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YADNS controller (y2) DNS XDP offload

YADNS (y2) controller implements control plane and a list of plugin modules to offload DNS processing into XDP. EBPF XDP programming is used to process incoming DNS packets and to form corresponding responses. DNS responses are prepared by control plane and synced with EBFP maps. Controller transfers DNS zones from external sources and syncronizes recevied data with EBPF XDP program maps.

Figure 1. YADNS (y2) controller


XDP program proceses incoming packets in buffer to filter DNS request packets and to detect requests with known responses.

It sequentially parses and checks:

  • Ethernet header
  • IPIP header (detecting all cases: IP6IP6, IP6IP4, IP4IP4)
  • IP header (waiting dst IP match)
  • UDP header (skipping TCP)
  • DNS header (checking DNS header attributes, e.g. DNS request flag)
  • DNS payload (parsing DNS QNAME)

Figure 2. XDP DNS packet processing

A response DNS packet is formed as follows:

  • DNS response payload is taken from DNS RR set EBPF map
  • DNS header includes flags [AA, RA, MBZ]
  • swap addresses and port in headers UDP, IP, Ethernet
  • buffer changes (IPIP encapsulation and DNS payload room via bpf_xdp_adjust_ helpers)
  • calculate UDP6, IP4 checksums
  • returning with XDP_TX

Features and capabilites

  • XDP DNS request packet processing
  • XDP DNS A/AAAA response
  • IPIP encapsulation packet processing
  • Authoritative and recursive responses
  • Random TTL in responses (used for recursive responses)
  • AXFR/IXFR DNS zones transfers
  • DNS notify processing
  • TSIG zone transfers
  • Metrics, monitoring and self control

Features in backlog

  • DNS responses for a list of DNS types
  • Multiple round-robin DNS responses
  • Adaptive cache algorihtm
  • EBPF map per CPU


  • Only UDP DNS packets
  • Only positive A/AAAA DNS responses
  • Limits for FQDN DNS requests length (as BPF program complexity grows)


Prerequites for building

  • recent versions of unbuntu: focal 20.04, jammy 22.04
  • linux kernel >= 5.15
  • golang [1], versions >= 1.20
  • clang and llvm
  • libbpf, linked as submodule (used for bpf programs)
# installing clang and llvm
sudo apt install make clang llvm

# installing golang (expecting version >= 1.20)
sudo apt install golang

# cloning yadns controller (y2) repo with
# submodules (libbpf)
git clone --recurse-submodules

# making y2 and bpf programs
cd yadns-controller && make -f Makefile

Quick start

Running example configuration y2.yaml. This example of DNS zone provided as a file. Controller periodically fetches zone file and syncronizes its content with EBPF DNS RR maps. XDP program is attached to lo interface. Controller runs under root and does not detach from console for debugging purposes.

# running example y2.yaml configuration with make run or
# sudo y2 -C y2.yaml server -B yadns-xdp.bpf.o server start --debug
make run

#DEBU[2024-07-31 14:45:55.814188] [3376865]:[118] (xdp) (run) bpf:'yadns-controller/yadns-xdp.bpf.o' attached to interface:'lo' OK
#DEBU[2024-07-31 14:45:55.814261] [3376865]:[118] (xdp) (run) bpf:'yadns-controller/yadns-xdp.bpf.o' on:'lo' waiting...

Running DNS resolve commands in another console we ensure that XDP program is responding to our requests - it adds specific flag MBZ to distinguish such responses.

# resolving as we have such zone
# configured in y2
dig @::1 -t A

; <<>> DiG 9.18.28-0ubuntu0.22.04.1-Ubuntu <<>> @::1 -t A
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 37282
;; flags: qr rd ra; MBZ: 0x4; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;			IN	A


;; Query time: 0 msec
;; SERVER: ::1#53(::1) (UDP)
;; WHEN: Wed Jul 31 14:51:17 MSK 2024
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 45

Experiments and numbers

Direct comparison between traditional unbound DNS server and DNS XDP offload via y2 controller shows the following results

dns server platform adapter max, RPS min, mcs avg, mcs max, mcs
1 unbound 2660v4 56 CPU mlx5 ~500Krps 155 414 4821
2 DNS XDP 2660v4 56 CPU mlx5 ~8.8Mrps 1 2 12

Figure 3. DNS XDP offload times, ns

However, in the real production cases useful approach is to have both unbound and y2 DNS offload work together: DNS requests that could be offloaded are processed in higher rates by XDP program, others - bypassed to dns server via traditional kernel packet processing.

Figure 4. DNS XDP offload benchmarking requests, rps


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