index 4c1a043a..64687eaa 100644
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ Imports:
- zip
+ zip,
+ stringi
index 34bcf493..b21bd415 100644
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ export(writeFormula)
diff --git a/R/WorkbookClass.R b/R/WorkbookClass.R
index de5096df..e701731a 100644
--- a/R/WorkbookClass.R
+++ b/R/WorkbookClass.R
@@ -1,2945 +1,17495 @@
#' @include class_definitions.R
+#' @import stringi
-Workbook$methods(initialize = function(creator = "", title = NULL, subject = NULL, category = NULL){
- charts <<- list()
- isChartSheet <<- logical(0)
- colWidths <<- list()
- connections <<- NULL
- Content_Types <<- genBaseContent_Type()
- core <<- genBaseCore(creator = creator, title = title, subject = subject, category = category)
- comments <<- list()
- drawings <<- list()
- drawings_rels <<- list()
- embeddings <<- NULL
- externalLinks <<- NULL
- externalLinksRels <<- NULL
- headFoot <<- NULL
- media <<- list()
- pivotTables <<- NULL
- pivotTables.xml.rels <<- NULL
- pivotDefinitions <<- NULL
- pivotRecords <<- NULL
- pivotDefinitionsRels <<- NULL
- queryTables <<- NULL
- rowHeights <<- list()
- slicers <<- NULL
- slicerCaches <<- NULL
- sheet_names <<- character(0)
- sheetOrder <<- integer(0)
- sharedStrings <<- list()
- attr(sharedStrings, "uniqueCount") <<- 0
- styles <<- genBaseStyleSheet()
- styleObjects <<- list()
- tables <<- NULL
- tables.xml.rels <<- NULL
- theme <<- NULL
- vbaProject <<- NULL
- vml <<- list()
- vml_rels <<- list()
- workbook <<- genBaseWorkbook()
- workbook.xml.rels <<- genBaseWorkbook.xml.rels()
- workbookProtection <<- NULL
- worksheets <<- list()
- worksheets_rels <<- list()
-Workbook$methods(addWorksheet = function(sheetName
- , showGridLines = TRUE
- , tabColour = NULL
- , zoom = 100
- , oddHeader = NULL
- , oddFooter = NULL
- , evenHeader = NULL
- , evenFooter = NULL
- , firstHeader = NULL
- , firstFooter = NULL
- , visible = TRUE
- , paperSize = 9
- , orientation = 'portrait'
- , hdpi = 300
- , vdpi = 300){
- if (!missing(sheetName)) {
- if (grepl(pattern=":", x=sheetName)) stop("colon not allowed in sheet names in Excel")
- }
- newSheetIndex = length(worksheets) + 1L
- if(newSheetIndex > 1){
- sheetId <- max(as.integer(regmatches(workbook$sheets, regexpr('(?<=sheetId=")[0-9]+', workbook$sheets, perl = TRUE)))) + 1L
- }else{
- sheetId <- 1
+ initialize = function(creator = "",
+ title = NULL,
+ subject = NULL,
+ category = NULL) {
+ charts <<- list()
+ isChartSheet <<- logical(0)
+ colWidths <<- list()
+ connections <<- NULL
+ Content_Types <<- genBaseContent_Type()
+ core <<-
+ genBaseCore(
+ creator = creator,
+ title = title,
+ subject = subject,
+ category = category
+ )
+ comments <<- list()
+ drawings <<- list()
+ drawings_rels <<- list()
+ embeddings <<- NULL
+ externalLinks <<- NULL
+ externalLinksRels <<- NULL
+ headFoot <<- NULL
+ media <<- list()
+ pivotTables <<- NULL
+ pivotTables.xml.rels <<- NULL
+ pivotDefinitions <<- NULL
+ pivotRecords <<- NULL
+ pivotDefinitionsRels <<- NULL
+ queryTables <<- NULL
+ rowHeights <<- list()
+ slicers <<- NULL
+ slicerCaches <<- NULL
+ sheet_names <<- character(0)
+ sheetOrder <<- integer(0)
+ sharedStrings <<- list()
+ attr(sharedStrings, "uniqueCount") <<- 0
+ styles <<- genBaseStyleSheet()
+ styleObjects <<- list()
+ tables <<- NULL
+ tables.xml.rels <<- NULL
+ theme <<- NULL
+ vbaProject <<- NULL
+ vml <<- list()
+ vml_rels <<- list()
+ workbook <<- genBaseWorkbook()
+ workbook.xml.rels <<- genBaseWorkbook.xml.rels()
+ workbookProtection <<- NULL
+ worksheets <<- list()
+ worksheets_rels <<- list()
- ## fix visible value
- visible <- tolower(visible)
- if(visible == "true")
- visible <- "visible"
- if(visible == "false")
- visible <- "hidden"
- if(visible == "veryhidden")
- visible <- "veryHidden"
- ## Add sheet to workbook.xml
- workbook$sheets <<- c(workbook$sheets, sprintf('', sheetName, sheetId, visible, newSheetIndex))
- ## append to worksheets list
- worksheets <<- append(worksheets, WorkSheet$new( showGridLines = showGridLines
- , tabSelected = newSheetIndex == 1
- , tabColour = tabColour
- , zoom = zoom
- , oddHeader = oddHeader
- , oddFooter = oddFooter
- , evenHeader = evenHeader
- , evenFooter = evenFooter
- , firstHeader = firstHeader
- , firstFooter = firstFooter
- , paperSize = paperSize
- , orientation = orientation
- , hdpi = hdpi
- , vdpi = vdpi))
- ## update content_tyes
- ## add a drawing.xml for the worksheet
- Content_Types <<- c(Content_Types, sprintf('', newSheetIndex),
- sprintf('', newSheetIndex))
- ## Update xl/rels
- workbook.xml.rels <<- c(workbook.xml.rels,
- sprintf('', newSheetIndex)
- )
- ## create sheet.rels to simplify id assignment
- worksheets_rels[[newSheetIndex]] <<- genBaseSheetRels(newSheetIndex)
- drawings_rels[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
- drawings[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
- vml_rels[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
- vml[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
- isChartSheet[[newSheetIndex]] <<- FALSE
- comments[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
- rowHeights[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
- colWidths[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
- sheetOrder <<- c(sheetOrder, as.integer(newSheetIndex))
- sheet_names <<- c(sheet_names, sheetName)
- invisible(newSheetIndex)
-Workbook$methods(cloneWorksheet = function(sheetName, clonedSheet){
- clonedSheet = validateSheet(clonedSheet)
- if (!missing(sheetName)) {
- if (grepl(pattern=":", x=sheetName)) stop("colon not allowed in sheet names in Excel")
- }
- newSheetIndex = length(worksheets) + 1L
- if(newSheetIndex > 1){
- sheetId <- max(as.integer(regmatches(workbook$sheets, regexpr('(?<=sheetId=")[0-9]+', workbook$sheets, perl = TRUE)))) + 1L
- }else{
- sheetId <- 1
+ addWorksheet = function(sheetName
+ ,
+ showGridLines = TRUE
+ ,
+ tabColour = NULL
+ ,
+ zoom = 100
+ ,
+ oddHeader = NULL
+ ,
+ oddFooter = NULL
+ ,
+ evenHeader = NULL
+ ,
+ evenFooter = NULL
+ ,
+ firstHeader = NULL
+ ,
+ firstFooter = NULL
+ ,
+ visible = TRUE
+ ,
+ paperSize = 9
+ ,
+ orientation = 'portrait'
+ ,
+ hdpi = 300
+ ,
+ vdpi = 300) {
+ if (!missing(sheetName)) {
+ if (grepl(pattern = ":", x = sheetName))
+ stop("colon not allowed in sheet names in Excel")
+ }
+ newSheetIndex = length(worksheets) + 1L
+ if (newSheetIndex > 1) {
+ sheetId <-
+ max(as.integer(regmatches(
+ workbook$sheets,
+ regexpr('(?<=sheetId=")[0-9]+', workbook$sheets, perl = TRUE)
+ ))) + 1L
+ } else{
+ sheetId <- 1
+ }
+ ## fix visible value
+ visible <- tolower(visible)
+ if (visible == "true")
+ visible <- "visible"
+ if (visible == "false")
+ visible <- "hidden"
+ if (visible == "veryhidden")
+ visible <- "veryHidden"
+ ## Add sheet to workbook.xml
+ workbook$sheets <<-
+ c(
+ workbook$sheets,
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ sheetName,
+ sheetId,
+ visible,
+ newSheetIndex
+ )
+ )
+ ## append to worksheets list
+ worksheets <<-
+ append(
+ worksheets,
+ WorkSheet$new(
+ showGridLines = showGridLines
+ ,
+ tabSelected = newSheetIndex == 1
+ ,
+ tabColour = tabColour
+ ,
+ zoom = zoom
+ ,
+ oddHeader = oddHeader
+ ,
+ oddFooter = oddFooter
+ ,
+ evenHeader = evenHeader
+ ,
+ evenFooter = evenFooter
+ ,
+ firstHeader = firstHeader
+ ,
+ firstFooter = firstFooter
+ ,
+ paperSize = paperSize
+ ,
+ orientation = orientation
+ ,
+ hdpi = hdpi
+ ,
+ vdpi = vdpi
+ )
+ )
+ ## update content_tyes
+ ## add a drawing.xml for the worksheet
+ Content_Types <<-
+ c(
+ Content_Types,
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ newSheetIndex
+ ),
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ newSheetIndex
+ )
+ )
+ ## Update xl/rels
+ workbook.xml.rels <<- c(
+ workbook.xml.rels,
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ newSheetIndex
+ )
+ )
+ ## create sheet.rels to simplify id assignment
+ worksheets_rels[[newSheetIndex]] <<-
+ genBaseSheetRels(newSheetIndex)
+ drawings_rels[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
+ drawings[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
+ vml_rels[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
+ vml[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
+ isChartSheet[[newSheetIndex]] <<- FALSE
+ comments[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
+ rowHeights[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
+ colWidths[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
+ sheetOrder <<- c(sheetOrder, as.integer(newSheetIndex))
+ sheet_names <<- c(sheet_names, sheetName)
+ invisible(newSheetIndex)
- ## copy visibility from cloned sheet!
- visible <- regmatches(workbook$sheets[[clonedSheet]], regexpr('(?<=state=")[^"]+', workbook$sheets[[clonedSheet]], perl = TRUE))
- ## Add sheet to workbook.xml
- workbook$sheets <<- c(workbook$sheets, sprintf('', sheetName, sheetId, visible, newSheetIndex))
- ## append to worksheets list
- worksheets <<- append(worksheets, worksheets[[clonedSheet]]$copy())
- ## update content_tyes
- ## add a drawing.xml for the worksheet
- Content_Types <<- c(Content_Types, sprintf('', newSheetIndex),
- sprintf('', newSheetIndex))
- ## Update xl/rels
- workbook.xml.rels <<- c(workbook.xml.rels,
- sprintf('', newSheetIndex)
- )
- ## create sheet.rels to simplify id assignment
- worksheets_rels[[newSheetIndex]] <<- genBaseSheetRels(newSheetIndex)
- drawings_rels[[newSheetIndex]] <<- drawings_rels[[clonedSheet]]
- # give each chart its own filename (images can re-use the same file, but charts can't)
- drawings_rels[[newSheetIndex]] <<- sapply(drawings_rels[[newSheetIndex]], function (rl) {
- chartfiles <- regmatches(rl, gregexpr('(?<=charts/)chart[0-9]+\\.xml', rl, perl = TRUE))[[1]]
- for (cf in chartfiles) {
- chartid <- length(charts) + 1
- newname <- paste0("chart", chartid, ".xml")
- fl <- charts[cf]
- # Read the chartfile and adjust all formulas to point to the new
- # sheet name instead of the clone source
- # The result is saved to a new chart xml file
- newfl <- file.path(dirname(fl), newname)
- charts[newname] <<- newfl
- chart <- readLines(fl, warn = FALSE, encoding = "UTF-8")
- chart <- gsub(paste0("(?<=')", sheet_names[[clonedSheet]], "(?='!)"), paste0("'", sheetName, "'"), chart, perl = TRUE)
- chart <- gsub(paste0("(?<=[^A-Za-z0-9])", sheet_names[[clonedSheet]], "(?=!)"), paste0("'", sheetName, "'"), chart, perl = TRUE)
- writeLines(chart, newfl)
- # file.copy(fl, newfl)
- Content_Types <<- c(Content_Types, sprintf('', newname))
- rl = gsub(paste0('(?<=charts/)', cf), newname, rl, perl = TRUE)
- }
- rl
- # The IDs in the drawings array are sheet-specific, so within the new cloned sheet
- # the same IDs can be used => no need to modify drawings
- drawings[[newSheetIndex]] <<- drawings[[clonedSheet]]
- vml_rels[[newSheetIndex]] <<- vml_rels[[clonedSheet]]
- vml[[newSheetIndex]] <<- vml[[clonedSheet]]
- isChartSheet[[newSheetIndex]] <<- isChartSheet[[clonedSheet]]
- comments[[newSheetIndex]] <<- comments[[clonedSheet]]
- rowHeights[[newSheetIndex]] <<- rowHeights[[clonedSheet]]
- colWidths[[newSheetIndex]] <<- colWidths[[clonedSheet]]
- sheetOrder <<- c(sheetOrder, as.integer(newSheetIndex))
- sheet_names <<- c(sheet_names, sheetName)
- ############################
- ## STYLE
- ## ... objects are stored in a global list, so we need to get all styles
- ## assigned to the cloned sheet and duplicate them
- sheetStyles = Filter(function(s) {s$sheet == sheet_names[[clonedSheet]]}, styleObjects)
- styleObjects <<- c(styleObjects,
- Map(function(s) {s$sheet = sheetName; s}, sheetStyles)
- )
- ############################
- ## ... are stored in the $tables list, with the name and sheet as attr
- ## and in the worksheets[]$tableParts list. We also need to adjust the
- ## worksheets_rels and set the content type for the new table
- tbls = tables[attr(tables, "sheet") == clonedSheet]
- for (t in tbls) {
+ cloneWorksheet = function(sheetName, clonedSheet) {
+ clonedSheet = validateSheet(clonedSheet)
+ if (!missing(sheetName)) {
+ if (grepl(pattern = ":", x = sheetName))
+ stop("colon not allowed in sheet names in Excel")
+ }
+ newSheetIndex = length(worksheets) + 1L
+ if (newSheetIndex > 1) {
+ sheetId <-
+ max(as.integer(regmatches(
+ workbook$sheets,
+ regexpr('(?<=sheetId=")[0-9]+', workbook$sheets, perl = TRUE)
+ ))) + 1L
+ } else{
+ sheetId <- 1
+ }
+ ## copy visibility from cloned sheet!
+ visible <-
+ regmatches(workbook$sheets[[clonedSheet]],
+ regexpr('(?<=state=")[^"]+', workbook$sheets[[clonedSheet]], perl = TRUE))
+ ## Add sheet to workbook.xml
+ workbook$sheets <<-
+ c(
+ workbook$sheets,
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ sheetName,
+ sheetId,
+ visible,
+ newSheetIndex
+ )
+ )
+ ## append to worksheets list
+ worksheets <<-
+ append(worksheets, worksheets[[clonedSheet]]$copy())
+ ## update content_tyes
+ ## add a drawing.xml for the worksheet
+ Content_Types <<-
+ c(
+ Content_Types,
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ newSheetIndex
+ ),
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ newSheetIndex
+ )
+ )
+ ## Update xl/rels
+ workbook.xml.rels <<- c(
+ workbook.xml.rels,
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ newSheetIndex
+ )
+ )
+ ## create sheet.rels to simplify id assignment
+ worksheets_rels[[newSheetIndex]] <<-
+ genBaseSheetRels(newSheetIndex)
+ drawings_rels[[newSheetIndex]] <<- drawings_rels[[clonedSheet]]
+ # give each chart its own filename (images can re-use the same file, but charts can't)
+ drawings_rels[[newSheetIndex]] <<-
+ sapply(drawings_rels[[newSheetIndex]], function (rl) {
+ chartfiles <-
+ regmatches(rl,
+ gregexpr('(?<=charts/)chart[0-9]+\\.xml', rl, perl = TRUE))[[1]]
+ for (cf in chartfiles) {
+ chartid <- length(charts) + 1
+ newname <- stri_join("chart", chartid, ".xml")
+ fl <- charts[cf]
+ # Read the chartfile and adjust all formulas to point to the new
+ # sheet name instead of the clone source
+ # The result is saved to a new chart xml file
+ newfl <- file.path(dirname(fl), newname)
+ charts[newname] <<- newfl
+ chart <- readLines(fl, warn = FALSE, encoding = "UTF-8")
+ chart <-
+ gsub(
+ stri_join("(?<=')", sheet_names[[clonedSheet]], "(?='!)"),
+ stri_join("'", sheetName, "'"),
+ chart,
+ perl = TRUE
+ )
+ chart <-
+ gsub(
+ stri_join("(?<=[^A-Za-z0-9])", sheet_names[[clonedSheet]], "(?=!)"),
+ stri_join("'", sheetName, "'"),
+ chart,
+ perl = TRUE
+ )
+ writeLines(chart, newfl)
+ # file.copy(fl, newfl)
+ Content_Types <<-
+ c(
+ Content_Types,
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ newname
+ )
+ )
+ rl = gsub(stri_join('(?<=charts/)', cf), newname, rl, perl = TRUE)
+ }
+ rl
+ # The IDs in the drawings array are sheet-specific, so within the new cloned sheet
+ # the same IDs can be used => no need to modify drawings
+ drawings[[newSheetIndex]] <<- drawings[[clonedSheet]]
+ vml_rels[[newSheetIndex]] <<- vml_rels[[clonedSheet]]
+ vml[[newSheetIndex]] <<- vml[[clonedSheet]]
+ isChartSheet[[newSheetIndex]] <<- isChartSheet[[clonedSheet]]
+ comments[[newSheetIndex]] <<- comments[[clonedSheet]]
+ rowHeights[[newSheetIndex]] <<- rowHeights[[clonedSheet]]
+ colWidths[[newSheetIndex]] <<- colWidths[[clonedSheet]]
+ sheetOrder <<- c(sheetOrder, as.integer(newSheetIndex))
+ sheet_names <<- c(sheet_names, sheetName)
+ ############################
+ ## STYLE
+ ## ... objects are stored in a global list, so we need to get all styles
+ ## assigned to the cloned sheet and duplicate them
+ sheetStyles = Filter(function(s) {
+ s$sheet == sheet_names[[clonedSheet]]
+ }, styleObjects)
+ styleObjects <<- c(styleObjects,
+ Map(function(s) {
+ s$sheet = sheetName
+ s
+ }, sheetStyles))
+ ############################
+ ## ... are stored in the $tables list, with the name and sheet as attr
+ ## and in the worksheets[]$tableParts list. We also need to adjust the
+ ## worksheets_rels and set the content type for the new table
+ tbls = tables[attr(tables, "sheet") == clonedSheet]
+ for (t in tbls) {
# Extract table name, displayName and ID from the xml
oldname = regmatches(t, regexpr('(?<= name=")[^"]+', t, perl = TRUE))
olddispname = regmatches(t, regexpr('(?<= displayName=")[^"]+', t, perl = TRUE))
oldid = regmatches(t, regexpr('(?<= id=")[^"]+', t, perl = TRUE))
ref = regmatches(t, regexpr('(?<= ref=")[^"]+', t, perl = TRUE))
