flash and RAM configuration consistent. No flash update "
- "required!");
- }
- // Configure continuous bias calibration time based on user setting
- WriteRegister(NULL_CNFG, m_calibration_time | 0x700);
- // Notify DS that IMU calibration delay is active
- REPORT_WARNING("ADIS16470: Starting initial calibration delay.");
- // Wait for samples to accumulate internal to the IMU (110% of user-defined
- // time)
- Wait(units::second_t{pow(2, m_calibration_time) / 2000 * 64 * 1.1});
- // Write offset calibration command to IMU
- WriteRegister(GLOB_CMD, 0x0001);
- // Configure and enable auto SPI
- if (!SwitchToAutoSPI()) {
- return;
- }
- // Let the user know the IMU was initialized successfully
- REPORT_WARNING("ADIS16470 IMU Successfully Initialized!");
- // Drive SPI CS3 (IMU ready LED) low (active low)
- m_status_led = new DigitalOutput(28);
- }
- // Report usage and post data to DS
- HAL_Report(HALUsageReporting::kResourceType_ADIS16470, 0);
- wpi::SendableRegistry::AddLW(this, "ADIS16470", port);
- m_connected = true;
-ADIS16470_IMU::ADIS16470_IMU(ADIS16470_IMU&& other)
- : m_yaw_axis{std::move(other.m_yaw_axis)},
- m_pitch_axis{std::move(other.m_pitch_axis)},
- m_roll_axis{std::move(other.m_roll_axis)},
- m_reset_in{std::move(other.m_reset_in)},
- m_status_led{std::move(other.m_status_led)},
- m_integ_angle_x{std::move(other.m_integ_angle_x)},
- m_integ_angle_y{std::move(other.m_integ_angle_y)},
- m_integ_angle_z{std::move(other.m_integ_angle_z)},
- m_gyro_rate_x{std::move(other.m_gyro_rate_x)},
- m_gyro_rate_y{std::move(other.m_gyro_rate_y)},
- m_gyro_rate_z{std::move(other.m_gyro_rate_z)},
- m_accel_x{std::move(other.m_accel_x)},
- m_accel_y{std::move(other.m_accel_y)},
- m_accel_z{std::move(other.m_accel_z)},
- m_dt{std::move(other.m_dt)},
- m_alpha{std::move(other.m_alpha)},
- m_compAngleX{std::move(other.m_compAngleX)},
- m_compAngleY{std::move(other.m_compAngleY)},
- m_accelAngleX{std::move(other.m_accelAngleX)},
- m_accelAngleY{std::move(other.m_accelAngleY)},
- m_thread_active{other.m_thread_active.load()},
- m_first_run{other.m_first_run.load()},
- m_thread_idle{other.m_thread_idle.load()},
- m_auto_configured{std::move(other.m_auto_configured)},
- m_spi_port{std::move(other.m_spi_port)},
- m_calibration_time{std::move(other.m_calibration_time)},
- m_spi{std::move(other.m_spi)},
- m_auto_interrupt{std::move(other.m_auto_interrupt)},
- m_scaled_sample_rate{std::move(other.m_scaled_sample_rate)},
- m_connected{std::move(other.m_connected)},
- m_acquire_task{std::move(other.m_acquire_task)},
- m_simDevice{std::move(other.m_simDevice)},
- m_simConnected{std::move(other.m_simConnected)},
- m_simGyroAngleX{std::move(other.m_simGyroAngleX)},
- m_simGyroAngleY{std::move(other.m_simGyroAngleZ)},
- m_simGyroAngleZ{std::move(other.m_simGyroAngleZ)},
- m_simGyroRateX{std::move(other.m_simGyroRateX)},
- m_simGyroRateY{std::move(other.m_simGyroRateY)},
- m_simGyroRateZ{std::move(other.m_simGyroRateZ)},
- m_simAccelX{std::move(other.m_simAccelX)},
- m_simAccelY{std::move(other.m_simAccelY)},
- m_simAccelZ{std::move(other.m_simAccelZ)},
- m_mutex{std::move(other.m_mutex)} {}
-ADIS16470_IMU& ADIS16470_IMU::operator=(ADIS16470_IMU&& other) {
- if (this == &other) {
- return *this;
- }
- std::swap(this->m_yaw_axis, other.m_yaw_axis);
- std::swap(this->m_pitch_axis, other.m_pitch_axis);
- std::swap(this->m_roll_axis, other.m_roll_axis);
- std::swap(this->m_reset_in, other.m_reset_in);
- std::swap(this->m_status_led, other.m_status_led);
- std::swap(this->m_integ_angle_x, other.m_integ_angle_x);
- std::swap(this->m_integ_angle_y, other.m_integ_angle_y);
- std::swap(this->m_integ_angle_z, other.m_integ_angle_z);
- std::swap(this->m_gyro_rate_x, other.m_gyro_rate_x);
- std::swap(this->m_gyro_rate_y, other.m_gyro_rate_y);
- std::swap(this->m_gyro_rate_z, other.m_gyro_rate_z);
- std::swap(this->m_accel_x, other.m_accel_x);
- std::swap(this->m_accel_y, other.m_accel_y);
- std::swap(this->m_accel_z, other.m_accel_z);
- std::swap(this->m_dt, other.m_dt);
- std::swap(this->m_alpha, other.m_alpha);
- std::swap(this->m_compAngleX, other.m_compAngleX);
- std::swap(this->m_compAngleY, other.m_compAngleY);
- std::swap(this->m_accelAngleX, other.m_accelAngleX);
- std::swap(this->m_accelAngleY, other.m_accelAngleY);
- this->m_thread_active = other.m_thread_active.load();
- this->m_first_run = other.m_first_run.load();
- this->m_thread_idle = other.m_thread_idle.load();
- std::swap(this->m_auto_configured, other.m_auto_configured);
- std::swap(this->m_spi_port, other.m_spi_port);
- std::swap(this->m_calibration_time, other.m_calibration_time);
- std::swap(this->m_spi, other.m_spi);
- std::swap(this->m_auto_interrupt, other.m_auto_interrupt);
- std::swap(this->m_scaled_sample_rate, other.m_scaled_sample_rate);
- std::swap(this->m_connected, other.m_connected);
- std::swap(this->m_acquire_task, other.m_acquire_task);
- std::swap(this->m_simDevice, other.m_simDevice);
- std::swap(this->m_simConnected, other.m_simConnected);
- std::swap(this->m_simGyroAngleX, other.m_simGyroAngleX);
- std::swap(this->m_simGyroAngleY, other.m_simGyroAngleZ);
- std::swap(this->m_simGyroAngleZ, other.m_simGyroAngleZ);
- std::swap(this->m_simGyroRateX, other.m_simGyroRateX);
- std::swap(this->m_simGyroRateY, other.m_simGyroRateY);
- std::swap(this->m_simGyroRateZ, other.m_simGyroRateZ);
- std::swap(this->m_simAccelX, other.m_simAccelX);
- std::swap(this->m_simAccelY, other.m_simAccelY);
- std::swap(this->m_simAccelZ, other.m_simAccelZ);
- std::swap(this->m_mutex, other.m_mutex);
- return *this;
-bool ADIS16470_IMU::IsConnected() const {
- if (m_simConnected) {
- return m_simConnected.Get();
- }
- return m_connected;
- * @brief Switches to standard SPI operation. Primarily used when exiting auto
- *SPI mode.
- *
- * @return A boolean indicating the success or failure of setting up the SPI
- *peripheral in standard SPI mode.
- *
- * This function switches the active SPI port to standard SPI and is used
- *primarily when exiting auto SPI. Exiting auto SPI is required to read or write
- *using SPI since the auto SPI configuration, once active, locks the SPI message
- *being transacted. This function also verifies that the SPI port is operating
- *in standard SPI mode by reading back the IMU product ID.
- **/
-bool ADIS16470_IMU::SwitchToStandardSPI() {
- // Check to see whether the acquire thread is active. If so, wait for it to
- // stop producing data.
- if (m_thread_active) {
- m_thread_active = false;
- while (!m_thread_idle) {
- Wait(10_ms);
- }
- // Maybe we're in auto SPI mode? If so, kill auto SPI, and then SPI.
- if (m_spi != nullptr && m_auto_configured) {
- m_spi->StopAuto();
- // We need to get rid of all the garbage left in the auto SPI buffer after
- // stopping it.
- // Sometimes data magically reappears, so we have to check the buffer size
- // a couple of times to be sure we got it all. Yuck.
- uint32_t trashBuffer[200];
- Wait(100_ms);
- int data_count = m_spi->ReadAutoReceivedData(trashBuffer, 0, 0_s);
- while (data_count > 0) {
- // Receive data, max of 200 words at a time (prevent potential segfault)
- m_spi->ReadAutoReceivedData(trashBuffer, (std::min)(data_count, 200),
- 0_s);
- // Get the remaining data count
- data_count = m_spi->ReadAutoReceivedData(trashBuffer, 0, 0_s);
- }
- }
- }
- // There doesn't seem to be a SPI port active. Let's try to set one up
- if (m_spi == nullptr) {
- m_spi = new SPI(m_spi_port);
- m_spi->SetClockRate(2000000);
- m_spi->SetMode(frc::SPI::Mode::kMode3);
- m_spi->SetChipSelectActiveLow();
- }
- ReadRegister(PROD_ID); // Dummy read
- // Validate the product ID
- uint16_t prod_id = ReadRegister(PROD_ID);
- if (prod_id != 16982 && prod_id != 16470) {
- REPORT_ERROR("Could not find ADIS16470!");
- Close();
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- * @brief Switches to auto SPI operation. Primarily used when exiting standard
- *SPI mode.
- *
- * @return A boolean indicating the success or failure of setting up the SPI
- *peripheral in auto SPI mode.
- *
- * This function switches the active SPI port to auto SPI and is used primarily
- *when exiting standard SPI. Auto SPI is required to asynchronously read data
- *over SPI as it utilizes special FPGA hardware to react to an external data
- *ready (GPIO) input. Data captured using auto SPI is buffered in the FPGA and
- *can be read by the CPU asynchronously. Standard SPI transactions are
- * impossible on the selected SPI port once auto SPI is enabled. The stall
- *settings, GPIO interrupt pin, and data packet settings used in this function
- *are hard-coded to work only with the ADIS16470 IMU.
- **/
-bool ADIS16470_IMU::SwitchToAutoSPI() {
- // No SPI port has been set up. Go set one up first.
- if (m_spi == nullptr && !SwitchToStandardSPI()) {
- REPORT_ERROR("Failed to start/restart auto SPI");
- return false;
- }
- // Only set up the interrupt if needed.
- if (m_auto_interrupt == nullptr) {
- m_auto_interrupt = new DigitalInput(26);
- }
- // The auto SPI controller gets angry if you try to set up two instances on
- // one bus.
- if (!m_auto_configured) {
- m_spi->InitAuto(8200);
- m_auto_configured = true;
- }
- // Do we need to change auto SPI settings?
- m_spi->SetAutoTransmitData(m_autospi_allangle_packet, 2);
- // Configure auto stall time
- m_spi->ConfigureAutoStall(HAL_SPI_kOnboardCS0, 5, 1000, 1);
- // Kick off DMA SPI (Note: Device configuration impossible after SPI DMA is
- // activated)
- // DR High = Data good (data capture should be triggered on the rising edge)
- m_spi->StartAutoTrigger(*m_auto_interrupt, true, false);
- // Check to see if the acquire thread is running. If not, kick one off.
- if (!m_thread_idle) {
- m_first_run = true;
- m_thread_active = true;
- m_acquire_task = std::thread(&ADIS16470_IMU::Acquire, this);
- } else {
- m_first_run = true;
- m_thread_active = true;
- }
- // Looks like the thread didn't start for some reason. Abort.
- /*
- if(!m_thread_idle) {
- REPORT_ERROR("Failed to start/restart the acquire() thread.");
- Close();
- return false;
- }
- */
- return true;
- * @brief Switches the active SPI port to standard SPI mode, writes a new value
- *to the NULL_CNFG register in the IMU, and re-enables auto SPI.
- *
- * @param new_cal_time Calibration time to be set.
- *
- * @return An int indicating the success or failure of writing the new NULL_CNFG
- *setting and returning to auto SPI mode. 0 = Success, 1 = No Change, 2 =
- *Failure
- *
- * This function enters standard SPI mode, writes a new NULL_CNFG setting to the
- *IMU, and re-enters auto SPI mode. This function does not include a blocking
- *sleep, so the user must keep track of the elapsed offset calibration time
- * themselves. After waiting the configured calibration time, the Calibrate()
- *function should be called to activate the new offset calibration.
- **/
-int ADIS16470_IMU::ConfigCalTime(CalibrationTime new_cal_time) {
- if (m_calibration_time == static_cast(new_cal_time)) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (!SwitchToStandardSPI()) {
- REPORT_ERROR("Failed to configure/reconfigure standard SPI.");
- return 2;
- }
- m_calibration_time = static_cast(new_cal_time);
- WriteRegister(NULL_CNFG, m_calibration_time | 0x700);
- if (!SwitchToAutoSPI()) {
- REPORT_ERROR("Failed to configure/reconfigure auto SPI.");
- return 2;
- }
- return 0;
-int ADIS16470_IMU::ConfigDecRate(uint16_t decimationRate) {
- // Switches the active SPI port to standard SPI mode, writes a new value to
- // the DECIMATE register in the IMU, adjusts the sample scale factor, and
- // re-enables auto SPI.
