The bigger your project gets, the slower the populate command becomes.
There is a relation between amount of search data and the time you need to re-index it.
Here's some signs, if you spot them consider using the solution from this tutorial:
- The command takes enormous amount of time to re-index data.
- It consumes a lot of memory.
- It fails here and there because of lucking resources or running out of time.
- It fails on some buggy model and you want to gracefully skip it and continue indexing.
This chapter describes a solution that improves the command performance and reduces its time&memory consumption. Instead of doing everything in one single process the populate command delegates work to workers (via message queue). Those workers process small parts of the whole job and respond to the populate command with a status or error message. The performance gain depends on how much workers (consumers) you run.
For queuing it uses EnqueueBundle which supports a lot of MQ transports out of the box.
I assume you already have FOSElasticaBundle
installed, if not here's the setup doc.
So, we only have to install EnqueueElasticaBundle
and one of the MQ transports.
I am going to install the bundle and filesystem transport by way of example.
$ composer require enqueue/elastica-bundle:^0.8.1 enqueue/fs:^0.8
Default enqueue.yaml
dsn: '%env(resolve:ENQUEUE_DSN)%'
client: ~
transport: '%enqueue.default_transport%'
doctrine: ~
Note: As long as you are on Symfony Flex you are done. If not, you have to do some extra things, like registering the bundle in your AppKernel
- Run some consumers (the more you run the better performance you might get):
$ ./bin/console enqueue:consume --setup-broker -vvv
or (use it only if you cannot use the solution above):
$ ./bin/console enqueue:transport:consume enqueue_elastica.populate_processor -vvv
- Run populate command with
option set:
$ ./bin/console fos:elastica:populate --pager-persister=queue
The QueuePagerPersister
could be customized via options.
The options could be customized in a listener subscribed on FOS\ElasticaBundle\Persister\Event::PRE_PERSIST
event for example.
Here's the list of available options:
- Integer. Tells how many objects should be processed by a single worker at a time.first_page
- Integer. Tells from what page to start rebuilding the index.last_page
- Integer. Tells on what page to stop rebuilding the index.populate_queue
- String. It is a name of a populate queue. Workers should consume messages from it.populate_reply_queue
- String. It is a name of a reply queue. The command should consume replies from it. Persister tries to create a temporary queue if not set.reply_receive_timeout
- Float. A time a consumer waits for a message. In milliseconds.limit_overall_reply_time
- Int. Limits an overtime allowed processing time. Throws an exception if it is exceeded.
- We suggest using supervisord on production to control consumers.