# Find new, unused table names by appending _n, where n=1,2,...
n <- 0
- while (paste0(oldname, "_", n) %in% attr(tables, "tableName")) {
- n <- n + 1
+ while (stri_join(oldname, "_", n) %in% attr(tables, "tableName")) {
+ n <- n + 1
- newname <- paste0(oldname, "_", n)
- newdispname <- paste0(olddispname, "_", n)
+ newname <- stri_join(oldname, "_", n)
+ newdispname <- stri_join(olddispname, "_", n)
newid <- as.character(length(tables) + 3L)
# Use the table definition from the cloned sheet and simply replace the names
newt <- t
- newt <- gsub(paste0(" name=\"", oldname, "\""), paste0(" name=\"", newname, "\""), newt)
- newt <- gsub(paste0(" displayName=\"", olddispname, "\""), paste0(" displayName=\"", newdispname, "\""), newt)
- newt <- gsub(paste0("(
', newid))
- attr(worksheets[[newSheetIndex]]$tableParts, "tableName") <<- c(attr(oldparts, "tableName"), newname)
- names(attr(worksheets[[newSheetIndex]]$tableParts, "tableName")) <<- c(names(attr(oldparts, "tableName")), ref)
- Content_Types <<- c(Content_Types, sprintf('', newid))
+ worksheets[[newSheetIndex]]$tableParts <<-
+ c(oldparts, sprintf('', newid))
+ attr(worksheets[[newSheetIndex]]$tableParts, "tableName") <<-
+ c(attr(oldparts, "tableName"), newname)
+ names(attr(worksheets[[newSheetIndex]]$tableParts, "tableName")) <<-
+ c(names(attr(oldparts, "tableName")), ref)
+ Content_Types <<-
+ c(
+ Content_Types,
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ newid
+ )
+ )
tables.xml.rels <<- append(tables.xml.rels, "")
- worksheets_rels[[newSheetIndex]] <<- c(worksheets_rels[[newSheetIndex]],
- sprintf('',
- newid, newid))
- }
- # TODO: The following items are currently NOT copied/duplicated for the cloned sheet:
- # - Comments
- # - Pivot tables
- invisible(newSheetIndex)
-Workbook$methods(addChartSheet = function(sheetName, tabColour = NULL, zoom = 100){
- newSheetIndex <- length(worksheets) + 1L
- if(newSheetIndex > 1){
- sheetId <- max(as.integer(regmatches(workbook$sheets, regexpr('(?<=sheetId=")[0-9]+', workbook$sheets, perl = TRUE)))) + 1L
- }else{
- sheetId <- 1
- }
- ## Add sheet to workbook.xml
- workbook$sheets <<- c(workbook$sheets, sprintf('', sheetName, sheetId, newSheetIndex))
- ## append to worksheets list
- worksheets <<- append(worksheets, ChartSheet$new(tabSelected = newSheetIndex == 1, tabColour = tabColour, zoom = zoom))
- sheet_names <<- c(sheet_names, sheetName)
- ## update content_tyes
- Content_Types <<- c(Content_Types, sprintf('', newSheetIndex))
- ## Update xl/rels
- workbook.xml.rels <<- c(workbook.xml.rels,
- sprintf('', newSheetIndex)
- )
- ## add a drawing.xml for the worksheet
- Content_Types <<- c(Content_Types, sprintf('', newSheetIndex))
- ## create sheet.rels to simplify id assignment
- worksheets_rels[[newSheetIndex]] <<- genBaseSheetRels(newSheetIndex)
- drawings_rels[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
- drawings[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
- isChartSheet[[newSheetIndex]] <<- TRUE
- rowHeights[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
- colWidths[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
- vml_rels[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
- vml[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
- sheetOrder <<- c(sheetOrder, newSheetIndex)
- invisible(newSheetIndex)
-Workbook$methods(saveWorkbook = function(){
- ## temp directory to save XML files prior to compressing
- tmpDir <- file.path(tempfile(pattern = "workbookTemp_"))
- if(file.exists(tmpDir))
- unlink(tmpDir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
- success <- dir.create(path = tmpDir, recursive = TRUE)
- if(!success)
- stop(sprintf("Failed to create temporary directory '%s'", tmpDir))
- .self$preSaveCleanUp()
- nSheets <- length(worksheets)
- nThemes <- length(theme)
- nPivots <- length(pivotDefinitions)
- nSlicers <- length(slicers)
- nComments <- sum(sapply(comments, length) > 0)
- nVML <- sum(sapply(vml, length) > 0)
- relsDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "_rels")
- dir.create(path = relsDir, recursive = TRUE)
- docPropsDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "docProps")
- dir.create(path = docPropsDir, recursive = TRUE)
- xlDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl")
- dir.create(path = xlDir, recursive = TRUE)
- xlrelsDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl","_rels")
- dir.create(path = xlrelsDir, recursive = TRUE)
- xlTablesDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl","tables")
- dir.create(path = xlTablesDir, recursive = TRUE)
- xlTablesRelsDir <- file.path(xlTablesDir, "_rels")
- dir.create(path = xlTablesRelsDir, recursive = TRUE)
- if(length(media) > 0){
- xlmediaDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "media")
- dir.create(path = xlmediaDir, recursive = TRUE)
- }
- ## will always have a theme
- xlthemeDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "theme")
- dir.create(path = xlthemeDir, recursive = TRUE)
- if(is.null(theme)){
- con <- file(file.path(xlthemeDir, "theme1.xml"), open = "wb")
- writeBin(charToRaw(genBaseTheme()), con)
- close(con)
- }else{
- lapply(1:nThemes, function(i){
- con <- file(file.path(xlthemeDir, paste0("theme", i, ".xml")), open = "wb")
- writeBin(charToRaw(pxml(theme[[i]])), con)
- close(con)
- })
- }
- ## will always have drawings
- xlworksheetsDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "worksheets")
- dir.create(path = xlworksheetsDir, recursive = TRUE)
- xlworksheetsRelsDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "worksheets", "_rels")
- dir.create(path = xlworksheetsRelsDir, recursive = TRUE)
- xldrawingsDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "drawings")
- dir.create(path = xldrawingsDir, recursive = TRUE)
- xldrawingsRelsDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "drawings", "_rels")
- dir.create(path = xldrawingsRelsDir, recursive = TRUE)
- ## charts
- if(length(charts) > 0)
- file.copy(from = dirname(charts[1]), to = file.path(tmpDir, "xl"), recursive = TRUE)
- ## xl/comments.xml
- if(nComments > 0 | nVML > 0){
- for(i in 1:nSheets){
- if(length(comments[[i]]) > 0){
- fn <- sprintf("comments%s.xml", i)
- Content_Types <<- c(Content_Types,
- sprintf('', fn))
- worksheets_rels[[i]] <<- unique(c(worksheets_rels[[i]],
- sprintf('', fn)))
- writeCommentXML(comment_list = comments[[i]], file_name = file.path(tmpDir, "xl", fn))
- }
+ worksheets_rels[[newSheetIndex]] <<-
+ c(
+ worksheets_rels[[newSheetIndex]],
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ newid,
+ newid
+ )
+ )
- .self$writeDrawingVML(xldrawingsDir)
+ # TODO: The following items are currently NOT copied/duplicated for the cloned sheet:
+ # - Comments
+ # - Pivot tables
- }
- if(length(embeddings) > 0){
+ invisible(newSheetIndex)
- embeddingsDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "embeddings")
- dir.create(path = embeddingsDir, recursive = TRUE)
- for(fl in embeddings)
- file.copy(from = fl, to = embeddingsDir, overwrite = TRUE)
- if(nPivots > 0){
+ addChartSheet = function(sheetName,
+ tabColour = NULL,
+ zoom = 100) {
+ newSheetIndex <- length(worksheets) + 1L
+ if (newSheetIndex > 1) {
+ sheetId <-
+ max(as.integer(regmatches(
+ workbook$sheets,
+ regexpr('(?<=sheetId=")[0-9]+', workbook$sheets, perl = TRUE)
+ ))) + 1L
+ } else{
+ sheetId <- 1
+ }
+ ## Add sheet to workbook.xml
+ workbook$sheets <<-
+ c(
+ workbook$sheets,
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ sheetName,
+ sheetId,
+ newSheetIndex
+ )
+ )
+ ## append to worksheets list
+ worksheets <<-
+ append(
+ worksheets,
+ ChartSheet$new(
+ tabSelected = newSheetIndex == 1,
+ tabColour = tabColour,
+ zoom = zoom
+ )
+ )
+ sheet_names <<- c(sheet_names, sheetName)
- pivotTablesDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "pivotTables")
- dir.create(path = pivotTablesDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ ## update content_tyes
+ Content_Types <<-
+ c(
+ Content_Types,
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ newSheetIndex
+ )
+ )
- pivotTablesRelsDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "pivotTables", "_rels")
- dir.create(path = pivotTablesRelsDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ ## Update xl/rels
+ workbook.xml.rels <<- c(
+ workbook.xml.rels,
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ newSheetIndex
+ )
+ )
- pivotCacheDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "pivotCache")
- dir.create(path = pivotCacheDir, recursive = TRUE)
- pivotCacheRelsDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "pivotCache", "_rels")
- dir.create(path = pivotCacheRelsDir, recursive = TRUE)
- for(i in 1:length(pivotTables))
- file.copy(from = pivotTables[i], to = file.path(pivotTablesDir, sprintf("pivotTable%s.xml", i)), overwrite = TRUE, copy.date = TRUE)
+ ## add a drawing.xml for the worksheet
+ Content_Types <<-
+ c(
+ Content_Types,
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ newSheetIndex
+ )
+ )
- for(i in 1:length(pivotDefinitions))
- file.copy(from = pivotDefinitions[i], to = file.path(pivotCacheDir, sprintf("pivotCacheDefinition%s.xml", i)), overwrite = TRUE, copy.date = TRUE)
+ ## create sheet.rels to simplify id assignment
+ worksheets_rels[[newSheetIndex]] <<-
+ genBaseSheetRels(newSheetIndex)
+ drawings_rels[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
+ drawings[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
- for(i in 1:length(pivotRecords))
- file.copy(from = pivotRecords[i], to = file.path(pivotCacheDir, sprintf("pivotCacheRecords%s.xml", i)), overwrite = TRUE, copy.date = TRUE)
+ isChartSheet[[newSheetIndex]] <<- TRUE
- for(i in 1:length(pivotDefinitionsRels))
- file.copy(from = pivotDefinitionsRels[i], to = file.path(pivotCacheRelsDir, sprintf("pivotCacheDefinition%s.xml.rels", i)), overwrite = TRUE, copy.date = TRUE)
+ rowHeights[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
+ colWidths[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
- for(i in 1:length(pivotTables.xml.rels))
- write_file(body = pivotTables.xml.rels[[i]], fl = file.path(pivotTablesRelsDir, sprintf("pivotTable%s.xml.rels", i)))
+ vml_rels[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
+ vml[[newSheetIndex]] <<- list()
+ sheetOrder <<- c(sheetOrder, newSheetIndex)
+ invisible(newSheetIndex)
- ## slicers
- if(nSlicers > 0){
+ saveWorkbook = function() {
+ ## temp directory to save XML files prior to compressing
+ tmpDir <- file.path(tempfile(pattern = "workbookTemp_"))
+ if (file.exists(tmpDir))
+ unlink(tmpDir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
+ success <- dir.create(path = tmpDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ if (!success)
+ stop(sprintf("Failed to create temporary directory '%s'", tmpDir))
- slicersDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "slicers")
- dir.create(path = slicersDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ .self$preSaveCleanUp()
- slicerCachesDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "slicerCaches")
- dir.create(path = slicerCachesDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ nSheets <- length(worksheets)
+ nThemes <- length(theme)
+ nPivots <- length(pivotDefinitions)
+ nSlicers <- length(slicers)
+ nComments <- sum(sapply(comments, length) > 0)
+ nVML <- sum(sapply(vml, length) > 0)
- for(i in 1:length(slicers)){
- if(nchar(slicers[i]) > 0)
- file.copy(from = slicers[i], to = file.path(slicersDir, sprintf("slicer%s.xml", i)))
+ relsDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "_rels")
+ dir.create(path = relsDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ docPropsDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "docProps")
+ dir.create(path = docPropsDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ xlDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl")
+ dir.create(path = xlDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ xlrelsDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "_rels")
+ dir.create(path = xlrelsDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ xlTablesDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "tables")
+ dir.create(path = xlTablesDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ xlTablesRelsDir <- file.path(xlTablesDir, "_rels")
+ dir.create(path = xlTablesRelsDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ if (length(media) > 0) {
+ xlmediaDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "media")
+ dir.create(path = xlmediaDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ ## will always have a theme
+ xlthemeDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "theme")
+ dir.create(path = xlthemeDir, recursive = TRUE)
- for(i in 1:length(slicerCaches))
- write_file(body = slicerCaches[[i]], fl = file.path(slicerCachesDir, sprintf("slicerCache%s.xml", i)))
+ if (is.null(theme)) {
+ con <- file(file.path(xlthemeDir, "theme1.xml"), open = "wb")
+ writeBin(charToRaw(genBaseTheme()), con)
+ close(con)
+ } else{
+ lapply(1:nThemes, function(i) {
+ con <-
+ file(file.path(xlthemeDir, stri_join("theme", i, ".xml")), open = "wb")
+ writeBin(charToRaw(pxml(theme[[i]])), con)
+ close(con)
+ })
+ }
- }
- ## Write content
- ## write .rels
- write_file(head = '',
- body = '
- ',
- tail = '',
- fl = file.path(relsDir, ".rels"))
- ## write app.xml
- write_file(head = '',
- body = 'Microsoft Excel',
- tail = '',
- fl = file.path(docPropsDir, "app.xml"))
- ## write core.xml
- write_file(head = "", body = pxml(core), tail = "", fl = file.path(docPropsDir, "core.xml"))
- ## write workbook.xml.rels
- write_file(head = '',
- body = pxml(workbook.xml.rels),
- tail = '',
- fl = file.path(xlrelsDir, "workbook.xml.rels"))
- ## write tables
- if(length(unlist(tables, use.names = FALSE)) > 0){
- for(i in 1:length(unlist(tables, use.names = FALSE))){
- if(!grepl("openxlsx_deleted", attr(tables, "tableName")[i], fixed = TRUE)){
- write_file(body = pxml(unlist(tables, use.names = FALSE)[[i]]), fl = file.path(xlTablesDir, sprintf("table%s.xml", i+2)))
- if(tables.xml.rels[[i]] != "")
- write_file(body = tables.xml.rels[[i]], fl = file.path(xlTablesRelsDir, sprintf("table%s.xml.rels", i+2)))
+ ## will always have drawings
+ xlworksheetsDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "worksheets")
+ dir.create(path = xlworksheetsDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ xlworksheetsRelsDir <-
+ file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "worksheets", "_rels")
+ dir.create(path = xlworksheetsRelsDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ xldrawingsDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "drawings")
+ dir.create(path = xldrawingsDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ xldrawingsRelsDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "drawings", "_rels")
+ dir.create(path = xldrawingsRelsDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ ## charts
+ if (length(charts) > 0)
+ file.copy(
+ from = dirname(charts[1]),
+ to = file.path(tmpDir, "xl"),
+ recursive = TRUE
+ )
+ ## xl/comments.xml
+ if (nComments > 0 | nVML > 0) {
+ for (i in 1:nSheets) {
+ if (length(comments[[i]]) > 0) {
+ fn <- sprintf("comments%s.xml", i)
+ Content_Types <<- c(
+ Content_Types,
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ fn
+ )
+ )
+ worksheets_rels[[i]] <<- unique(c(
+ worksheets_rels[[i]],
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ fn
+ )
+ ))
+ writeCommentXML(comment_list = comments[[i]],
+ file_name = file.path(tmpDir, "xl", fn))
+ }
+ .self$writeDrawingVML(xldrawingsDir)
- }
- ## write query tables
- if(length(queryTables) > 0){
- xlqueryTablesDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl","queryTables")
- dir.create(path = xlqueryTablesDir, recursive = TRUE)
- for(i in 1:length(queryTables))
- write_file(body = queryTables[[i]], fl = file.path(xlqueryTablesDir, sprintf("queryTable%s.xml", i)))
- }
- ## connections
- if(length(connections) > 0)
- write_file(body = connections, fl = file.path(xlDir,"connections.xml"))
- ## externalLinks
- if(length(externalLinks)){
- externalLinksDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl","externalLinks")
- dir.create(path = externalLinksDir, recursive = TRUE)
- for(i in 1:length(externalLinks))
- write_file(body = externalLinks[[i]], fl = file.path(externalLinksDir, sprintf("externalLink%s.xml", i)))
- }
- ## externalLinks rels
- if(length(externalLinksRels)){
- externalLinksRelsDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl","externalLinks", "_rels")
- dir.create(path = externalLinksRelsDir, recursive = TRUE)
- for(i in 1:length(externalLinksRels))
- write_file(body = externalLinksRels[[i]], fl = file.path(externalLinksRelsDir, sprintf("externalLink%s.xml.rels", i)))
- }
- # printerSettings
- printDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "printerSettings")
- dir.create(path = printDir, recursive = TRUE)
- for(i in 1:nSheets)
- writeLines(genPrinterSettings(), file.path(printDir, sprintf("printerSettings%s.bin", i)))
- ## media (copy file from origin to destination)
- for(x in media)
- file.copy(x, file.path(xlmediaDir, names(media)[which(media == x)]))
- ## VBA Macro
- if(!is.null(vbaProject))
- file.copy(vbaProject, xlDir)
- ## write worksheet, worksheet_rels, drawings, drawing_rels
- .self$writeSheetDataXML(xldrawingsDir, xldrawingsRelsDir, xlworksheetsDir, xlworksheetsRelsDir)
- ## write sharedStrings.xml
- ct <- Content_Types
- if(length(sharedStrings) > 0){
- write_file(head = sprintf('', length(sharedStrings), attr(sharedStrings, "uniqueCount")),
- body = paste(sharedStrings, collapse = ""),
- tail = "",
- fl = file.path(xlDir,"sharedStrings.xml"))
- }else{
- ## Remove relationship to sharedStrings
- ct <- ct[!grepl("sharedStrings", ct)]
- }
- if(nComments > 0)
- ct <- c(ct, '')
- ## write [Content_type]
- write_file(head = '',
- body = pxml(ct),
- tail = '',
- fl = file.path(tmpDir, "[Content_Types].xml"))
- styleXML <- styles
- styleXML$numFmts <- paste0(sprintf('', length(styles$numFmts)), pxml(styles$numFmts), '')
- styleXML$fonts <- paste0(sprintf('', length(styles$fonts)), pxml(styles$fonts), '')
- styleXML$fills <- paste0(sprintf('', length(styles$fills)), pxml(styles$fills), '')
- styleXML$borders <- paste0(sprintf('', length(styles$borders)), pxml(styles$borders), '')
- styleXML$cellStyleXfs <- c(sprintf('', length(styles$cellStyleXfs)), pxml(styles$cellStyleXfs), '')
- styleXML$cellXfs <- paste0(sprintf('', length(styles$cellXfs)), pxml(styles$cellXfs), '')
- styleXML$cellStyles <- paste0(sprintf('', length(styles$cellStyles)), pxml(styles$cellStyles), '')
- styleXML$dxfs <- ifelse(length(styles$dxfs) == 0, '', paste0(sprintf('', length(styles$dxfs)), paste(unlist(styles$dxfs), collapse = ""), ''))
- ## write styles.xml
- write_file(head = '',
- body = pxml(styleXML),
- tail = '',
- fl = file.path(xlDir,"styles.xml"))
- ## write workbook.xml
- workbookXML <- workbook
- workbookXML$sheets <- paste0("", pxml(workbookXML$sheets), "")
- if(length(workbookXML$definedNames) > 0)
- workbookXML$definedNames <- paste0("", pxml(workbookXML$definedNames), "")
- if (length(workbookProtection) > 0) {
- # Worksheet protection needs to be right after fileVersion, fileSharing and workbookPr, otherwise Excel will complain
