A structured log appender for Timbre using jsonista.
Makes extracting data from logs easier in for example AWS CloudWatch Logs and GCP Stackdriver Logging.
A Timbre log invocation maps to JSON messages the following way:
(timbre/error (IllegalStateException. "Not logged in") "Action failure" :user-id 1)
{"timestamp": "2019-07-03T10:00:08Z", # Always included
"level": "error", # ditto
"thread": nRepl-session-...", # ditto
"msg": "Action failure", # Included when logging call contains a single argument, or odd number of arguments
"args: {"user-id": 1}, # All arguments that follow the first argument
"err": {"via":[{"type":"..., # When exception is logged, a Throwable->map presentation of the exception
"ns": "user", # Included when exception is logged
"file": "...", # ditto
"line": "..."} # ditto
user> (require '[timbre-json-appender.core :as tas])
user> (tas/install) ;; Set json-appender as sole Timbre appender
user> (require '[taoensso.timbre :as timbre])
user> (timbre/info "Hello" :user-id 1 :profile {:role :tester})
user> (tas/install {:pretty true}) ;; For repl only
user> (timbre/info "Hello" :user-id 1 :profile {:role :tester})
"timestamp" : "2019-07-03T10:23:38Z",
"level" : "info",
"thread" : "nRepl-session-97b9389e-a563-4f0d-8b8a-f58050297092",
"msg" : "Hello",
"args" : {
"user-id" : 1,
"profile" : {
"role" : "tester"
Exceptions are included in err
field via Throwable->map
and contain ns
, file
and line
user> (tas/install)
user> (timbre/info (IllegalStateException. "Not logged in") "Hello" :user-id 1 :profile {:role :tester})
(timbre/info (IllegalStateException. "Not logged in") "Hello" :user-id 1 :profile {:role :tester})
{"args":{"user-id":1,"profile":{"role":"tester"}},"ns":"user","file":"*cider-repl home/timbre-json-appender:localhost:49943(clj)*","line":523,"err":{"via":[{"type":"java.lang.IllegalStateException","message":"Not logged in","at":["user$eval11384$fn__11385","invoke","NO_SOURCE_FILE",523]}],"trace":[["user$eval11384$fn__11385","invoke","NO_SOURCE_FILE",523],["clojure.lang.Delay","deref","Delay.java",42],["clojure.core$deref","invokeStatic","core.clj",2320],["clojure.core$deref","invoke","core.clj",2306]
Data that isn't serializable is omitted, to not prevent logging:
user> (tas/install {:pretty true}) ;; For repl only
user> (timbre/info "Hello" :o (Object.))
"timestamp" : "2019-07-03T10:26:38Z",
"level" : "info",
"thread" : "nRepl-session-97b9389e-a563-4f0d-8b8a-f58050297092",
"msg" : "Hello",
"args" : {
"o" : { }
As a last resort, default println appender is used, if JSON serialization fails.
Arguments can also be placed inline, instead of being put behind :args
user> (tas/install {:inline-args? true})
user> (timbre/info "Hello" :role :admin)
If you use Timbre's with-context
it will be added to your output automatically (and respects inline-args settings too)
user=> (tas/install)
user=> (timbre/with-context {:important-context "goes-here" :and :here} (timbre/info "test"))
user=> (tas/install {:inline-args? false})
user=> (timbre/with-context {:important-context "goes-here" :and :here} (timbre/info "test"))
If you need to emit the log-level to a key other than level
, you can supply the level-key
user=> (tas/install)
user=> (timbre/info "test")
user=> (tas/install {:level-key :severity})
user=> (timbre/info "test")
2020-11-07 (0.1.3)
- Support to change the level key from level to (eg severity to support GCP Logging)
2020-11-03 (0.1.2)
- Support timbre/with-context
2020-11-02 (0.1.1)
- Support inlining arguments
- Use taoensso.timbre/println-appender as fallback if JSON serialization fails
- Create object mapper only once (improves performance)
- Support format string style log formatting
- Initial release