- Added
- Fix: #71;
- Fixed and improved sizes translation;
- Added
props; - Prop
inverted and renamed todisableTracksWidthCompensation
; - Added
- Fix: #68;
- Sizes loosing optimisation;
- Content element now has the minHeight & minWidth styles if content sizes translation is off (Fix: #65 );
- Vertical scrollbar now has no hard stick to any side;
- Fix: #63
- Fix: #48
- Sizes translation fixes and improvements;
- Added
prop to be able make an overflowing scrollbars if needed.
Also useful when sizes translation enabled;
- Due to some issues with content paddings added extra wrapper element;
- Little API changes;
- Classnames changes;
Feel sorry fo breaking capability for the third time during the v4-alpha stage but i have to do it to name things properly.
Earlier some things been named not obvious and there was a little mess with classnames.
From now i can surely say that basic elements classnames are locked and API will be developed with maximum backward capability.
Sorry for any inconvenience. 🙏
- Component was fully reworked with power of TypeScript;
- Inner kitchen was optimised and now it is 1.5-2 times faster;
- A lot of API and semantics and classnames changes - better to treat it as a whole new component;