- workbookXML <- append(workbookXML, list(workbookProtection = workbookProtection),
- after = max(which(names(workbookXML) %in% c("fileVersion", "fileSharing", "workbookPr"))))
- }
- write_file(head = '',
- body = pxml(workbookXML),
- tail = '',
- fl = file.path(xlDir,"workbook.xml"))
- workbook$sheets <<- workbook$sheets[order(sheetOrder)] ## Need to reset sheet order to allow multiple savings
- ## compress to xlsx
- wd <- getwd()
- tmpFile <- basename(tempfile(fileext = ifelse(is.null(vbaProject), ".xlsx", ".xlsm")))
- on.exit(expr = setwd(wd), add = TRUE)
- ## zip it
- setwd(dir = tmpDir)
- cl <- ifelse(!is.null(getOption("openxlsx.compresssionLevel")), getOption("openxlsx.compresssionLevel"), getOption("openxlsx.compresssionevel", 6))
- zip::zip(zipfile = tmpFile, files = list.files(tmpDir, full.names = FALSE, recursive = TRUE, include.dirs = FALSE, all.files=TRUE), compression_level = cl)
- ## reset styles - maintain any changes to base font
- baseFont <- styles$fonts[[1]]
- styles <<- genBaseStyleSheet(styles$dxfs, tableStyles = styles$tableStyles, extLst = styles$extLst)
- styles$fonts[[1]] <<- baseFont
- return(file.path(tmpDir, tmpFile))
-Workbook$methods(updateSharedStrings = function(uNewStr){
- ## Function will return named list of references to new strings
- uStr <- uNewStr[which(!uNewStr %in% sharedStrings)]
- uCount <- attr(sharedStrings, "uniqueCount")
- sharedStrings <<- append(sharedStrings, uStr)
- attr(sharedStrings, "uniqueCount") <<- uCount + length(uStr)
-Workbook$methods(validateSheet = function(sheetName){
- if(!is.numeric(sheetName))
- sheetName <- replaceIllegalCharacters(sheetName)
- if(is.null(sheet_names))
- stop("Workbook does not contain any worksheets.", call.=FALSE)
- if(is.numeric(sheetName)){
- if(sheetName > length(sheet_names))
- stop(sprintf("This Workbook only has %s sheets.", length(sheet_names)), call.=FALSE)
- return(sheetName)
- }else if(!sheetName %in% sheet_names){
- stop(sprintf("Sheet '%s' does not exist.", sheetName), call.=FALSE)
- }
- return(which(sheet_names == sheetName))
-Workbook$methods(getSheetName = function(sheetIndex){
- if(any(length(sheet_names) < sheetIndex))
- stop(sprintf("Workbook only contains %s sheet(s).", length(sheet_names)))
- sheet_names[sheetIndex]
-Workbook$methods(buildTable = function(sheet, colNames, ref, showColNames, tableStyle, tableName, withFilter
- , totalsRowCount = 0
- , showFirstColumn = 0
- , showLastColumn = 0
- , showRowStripes = 1
- , showColumnStripes = 0){
- ## id will start at 3 and drawing will always be 1, printer Settings at 2 (printer settings has been removed)
- id <- as.character(length(tables) + 3L)
- sheet <- validateSheet(sheet)
- ## build table XML and save to tables field
- table <- sprintf('',
- tableStyle, as.integer(showFirstColumn), as.integer(showLastColumn), as.integer(showRowStripes), as.integer(showColumnStripes))
- tables <<- c(tables, build_table_xml(table = table, tableStyleXML = tableStyleXML, ref = ref, colNames = gsub("\n|\r", "_x000a_", colNames), showColNames = showColNames, withFilter = withFilter))
- names(tables) <<- c(nms, ref)
- attr(tables, "sheet") <<- c(tSheets, sheet)
- attr(tables, "tableName") <<- c(tNames, tableName)
- worksheets[[sheet]]$tableParts <<- append(worksheets[[sheet]]$tableParts, sprintf('', id))
- attr(worksheets[[sheet]]$tableParts, "tableName") <<- c(tNames[tSheets == sheet & !grepl("openxlsx_deleted", tNames, fixed = TRUE)], tableName)
- ## update Content_Types
- Content_Types <<- c(Content_Types, sprintf('', id))
- ## create a table.xml.rels
- tables.xml.rels <<- append(tables.xml.rels, "")
- ## update worksheets_rels
- worksheets_rels[[sheet]] <<- c(worksheets_rels[[sheet]],
- sprintf('', id, id))
-Workbook$methods(writeDrawingVML = function(dir){
- for(i in 1:length(comments)){
- id <- 1025
- cd <- unlist(lapply(comments[[i]],"[[", "clientData"))
- nComments <- length(cd)
- ## write head
- if(nComments > 0 | length(vml[[i]]) > 0){
- write(x = paste('
- '), file = file.path(dir, sprintf("vmlDrawing%s.vml", i)))
+ if (length(embeddings) > 0) {
+ embeddingsDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "embeddings")
+ dir.create(path = embeddingsDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ for (fl in embeddings)
+ file.copy(from = fl,
+ to = embeddingsDir,
+ overwrite = TRUE)
+ }
+ if (nPivots > 0) {
+ pivotTablesDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "pivotTables")
+ dir.create(path = pivotTablesDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ pivotTablesRelsDir <-
+ file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "pivotTables", "_rels")
+ dir.create(path = pivotTablesRelsDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ pivotCacheDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "pivotCache")
+ dir.create(path = pivotCacheDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ pivotCacheRelsDir <-
+ file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "pivotCache", "_rels")
+ dir.create(path = pivotCacheRelsDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ for (i in 1:length(pivotTables))
+ file.copy(
+ from = pivotTables[i],
+ to = file.path(pivotTablesDir, sprintf("pivotTable%s.xml", i)),
+ overwrite = TRUE,
+ copy.date = TRUE
+ )
+ for (i in 1:length(pivotDefinitions))
+ file.copy(
+ from = pivotDefinitions[i],
+ to = file.path(pivotCacheDir, sprintf("pivotCacheDefinition%s.xml", i)),
+ overwrite = TRUE,
+ copy.date = TRUE
+ )
+ for (i in 1:length(pivotRecords))
+ file.copy(
+ from = pivotRecords[i],
+ to = file.path(pivotCacheDir, sprintf("pivotCacheRecords%s.xml", i)),
+ overwrite = TRUE,
+ copy.date = TRUE
+ )
+ for (i in 1:length(pivotDefinitionsRels))
+ file.copy(
+ from = pivotDefinitionsRels[i],
+ to = file.path(
+ pivotCacheRelsDir,
+ sprintf("pivotCacheDefinition%s.xml.rels", i)
+ ),
+ overwrite = TRUE,
+ copy.date = TRUE
+ )
+ for (i in 1:length(pivotTables.xml.rels))
+ write_file(body = pivotTables.xml.rels[[i]],
+ fl = file.path(pivotTablesRelsDir, sprintf("pivotTable%s.xml.rels", i)))
- if(nComments > 0){
- for(j in 1:nComments){
- id <- id + 1L
- write(x = genBaseShapeVML(cd[j], id), file = file.path(dir, sprintf("vmlDrawing%s.vml", i)), append = TRUE)
+ ## slicers
+ if (nSlicers > 0) {
+ slicersDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "slicers")
+ dir.create(path = slicersDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ slicerCachesDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "slicerCaches")
+ dir.create(path = slicerCachesDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ for (i in 1:length(slicers)) {
+ if (nchar(slicers[i]) > 0)
+ file.copy(from = slicers[i], to = file.path(slicersDir, sprintf("slicer%s.xml", i)))
+ for (i in 1:length(slicerCaches))
+ write_file(body = slicerCaches[[i]],
+ fl = file.path(slicerCachesDir, sprintf("slicerCache%s.xml", i)))
- if(length(vml[[i]]) > 0)
- write(x = vml[[i]], file = file.path(dir, sprintf("vmlDrawing%s.vml", i)), append = TRUE)
- if(nComments > 0 | length(vml[[i]]) > 0){
- write(x = '', file = file.path(dir, sprintf("vmlDrawing%s.vml", i)), append = TRUE)
- worksheets[[i]]$legacyDrawing <<- ''
- }
+ ## Write content
- }
-Workbook$methods(updateStyles = function(style){
- ## Updates styles.xml
- xfNode <- list(numFmtId = 0,
- fontId = 0,
- fillId = 0,
- borderId = 0,
- xfId = 0)
- alignmentFlag <- FALSE
- ## Font
- if(!is.null(style$fontName) |
- !is.null(style$fontSize) |
- !is.null(style$fontColour) |
- !is.null(style$fontDecoration) |
- !is.null(style$fontFamily) |
- !is.null(style$fontScheme)){
+ ## write .rels
+ write_file(
+ head = '',
+ body = '
+ ',
+ tail = '',
+ fl = file.path(relsDir, ".rels")
+ )
- fontNode <- .self$createFontNode(style)
- fontId <- which(styles$fonts == fontNode) - 1L
- if(length(fontId) == 0){
+ ## write app.xml
+ write_file(
+ head = '',
+ body = 'Microsoft Excel',
+ tail = '',
+ fl = file.path(docPropsDir, "app.xml")
+ )
+ ## write core.xml
+ write_file(
+ head = "",
+ body = pxml(core),
+ tail = "",
+ fl = file.path(docPropsDir, "core.xml")
+ )
+ ## write workbook.xml.rels
+ write_file(
+ head = '',
+ body = pxml(workbook.xml.rels),
+ tail = '',
+ fl = file.path(xlrelsDir, "workbook.xml.rels")
+ )
+ ## write tables
+ if (length(unlist(tables, use.names = FALSE)) > 0) {
+ for (i in 1:length(unlist(tables, use.names = FALSE))) {
+ if (!grepl("openxlsx_deleted", attr(tables, "tableName")[i], fixed = TRUE)) {
+ write_file(body = pxml(unlist(tables, use.names = FALSE)[[i]]),
+ fl = file.path(xlTablesDir, sprintf("table%s.xml", i + 2)))
+ if (tables.xml.rels[[i]] != "")
+ write_file(body = tables.xml.rels[[i]],
+ fl = file.path(xlTablesRelsDir, sprintf("table%s.xml.rels", i + 2)))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## write query tables
+ if (length(queryTables) > 0) {
+ xlqueryTablesDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "queryTables")
+ dir.create(path = xlqueryTablesDir, recursive = TRUE)
- fontId <- length(styles$fonts)
- styles$fonts <<- append(styles[["fonts"]], fontNode)
+ for (i in 1:length(queryTables))
+ write_file(body = queryTables[[i]],
+ fl = file.path(xlqueryTablesDir, sprintf("queryTable%s.xml", i)))
+ }
+ ## connections
+ if (length(connections) > 0)
+ write_file(body = connections, fl = file.path(xlDir, "connections.xml"))
+ ## externalLinks
+ if (length(externalLinks)) {
+ externalLinksDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "externalLinks")
+ dir.create(path = externalLinksDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ for (i in 1:length(externalLinks))
+ write_file(body = externalLinks[[i]],
+ fl = file.path(externalLinksDir, sprintf("externalLink%s.xml", i)))
- xfNode$fontId <- fontId
- xfNode <- append(xfNode, list("applyFont" = "1"))
- }
- ## numFmt
- if(!is.null(style$numFmt)){
- if(as.integer(style$numFmt$numFmtId) > 0){
- numFmtId <- style$numFmt$numFmtId
- if(as.integer(numFmtId) > 163L){
- tmp <- style$numFmt$formatCode
- styles$numFmts <<- unique(c(styles$numFmts,
- sprintf('', numFmtId, tmp)
- ))
- }
+ ## externalLinks rels
+ if (length(externalLinksRels)) {
+ externalLinksRelsDir <-
+ file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "externalLinks", "_rels")
+ dir.create(path = externalLinksRelsDir, recursive = TRUE)
- xfNode$numFmtId <- numFmtId
- xfNode <- append(xfNode, list("applyNumberFormat" = "1"))
+ for (i in 1:length(externalLinksRels))
+ write_file(body = externalLinksRels[[i]],
+ fl = file.path(
+ externalLinksRelsDir,
+ sprintf("externalLink%s.xml.rels", i)
+ ))
- }
- ## Fill
- if(!is.null(style$fill)){
- fillNode <- .self$createFillNode(style)
- if(!is.null(fillNode)){
- fillId <- which(styles$fills == fillNode) - 1L
- if(length(fillId) == 0){
- fillId <- length(styles$fills)
- styles$fills <<- c(styles$fills, fillNode)
- }
- xfNode$fillId <- fillId
- xfNode <- append(xfNode, list("applyFill" = "1"))
+ # printerSettings
+ printDir <- file.path(tmpDir, "xl", "printerSettings")
+ dir.create(path = printDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ for (i in 1:nSheets)
+ writeLines(genPrinterSettings(), file.path(printDir, sprintf("printerSettings%s.bin", i)))
+ ## media (copy file from origin to destination)
+ for (x in media)
+ file.copy(x, file.path(xlmediaDir, names(media)[which(media == x)]))
+ ## VBA Macro
+ if (!is.null(vbaProject))
+ file.copy(vbaProject, xlDir)
+ ## write worksheet, worksheet_rels, drawings, drawing_rels
+ .self$writeSheetDataXML(xldrawingsDir,
+ xldrawingsRelsDir,
+ xlworksheetsDir,
+ xlworksheetsRelsDir)
+ ## write sharedStrings.xml
+ ct <- Content_Types
+ if (length(sharedStrings) > 0) {
+ write_file(
+ head = sprintf(
+ '',
+ length(sharedStrings),
+ attr(sharedStrings, "uniqueCount")
+ ),
+ body = stri_join(sharedStrings, collapse = "", sep = " "),
+ tail = "",
+ fl = file.path(xlDir, "sharedStrings.xml")
+ )
+ } else{
+ ## Remove relationship to sharedStrings
+ ct <- ct[!grepl("sharedStrings", ct)]
+ }
+ if (nComments > 0)
+ ct <-
+ c(
+ ct,
+ ''
+ )
+ ## write [Content_type]
+ write_file(
+ head = '',
+ body = pxml(ct),
+ tail = '',
+ fl = file.path(tmpDir, "[Content_Types].xml")
+ )
+ styleXML <- styles
+ styleXML$numFmts <-
+ stri_join(sprintf('', length(styles$numFmts)),
+ pxml(styles$numFmts),
+ '')
+ styleXML$fonts <-
+ stri_join(sprintf('', length(styles$fonts)),
+ pxml(styles$fonts),
+ '')
+ styleXML$fills <-
+ stri_join(sprintf('', length(styles$fills)),
+ pxml(styles$fills),
+ '')
+ styleXML$borders <-
+ stri_join(sprintf('', length(styles$borders)),
+ pxml(styles$borders),
+ '')
+ styleXML$cellStyleXfs <-
+ c(
+ sprintf('', length(styles$cellStyleXfs)),
+ pxml(styles$cellStyleXfs),
+ ''
+ )
+ styleXML$cellXfs <-
+ stri_join(sprintf('', length(styles$cellXfs)),
+ pxml(styles$cellXfs),
+ '')
+ styleXML$cellStyles <-
+ stri_join(
+ sprintf('', length(styles$cellStyles)),
+ pxml(styles$cellStyles),
+ ''
+ )
+ styleXML$dxfs <-
+ ifelse(
+ length(styles$dxfs) == 0,
+ '',
+ stri_join(
+ sprintf('', length(styles$dxfs)),
+ stri_join(unlist(styles$dxfs), sep = " ", collapse = ""),
+ ''
+ )
+ )
+ ## write styles.xml
+ write_file(
+ head = '',
+ body = pxml(styleXML),
+ tail = '',
+ fl = file.path(xlDir, "styles.xml")
+ )
+ ## write workbook.xml
+ workbookXML <- workbook
+ workbookXML$sheets <-
+ stri_join("", pxml(workbookXML$sheets), "")
+ if (length(workbookXML$definedNames) > 0)
+ workbookXML$definedNames <-
+ stri_join("",
+ pxml(workbookXML$definedNames),
+ "")
+ if (length(workbookProtection) > 0) {
+ # Worksheet protection needs to be right after fileVersion, fileSharing and workbookPr, otherwise Excel will complain
+ workbookXML <-
+ append(workbookXML,
+ list(workbookProtection = workbookProtection),
+ after = max(which(
+ names(workbookXML) %in% c("fileVersion", "fileSharing", "workbookPr")
+ )))
+ write_file(
+ head = '',
+ body = pxml(workbookXML),
+ tail = '',
+ fl = file.path(xlDir, "workbook.xml")
+ )
+ workbook$sheets <<-
+ workbook$sheets[order(sheetOrder)] ## Need to reset sheet order to allow multiple savings
+ ## compress to xlsx
+ wd <- getwd()
+ tmpFile <-
+ basename(tempfile(fileext = ifelse(is.null(vbaProject), ".xlsx", ".xlsm")))
+ on.exit(expr = setwd(wd), add = TRUE)
+ ## zip it
+ setwd(dir = tmpDir)
+ cl <-
+ ifelse(
+ !is.null(getOption("openxlsx.compresssionLevel")),
+ getOption("openxlsx.compresssionLevel"),
+ getOption("openxlsx.compresssionevel", 6)
+ )
+ zip::zip(
+ zipfile = tmpFile,
+ files = list.files(
+ tmpDir,
+ full.names = FALSE,
+ recursive = TRUE,
+ include.dirs = FALSE,
+ all.files = TRUE
+ ),
+ compression_level = cl
+ )
+ ## reset styles - maintain any changes to base font
+ baseFont <- styles$fonts[[1]]
+ styles <<-
+ genBaseStyleSheet(styles$dxfs,
+ tableStyles = styles$tableStyles,
+ extLst = styles$extLst)
+ styles$fonts[[1]] <<- baseFont
+ return(file.path(tmpDir, tmpFile))
+ }
+ updateSharedStrings = function(uNewStr) {
+ ## Function will return named list of references to new strings
+ uStr <- uNewStr[which(!uNewStr %in% sharedStrings)]
+ uCount <- attr(sharedStrings, "uniqueCount")
+ sharedStrings <<- append(sharedStrings, uStr)
+ attr(sharedStrings, "uniqueCount") <<- uCount + length(uStr)
- ## Border
- if(any(!is.null(c(style$borderLeft, style$borderRight, style$borderTop, style$borderBottom, style$borderDiagonal)))){
+ validateSheet = function(sheetName) {
+ if (!is.numeric(sheetName))
+ sheetName <- replaceIllegalCharacters(sheetName)
- borderNode <- .self$createBorderNode(style)
- borderId <- which(styles$borders == borderNode) - 1L
+ if (is.null(sheet_names))
+ stop("Workbook does not contain any worksheets.", call. = FALSE)
- if(length(borderId) == 0){
- borderId <- length(styles$borders)
- styles$borders <<- c(styles$borders, borderNode)
+ if (is.numeric(sheetName)) {
+ if (sheetName > length(sheet_names))
+ stop(sprintf("This Workbook only has %s sheets.", length(sheet_names)), call. =
+ return(sheetName)
+ } else if (!sheetName %in% sheet_names) {
+ stop(sprintf("Sheet '%s' does not exist.", sheetName), call. = FALSE)
- xfNode$borderId <- borderId
- xfNode <- append(xfNode, list("applyBorder" = "1"))
+ return(which(sheet_names == sheetName))
- # if(!is.null(style$xfId))
- # xfNode$xfId <- style$xfId
- childNodes = ""
- ## Alignment
- if(!is.null(style$halign) | !is.null(style$valign) | !is.null(style$wrapText) | !is.null(style$textRotation) | !is.null(style$indent)){
+ getSheetName = function(sheetIndex) {
+ if (any(length(sheet_names) < sheetIndex))
+ stop(sprintf("Workbook only contains %s sheet(s).", length(sheet_names)))
- attrs <- list()
- alignNode <- "',
+ tableStyle,
+ as.integer(showFirstColumn),
+ as.integer(showLastColumn),
+ as.integer(showRowStripes),
+ as.integer(showColumnStripes)
+ )
+ tables <<-
+ c(
+ tables,
+ build_table_xml(
+ table = table,
+ tableStyleXML = tableStyleXML,
+ ref = ref,
+ colNames = gsub("\n|\r", "_x000a_", colNames),
+ showColNames = showColNames,
+ withFilter = withFilter
+ )
+ )
+ names(tables) <<- c(nms, ref)
+ attr(tables, "sheet") <<- c(tSheets, sheet)
+ attr(tables, "tableName") <<- c(tNames, tableName)
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$tableParts <<-
+ append(worksheets[[sheet]]$tableParts,
+ sprintf('', id))
+ attr(worksheets[[sheet]]$tableParts, "tableName") <<-
+ c(tNames[tSheets == sheet &
+ !grepl("openxlsx_deleted", tNames, fixed = TRUE)], tableName)
+ ## update Content_Types
+ Content_Types <<-
+ c(
+ Content_Types,
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ id
+ )
+ )
+ ## create a table.xml.rels
+ tables.xml.rels <<- append(tables.xml.rels, "")
+ ## update worksheets_rels
+ worksheets_rels[[sheet]] <<- c(
+ worksheets_rels[[sheet]],
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ id,
+ id
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ writeDrawingVML = function(dir) {
+ for (i in 1:length(comments)) {
+ id <- 1025
+ cd <- unlist(lapply(comments[[i]], "[[", "clientData"))
+ nComments <- length(cd)
+ ## write head
+ if (nComments > 0 | length(vml[[i]]) > 0) {
+ write(
+ x = stri_join(
+ '
+ '
+ ),
+ file = file.path(dir, sprintf("vmlDrawing%s.vml", i)),
+ sep = " "
+ )
+ }
+ if (nComments > 0) {
+ for (j in 1:nComments) {
+ id <- id + 1L
+ write(
+ x = genBaseShapeVML(cd[j], id),
+ file = file.path(dir, sprintf("vmlDrawing%s.vml", i)),
+ append = TRUE
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(vml[[i]]) > 0)
+ write(x = vml[[i]],
+ file = file.path(dir, sprintf("vmlDrawing%s.vml", i)),
+ append = TRUE)
+ if (nComments > 0 | length(vml[[i]]) > 0) {
+ write(x = '',
+ file = file.path(dir, sprintf("vmlDrawing%s.vml", i)),
+ append = TRUE)
+ worksheets[[i]]$legacyDrawing <<-
+ ''
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ updateStyles = function(style) {
+ ## Updates styles.xml
+ xfNode <- list(
+ numFmtId = 0,
+ fontId = 0,
+ fillId = 0,
+ borderId = 0,
+ xfId = 0
+ )
+ alignmentFlag <- FALSE
+ ## Font
+ if (!is.null(style$fontName) |
+ !is.null(style$fontSize) |
+ !is.null(style$fontColour) |
+ !is.null(style$fontDecoration) |
+ !is.null(style$fontFamily) |
+ !is.null(style$fontScheme)) {
+ fontNode <- .self$createFontNode(style)
+ fontId <- which(styles$fonts == fontNode) - 1L
+ if (length(fontId) == 0) {
