issues Search Results · repo:xmaestro/angular2-recaptcha language:TypeScript
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inxmaestro/angular2-recaptcha (press backspace or delete to remove)I am using this control in my angular ionic app. I am following the guideline to load and implement the plugin. The
control loads correctly for this first time or in other ways when you route to the page ...
- Opened on May 24, 2021
- #116
- Opened on Apr 1, 2020
- #113
I have issues with responsive mode. I have set size attribute as compact mode for mobile, But thats not looks good, So
can you tell how to tell the custom width to make it as responsive.
- Opened on Mar 29, 2019
- #112
The recaptcha component seems to bind event listeners to the window object. Particularly, there is a scroll listener
which triggers change detection several thousands of times, and slows down the application ...
- Opened on Feb 2, 2019
- #111
- Opened on Nov 8, 2018
- #110
I noticed that he makes the request for api from Google. However, the this.captcha.getResponse() method is returning
in my html:
re-captcha class= center-block site_key= MY_SITE_KEY
- Opened on Oct 2, 2018
- #109 is not accessible in some places, allow a configuration option for loading the recaptcha script from instead:
- Opened on Sep 13, 2018
- #106
It appears that Angular zone is being blocked after loading reCaptcha component. This happens right after loaded Google
API calls window[ reCaptchaOnloadCallback ] callback. The same behaviour is noticed ...
- Opened on Aug 27, 2018
- #104
i followed the instructions, installed the module, imported on ngModule, got the site key, everything as usual (done it
before on angular 5), but this time with angular 6.0.3, i can t see the captcha. ...
- 3
- Opened on Aug 17, 2018
- #103
Awesome package, but could you please make sure it works with Universal as well? It says document is not defined
- Opened on Aug 9, 2018
- #102

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