- if (!SwitchToStandardSPI()) {
- REPORT_ERROR("Failed to configure/reconfigure standard SPI.");
- return 2;
- }
- if (decimationRate > 1999) {
- REPORT_ERROR("Attempted to write an invalid decimation value.");
- decimationRate = 1999;
- }
- m_scaled_sample_rate = (decimationRate + 1.0) / 2000.0 * 1000000.0;
- WriteRegister(DEC_RATE, decimationRate);
- if (!SwitchToAutoSPI()) {
- REPORT_ERROR("Failed to configure/reconfigure auto SPI.");
- return 2;
- }
- return 0;
- * @brief Switches the active SPI port to standard SPI mode, writes the command
- *to activate the new null configuration, and re-enables auto SPI.
- *
- * This function enters standard SPI mode, writes 0x0001 to the GLOB_CMD
- *register (thus making the new offset active in the IMU), and re-enters auto
- *SPI mode. This function does not include a blocking sleep, so the user must
- *keep track of the elapsed offset calibration time themselves.
- **/
-void ADIS16470_IMU::Calibrate() {
- if (!SwitchToStandardSPI()) {
- REPORT_ERROR("Failed to configure/reconfigure standard SPI.");
- }
- WriteRegister(GLOB_CMD, 0x0001);
- if (!SwitchToAutoSPI()) {
- REPORT_ERROR("Failed to configure/reconfigure auto SPI.");
- }
-uint16_t ADIS16470_IMU::ReadRegister(uint8_t reg) {
- uint8_t buf[2];
- buf[0] = reg & 0x7f;
- buf[1] = 0;
- m_spi->Write(buf, 2);
- m_spi->Read(false, buf, 2);
- return (static_cast(buf[0]) << 8) | buf[1];
- * @brief Writes an unsigned, 16-bit value to two adjacent, 8-bit register
- * locations over SPI.
- *
- * @param reg An unsigned, 8-bit register location.
- *
- * @param val An unsigned, 16-bit value to be written to the specified register
- * location.
- *
- * This function writes an unsigned, 16-bit value into adjacent 8-bit addresses
- * via SPI. The upper and lower bytes that make up the 16-bit value are split
- * into two unsigned, 8-bit values and written to the upper and lower addresses
- * of the specified register value. Only the lower (base) address must be
- * specified. This function assumes the controller is set to standard SPI mode.
- */
-void ADIS16470_IMU::WriteRegister(uint8_t reg, uint16_t val) {
- uint8_t buf[2];
- buf[0] = 0x80 | reg;
- buf[1] = val & 0xff;
- m_spi->Write(buf, 2);
- buf[0] = 0x81 | reg;
- buf[1] = val >> 8;
- m_spi->Write(buf, 2);
-void ADIS16470_IMU::Reset() {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- m_integ_angle_x = 0.0;
- m_integ_angle_y = 0.0;
- m_integ_angle_z = 0.0;
-void ADIS16470_IMU::Close() {
- if (m_reset_in != nullptr) {
- delete m_reset_in;
- m_reset_in = nullptr;
- }
- if (m_status_led != nullptr) {
- delete m_status_led;
- m_status_led = nullptr;
- }
- if (m_thread_active) {
- m_thread_active = false;
- if (m_acquire_task.joinable()) {
- m_acquire_task.join();
- }
- }
- if (m_spi != nullptr) {
- if (m_auto_configured) {
- m_spi->StopAuto();
- }
- delete m_spi;
- m_auto_configured = false;
- if (m_auto_interrupt != nullptr) {
- delete m_auto_interrupt;
- m_auto_interrupt = nullptr;
- }
- m_spi = nullptr;
- }
-ADIS16470_IMU::~ADIS16470_IMU() {
- Close();
- * @brief Main acquisition loop. Typically called asynchronously and free-wheels
- *while the robot code is active.
- *
- * This is the main acquisition loop for the IMU. During each iteration, data
- *read using auto SPI is extracted from the FPGA FIFO, split, scaled, and
- *integrated. Each X, Y, and Z value is 32-bits split across 4 indices (bytes)
- *in the buffer. Auto SPI puts one byte in each index location. Each index is
- *32-bits wide because the timestamp is an unsigned 32-bit int. The timestamp is
- *always located at the beginning of the frame. Two indices (request_1 and
- *request_2 below) are always invalid (garbage) and can be disregarded.
- *
- * Data order: [timestamp, request_1, request_2, x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4, y_1, y_2,
- *y_3, y_4, z_1, z_2, z_3, z_4] x = delta x (32-bit x_1 = highest bit) y = delta
- *y (32-bit y_1 = highest bit) z = delta z (32-bit z_1 = highest bit)
- *
- * Complementary filter code was borrowed from
- *https://github.com/tcleg/Six_Axis_Complementary_Filter
- **/
-void ADIS16470_IMU::Acquire() {
- // Set data packet length
- const int dataset_len = 27; // 26 data points + timestamp
- const int BUFFER_SIZE = 4000;
- // This buffer can contain many datasets
- uint32_t buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
- uint32_t previous_timestamp = 0;
- double compAngleX = 0.0;
- double compAngleY = 0.0;
- while (true) {
- // Wait for data
- Wait(10_ms);
- if (m_thread_active) {
- m_thread_idle = false;
- // Read number of bytes currently stored in the buffer
- int data_count = m_spi->ReadAutoReceivedData(buffer, 0, 0_s);
- // Check if frame is incomplete
- int data_remainder = data_count % dataset_len;
- // Remove incomplete data from read count
- int data_to_read = data_count - data_remainder;
- // Want to cap the data to read in a single read at the buffer size
- if (data_to_read > BUFFER_SIZE) {
- "ADIS16470 data processing thread overrun has occurred!");
- data_to_read = BUFFER_SIZE - (BUFFER_SIZE % dataset_len);
- }
- // Read data from DMA buffer (only complete sets)
- m_spi->ReadAutoReceivedData(buffer, data_to_read, 0_s);
- // Could be multiple data sets in the buffer. Handle each one.
- for (int i = 0; i < data_to_read; i += dataset_len) {
- // Timestamp is at buffer[i]
- m_dt = (buffer[i] - previous_timestamp) / 1000000.0;
- // Get delta angle value for selected yaw axis and scale by the elapsed
- // time (based on timestamp)
- double elapsed_time =
- m_scaled_sample_rate / (buffer[i] - previous_timestamp);
- double delta_angle_x =
- ToInt(&buffer[i + 3]) * delta_angle_sf / elapsed_time;
- double delta_angle_y =
- ToInt(&buffer[i + 7]) * delta_angle_sf / elapsed_time;
- double delta_angle_z =
- ToInt(&buffer[i + 11]) * delta_angle_sf / elapsed_time;
- double gyro_rate_x = BuffToShort(&buffer[i + 15]) / 10.0;
- double gyro_rate_y = BuffToShort(&buffer[i + 17]) / 10.0;
- double gyro_rate_z = BuffToShort(&buffer[i + 19]) / 10.0;
- double accel_x = BuffToShort(&buffer[i + 21]) / 800.0;
- double accel_y = BuffToShort(&buffer[i + 23]) / 800.0;
- double accel_z = BuffToShort(&buffer[i + 25]) / 800.0;
- // Convert scaled sensor data to SI units
- double gyro_rate_x_si = gyro_rate_x * kDegToRad;
- double gyro_rate_y_si = gyro_rate_y * kDegToRad;
- // double gyro_rate_z_si = gyro_rate_z * kDegToRad;
- double accel_x_si = accel_x * kGrav;
- double accel_y_si = accel_y * kGrav;
- double accel_z_si = accel_z * kGrav;
- // Store timestamp for next iteration
- previous_timestamp = buffer[i];
- m_alpha = kTau / (kTau + m_dt);
- // Run inclinometer calculations
- double accelAngleX =
- atan2f(accel_x_si, std::hypotf(accel_y_si, accel_z_si));
- double accelAngleY =
- atan2f(accel_y_si, std::hypotf(accel_x_si, accel_z_si));
- if (m_first_run) {
- compAngleX = accelAngleX;
- compAngleY = accelAngleY;
- } else {
- accelAngleX = FormatAccelRange(accelAngleX, accel_z_si);
- accelAngleY = FormatAccelRange(accelAngleY, accel_z_si);
- compAngleX =
- CompFilterProcess(compAngleX, accelAngleX, -gyro_rate_y_si);
- compAngleY =
- CompFilterProcess(compAngleY, accelAngleY, gyro_rate_x_si);
- }
- {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- // Push data to global variables
- if (m_first_run) {
- // Don't accumulate first run. previous_timestamp will be "very" old
- // and the integration will end up way off
- m_integ_angle_x = 0.0;
- m_integ_angle_y = 0.0;
- m_integ_angle_z = 0.0;
- } else {
- m_integ_angle_x += delta_angle_x;
- m_integ_angle_y += delta_angle_y;
- m_integ_angle_z += delta_angle_z;
- }
- m_gyro_rate_x = gyro_rate_x;
- m_gyro_rate_y = gyro_rate_y;
- m_gyro_rate_z = gyro_rate_z;
- m_accel_x = accel_x;
- m_accel_y = accel_y;
- m_accel_z = accel_z;
- m_compAngleX = compAngleX * kRadToDeg;
- m_compAngleY = compAngleY * kRadToDeg;
- m_accelAngleX = accelAngleX * kRadToDeg;
- m_accelAngleY = accelAngleY * kRadToDeg;
- }
- m_first_run = false;
- }
- } else {
- m_thread_idle = true;
- previous_timestamp = 0;
- compAngleX = 0.0;
- compAngleY = 0.0;
- }
- }
-/* Complementary filter functions */
-double ADIS16470_IMU::FormatFastConverge(double compAngle, double accAngle) {
- if (compAngle > accAngle + std::numbers::pi) {
- compAngle = compAngle - 2.0 * std::numbers::pi;
- } else if (accAngle > compAngle + std::numbers::pi) {
- compAngle = compAngle + 2.0 * std::numbers::pi;
- }
- return compAngle;
-double ADIS16470_IMU::FormatAccelRange(double accelAngle, double accelZ) {
- if (accelZ < 0.0) {
- accelAngle = std::numbers::pi - accelAngle;
- } else if (accelZ > 0.0 && accelAngle < 0.0) {
- accelAngle = 2.0 * std::numbers::pi + accelAngle;
- }
- return accelAngle;
-double ADIS16470_IMU::CompFilterProcess(double compAngle, double accelAngle,
- double omega) {
- compAngle = FormatFastConverge(compAngle, accelAngle);
- compAngle =
- m_alpha * (compAngle + omega * m_dt) + (1.0 - m_alpha) * accelAngle;
- return frc::InputModulus(compAngle, -std::numbers::pi, std::numbers::pi);
-void ADIS16470_IMU::SetGyroAngle(IMUAxis axis, units::degree_t angle) {
- switch (axis) {
- case kYaw:
- axis = m_yaw_axis;
- break;
- case kPitch:
- axis = m_pitch_axis;
- break;
- case kRoll:
- axis = m_roll_axis;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- switch (axis) {
- case kX:
- SetGyroAngleX(angle);
- break;
- case kY:
- SetGyroAngleY(angle);
- break;
- case kZ:
- SetGyroAngleZ(angle);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-void ADIS16470_IMU::SetGyroAngleX(units::degree_t angle) {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- m_integ_angle_x = angle.value();
-void ADIS16470_IMU::SetGyroAngleY(units::degree_t angle) {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- m_integ_angle_y = angle.value();
-void ADIS16470_IMU::SetGyroAngleZ(units::degree_t angle) {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- m_integ_angle_z = angle.value();
-units::degree_t ADIS16470_IMU::GetAngle(IMUAxis axis) const {
- switch (axis) {
- case kYaw:
- axis = m_yaw_axis;
- break;
- case kPitch:
- axis = m_pitch_axis;
- break;
- case kRoll:
- axis = m_roll_axis;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- switch (axis) {
- case kX:
- if (m_simGyroAngleX) {
- return units::degree_t{m_simGyroAngleX.Get()};
- }
- {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::degree_t{m_integ_angle_x};
- }
- case kY:
- if (m_simGyroAngleY) {
- return units::degree_t{m_simGyroAngleY.Get()};
- }
- {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::degree_t{m_integ_angle_y};
- }
- case kZ:
- if (m_simGyroAngleZ) {
- return units::degree_t{m_simGyroAngleZ.Get()};
- }
- {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::degree_t{m_integ_angle_z};
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- return 0_deg;
