本指南概述了YARN ResourceManager的高可用性,并详细介绍了如何配置和使用此功能。 ResourceManager(RM)负责跟踪集群中的资源,并调度应用程序(例如MapReduce作业)。在Hadoop 2.4之前,ResourceManager是YARN群集中的单点故障。高可用性功能以“活动/备用ResourceManager”对的形式添加了冗余,以消除此单点故障。
ResourceManager HA通过Active / Standby体系结构实现-在任何时间点,RM之一都是Active,并且一个或多个RM处于Standby模式,等待Active发生任何故障。启用自动故障转移后,从管理员(通过CLI)或集成的故障转移控制器来触发转换为活动的触发。
如果未启用自动故障转移,则管理员必须手动将其中一个RM转换为Active。要从一个RM到另一个RM进行故障转移,他们应该先将Active-RM转换为Standby,然后将Standby-RM转换为Active。所有这些都可以使用“ yarn rmadmin” CLI完成。
当有多个RM时,客户端和节点使用的配置(yarn-site.xml)应该列出所有RM。客户端,ApplicationMaster(AM)和NodeManager(NM)尝试以循环方式连接到RM,直到它们到达活动RM。如果Active发生故障,则它们将继续轮询,直到命中“新” Active。此默认重试逻辑实现为org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.ConfiguredRMFailoverProxyProvider。您可以通过实现org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.RMFailoverProxyProvider并将yarn.client.failover-proxy-provider的值设置为类名来覆盖逻辑。在非ha模式下运行时,请改为设置yarn.client.failover-no-ha-proxy-provider的值。
启用ResourceManager重新启动后,被提升为活动状态的RM会加载RM内部状态,并根据RM重新启动功能,尽可能从先前的活动状态停止运行。将为先前提交给RM的每个托管应用程序产生一个新尝试。应用程序可以定期检查点以避免丢失任何工作。状态存储必须在两个活动/备用RM中均可见。当前,有两种用于持久性的RMStateStore实现-FileSystemRMStateStore和ZKRMStateStore。 ZKRMStateStore隐式允许在任何时间点对单个RM进行写访问,因此是建议在HA群集中使用的存储。使用ZKRMStateStore时,无需使用单独的防护机制来解决潜在的裂脑情况,在这种情况下,多个RM可以潜在地充当主动角色。使用ZKRMStateStore时,建议不要在Zookeeper群集上设置“ zookeeper.DigestAuthenticationProvider.superDigest”属性,以确保Zookeeper管理员无法访问YARN应用程序/用户凭证信息。
Configuration Properties | Description |
hadoop.zk.address |
Address of the ZK-quorum. Used both for the state-store and embedded leader-election. |
yarn.resourcemanager.ha.enabled |
Enable RM HA. |
yarn.resourcemanager.ha.rm-ids |
List of logical IDs for the RMs. e.g., “rm1,rm2”. |
yarn.resourcemanager.hostname. rm-id |
For each rm-id, specify the hostname the RM corresponds to. Alternately, one could set each of the RM’s service addresses. |
yarn.resourcemanager.address. rm-id |
For each rm-id, specify host:port for clients to submit jobs. If set, overrides the hostname set in yarn.resourcemanager.hostname. rm-id. |
yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.address. rm-id |
For each rm-id, specify scheduler host:port for ApplicationMasters to obtain resources. If set, overrides the hostname set in yarn.resourcemanager.hostname. rm-id. |
yarn.resourcemanager.resource-tracker.address. rm-id |
For each rm-id, specify host:port for NodeManagers to connect. If set, overrides the hostname set in yarn.resourcemanager.hostname. rm-id. |
yarn.resourcemanager.admin.address. rm-id |
For each rm-id, specify host:port for administrative commands. If set, overrides the hostname set in yarn.resourcemanager.hostname. rm-id. |
yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.address. rm-id |
For each rm-id, specify host:port of the RM web application corresponds to. You do not need this if you set yarn.http.policy to HTTPS_ONLY . If set, overrides the hostname set in yarn.resourcemanager.hostname. rm-id. |
yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.https.address. rm-id |
For each rm-id, specify host:port of the RM https web application corresponds to. You do not need this if you set yarn.http.policy to HTTP_ONLY . If set, overrides the hostname set in yarn.resourcemanager.hostname. rm-id. |
yarn.resourcemanager.ha.id |
Identifies the RM in the ensemble. This is optional; however, if set, admins have to ensure that all the RMs have their own IDs in the config. |
yarn.resourcemanager.ha.automatic-failover.enabled |
启用自动故障转移;默认情况下,仅在启用HA时才启用它。 |
yarn.resourcemanager.ha.automatic-failover.embedded |
Use embedded leader-elector to pick the Active RM, when automatic failover is enabled. By default, it is enabled only when HA is enabled. |
yarn.resourcemanager.cluster-id |
Identifies the cluster. Used by the elector to ensure an RM doesn’t take over as Active for another cluster. |
yarn.client.failover-proxy-provider |
The class to be used by Clients, AMs and NMs to failover to the Active RM. |
yarn.client.failover-no-ha-proxy-provider |
The class to be used by Clients, AMs and NMs to failover to the Active RM, when not running in HA mode |
yarn.client.failover-max-attempts |
The max number of times FailoverProxyProvider should attempt failover. |
yarn.client.failover-sleep-base-ms |
The sleep base (in milliseconds) to be used for calculating the exponential delay between failovers. |
yarn.client.failover-sleep-max-ms |
The maximum sleep time (in milliseconds) between failovers. |
yarn.client.failover-retries |
The number of retries per attempt to connect to a ResourceManager. |
yarn.client.failover-retries-on-socket-timeouts |
The number of retries per attempt to connect to a ResourceManager on socket timeouts. |
yarn rmadmin 具有一些HA特定的命令选项,用于检查RM的运行状况/状态,并过渡到活动/待机状态。 HA的命令将使用yarn.resourcemanager.ha.rm-ids 设置的RM服务ID作为参数。
$ yarn rmadmin -getServiceState rm1
$ yarn rmadmin -getServiceState rm2
$ yarn rmadmin -transitionToStandby rm1
如果您正在负载平衡器(例如Azure或AWS)后面运行一组ResourceManager,并且希望负载平衡器指向活动RM,则可以使用/ isActive HTTP端点作为运行状况探测器。如果RM处于活动HA状态,则http:// RM_HOSTNAME / isActive将返回200状态代码响应,否则返回405。