Class longlang\phpkafka\Producer\ProducerConfig
You can pass an array to a constructor.
Key | Description | Default |
connectTimeout | Connection timeout(unit: second, decimal). -1 means no limit. |
-1 |
sendTimeout | Connection timeout(unit: second, decimal). -1 means no limit. |
-1 |
recvTimeout | Connection timeout(unit: second, decimal).-1 means no limit. |
-1 |
clientId | Kafka client ID | null |
maxWriteAttempts | Maximum attempts to write | 3 |
client | Kafka client used. null by default means auto recognition. |
null |
socket | Kafka Socket used. null by default means auto recognition. |
null |
brokers | Configure brokers. If configure it manually, set updateBrokers to true . Format: ',' or ['',''] |
null |
bootstrapServers | Alias bootstrapServer, used to boot the server. If configured, the server will be connected and brokers updated. Format: ',' or ['',''] |
null |
updateBrokers | Auto update brokers | true |
acks | The producer acknowledges the leader before responding. 0 means not confirmed, 1 means the leader confirmed, -1 means ISR. | 0 |
producerId | producer ID | -1 |
producerEpoch | producer Epoch | -1 |
partitionLeaderEpoch | partition Leader Epoch | -1 |
autoCreateTopic | auto create topic | true |
exceptionCallback | This callback is called when an exception that cannot be thrown by the recv() coroutine is encountered. Format: function(\Exception $e){} |
null |
partitioner | Partitioning strategy | Default: \longlang\phpkafka\Producer\Partitioner\DefaultPartitioner |
produceRetry | Produce message retries allowed if matching an error code. | 3 |
produceRetrySleep | Produce message retry sleep time. (unit: second) | 0.1 |
sasl | SASL authentication Info. If the field is null, it will not authenticate with SASL detail | [] |
ssl | SSL Connect Info. If the field is null, it will not use SSL detail | null |
Default partitioning strategy:
If partition !== null, then use partition
If partition === null && key !== null, then use crc32(key) % partitions to select partition
If partition === null && key === null, then use Round Robin to select partition
use longlang\phpkafka\Producer\Producer;
use longlang\phpkafka\Producer\ProducerConfig;
use longlang\phpkafka\Protocol\RecordBatch\RecordHeader;
$config = new ProducerConfig();
$producer = new Producer($config);
$topic = 'test';
$value = (string) microtime(true);
$key = uniqid('', true);
$producer->send('test', $value, $key);
// set headers
// key-value or use RecordHeader
$headers = [
'key1' => 'value1',
(new RecordHeader())->setHeaderKey('key2')->setValue('value2'),
$producer->send('test', $value, $key, $headers);
use longlang\phpkafka\Producer\ProduceMessage;
use longlang\phpkafka\Producer\Producer;
use longlang\phpkafka\Producer\ProducerConfig;
$config = new ProducerConfig();
$producer = new Producer($config);
$topic = 'test';
$partition0 = 0;
$partition1 = 1;
new ProduceMessage($topic, 'v1', 'k1', $partition0),
new ProduceMessage($topic, 'v2', 'k2', $partition1),
Key | Description | Default |
type | SASL Authentication Type. PLAIN is \longlang\phpkafka\Sasl\PlainSasl::class |
'' |
username | username | '' |
password | password | '' |
use longlang\phpkafka\Producer\ProducerConfig;
use longlang\phpkafka\Producer\Producer;
$config = new ProducerConfig();
// .... Your Other Config
$producer = new Producer($config);
// .... Your Business Code
Class longlang\phpkafka\Config\SslConfig
You can pass an array to a constructor.
Key | Description | Default |
open | Enable SSL | false |
compression | TLS compression. | true |
certFile | Path to local certificate file on filesystem. | '' |
keyFile | Path to local private key file on filesystem | '' |
passphrase | Passphrase with which your certFile file was encoded. |
'' |
peerName | Peer name to be used. If this value is not set, then the name is remote Host | '' |
verifyPeer | Require verification of SSL certificate used. | false |
verifyPeerName | Require verification of peer name. | false |
verifyDepth | Abort if the certificate chain is too deep. | 0 |
allowSelfSigned | Allow self-signed certificates. | false |
cafile | Location of Certificate Authority file on local filesystem which should be used | '' |
capath | If cafile is not specified or if the certificate is not found there, the directory pointed to by capath is searched for a suitable certificate. capath must be a correctly hashed certificate directory. | '' |
use longlang\phpkafka\Producer\ProducerConfig;
use longlang\phpkafka\Producer\Producer;
use longlang\phpkafka\Config\SslConfig;
$config = new ProducerConfig();
// .... Your Othor Config
$sslConfig = new SslConfig();
$producer = new Producer($config);
// .... Your Business Code