-units::degrees_per_second_t ADIS16470_IMU::GetRate(IMUAxis axis) const {
- switch (axis) {
- case kYaw:
- axis = m_yaw_axis;
- break;
- case kPitch:
- axis = m_pitch_axis;
- break;
- case kRoll:
- axis = m_roll_axis;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- switch (axis) {
- case kX:
- if (m_simGyroRateX) {
- return units::degrees_per_second_t{m_simGyroRateX.Get()};
- }
- {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::degrees_per_second_t{m_gyro_rate_x};
- }
- case kY:
- if (m_simGyroRateY) {
- return units::degrees_per_second_t{m_simGyroRateY.Get()};
- }
- {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::degrees_per_second_t{m_gyro_rate_y};
- }
- case kZ:
- if (m_simGyroRateZ) {
- return units::degrees_per_second_t{m_simGyroRateZ.Get()};
- }
- {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::degrees_per_second_t{m_gyro_rate_z};
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- return 0_deg_per_s;
-units::meters_per_second_squared_t ADIS16470_IMU::GetAccelX() const {
- if (m_simAccelX) {
- return units::meters_per_second_squared_t{m_simAccelX.Get()};
- }
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::meters_per_second_squared_t{m_accel_x};
-units::meters_per_second_squared_t ADIS16470_IMU::GetAccelY() const {
- if (m_simAccelY) {
- return units::meters_per_second_squared_t{m_simAccelY.Get()};
- }
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::meters_per_second_squared_t{m_accel_y};
-units::meters_per_second_squared_t ADIS16470_IMU::GetAccelZ() const {
- if (m_simAccelZ) {
- return units::meters_per_second_squared_t{m_simAccelZ.Get()};
- }
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::meters_per_second_squared_t{m_accel_z};
-units::degree_t ADIS16470_IMU::GetXComplementaryAngle() const {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::degree_t{m_compAngleX};
-units::degree_t ADIS16470_IMU::GetYComplementaryAngle() const {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::degree_t{m_compAngleY};
-units::degree_t ADIS16470_IMU::GetXFilteredAccelAngle() const {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::degree_t{m_accelAngleX};
-units::degree_t ADIS16470_IMU::GetYFilteredAccelAngle() const {
- std::scoped_lock sync(m_mutex);
- return units::degree_t{m_accelAngleY};
-ADIS16470_IMU::IMUAxis ADIS16470_IMU::GetYawAxis() const {
- return m_yaw_axis;
-ADIS16470_IMU::IMUAxis ADIS16470_IMU::GetPitchAxis() const {
- return m_pitch_axis;
-ADIS16470_IMU::IMUAxis ADIS16470_IMU::GetRollAxis() const {
- return m_roll_axis;
-int ADIS16470_IMU::GetPort() const {
- return m_spi_port;
-void ADIS16470_IMU::InitSendable(wpi::SendableBuilder& builder) {
- builder.SetSmartDashboardType("ADIS16470 IMU");
- builder.AddDoubleProperty(
- "Yaw Angle", [=, this] { return GetAngle(kYaw).value(); }, nullptr);
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/ADXL345_SPI.cpp b/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/ADXL345_SPI.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dc4c5b1651..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/ADXL345_SPI.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "frc/ADXL345_SPI.h"
-using namespace frc;
-ADXL345_SPI::ADXL345_SPI(SPI::Port port, ADXL345_SPI::Range range)
- : m_spi(port), m_simDevice("Accel:ADXL345_SPI", port) {
- if (m_simDevice) {
- m_simRange = m_simDevice.CreateEnumDouble("range", hal::SimDevice::kOutput,
- {"2G", "4G", "8G", "16G"},
- {2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0}, 0);
- m_simX = m_simDevice.CreateDouble("x", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- m_simY = m_simDevice.CreateDouble("y", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- m_simZ = m_simDevice.CreateDouble("z", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- }
- m_spi.SetClockRate(500000);
- m_spi.SetMode(frc::SPI::Mode::kMode3);
- m_spi.SetChipSelectActiveHigh();
- uint8_t commands[2];
- // Turn on the measurements
- commands[0] = kPowerCtlRegister;
- commands[1] = kPowerCtl_Measure;
- m_spi.Transaction(commands, commands, 2);
- SetRange(range);
- HAL_Report(HALUsageReporting::kResourceType_ADXL345,
- HALUsageReporting::kADXL345_SPI);
- wpi::SendableRegistry::AddLW(this, "ADXL345_SPI", port);
-SPI::Port ADXL345_SPI::GetSpiPort() const {
- return m_spi.GetPort();
-void ADXL345_SPI::SetRange(Range range) {
- uint8_t commands[2];
- // Specify the data format to read
- commands[0] = kDataFormatRegister;
- commands[1] = kDataFormat_FullRes | static_cast(range & 0x03);
- m_spi.Transaction(commands, commands, 2);
- if (m_simRange) {
- m_simRange.Set(range);
- }
-double ADXL345_SPI::GetX() {
- return GetAcceleration(kAxis_X);
-double ADXL345_SPI::GetY() {
- return GetAcceleration(kAxis_Y);
-double ADXL345_SPI::GetZ() {
- return GetAcceleration(kAxis_Z);
-double ADXL345_SPI::GetAcceleration(ADXL345_SPI::Axes axis) {
- if (axis == kAxis_X && m_simX) {
- return m_simX.Get();
- }
- if (axis == kAxis_Y && m_simY) {
- return m_simY.Get();
- }
- if (axis == kAxis_Z && m_simZ) {
- return m_simZ.Get();
- }
- uint8_t buffer[3];
- uint8_t command[3] = {0, 0, 0};
- command[0] = (kAddress_Read | kAddress_MultiByte | kDataRegister) +
- static_cast(axis);
- m_spi.Transaction(command, buffer, 3);
- // Sensor is little endian... swap bytes
- int16_t rawAccel = buffer[2] << 8 | buffer[1];
- return rawAccel * kGsPerLSB;
-ADXL345_SPI::AllAxes ADXL345_SPI::GetAccelerations() {
- AllAxes data;
- if (m_simX && m_simY && m_simZ) {
- data.XAxis = m_simX.Get();
- data.YAxis = m_simY.Get();
- data.ZAxis = m_simZ.Get();
- return data;
- }
- uint8_t dataBuffer[7] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
- int16_t rawData[3];
- // Select the data address.
- dataBuffer[0] = (kAddress_Read | kAddress_MultiByte | kDataRegister);
- m_spi.Transaction(dataBuffer, dataBuffer, 7);
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- // Sensor is little endian... swap bytes
- rawData[i] = dataBuffer[i * 2 + 2] << 8 | dataBuffer[i * 2 + 1];
- }
- data.XAxis = rawData[0] * kGsPerLSB;
- data.YAxis = rawData[1] * kGsPerLSB;
- data.ZAxis = rawData[2] * kGsPerLSB;
- return data;
-void ADXL345_SPI::InitSendable(nt::NTSendableBuilder& builder) {
- builder.SetSmartDashboardType("3AxisAccelerometer");
- builder.SetUpdateTable(
- [this, x = nt::DoubleTopic{builder.GetTopic("X")}.Publish(),
- y = nt::DoubleTopic{builder.GetTopic("Y")}.Publish(),
- z = nt::DoubleTopic{builder.GetTopic("Z")}.Publish()]() mutable {
- auto data = GetAccelerations();
- x.Set(data.XAxis);
- y.Set(data.YAxis);
- z.Set(data.ZAxis);
- });
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/ADXL362.cpp b/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/ADXL362.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 425815e2fff..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/ADXL362.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "frc/ADXL362.h"
-#include "frc/Errors.h"
-using namespace frc;
-static constexpr int kRegWrite = 0x0A;
-static constexpr int kRegRead = 0x0B;
-static constexpr int kPartIdRegister = 0x02;
-static constexpr int kDataRegister = 0x0E;
-static constexpr int kFilterCtlRegister = 0x2C;
-static constexpr int kPowerCtlRegister = 0x2D;
-// static constexpr int kFilterCtl_Range2G = 0x00;
-// static constexpr int kFilterCtl_Range4G = 0x40;
-// static constexpr int kFilterCtl_Range8G = 0x80;
-static constexpr int kFilterCtl_ODR_100Hz = 0x03;
-static constexpr int kPowerCtl_UltraLowNoise = 0x20;
-// static constexpr int kPowerCtl_AutoSleep = 0x04;
-static constexpr int kPowerCtl_Measure = 0x02;
-ADXL362::ADXL362(Range range) : ADXL362(SPI::Port::kOnboardCS1, range) {}
-ADXL362::ADXL362(SPI::Port port, Range range)
- : m_spi(port), m_simDevice("Accel:ADXL362", port) {
- if (m_simDevice) {
- m_simRange = m_simDevice.CreateEnumDouble("range", hal::SimDevice::kOutput,
- {"2G", "4G", "8G", "16G"},
- {2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0}, 0);
- m_simX = m_simDevice.CreateDouble("x", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- m_simY = m_simDevice.CreateDouble("y", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- m_simZ = m_simDevice.CreateDouble("z", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- }
- m_spi.SetClockRate(3000000);
- m_spi.SetMode(frc::SPI::Mode::kMode3);
- m_spi.SetChipSelectActiveLow();
- uint8_t commands[3];
- if (!m_simDevice) {
- // Validate the part ID
- commands[0] = kRegRead;
- commands[1] = kPartIdRegister;
- commands[2] = 0;
- m_spi.Transaction(commands, commands, 3);
- if (commands[2] != 0xF2) {
- FRC_ReportError(err::Error, "could not find ADXL362");
- m_gsPerLSB = 0.0;
- return;
- }
- }
- SetRange(range);
- // Turn on the measurements
- commands[0] = kRegWrite;
- commands[1] = kPowerCtlRegister;
- commands[2] = kPowerCtl_Measure | kPowerCtl_UltraLowNoise;
- m_spi.Write(commands, 3);
- HAL_Report(HALUsageReporting::kResourceType_ADXL362, port + 1);
- wpi::SendableRegistry::AddLW(this, "ADXL362", port);
-SPI::Port ADXL362::GetSpiPort() const {
- return m_spi.GetPort();
-void ADXL362::SetRange(Range range) {
- if (m_gsPerLSB == 0.0) {
- return;
- }
- uint8_t commands[3];
- switch (range) {
- case kRange_2G:
- m_gsPerLSB = 0.001;
- break;
- case kRange_4G:
- m_gsPerLSB = 0.002;
- break;
- case kRange_8G:
- m_gsPerLSB = 0.004;
- break;
- }
- // Specify the data format to read
- commands[0] = kRegWrite;
- commands[1] = kFilterCtlRegister;
- commands[2] =
- kFilterCtl_ODR_100Hz | static_cast((range & 0x03) << 6);
- m_spi.Write(commands, 3);
- if (m_simRange) {
- m_simRange.Set(range);
- }
-double ADXL362::GetX() {
- return GetAcceleration(kAxis_X);
-double ADXL362::GetY() {
- return GetAcceleration(kAxis_Y);
-double ADXL362::GetZ() {
- return GetAcceleration(kAxis_Z);
-double ADXL362::GetAcceleration(ADXL362::Axes axis) {
- if (m_gsPerLSB == 0.0) {
- return 0.0;
- }
- if (axis == kAxis_X && m_simX) {
- return m_simX.Get();
- }
- if (axis == kAxis_Y && m_simY) {
- return m_simY.Get();
- }
- if (axis == kAxis_Z && m_simZ) {
- return m_simZ.Get();
- }
- uint8_t buffer[4];
- uint8_t command[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
- command[0] = kRegRead;
- command[1] = kDataRegister + static_cast(axis);
- m_spi.Transaction(command, buffer, 4);
- // Sensor is little endian... swap bytes
- int16_t rawAccel = buffer[3] << 8 | buffer[2];
- return rawAccel * m_gsPerLSB;
-ADXL362::AllAxes ADXL362::GetAccelerations() {
- AllAxes data;
- if (m_gsPerLSB == 0.0) {
- data.XAxis = data.YAxis = data.ZAxis = 0.0;
- return data;
- }
- if (m_simX && m_simY && m_simZ) {
- data.XAxis = m_simX.Get();
- data.YAxis = m_simY.Get();
- data.ZAxis = m_simZ.Get();
- return data;
- }
- uint8_t dataBuffer[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
- int16_t rawData[3];
- // Select the data address.