+ fontId <- length(styles$fonts)
+ styles$fonts <<- append(styles[["fonts"]], fontNode)
+ }
+ xfNode$fontId <- fontId
+ xfNode <- append(xfNode, list("applyFont" = "1"))
+ }
+ ## numFmt
+ if (!is.null(style$numFmt)) {
+ if (as.integer(style$numFmt$numFmtId) > 0) {
+ numFmtId <- style$numFmt$numFmtId
+ if (as.integer(numFmtId) > 163L) {
+ tmp <- style$numFmt$formatCode
+ styles$numFmts <<- unique(c(
+ styles$numFmts,
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ numFmtId,
+ tmp
+ )
+ ))
+ }
+ xfNode$numFmtId <- numFmtId
+ xfNode <- append(xfNode, list("applyNumberFormat" = "1"))
+ }
+ }
+ ## Fill
+ if (!is.null(style$fill)) {
+ fillNode <- .self$createFillNode(style)
+ if (!is.null(fillNode)) {
+ fillId <- which(styles$fills == fillNode) - 1L
+ if (length(fillId) == 0) {
+ fillId <- length(styles$fills)
+ styles$fills <<- c(styles$fills, fillNode)
+ }
+ xfNode$fillId <- fillId
+ xfNode <- append(xfNode, list("applyFill" = "1"))
+ }
+ }
+ ## Border
+ if (any(!is.null(
+ c(
+ style$borderLeft,
+ style$borderRight,
+ style$borderTop,
+ style$borderBottom,
+ style$borderDiagonal
+ )
+ ))) {
+ borderNode <- .self$createBorderNode(style)
+ borderId <- which(styles$borders == borderNode) - 1L
+ if (length(borderId) == 0) {
+ borderId <- length(styles$borders)
+ styles$borders <<- c(styles$borders, borderNode)
+ }
+ xfNode$borderId <- borderId
+ xfNode <- append(xfNode, list("applyBorder" = "1"))
+ }
+ # if(!is.null(style$xfId))
+ # xfNode$xfId <- style$xfId
+ childNodes = ""
+ ## Alignment
+ if (!is.null(style$halign) |
+ !is.null(style$valign) |
+ !is.null(style$wrapText) |
+ !is.null(style$textRotation) | !is.null(style$indent)) {
+ attrs <- list()
+ alignNode <- "")
+ alignmentFlag <- TRUE
+ xfNode <- append(xfNode, list("applyAlignment" = "1"))
+ childNodes = stri_join(childNodes, alignNode)
+ }
+ if (!is.null(style$hidden) | !is.null(style$locked)) {
+ xfNode <- append(xfNode, list("applyProtection" = "1"))
+ protectionNode <- "")
+ childNodes = stri_join(childNodes, protectionNode)
+ }
+ if (length(childNodes) > 0) {
+ xfNode <-
+ stri_join("",
+ childNodes,
+ '')
+ } else{
+ xfNode <-
+ stri_join("")
+ }
+ styleId <- which(styles$cellXfs == xfNode) - 1L
+ if (length(styleId) == 0) {
+ styleId <- length(styles$cellXfs)
+ styles$cellXfs <<- c(styles$cellXfs, xfNode)
+ }
+ return(as.integer(styleId))
+ }
+ updateCellStyles = function() {
+ flag <- TRUE
+ for (style in cellStyleObjects) {
+ ## Updates styles.xml
+ xfNode <- list(
+ numFmtId = 0,
+ fontId = 0,
+ fillId = 0,
+ borderId = 0
+ )
+ alignmentFlag <- FALSE
+ ## Font
+ if (!is.null(style$fontName) |
+ !is.null(style$fontSize) |
+ !is.null(style$fontColour) |
+ !is.null(style$fontDecoration) |
+ !is.null(style$fontFamily) |
+ !is.null(style$fontScheme)) {
+ fontNode <- .self$createFontNode(style)
+ fontId <- which(styles$font == fontNode) - 1L
+ if (length(fontId) == 0) {
+ fontId <- length(styles$fonts)
+ styles$fonts <<- append(styles[["fonts"]], fontNode)
+ }
+ xfNode$fontId <- fontId
+ xfNode <- append(xfNode, list("applyFont" = "1"))
+ }
+ ## numFmt
+ if (!is.null(style$numFmt)) {
+ if (as.integer(style$numFmt$numFmtId) > 0) {
+ numFmtId <- style$numFmt$numFmtId
+ if (as.integer(numFmtId) > 163L) {
+ tmp <- style$numFmt$formatCode
+ styles$numFmts <<- unique(c(
+ styles$numFmts,
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ numFmtId,
+ tmp
+ )
+ ))
+ }
+ xfNode$numFmtId <- numFmtId
+ xfNode <- append(xfNode, list("applyNumberFormat" = "1"))
+ }
+ }
+ ## Fill
+ if (!is.null(style$fill)) {
+ fillNode <- .self$createFillNode(style)
+ if (!is.null(fillNode)) {
+ fillId <- which(styles$fills == fillNode) - 1L
+ if (length(fillId) == 0) {
+ fillId <- length(styles$fills)
+ styles$fills <<- c(styles$fills, fillNode)
+ }
+ xfNode$fillId <- fillId
+ xfNode <- append(xfNode, list("applyFill" = "1"))
+ }
+ }
+ ## Border
+ if (any(!is.null(
+ c(
+ style$borderLeft,
+ style$borderRight,
+ style$borderTop,
+ style$borderBottom,
+ style$borderDiagonal
+ )
+ ))) {
+ borderNode <- .self$createBorderNode(style)
+ borderId <- which(styles$borders == borderNode) - 1L
+ if (length(borderId) == 0) {
+ borderId <- length(styles$borders)
+ styles$borders <<- c(styles$borders, borderNode)
+ }
+ xfNode$borderId <- borderId
+ xfNode <- append(xfNode, list("applyBorder" = "1"))
+ }
+ xfNode <-
+ stri_join("")
+ if (flag) {
+ styles$cellStyleXfs <<- xfNode
+ flag <- FALSE
+ } else{
+ styles$cellStyleXfs <<- c(styles$cellStyleXfs, xfNode)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ getBaseFont = function() {
+ baseFont <- styles$fonts[[1]]
+ sz <- getAttrs(baseFont, ""
+ ## size
+ if (is.null(style$fontSize[[1]])) {
+ fontNode <-
+ stri_join(fontNode, sprintf('', names(baseFont$size), baseFont$size))
+ } else{
+ fontNode <-
+ stri_join(fontNode, sprintf('', names(style$fontSize), style$fontSize))
+ }
+ ## colour
+ if (is.null(style$fontColour[[1]])) {
+ fontNode <-
+ stri_join(fontNode,
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ names(baseFont$colour),
+ baseFont$colour
+ ))
+ } else{
+ if (length(style$fontColour) > 1) {
+ fontNode <- stri_join(fontNode, sprintf('',
+ stri_join(
+ sapply(1:length(style$fontColour), function(i)
+ sprintf('%s="%s"', names(style$fontColour)[i], style$fontColour[i])),
+ sep = " ",
+ collapse = " "
+ )))
+ } else{
+ fontNode <-
+ stri_join(fontNode,
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ names(style$fontColour),
+ style$fontColour
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+ ## name
+ if (is.null(style$fontName[[1]])) {
+ fontNode <-
+ stri_join(fontNode,
+ sprintf('', names(baseFont$name), baseFont$name))
+ } else{
+ fontNode <-
+ stri_join(fontNode,
+ sprintf('', names(style$fontName), style$fontName))
+ }
+ ### Create new font and return Id
+ if (!is.null(style$fontFamily))
+ fontNode <-
+ stri_join(fontNode, sprintf('', style$fontFamily))
+ if (!is.null(style$fontScheme))
+ fontNode <-
+ stri_join(fontNode, sprintf('', style$fontScheme))
+ if ("BOLD" %in% style$fontDecoration)
+ fontNode <- stri_join(fontNode, '')
+ if ("ITALIC" %in% style$fontDecoration)
+ fontNode <- stri_join(fontNode, '')
+ if ("UNDERLINE" %in% style$fontDecoration)
+ fontNode <- stri_join(fontNode, '')
+ if ("UNDERLINE2" %in% style$fontDecoration)
+ fontNode <- stri_join(fontNode, '')
+ if ("STRIKEOUT" %in% style$fontDecoration)
+ fontNode <- stri_join(fontNode, '')
+ stri_join(fontNode, "")
+ }
+ createBorderNode = function(style) {
+ borderNode <- "")
+ if (!is.null(style$borderLeft))
+ borderNode <-
+ stri_join(
+ borderNode,
+ sprintf('', style$borderLeft),
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ names(style$borderLeftColour),
+ style$borderLeftColour
+ ),
+ ''
+ )
+ if (!is.null(style$borderRight))
+ borderNode <-
+ stri_join(
+ borderNode,
+ sprintf('', style$borderRight),
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ names(style$borderRightColour),
+ style$borderRightColour
+ ),
+ ''
+ )
+ if (!is.null(style$borderTop))
+ borderNode <-
+ stri_join(
+ borderNode,
+ sprintf('', style$borderTop),
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ names(style$borderTopColour),
+ style$borderTopColour
+ ),
+ ''
+ )
+ if (!is.null(style$borderBottom))
+ borderNode <-
+ stri_join(
+ borderNode,
+ sprintf('', style$borderBottom),
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ names(style$borderBottomColour),
+ style$borderBottomColour
+ ),
+ ''
+ )
+ if (!is.null(style$borderDiagonal))
+ borderNode <-
+ stri_join(
+ borderNode,
+ sprintf('', style$borderDiagonal),
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ names(style$borderDiagonalColour),
+ style$borderDiagonalColour
+ ),
+ ''
+ )
+ stri_join(borderNode, "")
+ }
+ createFillNode = function(style, patternType = "solid") {
+ fill <- style$fill
+ ## gradientFill
+ if (any(grepl("gradientFill", fill))) {
+ fillNode <- fill #stri_join("", fill, "")
+ } else if (!is.null(fill$fillFg) | !is.null(fill$fillBg)) {
+ fillNode <-
+ stri_join('',
+ sprintf('', patternType))
+ if (!is.null(fill$fillFg))
+ fillNode <-
+ stri_join(fillNode, sprintf(
+ '',
+ stri_join(
+ stri_join(names(fill$fillFg), '="', fill$fillFg, '"'),
+ sep = " ",
+ collapse = " "
+ )
+ ))
+ if (!is.null(fill$fillBg))
+ fillNode <-
+ stri_join(fillNode, sprintf(
+ '',
+ stri_join(
+ stri_join(names(fill$fillBg), '="', fill$fillBg, '"'),
+ sep = " ",
+ collapse = " "
+ )
+ ))
+ fillNode <- stri_join(fillNode, "")
+ } else{
+ return(NULL)
+ }
+ return(fillNode)
+ }
+ setSheetName = function(sheet, newSheetName) {
+ if (newSheetName %in% sheet_names)
+ stop(sprintf("Sheet %s already exists!", newSheetName))
+ sheet <- validateSheet(sheet)
+ oldName <- sheet_names[[sheet]]
+ sheet_names[[sheet]] <<- newSheetName
+ ## Rename in workbook
+ sheetId <-
+ regmatches(workbook$sheets[[sheet]],
+ regexpr('(?<=sheetId=")[0-9]+', workbook$sheets[[sheet]], perl = TRUE))
+ rId <-
+ regmatches(workbook$sheets[[sheet]],
+ regexpr('(?<= r:id="rId)[0-9]+', workbook$sheets[[sheet]], perl = TRUE))
+ workbook$sheets[[sheet]] <<-
+ sprintf('',
+ newSheetName,
+ sheetId,
+ rId)
+ ## rename styleObjects sheet component
+ if (length(styleObjects) > 0) {
+ styleObjects <<- lapply(styleObjects, function(x) {
+ if (x$sheet == oldName)
+ x$sheet <- newSheetName
+ return(x)
+ })
+ }
+ ## rename defined names
+ if (length(workbook$definedNames) > 0) {
+ belongTo <- getDefinedNamesSheet(workbook$definedNames)
+ toChange <- belongTo == oldName
+ if (any(toChange)) {
+ newSheetName <- sprintf("'%s'", newSheetName)
+ tmp <-
+ gsub(oldName, newSheetName, workbook$definedName[toChange], fixed = TRUE)
+ tmp <- gsub("'+", "'", tmp)
+ workbook$definedNames[toChange] <<- tmp
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ writeSheetDataXML = function(xldrawingsDir,
+ xldrawingsRelsDir,
+ xlworksheetsDir,
+ xlworksheetsRelsDir) {
+ ## write worksheets
+ nSheets <- length(worksheets)
+ for (i in 1:nSheets) {
+ ## Write drawing i (will always exist) skip those that are empty
+ if (any(drawings[[i]] != "")) {
+ write_file(
+ head = '',
+ body = pxml(drawings[[i]]),
+ tail = '',
+ fl = file.path(xldrawingsDir, stri_join("drawing", i, ".xml"))
+ )
+ write_file(
+ head = '',
+ body = pxml(drawings_rels[[i]]),
+ tail = '',
+ fl = file.path(xldrawingsRelsDir, stri_join("drawing", i, ".xml.rels"))
+ )
+ } else{
+ worksheets[[i]]$drawing <<- character(0)
+ }
+ ## vml drawing
+ if (length(vml_rels[[i]]) > 0)
+ file.copy(from = vml_rels[[i]],
+ to = file.path(
+ xldrawingsRelsDir,
+ stri_join("vmlDrawing", i, ".vml.rels")
+ ))
+ if (isChartSheet[i]) {
+ chartSheetDir <- file.path(dirname(xlworksheetsDir), "chartsheets")
+ chartSheetRelsDir <-
+ file.path(dirname(xlworksheetsDir), "chartsheets", "_rels")
+ if (!file.exists(chartSheetDir)) {
+ dir.create(chartSheetDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ dir.create(chartSheetRelsDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ }
+ write_file(
+ body = worksheets[[i]]$get_prior_sheet_data(),
+ fl = file.path(chartSheetDir, stri_join("sheet", i, ".xml"))
+ )
+ write_file(
+ head = '',
+ body = pxml(worksheets_rels[[i]]),
+ tail = '',
+ fl = file.path(chartSheetRelsDir, sprintf("sheet%s.xml.rels", i))
+ )
+ } else{
+ ## Write worksheets
+ ws <- worksheets[[i]]
+ hasHL <-
+ ifelse(length(worksheets[[i]]$hyperlinks) > 0, TRUE, FALSE)
+ ## reorder sheet data
+ worksheets[[i]]$order_sheetdata()
+ prior <- ws$get_prior_sheet_data()
+ post <- ws$get_post_sheet_data()
+ worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$style_id <<-
+ as.character(worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$style_id)
+ if (length(rowHeights[[i]]) == 0) {
+ write_worksheet_xml(
+ prior = prior,
+ post = post,
+ sheet_data = ws$sheet_data,
+ R_fileName = file.path(xlworksheetsDir, sprintf("sheet%s.xml", i))
+ )
+ } else{
+ ## row heights will always be in order and all row heights are given rows in preSaveCleanup
+ write_worksheet_xml_2(
+ prior = prior,
+ post = post,
+ sheet_data = ws$sheet_data,
+ row_heights = unlist(rowHeights[[i]]),
+ R_fileName = file.path(xlworksheetsDir, sprintf("sheet%s.xml", i))
+ )
+ }
+ worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$style_id <<- integer(0)
+ ## write worksheet rels
+ if (length(worksheets_rels[[i]]) > 0) {
+ ws_rels <- worksheets_rels[[i]]
+ if (hasHL) {
+ h_inds <- stri_join(1:length(worksheets[[i]]$hyperlinks), "h")
+ ws_rels <-
+ c(ws_rels, unlist(
+ lapply(1:length(h_inds), function(j)
+ worksheets[[i]]$hyperlinks[[j]]$to_target_xml(h_inds[j]))
+ ))
+ }
+ ## Check if any tables were deleted - remove these from rels
+ if (length(tables) > 0) {
+ table_inds <- which(grepl("tables/table[0-9].xml", ws_rels))
+ if (length(table_inds) > 0) {
+ ids <-
+ regmatches(
+ ws_rels[table_inds],
+ regexpr(
+ '(?<=Relationship Id=")[0-9A-Za-z]+',
+ ws_rels[table_inds],
+ perl = TRUE
+ )
+ )
+ inds <-
+ as.integer(gsub("[^0-9]", "", ids, perl = TRUE)) - 2L
+ table_nms <- attr(tables, "tableName")[inds]
+ is_deleted <-
+ grepl("openxlsx_deleted", table_nms, fixed = TRUE)
+ if (any(is_deleted))
+ ws_rels <- ws_rels[-table_inds[is_deleted]]
+ }
+ }
+ write_file(
+ head = '',
+ body = pxml(ws_rels),
+ tail = '',
+ fl = file.path(xlworksheetsRelsDir, sprintf("sheet%s.xml.rels", i))
+ )
+ }
+ }## end of isChartSheet[i]
+ } ## end of loop through 1:nSheets
+ invisible(0)
+ }
+ setRowHeights = function(sheet, rows, heights) {
+ sheet = validateSheet(sheet)
+ ## remove any conflicting heights
+ flag <- names(rowHeights[[sheet]]) %in% rows
+ if (any(flag))
+ rowHeights[[sheet]] <<- rowHeights[[sheet]][!flag]
+ nms <- c(names(rowHeights[[sheet]]), rows)
+ allRowHeights <- unlist(c(rowHeights[[sheet]], heights))
+ names(allRowHeights) <- nms
+ allRowHeights <-
+ allRowHeights[order(as.integer(names(allRowHeights)))]
+ rowHeights[[sheet]] <<- allRowHeights
+ }
+ deleteWorksheet = function(sheet) {
+ # To delete a worksheet
+ # Remove colwidths element
+ # Remove drawing partname from Content_Types (drawing(sheet).xml)
+ # Remove highest sheet from Content_Types
+ # Remove drawings element
+ # Remove drawings_rels element
- if(!is.null(style$textRotation))
- alignNode <- paste(alignNode, sprintf('textRotation="%s"', style$textRotation))
+ # Remove vml element
+ # Remove vml_rels element
- if(!is.null(style$halign))
- alignNode <- paste(alignNode, sprintf('horizontal="%s"', style$halign))
+ # Remove rowHeights element
+ # Remove styleObjects on sheet
+ # Remove last sheet element from workbook
+ # Remove last sheet element from workbook.xml.rels
+ # Remove element from worksheets
+ # Remove element from worksheets_rels
+ # Remove hyperlinks
+ # Reduce calcChain i attributes & remove calcs on sheet
+ # Remove sheet from sheetOrder
+ # Remove queryTable references from workbook$definedNames to worksheet
+ # remove tables
- if(!is.null(style$valign))
- alignNode <- paste(alignNode, sprintf('vertical="%s"', style$valign))
+ sheet <- validateSheet(sheet)
+ sheetNames <- sheet_names
+ nSheets <- length(unlist(sheetNames, use.names = FALSE))
+ sheetName <- sheetNames[[sheet]]
- if(!is.null(style$indent))
- alignNode <- paste(alignNode, sprintf('indent="%s"', style$indent))
+ colWidths[[sheet]] <<- NULL
+ sheet_names <<- sheet_names[-sheet]
- if(!is.null(style$wrapText)){
- if(style$wrapText)
- alignNode <- paste(alignNode, 'wrapText="1"')
- }
+ ## remove last drawings(sheet).xml from Content_Types
+ Content_Types <<-
+ Content_Types[!grepl(sprintf("drawing%s.xml", nSheets), Content_Types)]
+ ## remove highest sheet
+ Content_Types <<-
+ Content_Types[!grepl(sprintf("sheet%s.xml", nSheets), Content_Types)]
- alignNode <- paste0(alignNode, "/>")
+ drawings[[sheet]] <<- NULL
+ drawings_rels[[sheet]] <<- NULL
- alignmentFlag <- TRUE
- xfNode <- append(xfNode, list("applyAlignment" = "1"))
+ vml[[sheet]] <<- NULL
+ vml_rels[[sheet]] <<- NULL
- childNodes = paste0(childNodes, alignNode)
- }
- if (!is.null(style$hidden) | !is.null(style$locked)) {
- xfNode <- append(xfNode, list("applyProtection" = "1"))
- protectionNode <- "")
- childNodes = paste0(childNodes, protectionNode)
- }
- if(length(childNodes) > 0){
- xfNode <- paste0("", childNodes, '')
- }else{
- xfNode <- paste0("")
- }
- styleId <- which(styles$cellXfs == xfNode) - 1L
- if(length(styleId) == 0){
- styleId <- length(styles$cellXfs)
- styles$cellXfs <<- c(styles$cellXfs, xfNode)
- }
- return(as.integer(styleId))
-Workbook$methods(updateCellStyles = function(){
- flag <- TRUE
- for(style in cellStyleObjects){
+ rowHeights[[sheet]] <<- NULL
+ comments[[sheet]] <<- NULL
+ isChartSheet <<- isChartSheet[-sheet]
- ## Updates styles.xml
- xfNode <- list(numFmtId = 0,
- fontId = 0,
- fillId = 0,
- borderId = 0)
+ ## sheetOrder
+ toRemove <- which(sheetOrder == sheet)
+ sheetOrder[sheetOrder > sheet] <<-
+ sheetOrder[sheetOrder > sheet] - 1L
+ sheetOrder <<- sheetOrder[-toRemove]
- alignmentFlag <- FALSE
+ ## remove styleObjects
+ if (length(styleObjects) > 0)
+ styleObjects <<-
+ styleObjects[unlist(lapply(styleObjects, "[[", "sheet"), use.names = FALSE) != sheetName]
- ## Font
- if(!is.null(style$fontName) |
- !is.null(style$fontSize) |
- !is.null(style$fontColour) |
- !is.null(style$fontDecoration) |
- !is.null(style$fontFamily) |
- !is.null(style$fontScheme)){
+ ## Need to remove reference from workbook.xml.rels to pivotCache
+ removeRels <-
+ worksheets_rels[[sheet]][grepl("pivotTables", worksheets_rels[[sheet]])]
+ if (length(removeRels) > 0) {
+ ## sheet rels links to a pivotTable file, the corresponding pivotTable_rels file links to the cacheDefn which is listing in workbook.xml.rels
+ ## remove reference to this file from the workbook.xml.rels
+ fileNo <-
+ as.integer(unlist(regmatches(
+ removeRels,
+ gregexpr('(?<=pivotTable)[0-9]+(?=\\.xml)', removeRels, perl = TRUE)
+ )))
+ toRemove <-
+ stri_join(
+ sprintf("(pivotCacheDefinition%s\\.xml)", fileNo),
+ sep = " ",
+ collapse = "|"
+ )
- fontNode <- .self$createFontNode(style)
- fontId <- which(styles$font == fontNode) - 1L
+ fileNo <- which(grepl(toRemove, pivotTables.xml.rels))
+ toRemove <-
+ stri_join(
+ sprintf("(pivotCacheDefinition%s\\.xml)", fileNo),
+ sep = " ",
+ collapse = "|"
+ )
- if(length(fontId) == 0){
- fontId <- length(styles$fonts)
- styles$fonts <<- append(styles[["fonts"]], fontNode)
- }
+ ## remove reference to file from workbook.xml.res
+ workbook.xml.rels <<-
+ workbook.xml.rels[!grepl(toRemove, workbook.xml.rels)]
- xfNode$fontId <- fontId
- xfNode <- append(xfNode, list("applyFont" = "1"))
+ ## As above for slicers
+ ## Need to remove reference from workbook.xml.rels to pivotCache
+ removeRels <- grepl("slicers", worksheets_rels[[sheet]])
+ if (any(removeRels))
+ workbook.xml.rels <<-
+ workbook.xml.rels[!grepl(sprintf("(slicerCache%s\\.xml)", sheet), workbook.xml.rels)]
- ## numFmt
- if(!is.null(style$numFmt)){
- if(as.integer(style$numFmt$numFmtId) > 0){
- numFmtId <- style$numFmt$numFmtId
- if(as.integer(numFmtId) > 163L){
- tmp <- style$numFmt$formatCode
- styles$numFmts <<- unique(c(styles$numFmts,
- sprintf('', numFmtId, tmp)
- ))
- }
- xfNode$numFmtId <- numFmtId
- xfNode <- append(xfNode, list("applyNumberFormat" = "1"))
+ ## wont't remove tables and then won't need to reassign table r:id's but will rename them!
