A software defined S/PDIF library that allows you to trasnmit or receive S/PDIF data via xCORE ports. S/PDIF is a digital data streaming interface. The components in the libary are controlled via C using the XMOS multicore extensions (xC) and provides both a S/PDIF receiver and transmitter.
- Supports stereo S/PDIF receive up to sample rates up to 96KHz
- Supports stereo S/PDIF transmit up to 192KHz
.. resusage:: * - configuration: Transmit - globals: buffered out port:32 p_spdif_tx = XS1_PORT_1B; in port p_mclk_in = XS1_PORT_1E; clock clk_audio = XS1_CLKBLK_1; - locals: chan c; - fn: spdif_tx(p_spdif_tx, c); - pins: 1 - ports: 1 (1-bit) - cores: 1 * - configuration: Receive - globals: port p_spdif_rx = XS1_PORT_1F; clock audio_clk = XS1_CLKBLK_1; - locals: streaming chan c; - fn: spdif_rx(c, p_spdif_rx, audio_clk, 48000); - pins: 1 - ports: 1 (1-bit) - cores: 1
.. libdeps::
The following application notes use this library:
- AN00231 - SPDIF Receive to I2S output using Asynchronous Sample Rate Conversion