- dataBuffer[0] = kRegRead;
- dataBuffer[1] = kDataRegister;
- m_spi.Transaction(dataBuffer, dataBuffer, 8);
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- // Sensor is little endian... swap bytes
- rawData[i] = dataBuffer[i * 2 + 3] << 8 | dataBuffer[i * 2 + 2];
- }
- data.XAxis = rawData[0] * m_gsPerLSB;
- data.YAxis = rawData[1] * m_gsPerLSB;
- data.ZAxis = rawData[2] * m_gsPerLSB;
- return data;
-void ADXL362::InitSendable(nt::NTSendableBuilder& builder) {
- builder.SetSmartDashboardType("3AxisAccelerometer");
- builder.SetUpdateTable(
- [this, x = nt::DoubleTopic{builder.GetTopic("X")}.Publish(),
- y = nt::DoubleTopic{builder.GetTopic("Y")}.Publish(),
- z = nt::DoubleTopic{builder.GetTopic("Z")}.Publish()]() mutable {
- auto data = GetAccelerations();
- x.Set(data.XAxis);
- y.Set(data.YAxis);
- z.Set(data.ZAxis);
- });
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/ADXRS450_Gyro.cpp b/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/ADXRS450_Gyro.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 21e98e2ee3b..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/ADXRS450_Gyro.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "frc/ADXRS450_Gyro.h"
-#include "frc/Errors.h"
-#include "frc/Timer.h"
-using namespace frc;
-static constexpr auto kSamplePeriod = 0.5_ms;
-static constexpr auto kCalibrationSampleTime = 5_s;
-static constexpr double kDegreePerSecondPerLSB = 0.0125;
-// static constexpr int kRateRegister = 0x00;
-// static constexpr int kTemRegister = 0x02;
-// static constexpr int kLoCSTRegister = 0x04;
-// static constexpr int kHiCSTRegister = 0x06;
-// static constexpr int kQuadRegister = 0x08;
-// static constexpr int kFaultRegister = 0x0A;
-static constexpr int kPIDRegister = 0x0C;
-// static constexpr int kSNHighRegister = 0x0E;
-// static constexpr int kSNLowRegister = 0x10;
-ADXRS450_Gyro::ADXRS450_Gyro() : ADXRS450_Gyro(SPI::kOnboardCS0) {}
-ADXRS450_Gyro::ADXRS450_Gyro(SPI::Port port)
- : m_spi(port), m_port(port), m_simDevice("Gyro:ADXRS450", port) {
- if (m_simDevice) {
- m_simConnected =
- m_simDevice.CreateBoolean("connected", hal::SimDevice::kInput, true);
- m_simAngle =
- m_simDevice.CreateDouble("angle_x", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- m_simRate = m_simDevice.CreateDouble("rate_x", hal::SimDevice::kInput, 0.0);
- }
- m_spi.SetClockRate(3000000);
- m_spi.SetMode(frc::SPI::Mode::kMode0);
- m_spi.SetChipSelectActiveLow();
- if (!m_simDevice) {
- // Validate the part ID
- if ((ReadRegister(kPIDRegister) & 0xff00) != 0x5200) {
- FRC_ReportError(err::Error, "could not find ADXRS450 gyro");
- return;
- }
- m_spi.InitAccumulator(kSamplePeriod, 0x20000000u, 4, 0x0c00000eu,
- 0x04000000u, 10u, 16u, true, true);
- Calibrate();
- }
- HAL_Report(HALUsageReporting::kResourceType_ADXRS450, port + 1);
- wpi::SendableRegistry::AddLW(this, "ADXRS450_Gyro", port);
- m_connected = true;
-bool ADXRS450_Gyro::IsConnected() const {
- if (m_simConnected) {
- return m_simConnected.Get();
- }
- return m_connected;
-static bool CalcParity(uint32_t v) {
- bool parity = false;
- while (v != 0) {
- parity = !parity;
- v = v & (v - 1);
- }
- return parity;
-static inline int BytesToIntBE(uint8_t* buf) {
- int result = static_cast(buf[0]) << 24;
- result |= static_cast(buf[1]) << 16;
- result |= static_cast(buf[2]) << 8;
- result |= static_cast(buf[3]);
- return result;
-uint16_t ADXRS450_Gyro::ReadRegister(int reg) {
- uint32_t cmd = 0x80000000 | static_cast(reg) << 17;
- if (!CalcParity(cmd)) {
- cmd |= 1u;
- }
- // big endian
- uint8_t buf[4] = {static_cast((cmd >> 24) & 0xff),
- static_cast((cmd >> 16) & 0xff),
- static_cast((cmd >> 8) & 0xff),
- static_cast(cmd & 0xff)};
- m_spi.Write(buf, 4);
- m_spi.Read(false, buf, 4);
- if ((buf[0] & 0xe0) == 0) {
- return 0; // error, return 0
- }
- return static_cast((BytesToIntBE(buf) >> 5) & 0xffff);
-double ADXRS450_Gyro::GetAngle() const {
- if (m_simAngle) {
- return m_simAngle.Get();
- }
- return m_spi.GetAccumulatorIntegratedValue() * kDegreePerSecondPerLSB;
-double ADXRS450_Gyro::GetRate() const {
- if (m_simRate) {
- return m_simRate.Get();
- }
- return static_cast(m_spi.GetAccumulatorLastValue()) *
- kDegreePerSecondPerLSB;
-void ADXRS450_Gyro::Reset() {
- if (m_simAngle) {
- m_simAngle.Reset();
- }
- m_spi.ResetAccumulator();
-void ADXRS450_Gyro::Calibrate() {
- Wait(100_ms);
- m_spi.SetAccumulatorIntegratedCenter(0);
- m_spi.ResetAccumulator();
- Wait(kCalibrationSampleTime);
- m_spi.SetAccumulatorIntegratedCenter(m_spi.GetAccumulatorIntegratedAverage());
- m_spi.ResetAccumulator();
-Rotation2d ADXRS450_Gyro::GetRotation2d() const {
- return units::degree_t{-GetAngle()};
-int ADXRS450_Gyro::GetPort() const {
- return m_port;
-void ADXRS450_Gyro::InitSendable(wpi::SendableBuilder& builder) {
- builder.SetSmartDashboardType("Gyro");
- builder.AddDoubleProperty("Value", [=, this] { return GetAngle(); }, nullptr);
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/SPI.cpp b/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/SPI.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 88f8f1a9fde..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/SPI.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "frc/SPI.h"
-#include "frc/DigitalSource.h"
-#include "frc/Errors.h"
-#include "frc/Notifier.h"
-using namespace frc;
-static constexpr int kAccumulateDepth = 2048;
-class SPI::Accumulator {
- public:
- Accumulator(HAL_SPIPort port, int xferSize, int validMask, int validValue,
- int dataShift, int dataSize, bool isSigned, bool bigEndian)
- : m_notifier([=, this] {
- std::scoped_lock lock(m_mutex);
- Update();
- }),
- m_buf(new uint32_t[(xferSize + 1) * kAccumulateDepth]),
- m_validMask(validMask),
- m_validValue(validValue),
- m_dataMax(1 << dataSize),
- m_dataMsbMask(1 << (dataSize - 1)),
- m_dataShift(dataShift),
- m_xferSize(xferSize + 1), // +1 for timestamp
- m_isSigned(isSigned),
- m_bigEndian(bigEndian),
- m_port(port) {}
- ~Accumulator() { delete[] m_buf; }
- void Update();
- Notifier m_notifier;
- uint32_t* m_buf;
- wpi::mutex m_mutex;
- int64_t m_value = 0;
- uint32_t m_count = 0;
- int32_t m_lastValue = 0;
- uint32_t m_lastTimestamp = 0;
- double m_integratedValue = 0;
- int32_t m_center = 0;
- int32_t m_deadband = 0;
- double m_integratedCenter = 0;
- int32_t m_validMask;
- int32_t m_validValue;
- int32_t m_dataMax; // one more than max data value
- int32_t m_dataMsbMask; // data field MSB mask (for signed)
- uint8_t m_dataShift; // data field shift right amount, in bits
- int32_t m_xferSize; // SPI transfer size, in bytes
- bool m_isSigned; // is data field signed?
- bool m_bigEndian; // is response big endian?
- HAL_SPIPort m_port;
-void SPI::Accumulator::Update() {
- bool done;
- do {
- done = true;
- int32_t status = 0;
- // get amount of data available
- int32_t numToRead =
- HAL_ReadSPIAutoReceivedData(m_port, m_buf, 0, 0, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Port {}", static_cast(m_port));
- // only get whole responses; +1 is for timestamp
- numToRead -= numToRead % m_xferSize;
- if (numToRead > m_xferSize * kAccumulateDepth) {
- numToRead = m_xferSize * kAccumulateDepth;
- done = false;
- }
- if (numToRead == 0) {
- return; // no samples
- }
- // read buffered data
- HAL_ReadSPIAutoReceivedData(m_port, m_buf, numToRead, 0, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Port {}", static_cast(m_port));
- // loop over all responses
- for (int32_t off = 0; off < numToRead; off += m_xferSize) {
- // get timestamp from first word
- uint32_t timestamp = m_buf[off];
- // convert from bytes
- uint32_t resp = 0;
- if (m_bigEndian) {
- for (int32_t i = 1; i < m_xferSize; ++i) {
- resp <<= 8;
- resp |= m_buf[off + i] & 0xff;
- }
- } else {
- for (int32_t i = m_xferSize - 1; i >= 1; --i) {
- resp <<= 8;
- resp |= m_buf[off + i] & 0xff;
- }
- }
- // process response
- if ((resp & m_validMask) == static_cast(m_validValue)) {
- // valid sensor data; extract data field
- int32_t data = static_cast(resp >> m_dataShift);
- data &= m_dataMax - 1;
- // 2s complement conversion if signed MSB is set
- if (m_isSigned && (data & m_dataMsbMask) != 0) {
- data -= m_dataMax;
- }
- // center offset
- int32_t dataNoCenter = data;
- data -= m_center;
- // only accumulate if outside deadband
- if (data < -m_deadband || data > m_deadband) {
- m_value += data;
- if (m_count != 0) {
- // timestamps use the 1us FPGA clock; also handle rollover
- if (timestamp >= m_lastTimestamp) {
- m_integratedValue +=
- dataNoCenter *
- static_cast(timestamp - m_lastTimestamp) * 1e-6 -
- m_integratedCenter;
- } else {
- m_integratedValue +=
- dataNoCenter *
- static_cast((1ULL << 32) - m_lastTimestamp +
- timestamp) *
- 1e-6 -
- m_integratedCenter;
- }
- }
- }
- ++m_count;
- m_lastValue = data;
- } else {
- // no data from the sensor; just clear the last value
- m_lastValue = 0;
- }
- m_lastTimestamp = timestamp;
- }
- } while (!done);
-SPI::SPI(Port port) : m_port(static_cast(port)) {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_InitializeSPI(m_port, &status);
- HAL_SetSPIMode(m_port, m_mode);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Port {}", static_cast(m_port));
- HAL_Report(HALUsageReporting::kResourceType_SPI,
- static_cast(port) + 1);
-SPI::~SPI() = default;
-SPI::Port SPI::GetPort() const {
- return static_cast(static_cast(m_port));
-void SPI::SetClockRate(int hz) {
- HAL_SetSPISpeed(m_port, hz);
-void SPI::SetMode(Mode mode) {
- m_mode = static_cast(mode & 0x3);
- HAL_SetSPIMode(m_port, m_mode);
-void SPI::SetChipSelectActiveHigh() {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetSPIChipSelectActiveHigh(m_port, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Port {}", static_cast(m_port));
-void SPI::SetChipSelectActiveLow() {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetSPIChipSelectActiveLow(m_port, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Port {}", static_cast(m_port));
-int SPI::Write(uint8_t* data, int size) {
- int retVal = 0;
- retVal = HAL_WriteSPI(m_port, data, size);
- return retVal;
-int SPI::Read(bool initiate, uint8_t* dataReceived, int size) {
- int retVal = 0;
- if (initiate) {
- wpi::SmallVector dataToSend;
- dataToSend.resize(size);
- retVal = HAL_TransactionSPI(m_port, dataToSend.data(), dataReceived, size);
- } else {
- retVal = HAL_ReadSPI(m_port, dataReceived, size);
- }
- return retVal;
-int SPI::Transaction(uint8_t* dataToSend, uint8_t* dataReceived, int size) {
- int retVal = 0;
- retVal = HAL_TransactionSPI(m_port, dataToSend, dataReceived, size);
- return retVal;
-void SPI::InitAuto(int bufferSize) {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_InitSPIAuto(m_port, bufferSize, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Port {}", static_cast(m_port));
-void SPI::FreeAuto() {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_FreeSPIAuto(m_port, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Port {}", static_cast(m_port));
-void SPI::SetAutoTransmitData(std::span dataToSend,
- int zeroSize) {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetSPIAutoTransmitData(m_port, dataToSend.data(), dataToSend.size(),
- zeroSize, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Port {}", static_cast(m_port));
-void SPI::StartAutoRate(units::second_t period) {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_StartSPIAutoRate(m_port, period.value(), &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Port {}", static_cast(m_port));
-void SPI::StartAutoTrigger(DigitalSource& source, bool rising, bool falling) {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_StartSPIAutoTrigger(m_port, source.GetPortHandleForRouting(),
- static_cast(
- source.GetAnalogTriggerTypeForRouting()),
- rising, falling, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Port {}", static_cast(m_port));
-void SPI::StopAuto() {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_StopSPIAuto(m_port, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Port {}", static_cast(m_port));
-void SPI::ForceAutoRead() {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_ForceSPIAutoRead(m_port, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Port {}", static_cast(m_port));
-int SPI::ReadAutoReceivedData(uint32_t* buffer, int numToRead,
- units::second_t timeout) {
- int32_t status = 0;
- int32_t val = HAL_ReadSPIAutoReceivedData(m_port, buffer, numToRead,
- timeout.value(), &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Port {}", static_cast(m_port));
- return val;
-int SPI::GetAutoDroppedCount() {
- int32_t status = 0;
- int32_t val = HAL_GetSPIAutoDroppedCount(m_port, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Port {}", static_cast(m_port));
- return val;
-void SPI::ConfigureAutoStall(HAL_SPIPort port, int csToSclkTicks,
- int stallTicks, int pow2BytesPerRead) {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_ConfigureSPIAutoStall(m_port, csToSclkTicks, stallTicks, pow2BytesPerRead,
- &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Port {}", static_cast(m_port));
-void SPI::InitAccumulator(units::second_t period, int cmd, int xferSize,
- int validMask, int validValue, int dataShift,
- int dataSize, bool isSigned, bool bigEndian) {
- InitAuto(xferSize * kAccumulateDepth);
- uint8_t cmdBytes[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
- if (bigEndian) {
- for (int32_t i = xferSize - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- cmdBytes[i] = cmd & 0xff;
- cmd >>= 8;
- }
- } else {
- cmdBytes[0] = cmd & 0xff;
- cmd >>= 8;
- cmdBytes[1] = cmd & 0xff;
- cmd >>= 8;
- cmdBytes[2] = cmd & 0xff;
- cmd >>= 8;
- cmdBytes[3] = cmd & 0xff;
- }
- SetAutoTransmitData(cmdBytes, xferSize - 4);
- StartAutoRate(period);
- m_accum =
- std::make_unique(m_port, xferSize, validMask, validValue,
- dataShift, dataSize, isSigned, bigEndian);
- m_accum->m_notifier.StartPeriodic(period * kAccumulateDepth / 2);
-void SPI::FreeAccumulator() {
- m_accum.reset(nullptr);
