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Michael Matveev edited this page Oct 5, 2017 · 10 revisions

On a Debian machines, you may wish to run the following command for the automated installs:

wget -q && bash zoia_install

It will install sources, run apt-get for nodejs and mongodb, install forever, download the latest Zoia release file, extract it and run modules installer script when needed.

To manually install Zoia on your server or desktop, you will need the following prerequisites:

  • Node.js version 7 and later
  • MongoDB 3 and later

Get your copy of Zoia from Github repository:

git clone

Modify the configuration files (config.js and website.js) to match your server settings. Don't forget to modify MongoDB settings and to set the salt. Then install the missing NPM modules and run the installer:

npm install && cd ./bin && node install

Run the Zoia web server:

node webserver

Default address for Zoia webserver is You may also login to Administrator panel by opening the URL: (default username and password is admin/admin).

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