+ worksheets[[sheet]] <<- NULL
+ worksheets_rels[[sheet]] <<- NULL
+ if (length(tables) > 0) {
+ tableSheets <- attr(tables, "sheet")
+ tableNames <- attr(tables, "tableName")
+ inds <-
+ tableSheets %in% sheet &
+ !grepl("openxlsx_deleted", attr(tables, "tableName"), fixed = TRUE)
+ tableSheets[tableSheets > sheet] <-
+ tableSheets[tableSheets > sheet] - 1L
+ ## Need to flag a table as deleted
+ if (any(inds)) {
+ tableSheets[inds] <- 0
+ tableNames[inds] <-
+ stri_join(tableNames[inds], "_openxlsx_deleted")
+ attr(tables, "tableName") <<- tableNames
+ attr(tables, "sheet") <<- tableSheets
- ## Fill
- if(!is.null(style$fill)){
- fillNode <- .self$createFillNode(style)
- if(!is.null(fillNode)){
- fillId <- which(styles$fills == fillNode) - 1L
- if(length(fillId) == 0){
- fillId <- length(styles$fills)
- styles$fills <<- c(styles$fills, fillNode)
- }
- xfNode$fillId <- fillId
- xfNode <- append(xfNode, list("applyFill" = "1"))
- }
+ ## drawing will always be the first relationship and printerSettings second
+ if (nSheets > 1) {
+ for (i in 1:(nSheets - 1L))
+ worksheets_rels[[i]][1:3] <<- genBaseSheetRels(i)
+ } else{
+ worksheets_rels <<- list()
- ## Border
- if(any(!is.null(c(style$borderLeft, style$borderRight, style$borderTop, style$borderBottom, style$borderDiagonal)))){
- borderNode <- .self$createBorderNode(style)
- borderId <- which(styles$borders == borderNode) - 1L
- if(length(borderId) == 0){
- borderId <- length(styles$borders)
- styles$borders <<- c(styles$borders, borderNode)
- }
- xfNode$borderId <- borderId
- xfNode <- append(xfNode, list("applyBorder" = "1"))
+ ## remove sheet
+ sn <-
+ unlist(lapply(workbook$sheets, function(x)
+ regmatches(
+ x, regexpr('(?<= name=")[^"]+', x, perl = TRUE)
+ )))
+ workbook$sheets <<- workbook$sheets[!sn %in% sheetName]
+ ## Reset rIds
+ if (nSheets > 1) {
+ for (i in (sheet + 1L):nSheets)
+ workbook$sheets <<-
+ gsub(stri_join("rId", i),
+ stri_join("rId", i - 1L),
+ workbook$sheets,
+ fixed = TRUE)
+ } else{
+ workbook$sheets <<- NULL
- xfNode <- paste0("")
+ ## Can remove highest sheet
+ workbook.xml.rels <<-
+ workbook.xml.rels[!grepl(sprintf("sheet%s.xml", nSheets), workbook.xml.rels)]
- if(flag){
- styles$cellStyleXfs <<- xfNode
- flag <- FALSE
- }else{
- styles$cellStyleXfs <<- c(styles$cellStyleXfs, xfNode)
+ ## definedNames
+ if (length(workbook$definedNames) > 0) {
+ belongTo <- getDefinedNamesSheet(workbook$definedNames)
+ workbook$definedNames <<-
+ workbook$definedNames[!belongTo %in% sheetName]
+ invisible(1)
-Workbook$methods(getBaseFont = function(){
- baseFont <- styles$fonts[[1]]
- sz <- getAttrs(baseFont, ""
- ## size
- if(is.null(style$fontSize[[1]])){
- fontNode <- paste0(fontNode, sprintf('', names(baseFont$size), baseFont$size))
- }else{
- fontNode <- paste0(fontNode, sprintf('', names(style$fontSize), style$fontSize))
- }
- ## colour
- if(is.null(style$fontColour[[1]])){
- fontNode <- paste0(fontNode, sprintf('', names(baseFont$colour), baseFont$colour))
- }else{
+ addDXFS = function(style) {
+ dxf <- ''
+ dxf <- stri_join(dxf, createFontNode(style))
+ fillNode <- NULL
- if(length(style$fontColour) > 1){
- fontNode <- paste0(fontNode, sprintf('',
- paste(sapply(1:length(style$fontColour), function(i) sprintf('%s="%s"', names(style$fontColour)[i], style$fontColour[i])), collapse = " ")))
- }else{
- fontNode <- paste0(fontNode, sprintf('', names(style$fontColour), style$fontColour))
- }
+ if (!is.null(style$fill$fillFg) | !is.null(style$fill$fillBg))
+ dxf <- stri_join(dxf, createFillNode(style))
+ if (any(!is.null(
+ c(
+ style$borderLeft,
+ style$borderRight,
+ style$borderTop,
+ style$borderBottom,
+ style$borderDiagonal
+ )
+ )))
+ dxf <- stri_join(dxf, createBorderNode(style))
+ dxf <- stri_join(dxf, "", sep = " ")
+ if (dxf %in% styles$dxfs)
+ return(which(styles$dxfs == dxf) - 1L)
+ dxfId <- length(styles$dxfs)
+ styles$dxfs <<- c(styles$dxfs, dxf)
+ return(dxfId)
- ## name
- if(is.null(style$fontName[[1]])){
- fontNode <- paste0(fontNode, sprintf('', names(baseFont$name), baseFont$name))
- }else{
- fontNode <- paste0(fontNode, sprintf('', names(style$fontName), style$fontName))
- }
- ### Create new font and return Id
- if(!is.null(style$fontFamily))
- fontNode <- paste0(fontNode, sprintf('', style$fontFamily))
- if(!is.null(style$fontScheme))
- fontNode <- paste0(fontNode, sprintf('', style$fontScheme))
- if("BOLD" %in% style$fontDecoration)
- fontNode <- paste0(fontNode, '')
- if("ITALIC" %in% style$fontDecoration)
- fontNode <- paste0(fontNode, '')
- if("UNDERLINE" %in% style$fontDecoration)
- fontNode <- paste0(fontNode, '')
- if("UNDERLINE2" %in% style$fontDecoration)
- fontNode <- paste0(fontNode, '')
- if("STRIKEOUT" %in% style$fontDecoration)
- fontNode <- paste0(fontNode, '')
- paste0(fontNode, "")
-Workbook$methods(createBorderNode = function(style){
- borderNode <- "")
- if(!is.null(style$borderLeft))
- borderNode <- paste0(borderNode, sprintf('', style$borderLeft), sprintf('', names(style$borderLeftColour), style$borderLeftColour), '')
- if(!is.null(style$borderRight))
- borderNode <- paste0(borderNode, sprintf('', style$borderRight), sprintf('', names(style$borderRightColour), style$borderRightColour), '')
- if(!is.null(style$borderTop))
- borderNode <- paste0(borderNode, sprintf('', style$borderTop), sprintf('', names(style$borderTopColour), style$borderTopColour), '')
- if(!is.null(style$borderBottom))
- borderNode <- paste0(borderNode, sprintf('', style$borderBottom), sprintf('', names(style$borderBottomColour), style$borderBottomColour), '')
- if(!is.null(style$borderDiagonal))
- borderNode <- paste0(borderNode, sprintf('', style$borderDiagonal), sprintf('', names(style$borderDiagonalColour), style$borderDiagonalColour), '')
- paste0(borderNode, "")
-Workbook$methods(createFillNode = function(style, patternType = "solid"){
- fill <- style$fill
- ## gradientFill
- if(any(grepl("gradientFill", fill))){
- fillNode <- fill #paste0("", fill, "")
- }else if(!is.null(fill$fillFg) | !is.null(fill$fillBg)){
- fillNode <- paste0('', sprintf('', patternType))
- if(!is.null(fill$fillFg))
- fillNode <- paste0(fillNode, sprintf('', paste(paste0(names(fill$fillFg), '="', fill$fillFg, '"'), collapse = " ")))
- if(!is.null(fill$fillBg))
- fillNode <- paste0(fillNode, sprintf('', paste(paste0(names(fill$fillBg), '="', fill$fillBg, '"'), collapse = " ")))
- fillNode <- paste0(fillNode, "")
- }else{
- return(NULL)
- }
- return(fillNode)
-Workbook$methods(setSheetName = function(sheet, newSheetName){
- if(newSheetName %in% sheet_names)
- stop(sprintf("Sheet %s already exists!", newSheetName))
- sheet <- validateSheet(sheet)
- oldName <- sheet_names[[sheet]]
- sheet_names[[sheet]] <<- newSheetName
- ## Rename in workbook
- sheetId <- regmatches(workbook$sheets[[sheet]], regexpr('(?<=sheetId=")[0-9]+', workbook$sheets[[sheet]], perl = TRUE))
- rId <- regmatches(workbook$sheets[[sheet]], regexpr('(?<= r:id="rId)[0-9]+', workbook$sheets[[sheet]], perl = TRUE))
- workbook$sheets[[sheet]] <<- sprintf('', newSheetName, sheetId, rId)
- ## rename styleObjects sheet component
- if(length(styleObjects) > 0){
+ dataValidation = function(sheet,
+ startRow,
+ endRow,
+ startCol,
+ endCol,
+ type,
+ operator,
+ value,
+ allowBlank,
+ showInputMsg,
+ showErrorMsg) {
+ sheet = validateSheet(sheet)
+ sqref <-
+ stri_join(getCellRefs(data.frame(
+ "x" = c(startRow, endRow),
+ "y" = c(startCol, endCol)
+ )),
+ sep = " ",
+ collapse = ":")
- styleObjects <<- lapply(styleObjects, function(x){
- if(x$sheet == oldName)
- x$sheet <- newSheetName
+ header <-
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ type,
+ operator,
+ allowBlank,
+ showInputMsg,
+ showErrorMsg,
+ sqref
+ )
+ if (type == "date") {
+ origin <- 25569L
+ if (grepl(
+ 'date1904="1"|date1904="true"',
+ stri_join(unlist(workbook), sep = " ", collapse = ""),
+ ignore.case = TRUE
+ ))
+ origin <- 24107L
- return(x)
+ value <- as.integer(value) + origin
- })
- }
- ## rename defined names
- if(length(workbook$definedNames) > 0){
+ }
- belongTo <- getDefinedNamesSheet(workbook$definedNames)
- toChange <- belongTo == oldName
- if(any(toChange)){
+ if (type == "time") {
+ origin <- 25569L
+ if (grepl(
+ 'date1904="1"|date1904="true"',
+ stri_join(unlist(workbook), sep = " ", collapse = ""),
+ ignore.case = TRUE
+ ))
+ origin <- 24107L
- newSheetName <- sprintf("'%s'", newSheetName)
- tmp <- gsub(oldName, newSheetName, workbook$definedName[toChange], fixed = TRUE)
- tmp <- gsub("'+", "'", tmp)
- workbook$definedNames[toChange] <<- tmp
+ t <- format(value[1], "%z")
+ offSet <-
+ suppressWarnings(ifelse(substr(t, 1, 1) == "+", 1L,-1L) * (as.integer(substr(t, 2, 3)) + as.integer(substr(t, 4, 5)) / 60) / 24)
+ if (is.na(offSet))
+ offSet[i] <- 0
+ value <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(value)) / 86400 + origin + offSet
+ form <-
+ sapply(1:length(value), function(i)
+ sprintf("%s", i, value[i], i))
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$dataValidations <<-
+ c(worksheets[[sheet]]$dataValidations,
+ stri_join(header, stri_join(form, collapse = ""), ""))
+ invisible(0)
-Workbook$methods(writeSheetDataXML = function(xldrawingsDir, xldrawingsRelsDir, xlworksheetsDir, xlworksheetsRelsDir){
- ## write worksheets
- nSheets <- length(worksheets)
- for(i in 1:nSheets){
+ dataValidation_list = function(sheet,
+ startRow,
+ endRow,
+ startCol,
+ endCol,
+ value,
+ allowBlank,
+ showInputMsg,
+ showErrorMsg) {
+ sheet = validateSheet(sheet)
+ sqref <-
+ stri_join(getCellRefs(data.frame(
+ "x" = c(startRow, endRow),
+ "y" = c(startCol, endCol)
+ )),
+ sep = " ",
+ collapse = ":")
+ data_val <-
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ allowBlank,
+ showInputMsg,
+ showErrorMsg,
+ sqref
+ )
- ## Write drawing i (will always exist) skip those that are empty
- if(any(drawings[[i]] != "")){
- write_file(head = '',
- body = pxml(drawings[[i]]),
- tail = '',
- fl = file.path(xldrawingsDir, paste0("drawing", i,".xml")))
- write_file(head = '',
- body = pxml(drawings_rels[[i]]),
- tail = '',
- fl = file.path(xldrawingsRelsDir, paste0("drawing", i,".xml.rels")))
- }else{
- worksheets[[i]]$drawing <<- character(0)
- }
+ formula <-
+ sprintf("%s", value)
+ sqref <- sprintf('%s', sqref)
- ## vml drawing
- if(length(vml_rels[[i]]) > 0)
- file.copy(from = vml_rels[[i]], to = file.path(xldrawingsRelsDir, paste0("vmlDrawing", i,".vml.rels")))
+ xmlData <-
+ stri_join(data_val, formula, sqref, '')
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$extLst <<-
+ c(worksheets[[sheet]]$extLst, xmlData)
+ invisible(0)
+ }
+ conditionalFormatting = function(sheet,
+ startRow,
+ endRow,
+ startCol,
+ endCol,
+ dxfId,
+ formula,
+ type,
+ values,
+ params) {
+ sheet = validateSheet(sheet)
+ sqref <-
+ stri_join(getCellRefs(data.frame(
+ "x" = c(startRow, endRow),
+ "y" = c(startCol, endCol)
+ )), collapse = ":")
- if(isChartSheet[i]){
- chartSheetDir <- file.path(dirname(xlworksheetsDir), "chartsheets")
- chartSheetRelsDir <- file.path(dirname(xlworksheetsDir), "chartsheets", "_rels")
- if(!file.exists(chartSheetDir)){
- dir.create(chartSheetDir, recursive = TRUE)
- dir.create(chartSheetRelsDir, recursive = TRUE)
+ ## Increment priority of conditional formatting rule
+ if (length(worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting) > 0) {
+ for (i in length(worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting):1) {
+ priority <-
+ regmatches(
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting[[i]],
+ regexpr(
+ '(?<=priority=")[0-9]+',
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting[[i]],
+ perl = TRUE
+ )
+ )
+ priority_new <- as.integer(priority) + 1L
+ priority_pattern <- sprintf('priority="%s"', priority)
+ priority_new <- sprintf('priority="%s"', priority_new)
+ ## now replace
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting[[i]] <<-
+ gsub(priority_pattern,
+ priority_new,
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting[[i]],
+ fixed = TRUE)
- write_file(body = worksheets[[i]]$get_prior_sheet_data(), fl = file.path(chartSheetDir, paste0("sheet", i,".xml")))
+ }
+ nms <- c(names(worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting), sqref)
+ if (type == "colorScale") {
+ ## formula contains the colours
+ ## values contains numerics or is NULL
+ ## dxfId is ignored
- write_file(head = '',
- body = pxml(worksheets_rels[[i]]),
- tail = '',
- fl = file.path(chartSheetRelsDir, sprintf("sheet%s.xml.rels", i)))
+ if (is.null(values)) {
+ if (length(formula) == 2L) {
+ cfRule <-
+ sprintf(
+ '
+ ',
+ formula[[1]],
+ formula[[2]]
+ )
+ } else{
+ cfRule <-
+ sprintf(
+ '
+ ',
+ formula[[1]],
+ formula[[2]],
+ formula[[3]]
+ )
+ }
+ } else{
+ if (length(formula) == 2L) {
+ cfRule <-
+ sprintf(
+ '
+ ',
+ values[[1]],
+ values[[2]],
+ formula[[1]],
+ formula[[2]]
+ )
+ } else{
+ cfRule <-
+ sprintf(
+ '
+ ',
+ values[[1]],
+ values[[2]],
+ values[[3]],
+ formula[[1]],
+ formula[[2]],
+ formula[[3]]
+ )
+ }
+ }
- }else{
+ } else if (type == "dataBar") {
+ # forumula is a vector of colours of length 1 or 2
+ # values is NULL or a numeric vector of equal length as formula
- ## Write worksheets
- ws <- worksheets[[i]]
- hasHL <- ifelse(length(worksheets[[i]]$hyperlinks) > 0, TRUE, FALSE)
+ if (length(formula) == 2L) {
+ negColour <- formula[[1]]
+ posColour <- formula[[2]]
+ } else{
+ posColour <- formula
+ negColour <- "FFFF0000"
+ }
- ## reorder sheet data
- worksheets[[i]]$order_sheetdata()
+ guid <-
+ stri_join("F7189283-14F7-4DE0-9601-54DE9DB",
+ 40000L + length(worksheets[[sheet]]$extLst))
+ showValue <- 1
+ if ("showValue" %in% names(params))
+ showValue <- as.integer(params$showValue)
- prior <- ws$get_prior_sheet_data()
- post <- ws$get_post_sheet_data()
+ gradient <- 1
+ if ("gradient" %in% names(params))
+ gradient <- as.integer(params$gradient)
- worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$style_id <<- as.character(worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$style_id)
+ border <- 1
+ if ("border" %in% names(params))
+ border <- as.integer(params$border)
- if(length(rowHeights[[i]]) == 0){
- write_worksheet_xml(prior = prior,
- post = post,
- sheet_data = ws$sheet_data,
- R_fileName = file.path(xlworksheetsDir, sprintf("sheet%s.xml", i)))
- }else{
+ if (is.null(values)) {
+ cfRule <-
+ sprintf(
+ '
+ {%s}
+ ',
+ showValue,
+ posColour,
+ guid
+ )
- ## row heights will always be in order and all row heights are given rows in preSaveCleanup
- write_worksheet_xml_2(prior = prior,
- post = post,
- sheet_data = ws$sheet_data,
- row_heights = unlist(rowHeights[[i]]),
- R_fileName = file.path(xlworksheetsDir, sprintf("sheet%s.xml", i)))
+ } else{
+ cfRule <-
+ sprintf(
+ '
+ {%s}',
+ showValue,
+ values[[1]],
+ values[[2]],
+ posColour,
+ guid
+ )
- worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$style_id <<- integer(0)
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$extLst <<-
+ c(
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$extLst,
+ gen_databar_extlst(
+ guid = guid,
+ sqref = sqref,
+ posColour = posColour,
+ negColour = negColour,
+ values = values,
+ border = border,
+ gradient = gradient
+ )
+ )
+ } else if (type == "expression") {
+ cfRule <-
+ sprintf(
+ '%s',
+ dxfId,
+ formula
+ )
- ## write worksheet rels
- if(length(worksheets_rels[[i]]) > 0 ){
- ws_rels <- worksheets_rels[[i]]
- if(hasHL){
- h_inds <- paste0(1:length(worksheets[[i]]$hyperlinks), "h")
- ws_rels <- c(ws_rels, unlist(lapply(1:length(h_inds), function(j) worksheets[[i]]$hyperlinks[[j]]$to_target_xml(h_inds[j]))))
- }
- ## Check if any tables were deleted - remove these from rels
- if(length(tables) > 0){
- table_inds <- which(grepl("tables/table[0-9].xml", ws_rels))
- if(length(table_inds) > 0){
- ids <- regmatches(ws_rels[table_inds], regexpr('(?<=Relationship Id=")[0-9A-Za-z]+', ws_rels[table_inds], perl = TRUE))
- inds <- as.integer(gsub("[^0-9]", "", ids, perl = TRUE)) - 2L
- table_nms <- attr(tables, "tableName")[inds]
- is_deleted <- grepl("openxlsx_deleted", table_nms, fixed = TRUE)
- if(any(is_deleted))
- ws_rels <- ws_rels[-table_inds[is_deleted]]
- }
- }
- write_file(head = '',
- body = pxml(ws_rels),
- tail = '',
- fl = file.path(xlworksheetsRelsDir, sprintf("sheet%s.xml.rels", i))
+ } else if (type == "duplicatedValues") {
+ cfRule <-
+ sprintf('',
+ dxfId)
+ } else if (type == "containsText") {
+ cfRule <-
+ sprintf(
+ '
+ NOT(ISERROR(SEARCH("%s", %s)))
+ ',
+ dxfId,
+ values,
+ values,
+ unlist(strsplit(sqref, split = ":"))[[1]]
- }
- }## end of isChartSheet[i]
- } ## end of loop through 1:nSheets
- invisible(0)
-Workbook$methods(setRowHeights = function(sheet, rows, heights){
- sheet = validateSheet(sheet)
- ## remove any conflicting heights
- flag <- names(rowHeights[[sheet]]) %in% rows
- if(any(flag))
- rowHeights[[sheet]] <<- rowHeights[[sheet]][!flag]
- nms <- c(names(rowHeights[[sheet]]), rows)
- allRowHeights <- unlist(c(rowHeights[[sheet]], heights))
- names(allRowHeights) <- nms
- allRowHeights <- allRowHeights[order(as.integer(names(allRowHeights)))]
- rowHeights[[sheet]] <<- allRowHeights
-Workbook$methods(deleteWorksheet = function(sheet){
- # To delete a worksheet
- # Remove colwidths element
- # Remove drawing partname from Content_Types (drawing(sheet).xml)
- # Remove highest sheet from Content_Types
- # Remove drawings element
- # Remove drawings_rels element
- # Remove vml element
- # Remove vml_rels element
- # Remove rowHeights element
- # Remove styleObjects on sheet
- # Remove last sheet element from workbook
- # Remove last sheet element from workbook.xml.rels
- # Remove element from worksheets
- # Remove element from worksheets_rels
- # Remove hyperlinks
- # Reduce calcChain i attributes & remove calcs on sheet
- # Remove sheet from sheetOrder
- # Remove queryTable references from workbook$definedNames to worksheet
- # remove tables
- sheet <- validateSheet(sheet)
- sheetNames <- sheet_names
- nSheets <- length(unlist(sheetNames, use.names = FALSE))
- sheetName <- sheetNames[[sheet]]
- colWidths[[sheet]] <<- NULL
- sheet_names <<- sheet_names[-sheet]
- ## remove last drawings(sheet).xml from Content_Types
- Content_Types <<- Content_Types[!grepl(sprintf("drawing%s.xml", nSheets), Content_Types)]
- ## remove highest sheet
- Content_Types <<- Content_Types[!grepl(sprintf("sheet%s.xml", nSheets), Content_Types)]
- drawings[[sheet]] <<- NULL
- drawings_rels[[sheet]] <<- NULL
- vml[[sheet]] <<- NULL
- vml_rels[[sheet]] <<- NULL
- rowHeights[[sheet]] <<- NULL
- comments[[sheet]] <<- NULL
- isChartSheet <<- isChartSheet[-sheet]
- ## sheetOrder
- toRemove <- which(sheetOrder == sheet)
- sheetOrder[sheetOrder > sheet] <<- sheetOrder[sheetOrder > sheet] - 1L
- sheetOrder <<- sheetOrder[-toRemove]
- ## remove styleObjects
- if(length(styleObjects) > 0)
- styleObjects <<- styleObjects[unlist(lapply(styleObjects, "[[", "sheet"), use.names = FALSE) != sheetName]
- ## Need to remove reference from workbook.xml.rels to pivotCache
- removeRels <- worksheets_rels[[sheet]][grepl("pivotTables", worksheets_rels[[sheet]])]
- if(length(removeRels) > 0){
- ## sheet rels links to a pivotTable file, the corresponding pivotTable_rels file links to the cacheDefn which is listing in workbook.xml.rels
- ## remove reference to this file from the workbook.xml.rels
- fileNo <- as.integer(unlist(regmatches(removeRels, gregexpr('(?<=pivotTable)[0-9]+(?=\\.xml)', removeRels, perl = TRUE))))
- toRemove <- paste(sprintf("(pivotCacheDefinition%s\\.xml)", fileNo), collapse = "|")
- fileNo <- which(grepl(toRemove, pivotTables.xml.rels))
- toRemove <- paste(sprintf("(pivotCacheDefinition%s\\.xml)", fileNo), collapse = "|")
- ## remove reference to file from workbook.xml.res
- workbook.xml.rels <<- workbook.xml.rels[!grepl(toRemove, workbook.xml.rels)]
- }
- ## As above for slicers
- ## Need to remove reference from workbook.xml.rels to pivotCache
- removeRels <- grepl("slicers", worksheets_rels[[sheet]])
- if(any(removeRels))
- workbook.xml.rels <<- workbook.xml.rels[!grepl(sprintf("(slicerCache%s\\.xml)", sheet), workbook.xml.rels)]
- ## wont't remove tables and then won't need to reassign table r:id's but will rename them!