- FreeAuto();
-void SPI::ResetAccumulator() {
- if (!m_accum) {
- return;
- }
- std::scoped_lock lock(m_accum->m_mutex);
- m_accum->m_value = 0;
- m_accum->m_count = 0;
- m_accum->m_lastValue = 0;
- m_accum->m_lastTimestamp = 0;
- m_accum->m_integratedValue = 0;
-void SPI::SetAccumulatorCenter(int center) {
- if (!m_accum) {
- return;
- }
- std::scoped_lock lock(m_accum->m_mutex);
- m_accum->m_center = center;
-void SPI::SetAccumulatorDeadband(int deadband) {
- if (!m_accum) {
- return;
- }
- std::scoped_lock lock(m_accum->m_mutex);
- m_accum->m_deadband = deadband;
-int SPI::GetAccumulatorLastValue() const {
- if (!m_accum) {
- return 0;
- }
- std::scoped_lock lock(m_accum->m_mutex);
- m_accum->Update();
- return m_accum->m_lastValue;
-int64_t SPI::GetAccumulatorValue() const {
- if (!m_accum) {
- return 0;
- }
- std::scoped_lock lock(m_accum->m_mutex);
- m_accum->Update();
- return m_accum->m_value;
-int64_t SPI::GetAccumulatorCount() const {
- if (!m_accum) {
- return 0;
- }
- std::scoped_lock lock(m_accum->m_mutex);
- m_accum->Update();
- return m_accum->m_count;
-double SPI::GetAccumulatorAverage() const {
- if (!m_accum) {
- return 0;
- }
- std::scoped_lock lock(m_accum->m_mutex);
- m_accum->Update();
- if (m_accum->m_count == 0) {
- return 0.0;
- }
- return static_cast(m_accum->m_value) / m_accum->m_count;
-void SPI::GetAccumulatorOutput(int64_t& value, int64_t& count) const {
- if (!m_accum) {
- value = 0;
- count = 0;
- return;
- }
- std::scoped_lock lock(m_accum->m_mutex);
- m_accum->Update();
- value = m_accum->m_value;
- count = m_accum->m_count;
-void SPI::SetAccumulatorIntegratedCenter(double center) {
- if (!m_accum) {
- return;
- }
- std::scoped_lock lock(m_accum->m_mutex);
- m_accum->m_integratedCenter = center;
-double SPI::GetAccumulatorIntegratedValue() const {
- if (!m_accum) {
- return 0;
- }
- std::scoped_lock lock(m_accum->m_mutex);
- m_accum->Update();
- return m_accum->m_integratedValue;
-double SPI::GetAccumulatorIntegratedAverage() const {
- if (!m_accum) {
- return 0;
- }
- std::scoped_lock lock(m_accum->m_mutex);
- m_accum->Update();
- if (m_accum->m_count <= 1) {
- return 0.0;
- }
- // count-1 due to not integrating the first value received
- return m_accum->m_integratedValue / (m_accum->m_count - 1);
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/simulation/ADIS16448_IMUSim.cpp b/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/simulation/ADIS16448_IMUSim.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 46c412a4b1a..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/simulation/ADIS16448_IMUSim.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "frc/simulation/ADIS16448_IMUSim.h"
-using namespace frc::sim;
-ADIS16448_IMUSim::ADIS16448_IMUSim(const frc::ADIS16448_IMU& imu) {
- frc::sim::SimDeviceSim deviceSim{"Gyro:ADIS16448", imu.GetPort()};
- m_simGyroAngleX = deviceSim.GetDouble("gyro_angle_x");
- m_simGyroAngleY = deviceSim.GetDouble("gyro_angle_y");
- m_simGyroAngleZ = deviceSim.GetDouble("gyro_angle_z");
- m_simGyroRateX = deviceSim.GetDouble("gyro_rate_x");
- m_simGyroRateY = deviceSim.GetDouble("gyro_rate_y");
- m_simGyroRateZ = deviceSim.GetDouble("gyro_rate_z");
- m_simAccelX = deviceSim.GetDouble("accel_x");
- m_simAccelY = deviceSim.GetDouble("accel_y");
- m_simAccelZ = deviceSim.GetDouble("accel_z");
-void ADIS16448_IMUSim::SetGyroAngleX(units::degree_t angle) {
- m_simGyroAngleX.Set(angle.value());
-void ADIS16448_IMUSim::SetGyroAngleY(units::degree_t angle) {
- m_simGyroAngleY.Set(angle.value());
-void ADIS16448_IMUSim::SetGyroAngleZ(units::degree_t angle) {
- m_simGyroAngleZ.Set(angle.value());
-void ADIS16448_IMUSim::SetGyroRateX(units::degrees_per_second_t angularRate) {
- m_simGyroRateX.Set(angularRate.value());
-void ADIS16448_IMUSim::SetGyroRateY(units::degrees_per_second_t angularRate) {
- m_simGyroRateY.Set(angularRate.value());
-void ADIS16448_IMUSim::SetGyroRateZ(units::degrees_per_second_t angularRate) {
- m_simGyroRateZ.Set(angularRate.value());
-void ADIS16448_IMUSim::SetAccelX(units::meters_per_second_squared_t accel) {
- m_simAccelX.Set(accel.value());
-void ADIS16448_IMUSim::SetAccelY(units::meters_per_second_squared_t accel) {
- m_simAccelY.Set(accel.value());
-void ADIS16448_IMUSim::SetAccelZ(units::meters_per_second_squared_t accel) {
- m_simAccelZ.Set(accel.value());
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/simulation/ADIS16470_IMUSim.cpp b/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/simulation/ADIS16470_IMUSim.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 40c09c36260..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/simulation/ADIS16470_IMUSim.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "frc/simulation/ADIS16470_IMUSim.h"
-using namespace frc::sim;
-ADIS16470_IMUSim::ADIS16470_IMUSim(const frc::ADIS16470_IMU& imu) {
- frc::sim::SimDeviceSim deviceSim{"Gyro:ADIS16470", imu.GetPort()};
- m_simGyroAngleX = deviceSim.GetDouble("gyro_angle_x");
- m_simGyroAngleY = deviceSim.GetDouble("gyro_angle_y");
- m_simGyroAngleZ = deviceSim.GetDouble("gyro_angle_z");
- m_simGyroRateX = deviceSim.GetDouble("gyro_rate_x");
- m_simGyroRateY = deviceSim.GetDouble("gyro_rate_y");
- m_simGyroRateZ = deviceSim.GetDouble("gyro_rate_z");
- m_simAccelX = deviceSim.GetDouble("accel_x");
- m_simAccelY = deviceSim.GetDouble("accel_y");
- m_simAccelZ = deviceSim.GetDouble("accel_z");
-void ADIS16470_IMUSim::SetGyroAngleX(units::degree_t angle) {
- m_simGyroAngleX.Set(angle.value());
-void ADIS16470_IMUSim::SetGyroAngleY(units::degree_t angle) {
- m_simGyroAngleY.Set(angle.value());
-void ADIS16470_IMUSim::SetGyroAngleZ(units::degree_t angle) {
- m_simGyroAngleZ.Set(angle.value());
-void ADIS16470_IMUSim::SetGyroRateX(units::degrees_per_second_t angularRate) {
- m_simGyroRateX.Set(angularRate.value());
-void ADIS16470_IMUSim::SetGyroRateY(units::degrees_per_second_t angularRate) {
- m_simGyroRateY.Set(angularRate.value());
-void ADIS16470_IMUSim::SetGyroRateZ(units::degrees_per_second_t angularRate) {
- m_simGyroRateZ.Set(angularRate.value());
-void ADIS16470_IMUSim::SetAccelX(units::meters_per_second_squared_t accel) {
- m_simAccelX.Set(accel.value());
-void ADIS16470_IMUSim::SetAccelY(units::meters_per_second_squared_t accel) {
- m_simAccelY.Set(accel.value());
-void ADIS16470_IMUSim::SetAccelZ(units::meters_per_second_squared_t accel) {
- m_simAccelZ.Set(accel.value());
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/simulation/ADXL345Sim.cpp b/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/simulation/ADXL345Sim.cpp
index 27f9c1fc560..f56570156fc 100644
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/simulation/ADXL345Sim.cpp
+++ b/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/simulation/ADXL345Sim.cpp
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
#include "frc/simulation/ADXL345Sim.h"
#include "frc/ADXL345_I2C.h"
-#include "frc/ADXL345_SPI.h"
#include "frc/simulation/SimDeviceSim.h"
using namespace frc::sim;
@@ -18,13 +17,6 @@ ADXL345Sim::ADXL345Sim(const frc::ADXL345_I2C& accel) {
m_simZ = deviceSim.GetDouble("z");
-ADXL345Sim::ADXL345Sim(const frc::ADXL345_SPI& accel) {
- frc::sim::SimDeviceSim deviceSim{"Accel:ADXL345_SPI", accel.GetSpiPort()};
- m_simX = deviceSim.GetDouble("x");
- m_simY = deviceSim.GetDouble("y");
- m_simZ = deviceSim.GetDouble("z");
void ADXL345Sim::SetX(double accel) {
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/simulation/ADXL362Sim.cpp b/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/simulation/ADXL362Sim.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ac5bb5a0267..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/simulation/ADXL362Sim.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "frc/simulation/ADXL362Sim.h"
-#include "frc/ADXL362.h"
-#include "frc/simulation/SimDeviceSim.h"
-using namespace frc::sim;
-ADXL362Sim::ADXL362Sim(const frc::ADXL362& accel) {
- frc::sim::SimDeviceSim deviceSim{"Accel:ADXL362", accel.GetSpiPort()};
- m_simX = deviceSim.GetDouble("x");
- m_simY = deviceSim.GetDouble("y");
- m_simZ = deviceSim.GetDouble("z");
-void ADXL362Sim::SetX(double accel) {
- m_simX.Set(accel);
-void ADXL362Sim::SetY(double accel) {
- m_simY.Set(accel);
-void ADXL362Sim::SetZ(double accel) {
- m_simZ.Set(accel);
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/simulation/ADXRS450_GyroSim.cpp b/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/simulation/ADXRS450_GyroSim.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a21d1b78ed8..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/simulation/ADXRS450_GyroSim.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "frc/simulation/ADXRS450_GyroSim.h"
-#include "frc/ADXRS450_Gyro.h"
-#include "frc/simulation/SimDeviceSim.h"
-using namespace frc::sim;
-ADXRS450_GyroSim::ADXRS450_GyroSim(const frc::ADXRS450_Gyro& gyro) {
- frc::sim::SimDeviceSim deviceSim{"Gyro:ADXRS450", gyro.GetPort()};
- m_simAngle = deviceSim.GetDouble("angle_x");
- m_simRate = deviceSim.GetDouble("rate_x");
-void ADXRS450_GyroSim::SetAngle(units::degree_t angle) {
- m_simAngle.Set(angle.value());
-void ADXRS450_GyroSim::SetRate(units::degrees_per_second_t rate) {
- m_simRate.Set(rate.value());
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/simulation/SPIAccelerometerSim.cpp b/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/simulation/SPIAccelerometerSim.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d0737e642c0..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/simulation/SPIAccelerometerSim.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "frc/simulation/SPIAccelerometerSim.h"
-using namespace frc;
-using namespace frc::sim;
-SPIAccelerometerSim::SPIAccelerometerSim(int index) {
- m_index = index;
-std::unique_ptr SPIAccelerometerSim::RegisterActiveCallback(
- NotifyCallback callback, bool initialNotify) {
- auto store = std::make_unique(
- m_index, -1, callback, &HALSIM_CancelSPIAccelerometerActiveCallback);
- store->SetUid(HALSIM_RegisterSPIAccelerometerActiveCallback(
- m_index, &CallbackStoreThunk, store.get(), initialNotify));
- return store;
-bool SPIAccelerometerSim::GetActive() const {
- return HALSIM_GetSPIAccelerometerActive(m_index);
-void SPIAccelerometerSim::SetActive(bool active) {
- HALSIM_SetSPIAccelerometerActive(m_index, active);
-std::unique_ptr SPIAccelerometerSim::RegisterRangeCallback(
- NotifyCallback callback, bool initialNotify) {
- auto store = std::make_unique(
- m_index, -1, callback, &HALSIM_CancelSPIAccelerometerRangeCallback);
- store->SetUid(HALSIM_RegisterSPIAccelerometerRangeCallback(
- m_index, &CallbackStoreThunk, store.get(), initialNotify));
- return store;
-int SPIAccelerometerSim::GetRange() const {
- return HALSIM_GetSPIAccelerometerRange(m_index);
-void SPIAccelerometerSim::SetRange(int range) {
- HALSIM_SetSPIAccelerometerRange(m_index, range);
-std::unique_ptr SPIAccelerometerSim::RegisterXCallback(
- NotifyCallback callback, bool initialNotify) {
- auto store = std::make_unique(
- m_index, -1, callback, &HALSIM_CancelSPIAccelerometerXCallback);
- store->SetUid(HALSIM_RegisterSPIAccelerometerXCallback(
- m_index, &CallbackStoreThunk, store.get(), initialNotify));
- return store;
-double SPIAccelerometerSim::GetX() const {
- return HALSIM_GetSPIAccelerometerX(m_index);
-void SPIAccelerometerSim::SetX(double x) {
- HALSIM_SetSPIAccelerometerX(m_index, x);
-std::unique_ptr SPIAccelerometerSim::RegisterYCallback(
- NotifyCallback callback, bool initialNotify) {
- auto store = std::make_unique(
- m_index, -1, callback, &HALSIM_CancelSPIAccelerometerYCallback);
- store->SetUid(HALSIM_RegisterSPIAccelerometerYCallback(
- m_index, &CallbackStoreThunk, store.get(), initialNotify));
- return store;
-double SPIAccelerometerSim::GetY() const {
- return HALSIM_GetSPIAccelerometerY(m_index);
-void SPIAccelerometerSim::SetY(double y) {
- HALSIM_SetSPIAccelerometerY(m_index, y);
-std::unique_ptr SPIAccelerometerSim::RegisterZCallback(
- NotifyCallback callback, bool initialNotify) {
- auto store = std::make_unique(
- m_index, -1, callback, &HALSIM_CancelSPIAccelerometerZCallback);
- store->SetUid(HALSIM_RegisterSPIAccelerometerZCallback(
- m_index, &CallbackStoreThunk, store.get(), initialNotify));
- return store;
-double SPIAccelerometerSim::GetZ() const {
- return HALSIM_GetSPIAccelerometerZ(m_index);
-void SPIAccelerometerSim::SetZ(double z) {
- HALSIM_SetSPIAccelerometerZ(m_index, z);
-void SPIAccelerometerSim::ResetData() {
- HALSIM_ResetSPIAccelerometerData(m_index);
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/ADIS16448_IMU.h b/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/ADIS16448_IMU.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 71d52b81603..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/ADIS16448_IMU.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,496 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-/* Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Analog Devices Inc. All Rights Reserved. */
-/* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code */
-/* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */
-/* the project. */
-/* */
-/* Modified by Juan Chong - frcsupport@analog.com */
-#pragma once
-#include "frc/DigitalInput.h"
-#include "frc/DigitalOutput.h"
-#include "frc/SPI.h"
-namespace frc {
- * Use DMA SPI to read rate, acceleration, and magnetometer data from the
- * ADIS16448 IMU and return the robots heading relative to a starting position,
- * AHRS, and instant measurements
- *
- * The ADIS16448 gyro angle outputs track the robot's heading based on the
- * starting position. As the robot rotates the new heading is computed by
- * integrating the rate of rotation returned by the IMU. When the class is
- * instantiated, a short calibration routine is performed where the IMU samples
- * the gyros while at rest to determine the initial offset. This is subtracted
- * from each sample to determine the heading.
