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File metadata and controls

87 lines (67 loc) · 2.56 KB



This project is aiming to pratice the MERN Stack skills. When finished, it can replace my current personal website from WordPress to React.

Directory Explaination


Host the frontend files using create-react-app

Docker added: if you want to run on localhost, you have to do the following things:

  1. change the "proxy": "http://backend:8000/" to "proxy": "http://localhost:8000/"


Host the backend files using express and node.js

Docker added: if you want to run on localhost, you have to do the following things:

  1. In server.js, change the mongodb://mongo:27017 to mongodb://localhost:27017


Combined the build frontend files into backend, no docker setup, so you have to have your own mongo client installed and import the initial files under mongo-seed directory.


for docker container: add the default data into mongo docker client.

Technology used


  • React.js


  • Node.js
  • Express


  • mongo


  • View page
  • Three.js
  • login
    1. Connect to mongoose
    2. check Role table, if table is empty, create three roles.
    3. /api/auth/signup
      1. Middleware 1:verifySignUp.checkDuplicateUsernameOrEmail
      2. Middleware 2: verifySignUp.checkRolesExisted
      3. controller.signup => save to mongodb, object is User and Role
    4. /api/auth/signin
      1. controller.signin => finduser by username in mongodb
      2. use bcrypt.compareSync to check password
      3. get token by jwt.sign
      4. res to send roles and token
    5. /api/test/(user or mod or admin)
      1. middleware: authJwt to verify token
  • Admin page
    • Edit Form
    • Form Syle (dropdown, rich text)
    • New Form
    • Delete
  • Contact Form send email


  • Docker
  • Deploy using git
  • Deploy using Travis

Unit Testing

  • Use Jest

How to Run Docker

  1. create dockerfile for each app
  2. create docker-compose yml file to combine multiple services
  3. run docker-compose up -d mongo first to initial mongodb
  4. run docker-compose up -d mongo-seed to add initial data into mongodb
  5. run docker exec -it mongo bash to check if the initial data is been pushed
  6. run docker-compose up -d backend to run the web app
  7. run docker-compose up -d frontend to run the web app