- worksheets[[sheet]] <<- NULL
- worksheets_rels[[sheet]] <<- NULL
- if(length(tables) > 0){
- tableSheets <- attr(tables, "sheet")
- tableNames <- attr(tables, "tableName")
- inds <- tableSheets %in% sheet & !grepl("openxlsx_deleted", attr(tables, "tableName"), fixed = TRUE)
- tableSheets[tableSheets > sheet] <- tableSheets[tableSheets > sheet] - 1L
- ## Need to flag a table as deleted
- if(any(inds)){
- tableSheets[inds] <- 0
- tableNames[inds] <- paste0(tableNames[inds], "_openxlsx_deleted")
- }
- attr(tables, "tableName") <<- tableNames
- attr(tables, "sheet") <<- tableSheets
- }
- ## drawing will always be the first relationship and printerSettings second
- if(nSheets > 1){
- for(i in 1:(nSheets-1L))
- worksheets_rels[[i]][1:3] <<- genBaseSheetRels(i)
- }else{
- worksheets_rels <<- list()
- }
- ## remove sheet
- sn <- unlist(lapply(workbook$sheets, function(x) regmatches(x, regexpr('(?<= name=")[^"]+', x, perl = TRUE))))
- workbook$sheets <<- workbook$sheets[!sn %in% sheetName]
- ## Reset rIds
- if(nSheets > 1){
- for(i in (sheet+1L):nSheets)
- workbook$sheets <<- gsub(paste0("rId", i), paste0("rId", i-1L), workbook$sheets, fixed = TRUE)
- }else{
- workbook$sheets <<- NULL
- }
- ## Can remove highest sheet
- workbook.xml.rels <<- workbook.xml.rels[!grepl(sprintf("sheet%s.xml", nSheets), workbook.xml.rels)]
- ## definedNames
- if(length(workbook$definedNames) > 0){
- belongTo <- getDefinedNamesSheet(workbook$definedNames)
- workbook$definedNames <<- workbook$definedNames[!belongTo %in% sheetName]
- }
- invisible(1)
-Workbook$methods(addDXFS = function(style){
- dxf <- ''
- dxf <- paste0(dxf, createFontNode(style))
- fillNode <- NULL
- if(!is.null(style$fill$fillFg) | !is.null(style$fill$fillBg))
- dxf <- paste0(dxf, createFillNode(style))
- if(any(!is.null(c(style$borderLeft, style$borderRight, style$borderTop, style$borderBottom, style$borderDiagonal))))
- dxf <- paste0(dxf, createBorderNode(style))
- dxf <- paste(dxf, "")
- if(dxf %in% styles$dxfs)
- return(which(styles$dxfs == dxf) - 1L)
- dxfId <- length(styles$dxfs)
- styles$dxfs <<- c(styles$dxfs, dxf)
- return(dxfId)
-Workbook$methods(dataValidation = function(sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, type, operator, value, allowBlank, showInputMsg, showErrorMsg){
- sheet = validateSheet(sheet)
- sqref <- paste(getCellRefs(data.frame("x" = c(startRow, endRow), "y" = c(startCol, endCol))), collapse = ":")
- header <- sprintf('',
- type, operator, allowBlank, showInputMsg, showErrorMsg, sqref)
- if(type == "date"){
- origin <- 25569L
- if(grepl('date1904="1"|date1904="true"', paste(unlist(workbook), collapse = ""), ignore.case = TRUE))
- origin <- 24107L
- value <- as.integer(value) + origin
- }
- if(type == "time"){
+ } else if (type == "between") {
+ cfRule <-
+ sprintf(
+ '%s%s',
+ dxfId,
+ formula[1],
+ formula[2]
+ )
+ }
- origin <- 25569L
- if(grepl('date1904="1"|date1904="true"', paste(unlist(workbook), collapse = ""), ignore.case = TRUE))
- origin <- 24107L
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting <<-
+ append(worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting, cfRule)
- t <- format(value[1], "%z")
- offSet <- suppressWarnings(ifelse(substr(t,1,1) == "+", 1L, -1L) * (as.integer(substr(t,2,3)) + as.integer(substr(t,4,5)) / 60) / 24)
- if(is.na(offSet)) offSet[i] <- 0
+ names(worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting) <<- nms
- value <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(value)) / 86400 + origin + offSet
+ invisible(0)
- }
- form <- sapply(1:length(value), function(i) sprintf("%s", i, value[i], i))
- worksheets[[sheet]]$dataValidations <<- c(worksheets[[sheet]]$dataValidations, paste0(header, paste(form, collapse = ""), ""))
- invisible(0)
+ }
-Workbook$methods(dataValidation_list = function(sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, value, allowBlank, showInputMsg, showErrorMsg) {
- sheet = validateSheet(sheet)
- sqref <-paste(getCellRefs(data.frame("x" = c(startRow, endRow), "y" = c(startCol, endCol))), collapse = ":")
- data_val <- sprintf('',allowBlank,showInputMsg, showErrorMsg, sqref)
- formula <- sprintf("%s", value)
- sqref <- sprintf('%s', sqref)
- xmlData <-paste0(data_val, formula, sqref, '')
- worksheets[[sheet]]$extLst <<- c(worksheets[[sheet]]$extLst, xmlData)
- invisible(0)
-Workbook$methods(conditionalFormatting = function(sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, dxfId, formula, type, values, params){
- sheet = validateSheet(sheet)
- sqref <- paste(getCellRefs(data.frame("x" = c(startRow, endRow), "y" = c(startCol, endCol))), collapse = ":")
- ## Increment priority of conditional formatting rule
- if(length(worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting) > 0){
+ mergeCells = function(sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol) {
+ sheet <- validateSheet(sheetName = sheet)
- for(i in length(worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting):1){
- priority <- regmatches(worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting[[i]], regexpr('(?<=priority=")[0-9]+', worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting[[i]], perl = TRUE))
- priority_new <- as.integer(priority) + 1L
- priority_pattern <- sprintf('priority="%s"', priority)
- priority_new <- sprintf('priority="%s"', priority_new)
+ sqref <-
+ getCellRefs(data.frame(
+ "x" = c(startRow, endRow),
+ "y" = c(startCol, endCol)
+ ))
+ exMerges <-
+ regmatches(worksheets[[sheet]]$mergeCells,
+ regexpr("[A-Z0-9]+:[A-Z0-9]+", worksheets[[sheet]]$mergeCells))
+ if (!is.null(exMerges)) {
+ comps <-
+ lapply(exMerges, function(rectCoords)
+ unlist(strsplit(rectCoords, split = ":")))
+ exMergedCells <- build_cell_merges(comps = comps)
+ newMerge <- unlist(build_cell_merges(comps = list(sqref)))
- ## now replace
- worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting[[i]] <<- gsub(priority_pattern, priority_new, worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting[[i]], fixed = TRUE)
+ ## Error if merge intersects
+ mergeIntersections <-
+ sapply(exMergedCells, function(x)
+ any(x %in% newMerge))
+ if (any(mergeIntersections))
+ stop(
+ sprintf(
+ "Merge intersects with existing merged cells: \n\t\t%s.\nRemove existing merge first.",
+ stri_join(exMerges[mergeIntersections], collapse = "\n\t\t")
+ )
+ )
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$mergeCells <<-
+ c(worksheets[[sheet]]$mergeCells,
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ stri_join(sqref, collapse = ":", sep =
+ " ")
+ ))
- nms <- c(names(worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting), sqref)
- if(type == "colorScale"){
+ removeCellMerge = function(sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol) {
+ sheet = validateSheet(sheet)
- ## formula contains the colours
- ## values contains numerics or is NULL
- ## dxfId is ignored
+ sqref <-
+ getCellRefs(data.frame(
+ "x" = c(startRow, endRow),
+ "y" = c(startCol, endCol)
+ ))
+ exMerges <-
+ regmatches(worksheets[[sheet]]$mergeCells,
+ regexpr("[A-Z0-9]+:[A-Z0-9]+", worksheets[[sheet]]$mergeCells))
- if(is.null(values)){
- if(length(formula) == 2L){
- cfRule <- sprintf('
- ', formula[[1]], formula[[2]])
- }else{
- cfRule <- sprintf('
- ', formula[[1]], formula[[2]], formula[[3]])
- }
- }else{
+ if (!is.null(exMerges)) {
+ comps <-
+ lapply(exMerges, function(x)
+ unlist(strsplit(x, split = ":")))
+ exMergedCells <- build_cell_merges(comps = comps)
+ newMerge <- unlist(build_cell_merges(comps = list(sqref)))
- if(length(formula) == 2L){
- cfRule <- sprintf('
- ', values[[1]], values[[2]], formula[[1]], formula[[2]])
- }else{
- cfRule <- sprintf('
- ', values[[1]], values[[2]], values[[3]], formula[[1]], formula[[2]], formula[[3]])
- }
+ ## Error if merge intersects
+ mergeIntersections <-
+ sapply(exMergedCells, function(x)
+ any(x %in% newMerge))
+ ## Remove intersection
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$mergeCells <<-
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$mergeCells[!mergeIntersections]
- }else if(type == "dataBar"){
- # forumula is a vector of colours of length 1 or 2
- # values is NULL or a numeric vector of equal length as formula
+ }
+ freezePanes = function(sheet,
+ firstActiveRow = NULL,
+ firstActiveCol = NULL,
+ firstRow = FALSE,
+ firstCol = FALSE) {
+ sheet = validateSheet(sheet)
+ paneNode <- NULL
- if(length(formula) == 2L){
- negColour <- formula[[1]]
- posColour <- formula[[2]]
- }else{
- posColour <- formula
- negColour <- "FFFF0000"
+ if (firstRow) {
+ paneNode <-
+ ''
+ } else if (firstCol) {
+ paneNode <-
+ ''
- guid <- paste0("F7189283-14F7-4DE0-9601-54DE9DB", 40000L + length(worksheets[[sheet]]$extLst))
- showValue <- 1
- if("showValue" %in% names(params))
- showValue <- as.integer(params$showValue)
- gradient <- 1
- if("gradient" %in% names(params))
- gradient <- as.integer(params$gradient)
- border <- 1
- if("border" %in% names(params))
- border <- as.integer(params$border)
- if(is.null(values)){
+ if (is.null(paneNode)) {
+ if (firstActiveRow == 1 & firstActiveCol == 1)
+ ## nothing to do
+ return(NULL)
+ if (firstActiveRow > 1 & firstActiveCol == 1) {
+ attrs <- sprintf('ySplit="%s"', firstActiveRow - 1L)
+ activePane <- "bottomLeft"
+ }
- cfRule <- sprintf('
- {%s}
- ', showValue, posColour, guid)
+ if (firstActiveRow == 1 & firstActiveCol > 1) {
+ attrs <- sprintf('xSplit="%s"', firstActiveCol - 1L)
+ activePane <- "topRight"
+ }
- }else{
+ if (firstActiveRow > 1 & firstActiveCol > 1) {
+ attrs <-
+ sprintf('ySplit="%s" xSplit="%s"',
+ firstActiveRow - 1L,
+ firstActiveCol - 1L)
+ activePane <- "bottomRight"
+ }
- cfRule <- sprintf('
- {%s}', showValue, values[[1]], values[[2]], posColour, guid)
+ topLeftCell <-
+ getCellRefs(data.frame(firstActiveRow, firstActiveCol))
+ paneNode <-
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ stri_join(attrs, collapse = " ", sep = " "),
+ topLeftCell,
+ activePane,
+ activePane
+ )
- worksheets[[sheet]]$extLst <<- c(worksheets[[sheet]]$extLst, gen_databar_extlst(guid = guid,
- sqref = sqref,
- posColour = posColour,
- negColour = negColour,
- values = values,
- border = border,
- gradient = gradient))
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$freezePane <<- paneNode
+ }
+ insertImage = function(sheet,
+ file,
+ startRow,
+ startCol,
+ width,
+ height,
+ rowOffset = 0,
+ colOffset = 0) {
+ ## within the sheet the drawing node's Id refernce an id in the sheetRels
+ ## sheet rels reference the drawingi.xml file
+ ## drawingi.xml refernece drawingRels
+ ## drawing rels reference an image in the media folder
+ ## worksheetRels(sheet(i)) references drawings(j)
- }else if(type == "expression"){
+ sheet = validateSheet(sheet)
- cfRule <- sprintf('%s', dxfId, formula)
+ imageType <- regmatches(file, gregexpr("\\.[a-zA-Z]*$", file))
+ imageType <- gsub("^\\.", "", imageType)
+ imageNo <- length((drawings[[sheet]])) + 1L
+ mediaNo <- length(media) + 1L
- }else if(type == "duplicatedValues"){
+ startCol <- convertFromExcelRef(startCol)
- cfRule <- sprintf('', dxfId)
+ ## update Content_Types
+ if (!any(grepl(stri_join("image/", imageType), Content_Types)))
+ Content_Types <<-
+ unique(c(
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ imageType,
+ imageType
+ ),
+ Content_Types
+ ))
+ ## drawings rels (Reference from drawings.xml to image file in media folder)
+ drawings_rels[[sheet]] <<- c(
+ drawings_rels[[sheet]],
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ imageNo,
+ mediaNo,
+ imageType
+ )
+ )
+ ## write file path to media slot to copy across on save
+ tmp <- file
+ names(tmp) <- stri_join("image", mediaNo, ".", imageType)
+ media <<- append(media, tmp)
- }else if(type == "containsText"){
+ ## create drawing.xml
+ anchor <-
+ ''
- cfRule <- sprintf('
- NOT(ISERROR(SEARCH("%s", %s)))
- ', dxfId, values, values, unlist(strsplit(sqref, split = ":"))[[1]])
+ from <- sprintf(
+ '
+ %s
+ %s
+ %s
+ %s
+ ' ,
+ startCol - 1L,
+ colOffset,
+ startRow - 1L,
+ rowOffset
+ )
- }else if(type == "between"){
+ drawingsXML <- stri_join(
+ anchor,
+ from,
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ width,
+ height
+ ),
+ genBasePic(imageNo),
+ '',
+ ''
+ )
- cfRule <- sprintf('%s%s', dxfId, formula[1], formula[2])
+ ## append to workbook drawing
+ drawings[[sheet]] <<- c(drawings[[sheet]], drawingsXML)
- worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting <<- append(worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting, cfRule)
- names(worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting) <<- nms
- invisible(0)
-Workbook$methods(mergeCells = function(sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol) {
- sheet <- validateSheet(sheetName = sheet)
- sqref <- getCellRefs(data.frame("x" = c(startRow, endRow), "y" = c(startCol, endCol)))
- exMerges <- regmatches(worksheets[[sheet]]$mergeCells, regexpr("[A-Z0-9]+:[A-Z0-9]+", worksheets[[sheet]]$mergeCells))
- if(!is.null(exMerges)){
+ preSaveCleanUp = function() {
+ ## Steps
+ # Order workbook.xml.rels:
+ # sheets -> style -> theme -> sharedStrings -> tables -> calcChain
+ # Assign workbook.xml.rels children rIds, 1:length(workbook.xml.rels)
+ # Assign workbook$sheets rIds 1:nSheets
+ #
+ ## drawings will always be r:id1 on worksheet
+ ## tables will always have r:id equal to table xml file number tables/table(i).xml
- comps <- lapply(exMerges, function(rectCoords) unlist(strsplit(rectCoords, split = ":")))
- exMergedCells <- build_cell_merges(comps = comps)
- newMerge <- unlist(build_cell_merges(comps = list(sqref)))
+ ## Every worksheet has a drawingXML as r:id 1
+ ## Every worksheet has a printerSettings as r:id 2
+ ## Tables from r:id 3 to nTables+3 - 1
+ ## HyperLinks from nTables+3 to nTables+3+nHyperLinks-1
+ ## vmlDrawing to have rId
- ## Error if merge intersects
- mergeIntersections <- sapply(exMergedCells, function(x) any(x %in% newMerge))
- if(any(mergeIntersections))
- stop(sprintf("Merge intersects with existing merged cells: \n\t\t%s.\nRemove existing merge first.", paste(exMerges[mergeIntersections], collapse = "\n\t\t")))
+ sheetRIds <-
+ as.integer(unlist(regmatches(
+ workbook$sheets,
+ gregexpr('(?<=r:id="rId)[0-9]+', workbook$sheets, perl = TRUE)
+ )))
- }
- worksheets[[sheet]]$mergeCells <<- c(worksheets[[sheet]]$mergeCells, sprintf('', paste(sqref, collapse = ":")))
-Workbook$methods(removeCellMerge = function(sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol){
- sheet = validateSheet(sheet)
- sqref <- getCellRefs(data.frame("x" = c(startRow, endRow), "y" = c(startCol, endCol)))
- exMerges <- regmatches(worksheets[[sheet]]$mergeCells, regexpr("[A-Z0-9]+:[A-Z0-9]+", worksheets[[sheet]]$mergeCells))
- if(!is.null(exMerges)){
+ nSheets <- length(sheetRIds)
+ nExtRefs <- length(externalLinks)
+ nPivots <- length(pivotDefinitions)
- comps <- lapply(exMerges, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, split = ":")))
- exMergedCells <- build_cell_merges(comps = comps)
- newMerge <- unlist(build_cell_merges(comps = list(sqref)))
+ ## add a worksheet if none added
+ if (nSheets == 0) {
+ warning("Workbook does not contain any worksheets. A worksheet will be added.",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ .self$addWorksheet("Sheet 1")
+ nSheets <- 1L
+ }
- ## Error if merge intersects
- mergeIntersections <- sapply(exMergedCells, function(x) any(x %in% newMerge))
+ ## get index of each child element for ordering
+ sheetInds <-
+ which(grepl(
+ "(worksheets|chartsheets)/sheet[0-9]+\\.xml",
+ workbook.xml.rels
+ ))
+ stylesInd <- which(grepl("styles\\.xml", workbook.xml.rels))
+ themeInd <-
+ which(grepl("theme/theme[0-9]+.xml", workbook.xml.rels))
+ connectionsInd <-
+ which(grepl("connections.xml", workbook.xml.rels))
+ extRefInds <-
+ which(grepl("externalLinks/externalLink[0-9]+.xml", workbook.xml.rels))
+ sharedStringsInd <-
+ which(grepl("sharedStrings.xml", workbook.xml.rels))
+ tableInds <- which(grepl("table[0-9]+.xml", workbook.xml.rels))
- }
- ## Remove intersection
- worksheets[[sheet]]$mergeCells <<- worksheets[[sheet]]$mergeCells[!mergeIntersections]
-Workbook$methods(freezePanes = function(sheet, firstActiveRow = NULL, firstActiveCol = NULL, firstRow = FALSE, firstCol = FALSE){
- sheet = validateSheet(sheet)
- paneNode <- NULL
- if(firstRow){
- paneNode <- ''
- }else if(firstCol){
- paneNode <- ''
- }
- if(is.null(paneNode)){
- if(firstActiveRow == 1 & firstActiveCol == 1) ## nothing to do
- return(NULL)