- *
- * This class is for the ADIS16448 IMU connected via the SPI port available on
- * the RoboRIO MXP port.
- */
-class ADIS16448_IMU : public wpi::Sendable,
- public wpi::SendableHelper {
- public:
- /**
- * ADIS16448 calibration times.
- */
- enum class CalibrationTime {
- /// 32 ms calibration time.
- _32ms = 0,
- /// 64 ms calibration time.
- _64ms = 1,
- /// 128 ms calibration time.
- _128ms = 2,
- /// 256 ms calibration time.
- _256ms = 3,
- /// 512 ms calibration time.
- _512ms = 4,
- /// 1 s calibration time.
- _1s = 5,
- /// 2 s calibration time.
- _2s = 6,
- /// 4 s calibration time.
- _4s = 7,
- /// 8 s calibration time.
- _8s = 8,
- /// 16 s calibration time.
- _16s = 9,
- /// 32 s calibration time.
- _32s = 10,
- /// 64 s calibration time.
- _64s = 11
- };
- /**
- * IMU axes.
- */
- enum IMUAxis {
- /// The IMU's X axis.
- kX,
- /// The IMU's Y axis.
- kY,
- /// The IMU's Z axis.
- kZ
- };
- /**
- * IMU constructor on onboard MXP CS0, Z-up orientation, and complementary
- * AHRS computation.
- */
- ADIS16448_IMU();
- /**
- * IMU constructor on the specified MXP port and orientation.
- *
- * @param yaw_axis The axis where gravity is present. Valid options are kX,
- * kY, and kZ
- * @param port The SPI port where the IMU is connected.
- * @param cal_time The calibration time that should be used on start-up.
- */
- explicit ADIS16448_IMU(IMUAxis yaw_axis, SPI::Port port,
- CalibrationTime cal_time);
- ~ADIS16448_IMU() override;
- ADIS16448_IMU(ADIS16448_IMU&&);
- ADIS16448_IMU& operator=(ADIS16448_IMU&&);
- /**
- * Initialize the IMU.
- *
- * Perform gyro offset calibration by collecting data for a number of seconds
- * and computing the center value. The center value is subtracted from
- * subsequent measurements.
- *
- * It's important to make sure that the robot is not moving while the
- * centering calculations are in progress, this is typically done when the
- * robot is first turned on while it's sitting at rest before the match
- * starts.
- *
- * The calibration routine can be triggered by the user during runtime.
- */
- void Calibrate();
- /**
- * Configures the calibration time used for the next calibrate.
- *
- * @param new_cal_time The calibration time that should be used
- */
- int ConfigCalTime(CalibrationTime new_cal_time);
- /**
- * Reset the gyro.
- *
- * Resets the gyro accumulations to a heading of zero. This can be used if
- * there is significant drift in the gyro and it needs to be recalibrated
- * after running.
- */
- void Reset();
- /**
- * Returns the yaw axis angle in degrees (CCW positive).
- */
- units::degree_t GetAngle() const;
- /**
- * Returns the yaw axis angular rate in degrees per second (CCW positive).
- */
- units::degrees_per_second_t GetRate() const;
- /**
- * Returns the accumulated gyro angle in the X axis.
- */
- units::degree_t GetGyroAngleX() const;
- /**
- * Returns the accumulated gyro angle in the Y axis.
- */
- units::degree_t GetGyroAngleY() const;
- /**
- * Returns the accumulated gyro angle in the Z axis.
- */
- units::degree_t GetGyroAngleZ() const;
- /**
- * Returns the angular rate in the X axis.
- */
- units::degrees_per_second_t GetGyroRateX() const;
- /**
- * Returns the angular rate in the Y axis.
- */
- units::degrees_per_second_t GetGyroRateY() const;
- /**
- * Returns the angular rate in the Z axis.
- */
- units::degrees_per_second_t GetGyroRateZ() const;
- /**
- * Returns the acceleration in the X axis.
- */
- units::meters_per_second_squared_t GetAccelX() const;
- /**
- * Returns the acceleration in the Y axis.
- */
- units::meters_per_second_squared_t GetAccelY() const;
- /**
- * Returns the acceleration in the Z axis.
- */
- units::meters_per_second_squared_t GetAccelZ() const;
- /**
- * Returns the complementary angle around the X axis computed from
- * accelerometer and gyro rate measurements.
- */
- units::degree_t GetXComplementaryAngle() const;
- /**
- * Returns the complementary angle around the Y axis computed from
- * accelerometer and gyro rate measurements.
- */
- units::degree_t GetYComplementaryAngle() const;
- /**
- * Returns the X-axis filtered acceleration angle.
- */
- units::degree_t GetXFilteredAccelAngle() const;
- /**
- * Returns the Y-axis filtered acceleration angle.
- */
- units::degree_t GetYFilteredAccelAngle() const;
- /**
- * Returns the magnetic field strength in the X axis.
- */
- units::tesla_t GetMagneticFieldX() const;
- /**
- * Returns the magnetic field strength in the Y axis.
- */
- units::tesla_t GetMagneticFieldY() const;
- /**
- * Returns the magnetic field strength in the Z axis.
- */
- units::tesla_t GetMagneticFieldZ() const;
- /**
- * Returns the barometric pressure.
- */
- units::pounds_per_square_inch_t GetBarometricPressure() const;
- /**
- * Returns the temperature.
- */
- units::celsius_t GetTemperature() const;
- IMUAxis GetYawAxis() const;
- int SetYawAxis(IMUAxis yaw_axis);
- /**
- * Checks the connection status of the IMU.
- *
- * @return True if the IMU is connected, false otherwise.
- */
- bool IsConnected() const;
- /**
- * Configures the decimation rate of the IMU.
- *
- * @param decimationRate The new decimation value.
- * @return 0 if success, 1 if no change, 2 if error.
- */
- int ConfigDecRate(uint16_t decimationRate);
- /**
- * Get the SPI port number.
- *
- * @return The SPI port number.
- */
- int GetPort() const;
- void InitSendable(wpi::SendableBuilder& builder) override;
- private:
- // ADIS16448 Register Map Declaration
- static constexpr uint8_t FLASH_CNT = 0x00; // Flash memory write count
- static constexpr uint8_t XGYRO_OUT = 0x04; // X-axis gyroscope output
- static constexpr uint8_t YGYRO_OUT = 0x06; // Y-axis gyroscope output
- static constexpr uint8_t ZGYRO_OUT = 0x08; // Z-axis gyroscope output
- static constexpr uint8_t XACCL_OUT = 0x0A; // X-axis accelerometer output
- static constexpr uint8_t YACCL_OUT = 0x0C; // Y-axis accelerometer output
- static constexpr uint8_t ZACCL_OUT = 0x0E; // Z-axis accelerometer output
- static constexpr uint8_t XMAGN_OUT = 0x10; // X-axis magnetometer output
- static constexpr uint8_t YMAGN_OUT = 0x12; // Y-axis magnetometer output
- static constexpr uint8_t ZMAGN_OUT = 0x14; // Z-axis magnetometer output
- static constexpr uint8_t BARO_OUT =
- 0x16; // Barometer pressure measurement, high word
- static constexpr uint8_t TEMP_OUT = 0x18; // Temperature output
- static constexpr uint8_t XGYRO_OFF =
- 0x1A; // X-axis gyroscope bias offset factor
- static constexpr uint8_t YGYRO_OFF =
- 0x1C; // Y-axis gyroscope bias offset factor
- static constexpr uint8_t ZGYRO_OFF =
- 0x1E; // Z-axis gyroscope bias offset factor
- static constexpr uint8_t XACCL_OFF =
- 0x20; // X-axis acceleration bias offset factor
- static constexpr uint8_t YACCL_OFF =
- 0x22; // Y-axis acceleration bias offset factor
- static constexpr uint8_t ZACCL_OFF =
- 0x24; // Z-axis acceleration bias offset factor
- static constexpr uint8_t XMAGN_HIC =
- 0x26; // X-axis magnetometer, hard iron factor
- static constexpr uint8_t YMAGN_HIC =
- 0x28; // Y-axis magnetometer, hard iron factor
- static constexpr uint8_t ZMAGN_HIC =
- 0x2A; // Z-axis magnetometer, hard iron factor
- static constexpr uint8_t XMAGN_SIC =
- 0x2C; // X-axis magnetometer, soft iron factor
- static constexpr uint8_t YMAGN_SIC =
- 0x2E; // Y-axis magnetometer, soft iron factor
- static constexpr uint8_t ZMAGN_SIC =
- 0x30; // Z-axis magnetometer, soft iron factor
- static constexpr uint8_t GPIO_CTRL = 0x32; // GPIO control
- static constexpr uint8_t MSC_CTRL = 0x34; // MISC control
- static constexpr uint8_t SMPL_PRD =
- 0x36; // Sample clock/Decimation filter control
- static constexpr uint8_t SENS_AVG = 0x38; // Digital filter control
- static constexpr uint8_t SEQ_CNT = 0x3A; // MAGN_OUT and BARO_OUT counter
- static constexpr uint8_t DIAG_STAT = 0x3C; // System status
- static constexpr uint8_t GLOB_CMD = 0x3E; // System command
- static constexpr uint8_t ALM_MAG1 = 0x40; // Alarm 1 amplitude threshold
- static constexpr uint8_t ALM_MAG2 = 0x42; // Alarm 2 amplitude threshold
- static constexpr uint8_t ALM_SMPL1 = 0x44; // Alarm 1 sample size
- static constexpr uint8_t ALM_SMPL2 = 0x46; // Alarm 2 sample size
- static constexpr uint8_t ALM_CTRL = 0x48; // Alarm control
- static constexpr uint8_t LOT_ID1 = 0x52; // Lot identification number
- static constexpr uint8_t LOT_ID2 = 0x54; // Lot identification number
- static constexpr uint8_t PROD_ID = 0x56; // Product identifier
- static constexpr uint8_t SERIAL_NUM = 0x58; // Lot-specific serial number
- /** @brief ADIS16448 Static Constants */
- static constexpr double kRadToDeg = 57.2957795;
- static constexpr double kDegToRad = 0.0174532;
- static constexpr double kGrav = 9.81;
- /** @brief struct to store offset data */
- struct OffsetData {
- double gyro_rate_x = 0.0;
- double gyro_rate_y = 0.0;
- double gyro_rate_z = 0.0;
- };
- /** @brief Internal Resources **/
- DigitalInput* m_reset_in = nullptr;
- DigitalOutput* m_status_led = nullptr;
- bool SwitchToStandardSPI();
- bool SwitchToAutoSPI();
- uint16_t ReadRegister(uint8_t reg);
- void WriteRegister(uint8_t reg, uint16_t val);
- void Acquire();
- void Close();
- // User-specified yaw axis
- IMUAxis m_yaw_axis;
- // Last read values (post-scaling)
- double m_gyro_rate_x = 0.0;
- double m_gyro_rate_y = 0.0;
- double m_gyro_rate_z = 0.0;
- double m_accel_x = 0.0;
- double m_accel_y = 0.0;
- double m_accel_z = 0.0;
- double m_mag_x = 0.0;
- double m_mag_y = 0.0;
- double m_mag_z = 0.0;
- double m_baro = 0.0;
- double m_temp = 0.0;
- // Complementary filter variables
- double m_dt, m_alpha = 0.0;
- static constexpr double kTau = 0.5;
- double m_compAngleX, m_compAngleY, m_accelAngleX, m_accelAngleY = 0.0;
- // vector for storing most recent imu values
- OffsetData* m_offset_buffer = nullptr;
- double m_gyro_rate_offset_x = 0.0;
- double m_gyro_rate_offset_y = 0.0;
- double m_gyro_rate_offset_z = 0.0;
- // function to re-init offset buffer
- void InitOffsetBuffer(int size);
- // Accumulated gyro values (for offset calculation)
