Releases: yairEO/tagify
Releases · yairEO/tagify
- [FEAT] #726 - add select & mix namespace classnames to the settings.classNames object 6036061
- [BUGFIX] fixes #725 TAB key does nothing in single-value mode with text entered 02503f9
- [BUGFIX] fixes #728 - Cannot read property 'insertBefore' of null 9c3564d
- [BUGFIX] #724 - when using "tagTextProp" setting, and typing a tag, without a whitelist, "value" property is set to "undefined" b503bed
- [CHORE] improved docs regarding last commit 0d9ce1c
- [FEAT] #709 - Programmatically adding tags in mix-mode 9507c36
- fixes #713 - In Mix mode, newly created tags are deleted when pressing backspace at the start of textbox ecefa02
- [CHORE] added an item to the FAQ list after somebody asked a question 91ad24c
- fixes #720 - autofocus React Component e8de4d8
- fixes #711 - [React - Mixed mode] remove tag after starting in read-only e57510a
- fixes #707 - Setting non-default mixTagsInterpolator fails to parse out tags ea74edf
- fixes #709 - Programmatically adding tags in mix-mode throws an error f461edd
- fixes #718 - Check native support for promises in polyfill fdbd70c
- add "np" package to streamline publishing 0d1a8cd
- demo page minor changes to head tag children 8032e03
- Update issue templates a529f48
- Update issue templates be8812c
- [BUGFIX] if "dropdownItemNoMatch" template is used, and the item is clicked, the dropdown won't close even if clicked outside afterwards 95964c0
- Replaced demo settings with Knobs - changed H2 titles color to match the logo color 14c6528
- fixes regarding mix-mode custom whitelist text prop (not "value") 970e802
- [bugfix] mix-mode fixes for complex whiteilst where values are ids and another property is used as the text of the tags/suggestions 8edb46c
- [bugfix] - minor fix related to "sameStr" helper function 03a582c
- fixes #628 - [Chrome Android] cannot delete mix-mode tags using the keyboard "backspace" key 6e29d43
- fixes #129 - If tag value ends with space whitelist not working f9a95e9
- [FEAT[ #702 - added new "validate" function to settings, for more complex validations which pattern cannot solve 0ba76b8
- fixed README typo 8366e9b
- fixes #703 - When using dropdown.mapValueTo option the original whitelist data structure changes 7053e7f