+ ## Reordering of workbook.xml.rels
+ ## don't want to re-assign rIds for pivot tables or slicer caches
+ pivotNode <-
+ workbook.xml.rels[grepl("pivotCache/pivotCacheDefinition[0-9].xml",
+ workbook.xml.rels)]
+ slicerNode <-
+ workbook.xml.rels[which(grepl("slicerCache[0-9]+.xml", workbook.xml.rels))]
+ ## Reorder children of workbook.xml.rels
+ workbook.xml.rels <<-
+ workbook.xml.rels[c(
+ sheetInds,
+ extRefInds,
+ themeInd,
+ connectionsInd,
+ stylesInd,
+ sharedStringsInd,
+ tableInds
+ )]
+ ## Re assign rIds to children of workbook.xml.rels
+ workbook.xml.rels <<-
+ unlist(lapply(1:length(workbook.xml.rels), function(i) {
+ gsub('(?<=Relationship Id="rId)[0-9]+',
+ i,
+ workbook.xml.rels[[i]],
+ perl = TRUE)
+ }))
+ workbook.xml.rels <<- c(workbook.xml.rels, pivotNode, slicerNode)
+ if (!is.null(vbaProject))
+ workbook.xml.rels <<-
+ c(
+ workbook.xml.rels,
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ 1L + length(workbook.xml.rels)
+ )
+ )
+ ## Reassign rId to workbook sheet elements, (order sheets by sheetId first)
+ workbook$sheets <<-
+ unlist(lapply(1:length(workbook$sheets), function(i) {
+ gsub('(?<= r:id="rId)[0-9]+', i, workbook$sheets[[i]], perl = TRUE)
+ }))
+ ## re-order worksheets if need to
+ if (any(sheetOrder != 1:nSheets))
+ workbook$sheets <<- workbook$sheets[sheetOrder]
- if(firstActiveRow > 1 & firstActiveCol == 1){
- attrs <- sprintf('ySplit="%s"', firstActiveRow - 1L)
- activePane <- "bottomLeft"
- }
- if(firstActiveRow == 1 & firstActiveCol > 1){
- attrs <- sprintf('xSplit="%s"', firstActiveCol - 1L)
- activePane <- "topRight"
- }
- if(firstActiveRow > 1 & firstActiveCol > 1){
- attrs <- sprintf('ySplit="%s" xSplit="%s"', firstActiveRow - 1L, firstActiveCol - 1L)
- activePane <- "bottomRight"
- }
- topLeftCell <- getCellRefs(data.frame(firstActiveRow, firstActiveCol))
- paneNode <- sprintf('',
- paste(attrs, collapse = " "), topLeftCell, activePane, activePane)
- }
- worksheets[[sheet]]$freezePane <<- paneNode
-Workbook$methods(insertImage = function(sheet, file, startRow, startCol, width, height, rowOffset = 0, colOffset = 0){
- ## within the sheet the drawing node's Id refernce an id in the sheetRels
- ## sheet rels reference the drawingi.xml file
- ## drawingi.xml refernece drawingRels
- ## drawing rels reference an image in the media folder
- ## worksheetRels(sheet(i)) references drawings(j)
- sheet = validateSheet(sheet)
- imageType <- regmatches(file, gregexpr("\\.[a-zA-Z]*$", file))
- imageType <- gsub("^\\.", "", imageType)
- imageNo <- length((drawings[[sheet]])) + 1L
- mediaNo <- length(media) + 1L
- startCol <- convertFromExcelRef(startCol)
- ## update Content_Types
- if(!any(grepl(paste0("image/", imageType), Content_Types)))
- Content_Types <<- unique(c(sprintf('', imageType, imageType), Content_Types))
- ## drawings rels (Reference from drawings.xml to image file in media folder)
- drawings_rels[[sheet]] <<- c(drawings_rels[[sheet]],
- sprintf('', imageNo, mediaNo, imageType))
- ## write file path to media slot to copy across on save
- tmp <- file
- names(tmp) <- paste0("image", mediaNo,".", imageType)
- media <<- append(media, tmp)
- ## create drawing.xml
- anchor <- ''
- from <- sprintf(
- '
- %s
- %s
- %s
- %s
- ' , startCol - 1L, colOffset, startRow - 1L, rowOffset)
- drawingsXML <- paste0(
- anchor,
- from,
- sprintf('', width, height),
- genBasePic(imageNo),
- '',
- ''
- )
- ## append to workbook drawing
- drawings[[sheet]] <<- c(drawings[[sheet]], drawingsXML)
-Workbook$methods(preSaveCleanUp = function(){
- ## Steps
- # Order workbook.xml.rels:
- # sheets -> style -> theme -> sharedStrings -> tables -> calcChain
- # Assign workbook.xml.rels children rIds, 1:length(workbook.xml.rels)
- # Assign workbook$sheets rIds 1:nSheets
- #
- ## drawings will always be r:id1 on worksheet
- ## tables will always have r:id equal to table xml file number tables/table(i).xml
- ## Every worksheet has a drawingXML as r:id 1
- ## Every worksheet has a printerSettings as r:id 2
- ## Tables from r:id 3 to nTables+3 - 1
- ## HyperLinks from nTables+3 to nTables+3+nHyperLinks-1
- ## vmlDrawing to have rId
- sheetRIds <- as.integer(unlist(regmatches(workbook$sheets, gregexpr('(?<=r:id="rId)[0-9]+', workbook$sheets, perl = TRUE))))
- nSheets <- length(sheetRIds)
- nExtRefs <- length(externalLinks)
- nPivots <- length(pivotDefinitions)
- ## add a worksheet if none added
- if(nSheets == 0){
- warning("Workbook does not contain any worksheets. A worksheet will be added.", call. = FALSE)
- .self$addWorksheet("Sheet 1")
- nSheets <- 1L
- }
- ## get index of each child element for ordering
- sheetInds <- which(grepl("(worksheets|chartsheets)/sheet[0-9]+\\.xml", workbook.xml.rels))
- stylesInd <- which(grepl("styles\\.xml", workbook.xml.rels))
- themeInd <- which(grepl("theme/theme[0-9]+.xml", workbook.xml.rels))
- connectionsInd <- which(grepl("connections.xml", workbook.xml.rels))
- extRefInds <- which(grepl("externalLinks/externalLink[0-9]+.xml", workbook.xml.rels))
- sharedStringsInd <- which(grepl("sharedStrings.xml", workbook.xml.rels))
- tableInds <- which(grepl("table[0-9]+.xml", workbook.xml.rels))
- ## Reordering of workbook.xml.rels
- ## don't want to re-assign rIds for pivot tables or slicer caches
- pivotNode <- workbook.xml.rels[grepl("pivotCache/pivotCacheDefinition[0-9].xml", workbook.xml.rels)]
- slicerNode <- workbook.xml.rels[which(grepl("slicerCache[0-9]+.xml", workbook.xml.rels))]
- ## Reorder children of workbook.xml.rels
- workbook.xml.rels <<- workbook.xml.rels[c(sheetInds, extRefInds, themeInd, connectionsInd, stylesInd, sharedStringsInd, tableInds)]
- ## Re assign rIds to children of workbook.xml.rels
- workbook.xml.rels <<- unlist(lapply(1:length(workbook.xml.rels), function(i) {
- gsub('(?<=Relationship Id="rId)[0-9]+', i, workbook.xml.rels[[i]], perl = TRUE)
- }))
- workbook.xml.rels <<- c(workbook.xml.rels, pivotNode, slicerNode)
- if(!is.null(vbaProject))
- workbook.xml.rels <<- c(workbook.xml.rels, sprintf('', 1L + length(workbook.xml.rels)))
- ## Reassign rId to workbook sheet elements, (order sheets by sheetId first)
- workbook$sheets <<- unlist(lapply(1:length(workbook$sheets), function(i) {
- gsub('(?<= r:id="rId)[0-9]+', i, workbook$sheets[[i]], perl = TRUE)
- }))
- ## re-order worksheets if need to
- if(any(sheetOrder != 1:nSheets))
- workbook$sheets <<- workbook$sheets[sheetOrder]
- ## re-assign tabSelected
- state <- rep.int("visible", nSheets)
- state[grepl("hidden", workbook$sheets)] <- "hidden"
- visible_sheet_index <- which(state %in% "visible")[[1]]
- workbook$bookViews <<- sprintf('',
- visible_sheet_index-1L,
- visible_sheet_index-1L)
- worksheets[[visible_sheet_index]]$sheetViews <<- sub('( tabSelected="0")|( tabSelected="false")', ' tabSelected="1"', worksheets[[visible_sheet_index]]$sheetViews, ignore.case = TRUE)
- if(nSheets > 1){
- for(i in (1:nSheets)[!(1:nSheets) %in% visible_sheet_index])
- worksheets[[i]]$sheetViews <<- sub(' tabSelected="(1|true|false|0)"', ' tabSelected="0"', worksheets[[i]]$sheetViews, ignore.case = TRUE)
- }
- if(length(workbook$definedNames) > 0){
- sheetNames <- sheet_names[sheetOrder]
- belongTo <- getDefinedNamesSheet(workbook$definedNames)
+ ## re-assign tabSelected
+ state <- rep.int("visible", nSheets)
+ state[grepl("hidden", workbook$sheets)] <- "hidden"
+ visible_sheet_index <- which(state %in% "visible")[[1]]
- ## sheetNames is in re-ordered order (order it will be displayed)
- newId <- match(belongTo, sheetNames) - 1L
- oldId <- as.numeric(regmatches(workbook$definedNames, regexpr('(?<= localSheetId=")[0-9]+', workbook$definedNames, perl = TRUE)))
+ workbook$bookViews <<-
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ visible_sheet_index - 1L,
+ visible_sheet_index - 1L
+ )
- for(i in 1:length(workbook$definedNames)){
- if(!is.na(newId[i]))
- workbook$definedNames[[i]] <<- gsub(sprintf('localSheetId=\"%s\"', oldId[i]), sprintf('localSheetId=\"%s\"', newId[i]), workbook$definedNames[[i]], fixed = TRUE)
+ worksheets[[visible_sheet_index]]$sheetViews <<-
+ sub(
+ '( tabSelected="0")|( tabSelected="false")',
+ ' tabSelected="1"',
+ worksheets[[visible_sheet_index]]$sheetViews,
+ ignore.case = TRUE
+ )
+ if (nSheets > 1) {
+ for (i in (1:nSheets)[!(1:nSheets) %in% visible_sheet_index])
+ worksheets[[i]]$sheetViews <<-
+ sub(
+ ' tabSelected="(1|true|false|0)"',
+ ' tabSelected="0"',
+ worksheets[[i]]$sheetViews,
+ ignore.case = TRUE
+ )
- }
- ## update workbook r:id to match reordered workbook.xml.rels externalLink element
- if(length(extRefInds) > 0){
- newInds <- as.integer(1:length(extRefInds) + length(sheetInds))
- workbook$externalReferences <<- paste0("",
- paste0(sprintf('', newInds), collapse = ""),
- "")
- }
- ## styles
- numFmtIds <- 50000L
- for(i in which(!isChartSheet))
- worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$style_id <<- rep.int(x = as.integer(NA), times = worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$n_elements)
- for(x in styleObjects){
- if(length(x$rows) > 0 & length(x$cols) > 0){
- this.sty <- x$style$copy()
- if(!is.null(this.sty$numFmt)){
- if(this.sty$numFmt$numFmtId == 9999){
- this.sty$numFmt$numFmtId <- numFmtIds
- numFmtIds <- numFmtIds + 1L
- }
- }
- ## convert sheet name to index
- sheet <- which(sheet_names == x$sheet)
- sId <- .self$updateStyles(this.sty) ## this creates the XML for styles.XML
- cells_to_style <- paste(x$rows, x$cols, sep = ",")
- existing_cells <- paste(worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$rows, worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$cols, sep = ",")
+ if (length(workbook$definedNames) > 0) {
+ sheetNames <- sheet_names[sheetOrder]
- ## In here we create any style_ids that don't yet exist in sheet_data
- worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$style_id[existing_cells %in% cells_to_style] <<- sId
+ belongTo <- getDefinedNamesSheet(workbook$definedNames)
+ ## sheetNames is in re-ordered order (order it will be displayed)
+ newId <- match(belongTo, sheetNames) - 1L
+ oldId <-
+ as.numeric(regmatches(
+ workbook$definedNames,
+ regexpr(
+ '(?<= localSheetId=")[0-9]+',
+ workbook$definedNames,
+ perl = TRUE
+ )
+ ))
- new_cells_to_append <- which(!cells_to_style %in% existing_cells)
- if(length(new_cells_to_append) > 0){
- worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$style_id <<- c(worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$style_id, rep.int(x = sId, times = length(new_cells_to_append)))
- worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$rows <<- c(worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$rows, x$rows[new_cells_to_append])
- worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$cols <<- c(worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$cols, x$cols[new_cells_to_append])
- worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$t <<- c(worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$t, rep(as.integer(NA), length(new_cells_to_append)))
- worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$v <<- c(worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$v, rep(as.character(NA), length(new_cells_to_append)))
- worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$f <<- c(worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$f, rep(as.character(NA), length(new_cells_to_append)))
- worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$data_count <<- worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$data_count + 1L
- worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$n_elements <<- as.integer(length(worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$rows))
+ for (i in 1:length(workbook$definedNames)) {
+ if (!is.na(newId[i]))
+ workbook$definedNames[[i]] <<-
+ gsub(
+ sprintf('localSheetId=\"%s\"', oldId[i]),
+ sprintf('localSheetId=\"%s\"', newId[i]),
+ workbook$definedNames[[i]],
+ fixed = TRUE
+ )
- }
- ## Make sure all rowHeights have rows, if not append them!
- for(i in 1:length(worksheets)){
- if(length(rowHeights[[i]]) > 0){
- rh <- as.integer(names(rowHeights[[i]]))
- missing_rows <- rh[!rh %in% worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$rows]
- n <- length(missing_rows)
- if(n > 0){
+ ## update workbook r:id to match reordered workbook.xml.rels externalLink element
+ if (length(extRefInds) > 0) {
+ newInds <- as.integer(1:length(extRefInds) + length(sheetInds))
+ workbook$externalReferences <<-
+ stri_join(
+ "",
+ stri_join(
+ sprintf('', newInds),
+ collapse = ""
+ ),
+ ""
+ )
+ }
+ ## styles
+ numFmtIds <- 50000L
+ for (i in which(!isChartSheet))
+ worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$style_id <<-
+ rep.int(x = as.integer(NA), times = worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$n_elements)
+ for (x in styleObjects) {
+ if (length(x$rows) > 0 & length(x$cols) > 0) {
+ this.sty <- x$style$copy()
+ if (!is.null(this.sty$numFmt)) {
+ if (this.sty$numFmt$numFmtId == 9999) {
+ this.sty$numFmt$numFmtId <- numFmtIds
+ numFmtIds <- numFmtIds + 1L
+ }
+ }
- worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$style_id <<- c(worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$style_id, rep.int(as.integer(NA), times = n))
- worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$rows <<- c(worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$rows, missing_rows)
- worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$cols <<- c(worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$cols, rep.int(as.integer(NA), times = n))
+ ## convert sheet name to index
+ sheet <- which(sheet_names == x$sheet)
+ sId <-
+ .self$updateStyles(this.sty) ## this creates the XML for styles.XML
- worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$t <<- c(worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$t, rep(as.integer(NA), times = n))
- worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$v <<- c(worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$v, rep(as.character(NA), times = n))
- worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$f <<- c(worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$f, rep(as.character(NA), times = n))
- worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$data_count <<- worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$data_count + 1L
+ cells_to_style <- stri_join(x$rows, x$cols, sep = ",")
+ existing_cells <-
+ stri_join(worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$rows,
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$cols,
+ sep = ",")
- worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$n_elements <<- as.integer(length(worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$rows))
+ ## In here we create any style_ids that don't yet exist in sheet_data
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$style_id[existing_cells %in% cells_to_style] <<-
+ sId
+ new_cells_to_append <-
+ which(!cells_to_style %in% existing_cells)
+ if (length(new_cells_to_append) > 0) {
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$style_id <<-
+ c(worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$style_id,
+ rep.int(x = sId, times = length(new_cells_to_append)))
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$rows <<-
+ c(worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$rows, x$rows[new_cells_to_append])
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$cols <<-
+ c(worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$cols, x$cols[new_cells_to_append])
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$t <<-
+ c(worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$t, rep(as.integer(NA), length(new_cells_to_append)))
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$v <<-
+ c(worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$v,
+ rep(as.character(NA), length(new_cells_to_append)))
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$f <<-
+ c(worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$f,
+ rep(as.character(NA), length(new_cells_to_append)))
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$data_count <<-
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$data_count + 1L
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$n_elements <<-
+ as.integer(length(worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data$rows))
+ }
- ## write colwidth XML
- if(length(colWidths[[i]]) > 0)
- invisible(.self$setColWidths(i))
+ ## Make sure all rowHeights have rows, if not append them!