- int m_avg_size = 0;
- int m_accum_count = 0;
- // Integrated gyro values
- double m_integ_gyro_angle_x = 0.0;
- double m_integ_gyro_angle_y = 0.0;
- double m_integ_gyro_angle_z = 0.0;
- // Complementary filter functions
- double FormatFastConverge(double compAngle, double accAngle);
- double FormatAccelRange(double accelAngle, double accelZ);
- double CompFilterProcess(double compAngle, double accelAngle, double omega);
- // State and resource variables
- std::atomic m_thread_active = false;
- std::atomic m_first_run = true;
- std::atomic m_thread_idle = false;
- std::atomic m_start_up_mode = true;
- bool m_auto_configured = false;
- SPI::Port m_spi_port;
- CalibrationTime m_calibration_time{0};
- SPI* m_spi = nullptr;
- DigitalInput* m_auto_interrupt = nullptr;
- bool m_connected{false};
- std::thread m_acquire_task;
- hal::SimDevice m_simDevice;
- hal::SimBoolean m_simConnected;
- hal::SimDouble m_simGyroAngleX;
- hal::SimDouble m_simGyroAngleY;
- hal::SimDouble m_simGyroAngleZ;
- hal::SimDouble m_simGyroRateX;
- hal::SimDouble m_simGyroRateY;
- hal::SimDouble m_simGyroRateZ;
- hal::SimDouble m_simAccelX;
- hal::SimDouble m_simAccelY;
- hal::SimDouble m_simAccelZ;
- struct NonMovableMutexWrapper {
- wpi::mutex mutex;
- NonMovableMutexWrapper() = default;
- NonMovableMutexWrapper(const NonMovableMutexWrapper&) = delete;
- NonMovableMutexWrapper& operator=(const NonMovableMutexWrapper&) = delete;
- NonMovableMutexWrapper(NonMovableMutexWrapper&&) {}
- NonMovableMutexWrapper& operator=(NonMovableMutexWrapper&&) {
- return *this;
- }
- void lock() { mutex.lock(); }
- void unlock() { mutex.unlock(); }
- bool try_lock() noexcept { return mutex.try_lock(); }
- };
- mutable NonMovableMutexWrapper m_mutex;
- // CRC-16 Look-Up Table
- static constexpr uint16_t m_adiscrc[256] = {
- 0x0000, 0x17CE, 0x0FDF, 0x1811, 0x1FBE, 0x0870, 0x1061, 0x07AF, 0x1F3F,
- 0x08F1, 0x10E0, 0x072E, 0x0081, 0x174F, 0x0F5E, 0x1890, 0x1E3D, 0x09F3,
- 0x11E2, 0x062C, 0x0183, 0x164D, 0x0E5C, 0x1992, 0x0102, 0x16CC, 0x0EDD,
- 0x1913, 0x1EBC, 0x0972, 0x1163, 0x06AD, 0x1C39, 0x0BF7, 0x13E6, 0x0428,
- 0x0387, 0x1449, 0x0C58, 0x1B96, 0x0306, 0x14C8, 0x0CD9, 0x1B17, 0x1CB8,
- 0x0B76, 0x1367, 0x04A9, 0x0204, 0x15CA, 0x0DDB, 0x1A15, 0x1DBA, 0x0A74,
- 0x1265, 0x05AB, 0x1D3B, 0x0AF5, 0x12E4, 0x052A, 0x0285, 0x154B, 0x0D5A,
- 0x1A94, 0x1831, 0x0FFF, 0x17EE, 0x0020, 0x078F, 0x1041, 0x0850, 0x1F9E,
- 0x070E, 0x10C0, 0x08D1, 0x1F1F, 0x18B0, 0x0F7E, 0x176F, 0x00A1, 0x060C,
- 0x11C2, 0x09D3, 0x1E1D, 0x19B2, 0x0E7C, 0x166D, 0x01A3, 0x1933, 0x0EFD,
- 0x16EC, 0x0122, 0x068D, 0x1143, 0x0952, 0x1E9C, 0x0408, 0x13C6, 0x0BD7,
- 0x1C19, 0x1BB6, 0x0C78, 0x1469, 0x03A7, 0x1B37, 0x0CF9, 0x14E8, 0x0326,
- 0x0489, 0x1347, 0x0B56, 0x1C98, 0x1A35, 0x0DFB, 0x15EA, 0x0224, 0x058B,
- 0x1245, 0x0A54, 0x1D9A, 0x050A, 0x12C4, 0x0AD5, 0x1D1B, 0x1AB4, 0x0D7A,
- 0x156B, 0x02A5, 0x1021, 0x07EF, 0x1FFE, 0x0830, 0x0F9F, 0x1851, 0x0040,
- 0x178E, 0x0F1E, 0x18D0, 0x00C1, 0x170F, 0x10A0, 0x076E, 0x1F7F, 0x08B1,
- 0x0E1C, 0x19D2, 0x01C3, 0x160D, 0x11A2, 0x066C, 0x1E7D, 0x09B3, 0x1123,
- 0x06ED, 0x1EFC, 0x0932, 0x0E9D, 0x1953, 0x0142, 0x168C, 0x0C18, 0x1BD6,
- 0x03C7, 0x1409, 0x13A6, 0x0468, 0x1C79, 0x0BB7, 0x1327, 0x04E9, 0x1CF8,
- 0x0B36, 0x0C99, 0x1B57, 0x0346, 0x1488, 0x1225, 0x05EB, 0x1DFA, 0x0A34,
- 0x0D9B, 0x1A55, 0x0244, 0x158A, 0x0D1A, 0x1AD4, 0x02C5, 0x150B, 0x12A4,
- 0x056A, 0x1D7B, 0x0AB5, 0x0810, 0x1FDE, 0x07CF, 0x1001, 0x17AE, 0x0060,
- 0x1871, 0x0FBF, 0x172F, 0x00E1, 0x18F0, 0x0F3E, 0x0891, 0x1F5F, 0x074E,
- 0x1080, 0x162D, 0x01E3, 0x19F2, 0x0E3C, 0x0993, 0x1E5D, 0x064C, 0x1182,
- 0x0912, 0x1EDC, 0x06CD, 0x1103, 0x16AC, 0x0162, 0x1973, 0x0EBD, 0x1429,
- 0x03E7, 0x1BF6, 0x0C38, 0x0B97, 0x1C59, 0x0448, 0x1386, 0x0B16, 0x1CD8,
- 0x04C9, 0x1307, 0x14A8, 0x0366, 0x1B77, 0x0CB9, 0x0A14, 0x1DDA, 0x05CB,
- 0x1205, 0x15AA, 0x0264, 0x1A75, 0x0DBB, 0x152B, 0x02E5, 0x1AF4, 0x0D3A,
- 0x0A95, 0x1D5B, 0x054A, 0x1284};
-} // namespace frc
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/ADIS16470_IMU.h b/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/ADIS16470_IMU.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a55800c416e..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/ADIS16470_IMU.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,551 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-/* Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Analog Devices Inc. All Rights Reserved. */
-/* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code */
-/* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */
-/* the project. */
-/* */
-/* Juan Chong - frcsupport@analog.com */
-#pragma once
-#include "frc/DigitalInput.h"
-#include "frc/DigitalOutput.h"
-#include "frc/SPI.h"
-namespace frc {
- * Use DMA SPI to read rate and acceleration data from the ADIS16470 IMU and
- * return the robot's heading relative to a starting position and instant
- * measurements
- *
- * The ADIS16470 gyro angle outputs track the robot's heading based on the
- * starting position. As the robot rotates the new heading is computed by
- * integrating the rate of rotation returned by the IMU. When the class is
- * instantiated, a short calibration routine is performed where the IMU samples
- * the gyros while at rest to determine the initial offset. This is subtracted
- * from each sample to determine the heading.
- *
- * This class is for the ADIS16470 IMU connected via the primary SPI port
- * available on the RoboRIO.
- */
-class ADIS16470_IMU : public wpi::Sendable,
- public wpi::SendableHelper {
- public:
- /**
- * ADIS16470 calibration times.
- */
- enum class CalibrationTime {
- /// 32 ms calibration time.
- _32ms = 0,
- /// 64 ms calibration time.
- _64ms = 1,
- /// 128 ms calibration time.
- _128ms = 2,
- /// 256 ms calibration time.
- _256ms = 3,
- /// 512 ms calibration time.
- _512ms = 4,
- /// 1 s calibration time.
- _1s = 5,
- /// 2 s calibration time.
- _2s = 6,
- /// 4 s calibration time.
- _4s = 7,
- /// 8 s calibration time.
- _8s = 8,
- /// 16 s calibration time.
- _16s = 9,
- /// 32 s calibration time.
- _32s = 10,
- /// 64 s calibration time.
- _64s = 11
- };
- /**
- * IMU axes.
- *
- * kX, kY, and kZ refer to the IMU's X, Y, and Z axes respectively. kYaw,
- * kPitch, and kRoll are configured by the user to refer to an X, Y, or Z
- * axis.
- */
- enum IMUAxis {
- /// The IMU's X axis.
- kX,
- /// The IMU's Y axis.
- kY,
- /// The IMU's Z axis.
- kZ,
- /// The user-configured yaw axis.
- kYaw,
- /// The user-configured pitch axis.
- kPitch,
- /// The user-configured roll axis.
- kRoll
- };
- /**
- * Creates a new ADIS16740 IMU object.
- *
- * The default setup is the onboard SPI port with a calibration time of 1
- * second. Yaw, pitch, and roll are kZ, kX, and kY respectively.
- */
- ADIS16470_IMU();
- /**
- * Creates a new ADIS16740 IMU object.
- *
- * The default setup is the onboard SPI port with a calibration time of 1
- * second.
- *
- * Input axes limited to kX, kY and kZ. Specifying kYaw, kPitch,or kRoll
- * will result in an error.
- *
- * @param yaw_axis The axis that measures the yaw
- * @param pitch_axis The axis that measures the pitch
- * @param roll_axis The axis that measures the roll
- */
- ADIS16470_IMU(IMUAxis yaw_axis, IMUAxis pitch_axis, IMUAxis roll_axis);
- /**
- * Creates a new ADIS16740 IMU object.
- *
- * Input axes limited to kX, kY and kZ. Specifying kYaw, kPitch, or
- * kRoll will result in an error.
- *
- * @param yaw_axis The axis that measures the yaw
- * @param pitch_axis The axis that measures the pitch
- * @param roll_axis The axis that measures the roll
- * @param port The SPI Port the gyro is plugged into
- * @param cal_time Calibration time
- */
- explicit ADIS16470_IMU(IMUAxis yaw_axis, IMUAxis pitch_axis,
- IMUAxis roll_axis, frc::SPI::Port port,
- CalibrationTime cal_time);
- ~ADIS16470_IMU() override;
- ADIS16470_IMU(ADIS16470_IMU&& other);
- ADIS16470_IMU& operator=(ADIS16470_IMU&& other);
- /**
- * Configures the decimation rate of the IMU.
- *
- * @param decimationRate The new decimation value.
- * @return 0 if success, 1 if no change, 2 if error.
- */
- int ConfigDecRate(uint16_t decimationRate);
- /**
- * @brief Switches the active SPI port to standard SPI mode, writes the
- * command to activate the new null configuration, and re-enables auto SPI.
- */
- void Calibrate();
- /**
- * Configures calibration time.
- *
- * @param new_cal_time New calibration time
- * @return 0 if success, 1 if no change, 2 if error.
- */
- int ConfigCalTime(CalibrationTime new_cal_time);
- /**
- * Reset the gyro.
- *
- * Resets the gyro accumulations to a heading of zero. This can be used if
- * there is significant drift in the gyro and it needs to be recalibrated
- * after running.
- */
- void Reset();
- /**
- * Allow the designated gyro angle to be set to a given value. This may happen
- * with unread values in the buffer, it is suggested that the IMU is not
- * moving when this method is run.
- *
- * @param axis IMUAxis that will be changed
- * @param angle The new angle (CCW positive)
- */
- void SetGyroAngle(IMUAxis axis, units::degree_t angle);
- /**
- * Allow the gyro angle X to be set to a given value. This may happen with
- * unread values in the buffer, it is suggested that the IMU is not moving
- * when this method is run.
- *
- * @param angle The new angle (CCW positive)
- */
- void SetGyroAngleX(units::degree_t angle);
- /**
- * Allow the gyro angle Y to be set to a given value. This may happen with
- * unread values in the buffer, it is suggested that the IMU is not moving
- * when this method is run.
- *
- * @param angle The new angle (CCW positive)
- */
- void SetGyroAngleY(units::degree_t angle);
- /**
- * Allow the gyro angle Z to be set to a given value. This may happen with
- * unread values in the buffer, it is suggested that the IMU is not moving
- * when this method is run.
- *
- * @param angle The new angle (CCW positive)
- */
- void SetGyroAngleZ(units::degree_t angle);
- /**
- * Returns the axis angle (CCW positive).
