#Scenario 05 API Versioning
APi versioning is a key functionality that needs to be addressed once the users used to expose a specific API for a long time and when they need to add, remove or change the API’ in future. When doing this there may be uses who are using the old API. Hence while introducing the new API Old API should also be supported for a specific time period. That time period is offered basically because to guide the uses and give a period for them to switch to the new API.
Ability to retire old APIs and introduce new versions of APIs to enhance its functionality Ensure that API updates don’t break when upgraded/versioned or moved between environments, geographies, data centers and the cloud A/B testing with old vs new APIs Ability to notify consumers of the old version about the availability of the new API version Enforcing a grace period to upgrade to the new version of the API Transferring contracts with app developers to newer versions.
###Covered Automations:
Management Console
Create Suscriber, Creator, Publisher users and roles from the APIM Management console and assign them with the relavent permissions Set the subscribers email address from the subscriber profile Update the registory resource file in the location /resource/_system/config/apimgt/applicationdata/tenant-conf.json to enable notification sending and to set the email template
API Publisher
Register and generate and token Create API with Version 1.0.0 API Migration API Export Change API state from Create to Publish for API Version 1.0.0 API Versioning
API Subscriber
Obtain client Id and Secret Generate access token Create application Create subscription
API Publisher
Change versioned API state from create to publish
Terminate Tests Unsubscribe Application Delete Application Remove users and roles Delete old API Delete new API
Need to download Governance registry 5.4.0 and copy resource.war from G-Reg/repository/deployment/server/webapps to APIM-Home/repository/deployment/server/webapps. Then restart APIM server.This is required to support Registry REST APIs by APIM. But from APIM 2.1.0 update 7 onwards due to a spring framework update done resource.war is not supported. Therefore as a workaround untill a proper fix is given after deploying resource.war web app copy the springframework 3.0.7 .jars (7 jars) from /APIM/APIM220/wso2am-2.1.0-update6/lib/runtimes/cxf to /wso2am-2.1.0-update8/repository/deployment/server/webapps/resource/WEB-INF/lib folder
Need to configure API-M_HOME/repository/conf/output-event-adapters.xml file under the adapterConfig type="email" section as below
property key="mail.smtp.from">[email protected]
property key="mail.smtp.user">dewmi123455
property key="mail.smtp.password">password
property key="mail.smtp.host">smtp.gmail.com
property key="mail.smtp.port">587
If you are using a Google mail account, note that Google has restricted third-party apps and less secure apps from sending emails by default. Therefore, you need to configure your account to disable this restriction.