Releases: xRahul/FicsaveMiddleware
Releases · xRahul/FicsaveMiddleware
First Release - updated
- Share fic url with the app to automate what happens.
- choose a default eBook format for further actions.
- Download ebook to device or send as attachment directly from ficsave website.
- Open downloaded eBook by default, or send as attachment via your email app to someone.
- Added deep link to
FicsaveMiddleware 0.5
Added Download complete listener and preferences.
Both don't work now though
Ficsave Middleware 0.4
Fixed bugs, refactoring, optimizing
Fixed multiple window opening bug, loading fictive site only once now.
Share intent works as it is supposed to.
Ficsave Middleware 0.3
Added Loading, made UI better, replaced actionbar with custom toolbar
FicsaveMiddleware 0.2
App can listen to share events and automatically downloads mobi file on link share from browser or the fanfiction official app.