- *
- * @param axis The IMUAxis whose angle to return. Defaults to user configured
- * Yaw.
- * @return The axis angle (CCW positive).
- */
- units::degree_t GetAngle(IMUAxis axis = IMUAxis::kYaw) const;
- /**
- * Returns the axis angular rate (CCW positive).
- *
- * @param axis The IMUAxis whose rate to return. Defaults to user configured
- * Yaw.
- * @return Axis angular rate (CCW positive).
- */
- units::degrees_per_second_t GetRate(IMUAxis axis = IMUAxis::kYaw) const;
- /**
- * Returns the acceleration in the X axis.
- */
- units::meters_per_second_squared_t GetAccelX() const;
- /**
- * Returns the acceleration in the Y axis.
- */
- units::meters_per_second_squared_t GetAccelY() const;
- /**
- * Returns the acceleration in the Z axis.
- */
- units::meters_per_second_squared_t GetAccelZ() const;
- /**
- * Returns the X-axis complementary angle.
- */
- units::degree_t GetXComplementaryAngle() const;
- /**
- * Returns the Y-axis complementary angle.
- */
- units::degree_t GetYComplementaryAngle() const;
- /**
- * Returns the X-axis filtered acceleration angle.
- */
- units::degree_t GetXFilteredAccelAngle() const;
- /**
- * Returns the Y-axis filtered acceleration angle.
- */
- units::degree_t GetYFilteredAccelAngle() const;
- /**
- * Returns which axis, kX, kY, or kZ, is set to the yaw axis.
- *
- * @return IMUAxis Yaw Axis
- */
- IMUAxis GetYawAxis() const;
- /**
- * Returns which axis, kX, kY, or kZ, is set to the pitch axis.
- *
- * @return IMUAxis Pitch Axis
- */
- IMUAxis GetPitchAxis() const;
- /**
- * Returns which axis, kX, kY, or kZ, is set to the roll axis.
- *
- * @return IMUAxis Roll Axis
- */
- IMUAxis GetRollAxis() const;
- /**
- * Checks the connection status of the IMU.
- *
- * @return True if the IMU is connected, false otherwise.
- */
- bool IsConnected() const;
- IMUAxis m_yaw_axis;
- IMUAxis m_pitch_axis;
- IMUAxis m_roll_axis;
- /**
- * Gets the SPI port number.
- *
- * @return The SPI port number.
- */
- int GetPort() const;
- void InitSendable(wpi::SendableBuilder& builder) override;
- private:
- // Register Map Declaration
- static constexpr uint8_t FLASH_CNT = 0x00; // Flash memory write count
- static constexpr uint8_t DIAG_STAT =
- 0x02; // Diagnostic and operational status
- static constexpr uint8_t X_GYRO_LOW =
- 0x04; // X-axis gyroscope output, lower word
- static constexpr uint8_t X_GYRO_OUT =
- 0x06; // X-axis gyroscope output, upper word
- static constexpr uint8_t Y_GYRO_LOW =
- 0x08; // Y-axis gyroscope output, lower word
- static constexpr uint8_t Y_GYRO_OUT =
- 0x0A; // Y-axis gyroscope output, upper word
- static constexpr uint8_t Z_GYRO_LOW =
- 0x0C; // Z-axis gyroscope output, lower word
- static constexpr uint8_t Z_GYRO_OUT =
- 0x0E; // Z-axis gyroscope output, upper word
- static constexpr uint8_t X_ACCL_LOW =
- 0x10; // X-axis accelerometer output, lower word
- static constexpr uint8_t X_ACCL_OUT =
- 0x12; // X-axis accelerometer output, upper word
- static constexpr uint8_t Y_ACCL_LOW =
- 0x14; // Y-axis accelerometer output, lower word
- static constexpr uint8_t Y_ACCL_OUT =
- 0x16; // Y-axis accelerometer output, upper word
- static constexpr uint8_t Z_ACCL_LOW =
- 0x18; // Z-axis accelerometer output, lower word
- static constexpr uint8_t Z_ACCL_OUT =
- 0x1A; // Z-axis accelerometer output, upper word
- static constexpr uint8_t TEMP_OUT =
- 0x1C; // Temperature output (internal, not calibrated)
- static constexpr uint8_t TIME_STAMP = 0x1E; // PPS mode time stamp
- static constexpr uint8_t X_DELTANG_LOW =
- 0x24; // X-axis delta angle output, lower word
- static constexpr uint8_t X_DELTANG_OUT =
- 0x26; // X-axis delta angle output, upper word
- static constexpr uint8_t Y_DELTANG_LOW =
- 0x28; // Y-axis delta angle output, lower word
- static constexpr uint8_t Y_DELTANG_OUT =
- 0x2A; // Y-axis delta angle output, upper word
- static constexpr uint8_t Z_DELTANG_LOW =
- 0x2C; // Z-axis delta angle output, lower word
- static constexpr uint8_t Z_DELTANG_OUT =
- 0x2E; // Z-axis delta angle output, upper word
- static constexpr uint8_t X_DELTVEL_LOW =
- 0x30; // X-axis delta velocity output, lower word
- static constexpr uint8_t X_DELTVEL_OUT =
- 0x32; // X-axis delta velocity output, upper word
- static constexpr uint8_t Y_DELTVEL_LOW =
- 0x34; // Y-axis delta velocity output, lower word
- static constexpr uint8_t Y_DELTVEL_OUT =
- 0x36; // Y-axis delta velocity output, upper word
- static constexpr uint8_t Z_DELTVEL_LOW =
- 0x38; // Z-axis delta velocity output, lower word
- static constexpr uint8_t Z_DELTVEL_OUT =
- 0x3A; // Z-axis delta velocity output, upper word
- static constexpr uint8_t XG_BIAS_LOW =
- 0x40; // X-axis gyroscope bias offset correction, lower word
- static constexpr uint8_t XG_BIAS_HIGH =
- 0x42; // X-axis gyroscope bias offset correction, upper word
- static constexpr uint8_t YG_BIAS_LOW =
- 0x44; // Y-axis gyroscope bias offset correction, lower word
- static constexpr uint8_t YG_BIAS_HIGH =
- 0x46; // Y-axis gyroscope bias offset correction, upper word
- static constexpr uint8_t ZG_BIAS_LOW =
- 0x48; // Z-axis gyroscope bias offset correction, lower word
- static constexpr uint8_t ZG_BIAS_HIGH =
- 0x4A; // Z-axis gyroscope bias offset correction, upper word
- static constexpr uint8_t XA_BIAS_LOW =
- 0x4C; // X-axis accelerometer bias offset correction, lower word
- static constexpr uint8_t XA_BIAS_HIGH =
- 0x4E; // X-axis accelerometer bias offset correction, upper word
- static constexpr uint8_t YA_BIAS_LOW =
- 0x50; // Y-axis accelerometer bias offset correction, lower word
- static constexpr uint8_t YA_BIAS_HIGH =
- 0x52; // Y-axis accelerometer bias offset correction, upper word
- static constexpr uint8_t ZA_BIAS_LOW =
- 0x54; // Z-axis accelerometer bias offset correction, lower word
- static constexpr uint8_t ZA_BIAS_HIGH =
- 0x56; // Z-axis accelerometer bias offset correction, upper word
- static constexpr uint8_t FILT_CTRL = 0x5C; // Filter control
- static constexpr uint8_t MSC_CTRL = 0x60; // Miscellaneous control
- static constexpr uint8_t UP_SCALE = 0x62; // Clock scale factor, PPS mode
- static constexpr uint8_t DEC_RATE =
- 0x64; // Decimation rate control (output data rate)
- static constexpr uint8_t NULL_CNFG = 0x66; // Auto-null configuration control
- static constexpr uint8_t GLOB_CMD = 0x68; // Global commands
- static constexpr uint8_t FIRM_REV = 0x6C; // Firmware revision
- static constexpr uint8_t FIRM_DM =
- 0x6E; // Firmware revision date, month and day
- static constexpr uint8_t FIRM_Y = 0x70; // Firmware revision date, year
- static constexpr uint8_t PROD_ID = 0x72; // Product identification
- static constexpr uint8_t SERIAL_NUM =
- 0x74; // Serial number (relative to assembly lot)
- static constexpr uint8_t USER_SCR1 = 0x76; // User scratch register 1
- static constexpr uint8_t USER_SCR2 = 0x78; // User scratch register 2
- static constexpr uint8_t USER_SCR3 = 0x7A; // User scratch register 3
- static constexpr uint8_t FLSHCNT_LOW =
- 0x7C; // Flash update count, lower word
- static constexpr uint8_t FLSHCNT_HIGH =
- 0x7E; // Flash update count, upper word
- // Auto SPI Data Packet to read all thrre gyro axes.
- static constexpr uint8_t m_autospi_allangle_packet[24] = {
- static constexpr double delta_angle_sf = 2160.0 / 2147483648.0;
- static constexpr double kRadToDeg = 57.2957795;
- static constexpr double kDegToRad = 0.0174532;
- static constexpr double kGrav = 9.81;
- // Resources
- DigitalInput* m_reset_in = nullptr;
- DigitalOutput* m_status_led = nullptr;
- /**
- * @brief Switches to standard SPI operation. Primarily used when exiting auto
- * SPI mode.
- *
- * @return A boolean indicating the success or failure of setting up the SPI
- * peripheral in standard SPI mode.
- */
- bool SwitchToStandardSPI();
- /**
- * @brief Switches to auto SPI operation. Primarily used when exiting standard
- * SPI mode.
- *
- * @return A boolean indicating the success or failure of setting up the SPI
- * peripheral in auto SPI mode.
- */
- bool SwitchToAutoSPI();
- /**
- * @brief Reads the contents of a specified register location over SPI.
- *
- * @param reg An unsigned, 8-bit register location.
- *
- * @return An unsigned, 16-bit number representing the contents of the
- * requested register location.
- */
- uint16_t ReadRegister(uint8_t reg);
- /**
- * @brief Writes an unsigned, 16-bit value to two adjacent, 8-bit register
- * locations over SPI.
- *
- * @param reg An unsigned, 8-bit register location.
- *
- * @param val An unsigned, 16-bit value to be written to the specified
- * register location.
- */
- void WriteRegister(uint8_t reg, uint16_t val);
- /**
- * @brief Main acquisition loop. Typically called asynchronously and
- * free-wheels while the robot code is active.
- */
- void Acquire();
- void Close();
- // Integrated gyro angles.
- double m_integ_angle_x = 0.0;
- double m_integ_angle_y = 0.0;
- double m_integ_angle_z = 0.0;
- // Instant raw outputs
- double m_gyro_rate_x = 0.0;
- double m_gyro_rate_y = 0.0;
- double m_gyro_rate_z = 0.0;
- double m_accel_x = 0.0;
- double m_accel_y = 0.0;
- double m_accel_z = 0.0;
- // Complementary filter variables
- double m_dt, m_alpha = 0.0;
- static constexpr double kTau = 1.0;
- double m_compAngleX, m_compAngleY, m_accelAngleX, m_accelAngleY = 0.0;
- // Complementary filter functions
- double FormatFastConverge(double compAngle, double accAngle);
- double FormatAccelRange(double accelAngle, double accelZ);
- double CompFilterProcess(double compAngle, double accelAngle, double omega);
- // State and resource variables
- std::atomic m_thread_active = false;
- std::atomic m_first_run = true;
- std::atomic m_thread_idle = false;
- bool m_auto_configured = false;
- SPI::Port m_spi_port;
- uint16_t m_calibration_time = 0;
- SPI* m_spi = nullptr;
- DigitalInput* m_auto_interrupt = nullptr;
- double m_scaled_sample_rate = 2500.0; // Default sample rate setting
- bool m_connected{false};
- std::thread m_acquire_task;
- hal::SimDevice m_simDevice;
- hal::SimBoolean m_simConnected;
- hal::SimDouble m_simGyroAngleX;
- hal::SimDouble m_simGyroAngleY;
- hal::SimDouble m_simGyroAngleZ;
- hal::SimDouble m_simGyroRateX;
- hal::SimDouble m_simGyroRateY;
- hal::SimDouble m_simGyroRateZ;
- hal::SimDouble m_simAccelX;
- hal::SimDouble m_simAccelY;
- hal::SimDouble m_simAccelZ;
- struct NonMovableMutexWrapper {
- wpi::mutex mutex;
- NonMovableMutexWrapper() = default;
- NonMovableMutexWrapper(const NonMovableMutexWrapper&) = delete;
- NonMovableMutexWrapper& operator=(const NonMovableMutexWrapper&) = delete;
- NonMovableMutexWrapper(NonMovableMutexWrapper&&) {}
- NonMovableMutexWrapper& operator=(NonMovableMutexWrapper&&) {
- return *this;
- }
- void lock() { mutex.lock(); }
- void unlock() { mutex.unlock(); }
- bool try_lock() noexcept { return mutex.try_lock(); }
- };
- mutable NonMovableMutexWrapper m_mutex;
-} // namespace frc
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/ADXL345_SPI.h b/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/ADXL345_SPI.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 305be9280a2..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/ADXL345_SPI.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#pragma once
-#include "frc/SPI.h"
-namespace frc {
- * ADXL345 Accelerometer on SPI.
- *
- * This class allows access to an Analog Devices ADXL345 3-axis accelerometer
- * via SPI. This class assumes the sensor is wired in 4-wire SPI mode.
- */
-class ADXL345_SPI : public nt::NTSendable,
- public wpi::SendableHelper