+ for (i in 1:length(worksheets)) {
+ if (length(rowHeights[[i]]) > 0) {
+ rh <- as.integer(names(rowHeights[[i]]))
+ missing_rows <- rh[!rh %in% worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$rows]
+ n <- length(missing_rows)
+ if (n > 0) {
+ worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$style_id <<-
+ c(worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$style_id,
+ rep.int(as.integer(NA), times = n))
+ worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$rows <<-
+ c(worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$rows, missing_rows)
+ worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$cols <<-
+ c(worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$cols,
+ rep.int(as.integer(NA), times = n))
+ worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$t <<-
+ c(worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$t, rep(as.integer(NA), times = n))
+ worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$v <<-
+ c(worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$v,
+ rep(as.character(NA), times = n))
+ worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$f <<-
+ c(worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$f,
+ rep(as.character(NA), times = n))
+ worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$data_count <<-
+ worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$data_count + 1L
+ worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$n_elements <<-
+ as.integer(length(worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$rows))
+ }
+ }
+ ## write colwidth XML
+ if (length(colWidths[[i]]) > 0)
+ invisible(.self$setColWidths(i))
+ }
-Workbook$methods(addStyle = function(sheet, style, rows, cols, stack){
- sheet <- sheet_names[[sheet]]
- if(length(styleObjects) == 0){
- styleObjects <<- list(list(style = style,
- sheet = sheet,
- rows = rows,
- cols = cols))
- }else if(stack){
- nStyles <- length(styleObjects)
+ addStyle = function(sheet, style, rows, cols, stack) {
+ sheet <- sheet_names[[sheet]]
- ## ********** Assume all styleObjects cells have one a single worksheet **********
- ## Loop through existing styleObjects
- newInds <- 1:length(rows)
- keepStyle <- rep(TRUE, nStyles)
- for(i in 1:nStyles){
+ if (length(styleObjects) == 0) {
+ styleObjects <<- list(list(
+ style = style,
+ sheet = sheet,
+ rows = rows,
+ cols = cols
+ ))
+ } else if (stack) {
+ nStyles <- length(styleObjects)
- if(sheet == styleObjects[[i]]$sheet){
- ## Now check rows and cols intersect
- ## toRemove are the elements that the new style doesn't apply to, we remove these from the style object as it
- ## is copied, merged with the new style and given the new data points
- ex_row_cols <- paste(styleObjects[[i]]$rows, styleObjects[[i]]$cols, sep = "-")
- new_row_cols <- paste(rows, cols, sep = "-")
- ## mergeInds are the intersection of the two styles that will need to merge
- mergeInds <- which(new_row_cols %in% ex_row_cols)
- ## newInds are inds that don't exist in the current - this cumulates until the end to see if any are new
- newInds <- newInds[!newInds %in% mergeInds]
- ## If the new style does not merge
- if(length(mergeInds) > 0){
+ ## ********** Assume all styleObjects cells have one a single worksheet **********
+ ## Loop through existing styleObjects
+ newInds <- 1:length(rows)
+ keepStyle <- rep(TRUE, nStyles)
+ for (i in 1:nStyles) {
+ if (sheet == styleObjects[[i]]$sheet) {
+ ## Now check rows and cols intersect
+ ## toRemove are the elements that the new style doesn't apply to, we remove these from the style object as it
+ ## is copied, merged with the new style and given the new data points
+ ex_row_cols <-
+ stri_join(styleObjects[[i]]$rows, styleObjects[[i]]$cols, sep = "-")
+ new_row_cols <- stri_join(rows, cols, sep = "-")
- to_remove_from_this_style_object <- which(ex_row_cols %in% new_row_cols)
- ## the new style intersects with this styleObjects[[i]], we need to remove the intersecting rows and
- ## columns from styleObjects[[i]]
- if(length(to_remove_from_this_style_object) > 0){
+ ## mergeInds are the intersection of the two styles that will need to merge
+ mergeInds <- which(new_row_cols %in% ex_row_cols)
+ ## newInds are inds that don't exist in the current - this cumulates until the end to see if any are new
+ newInds <- newInds[!newInds %in% mergeInds]
+ ## If the new style does not merge
+ if (length(mergeInds) > 0) {
+ to_remove_from_this_style_object <-
+ which(ex_row_cols %in% new_row_cols)
+ ## the new style intersects with this styleObjects[[i]], we need to remove the intersecting rows and
+ ## columns from styleObjects[[i]]
+ if (length(to_remove_from_this_style_object) > 0) {
+ ## remove these from style object
+ styleObjects[[i]]$rows <<-
+ styleObjects[[i]]$rows[-to_remove_from_this_style_object]
+ styleObjects[[i]]$cols <<-
+ styleObjects[[i]]$cols[-to_remove_from_this_style_object]
+ if (length(styleObjects[[i]]$rows) == 0 |
+ length(styleObjects[[i]]$cols) == 0)
+ keepStyle[i] <-
+ FALSE ## this style applies to no rows or columns anymore
+ }
- ## remove these from style object
- styleObjects[[i]]$rows <<- styleObjects[[i]]$rows[-to_remove_from_this_style_object]
- styleObjects[[i]]$cols <<- styleObjects[[i]]$cols[-to_remove_from_this_style_object]
+ ## append style object for intersecting cells
- if(length(styleObjects[[i]]$rows) == 0 | length(styleObjects[[i]]$cols) == 0)
- keepStyle[i] <- FALSE ## this style applies to no rows or columns anymore
+ ## we are appending a new style
+ keepStyle <-
+ c(keepStyle, TRUE) ## keepStyle is used to remove styles that apply to 0 rows OR 0 columns
+ ## Merge Style and append to styleObjects
+ styleObjects <<-
+ append(styleObjects, list(
+ list(
+ style = mergeStyle(styleObjects[[i]]$style, newStyle = style),
+ sheet = sheet,
+ rows = rows[mergeInds],
+ cols = cols[mergeInds]
+ )
+ ))
- ## append style object for intersecting cells
- ## we are appending a new style
- keepStyle <- c(keepStyle, TRUE) ## keepStyle is used to remove styles that apply to 0 rows OR 0 columns
- ## Merge Style and append to styleObjects
- styleObjects <<- append(styleObjects, list(list(style = mergeStyle(styleObjects[[i]]$style, newStyle = style),
- sheet = sheet,
- rows = rows[mergeInds],
- cols = cols[mergeInds])))
- }
+ } ## if sheet == styleObjects[[i]]$sheet
- } ## if sheet == styleObjects[[i]]$sheet
+ } ## End of loop through styles
+ ## remove any styles that no longer have any affect
+ if (!all(keepStyle))
+ styleObjects <<- styleObjects[keepStyle]
- } ## End of loop through styles
- ## remove any styles that no longer have any affect
- if(!all(keepStyle))
- styleObjects <<- styleObjects[keepStyle]
- ## append style object for non-intersecting cells
- if(length(newInds) > 0){
+ ## append style object for non-intersecting cells
+ if (length(newInds) > 0) {
+ styleObjects <<- append(styleObjects, list(list(
+ style = style,
+ sheet = sheet,
+ rows = rows[newInds],
+ cols = cols[newInds]
+ )))
+ }
- styleObjects <<- append(styleObjects, list(list(style = style,
- sheet = sheet,
- rows = rows[newInds],
- cols = cols[newInds])))
- }
+ } else{
+ ## else we are not stacking
+ styleObjects <<- append(styleObjects, list(list(
+ style = style,
+ sheet = sheet,
+ rows = rows,
+ cols = cols
+ )))
+ } ## End if(length(styleObjects) > 0) else if(stack) {}
- }else{ ## else we are not stacking
- styleObjects <<- append(styleObjects, list(list(style = style,
- sheet = sheet,
- rows = rows,
- cols = cols)))
- } ## End if(length(styleObjects) > 0) else if(stack) {}
+ }
-Workbook$methods(createNamedRegion = function(ref1, ref2, name, sheet, localSheetId = NULL){
- name <- replaceIllegalCharacters(name)
- if(is.null(localSheetId)){
- workbook$definedNames <<- c(workbook$definedNames,
- sprintf('\'%s\'!%s:%s', name, sheet, ref1, ref2 )
- )
- }else{
- workbook$definedNames <<- c(workbook$definedNames,
- sprintf('\'%s\'!%s:%s', name, localSheetId, sheet, ref1, ref2)
- )
+ createNamedRegion = function(ref1, ref2, name, sheet, localSheetId = NULL) {
+ name <- replaceIllegalCharacters(name)
+ if (is.null(localSheetId)) {
+ workbook$definedNames <<- c(
+ workbook$definedNames,
+ sprintf(
+ '\'%s\'!%s:%s',
+ name,
+ sheet,
+ ref1,
+ ref2
+ )
+ )
+ } else{
+ workbook$definedNames <<- c(
+ workbook$definedNames,
+ sprintf(
+ '\'%s\'!%s:%s',
+ name,
+ localSheetId,
+ sheet,
+ ref1,
+ ref2
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ validate_table_name = function(tableName) {
+ tableName <-
+ tolower(tableName) ## Excel forces named regions to lowercase
+ if (nchar(tableName) > 255)
+ stop("tableName must be less than 255 characters.")
+ if (grepl("$", tableName, fixed = TRUE))
+ stop("'$' character cannot exist in a tableName")
+ if (grepl(" ", tableName, fixed = TRUE))
+ stop("spaces cannot exist in a table name")
+ # if(!grepl("^[A-Za-z_]", tableName, perl = TRUE))
+ # stop("tableName must begin with a letter or an underscore")
+ if (grepl("R[0-9]+C[0-9]+",
+ tableName,
+ perl = TRUE,
+ ignore.case = TRUE))
+ stop("tableName cannot be the same as a cell reference, such as R1C1")
+ if (grepl('^[A-Z]{1,3}[0-9]+$', tableName, ignore.case = TRUE))
+ stop("tableName cannot be the same as a cell reference")
+ if (tableName %in% attr(tables, "tableName"))
+ stop(sprintf("Table with name '%s' already exists!", tableName))
+ return(tableName)
-Workbook$methods(validate_table_name = function(tableName){
- tableName <- tolower(tableName) ## Excel forces named regions to lowercase
- if(nchar(tableName) > 255)
- stop("tableName must be less than 255 characters.")
- if(grepl("$", tableName, fixed = TRUE))
- stop("'$' character cannot exist in a tableName")
- if(grepl(" ", tableName, fixed = TRUE))
- stop("spaces cannot exist in a table name")
- # if(!grepl("^[A-Za-z_]", tableName, perl = TRUE))
- # stop("tableName must begin with a letter or an underscore")
- if(grepl("R[0-9]+C[0-9]+", tableName, perl = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE))
- stop("tableName cannot be the same as a cell reference, such as R1C1")
- if(grepl('^[A-Z]{1,3}[0-9]+$', tableName, ignore.case = TRUE))
- stop("tableName cannot be the same as a cell reference")
- if(tableName %in% attr(tables, "tableName"))
- stop(sprintf("Table with name '%s' already exists!", tableName))
- return(tableName)
-Workbook$methods(check_overwrite_tables = function(sheet
- , new_rows
- , new_cols
- , error_msg = "Cannot overwrite existing table with another table."
- , check_table_header_only = FALSE){
- ## check not overwriting another table
- if(length(tables) > 0){
- tableSheets <- attr(tables, "sheet")
- sheetNo <- validateSheet(sheet)
- to_check <- which(tableSheets %in% sheetNo & !grepl("openxlsx_deleted", attr(tables, "tableName"), fixed = TRUE))
- if(length(to_check) > 0){ ## only look at tables on this sheet
- exTable <- tables[to_check]
- rows <- lapply(names(exTable), function(rectCoords) as.numeric(unlist(regmatches(rectCoords, gregexpr("[0-9]+", rectCoords)))))
- cols <- lapply(names(exTable), function(rectCoords) convertFromExcelRef(unlist(regmatches(rectCoords, gregexpr("[A-Z]+", rectCoords)))))
- if(check_table_header_only)
- rows <- lapply(rows, function(x) c(x[1], x[1]))
- ## loop through existing tables checking if any over lap with new table
- for(i in 1:length(exTable)){
- existing_cols <- cols[[i]]
- existing_rows <- rows[[i]]
- if((min(new_cols) <= max(existing_cols)) & (max(new_cols) >= min(existing_cols)) & (min(new_rows) <= max(existing_rows)) & (max(new_rows) >= min(existing_rows)))
- stop(error_msg)
+ check_overwrite_tables = function(sheet
+ ,
+ new_rows
+ ,
+ new_cols
+ ,
+ error_msg = "Cannot overwrite existing table with another table."
+ ,
+ check_table_header_only = FALSE) {
+ ## check not overwriting another table
+ if (length(tables) > 0) {
+ tableSheets <- attr(tables, "sheet")
+ sheetNo <- validateSheet(sheet)
+ to_check <-
+ which(tableSheets %in% sheetNo &
+ !grepl("openxlsx_deleted", attr(tables, "tableName"), fixed = TRUE))
+ if (length(to_check) > 0) {
+ ## only look at tables on this sheet
- }
- } ## end if(sheet %in% tableSheets)
- } ## end (length(tables) > 0)
- invisible(0)
+ exTable <- tables[to_check]
+ rows <-
+ lapply(names(exTable), function(rectCoords)
+ as.numeric(unlist(regmatches(
+ rectCoords, gregexpr("[0-9]+", rectCoords)
+ ))))
+ cols <-
+ lapply(names(exTable), function(rectCoords)
+ convertFromExcelRef(unlist(regmatches(
+ rectCoords, gregexpr("[A-Z]+", rectCoords)
+ ))))
+ if (check_table_header_only)
+ rows <- lapply(rows, function(x)
+ c(x[1], x[1]))
+ ## loop through existing tables checking if any over lap with new table
+ for (i in 1:length(exTable)) {
+ existing_cols <- cols[[i]]
+ existing_rows <- rows[[i]]
+ if ((min(new_cols) <= max(existing_cols)) &
+ (max(new_cols) >= min(existing_cols)) &
+ (min(new_rows) <= max(existing_rows)) &
+ (max(new_rows) >= min(existing_rows)))
+ stop(error_msg)
+ }
+ } ## end if(sheet %in% tableSheets)
+ } ## end (length(tables) > 0)
+ invisible(0)
+ }
-Workbook$methods(show = function(){
- exSheets <- sheet_names
- nSheets <- length(exSheets)
- nImages <- length(media)
- nCharts <- length(charts)
- nStyles <- length(styleObjects)
- exSheets <- replaceXMLEntities(exSheets)
- showText <- "A Workbook object.\n"
- ## worksheets
- if(nSheets > 0){
- showText <- c(showText, "\nWorksheets:\n")
+ show = function() {
+ exSheets <- sheet_names
+ nSheets <- length(exSheets)
+ nImages <- length(media)
+ nCharts <- length(charts)
+ nStyles <- length(styleObjects)
- sheetTxt <- lapply(1:nSheets, function(i){
- tmpTxt <- sprintf('Sheet %s: "%s"\n', i, exSheets[[i]])
+ exSheets <- replaceXMLEntities(exSheets)
+ showText <- "A Workbook object.\n"
+ ## worksheets
+ if (nSheets > 0) {
+ showText <- c(showText, "\nWorksheets:\n")
- if(length(rowHeights[[i]]) > 0){
+ sheetTxt <- lapply(1:nSheets, function(i) {
+ tmpTxt <- sprintf('Sheet %s: "%s"\n', i, exSheets[[i]])
- tmpTxt <- append(tmpTxt, c("\n\tCustom row heights (row: height)\n\t",
- paste(sprintf("%s: %s", names(rowHeights[[i]]), round(as.numeric(rowHeights[[i]]), 2)), collapse = ", ")
- )
- )
- }
+ if (length(rowHeights[[i]]) > 0) {
+ tmpTxt <-
+ append(tmpTxt,
+ c(
+ "\n\tCustom row heights (row: height)\n\t",
+ stri_join(
+ sprintf("%s: %s", names(rowHeights[[i]]), round(as.numeric(
+ rowHeights[[i]]
+ ), 2))
+ ,
+ collapse = ", ",
+ sep = " "
+ )
+ ))
+ }
+ if (length(colWidths[[i]]) > 0) {
+ cols <- names(colWidths[[i]])
+ widths <- unname(colWidths[[i]])
+ widths[widths != "auto"] <-
+ as.numeric(widths[widths != "auto"])
+ tmpTxt <-
+ append(tmpTxt,
+ c(
+ "\n\tCustom column widths (column: width)\n\t ",
+ stri_join(
+ sprintf("%s: %s", cols, substr(widths, 1, 5)),
+ sep = " ",
+ collapse = ", "
+ )
+ ))
+ tmpTxt <- c(tmpTxt, "\n")
+ }
+ c(tmpTxt, "\n\n")
+ })
+ showText <- c(showText, sheetTxt, "\n")
- if(length(colWidths[[i]]) > 0){
- cols <- names(colWidths[[i]])
- widths <- unname(colWidths[[i]])
- widths[widths != "auto"] <- as.numeric(widths[widths != "auto"])
- tmpTxt <- append(tmpTxt, c("\n\tCustom column widths (column: width)\n\t ",
- paste(sprintf("%s: %s", cols, substr(widths,1,5)), collapse = ", "))
- )
- tmpTxt <- c(tmpTxt, "\n")
- }
- c(tmpTxt, "\n\n")
- })
+ } else{
+ showText <-
+ c(showText, "\nWorksheets:\n", "No worksheets attached\n")
+ }
+ ## images
+ if (nImages > 0)
+ showText <-
+ c(showText,
+ "\nImages:\n",
+ sprintf('Image %s: "%s"\n', 1:nImages, media))
+ if (nCharts > 0)
+ showText <-
+ c(showText,
+ "\nCharts:\n",
+ sprintf('Chart %s: "%s"\n', 1:nCharts, charts))
+ if (nSheets > 0)
+ showText <-
+ c(showText, sprintf(
+ "Worksheet write order: %s",
+ stri_join(sheetOrder, sep = " ", collapse = ", ")
+ ))
- showText <- c(showText, sheetTxt, "\n")
+ cat(unlist(showText))
- }else{
- showText <- c(showText, "\nWorksheets:\n", "No worksheets attached\n")
- ## images
- if(nImages > 0)
- showText <- c(showText, "\nImages:\n", sprintf('Image %s: "%s"\n', 1:nImages, media))
- if(nCharts > 0)
- showText <- c(showText, "\nCharts:\n", sprintf('Chart %s: "%s"\n', 1:nCharts, charts))
- if(nSheets > 0)
- showText <- c(showText, sprintf("Worksheet write order: %s", paste(sheetOrder, collapse = ", ")))
- cat(unlist(showText))
# ## function to create the below
# strs <- "data.frame("
# for(i in 1:nrow(tab))
-# strs <- append(strs, paste0('"', gsub(" ", ".", tolower(tab$Font[[i]])), '" = ', paste(capture.output(dput(unname(unlist(tab[1,2:ncol(tab)])))), collapse = ""), ", \n"))
+# strs <- append(strs, stri_join('"', gsub(" ", ".", tolower(tab$Font[[i]])), '" = ', stri_join(capture.output(dput(unname(unlist(tab[1,2:ncol(tab)])))), collapse = ""), ", \n"))
# strs[length(strs)] <- gsub(", \\\n$", ")", strs[length(strs)])
# cat(strs)
## Character width lookup table
-openxlsxFontSizeLookupTable <-
- data.frame( "agency.fb"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125),
- "aharoni"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 2.875),
- "algerian"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.32125),
- "andalus"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825),
- "angsana.new"= c(0.3925, 0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25),
- "angsanaupc"= c(0.3925, 0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25),
- "aparajita"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875),
- "arial.black"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625),
- "arial.narrow"= c(0.57125, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375),
- "arial.rounded.mt.bold"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.32125),
- "arial.unicode.ms"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825),
- "arial"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825),
- "calibri.light"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "calibri"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "californian.fb"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825),
- "calisto.mt"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "cambria.math"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825),
- "cambria"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825),
- "candara"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825),
- "castellar"= c(1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.7675, 5.08875, 5.25, 5.25),
- "centaur"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5),
- "century.gothic"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825),
- "century.schoolbook"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825),
- "century"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825),
- "chiller"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575),
- "colonna.mt"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "comic.sans.ms"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.46375),
- "consolas"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825),
- "constantia"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825),
- "cooper.black"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.32125),
- "copperplate.gothic.bold"= c(1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.6075, 4.6075, 4.7675, 5.08875, 5.08875, 5.25),
- "copperplate.gothic.light"= c(1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.7675, 5.08875, 5.25, 5.25),
- "corbel"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "cordia.new"= c(0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875),
- "david"= c(0.57125, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375),
- "dfkai-sb"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "dilleniaupc"= c(0.3925, 0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.1075),
- "dokchampa"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825),
- "dotum"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 1.17875, 1, 1, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125),
- "dotumche"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "ebrima"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875),
- "edwardian.script.itc"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575),
- "elephant"= c(1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.46375, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.94625, 4.94625, 5.08875, 5.3925, 5.3925, 5.57125),
- "engravers.mt"= c(1, 1, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675),
- "eras.bold.itc"= c(1, 1, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.6075, 4.6075, 4.7675),
- "eras.demi.itc"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.46375),
- "eras.light.itc"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875),
- "eras.medium.itc"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425),
- "estrangelo.edessa"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "eucrosiaupc"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875),
- "euphemia"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125),
- "fangsong"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "felix.titling"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125),
- "fixedsys"= c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 4.7675, 4.7675, 4.7675, 4.7675),
- "footlight.mt.light"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825),
- "forte"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "franklin.gothic.book"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.32125),
- "franklin.gothic.demi.cond"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625),
- "franklin.gothic.demi"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.32125),
- "franklin.gothic.heavy"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.32125),
- "franklin.gothic.medium.cond"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625),
- "franklin.gothic.medium"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.32125),
- "frankruehl"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 2.875),
- "freesiaupc"= c(0.57125, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375),
- "freestyle.script"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875),
- "french.script.mt"= c(0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875),
- "gabriola"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875),
- "gadugi"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875),
- "gautami"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.32125),
- "georgia"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.46375),
- "gigi"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 1.625, 1.625, 1.96375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.83875),
- "gill.sans.mt.condensed"= c(0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875),
- "gill.sans.mt.ext.condensed.bold"= c(0.3925, 0.3925, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875),
- "gill.sans.mt"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "gill.sans.ultra.bold.condensed"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "gill.sans.ultra.bold"= c(1.32125, 1.4825, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.08875, 5.25, 5.57125, 5.71375, 5.71375, 6.0175, 6.19625, 6.3575),
- "gisha"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875),
- "gloucester.mt.extra.condensed"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325),
- "goudy.old.style"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "goudy.stout"= c(1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.08875, 5.25, 5.3925, 5.57125, 5.875, 6.0175, 6.0175),
- "gulim"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "gulimche"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "gungsuh"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125),
- "gungsuhche"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "haettenschweiler"= c(0.57125, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375),
- "harlow.solid.italic"= c(0.785, 0.785, 0.92875, 0.92875, 1.1075, 1.285, 1.285, 1.42875, 1.625, 1.625, 1.7675, 1.94625, 1.94625, 2.1425, 2.1425, 2.285, 2.285, 2.46375, 2.66, 2.66, 2.80375, 2.9825, 2.9825, 3.125, 3.32125, 3.32125, 3.5, 3.5, 3.6425),
- "harrington"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825),
- "high.tower.text"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5),
- "impact"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825),
- "imprint.mt.shadow"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "informal.roman"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "irisupc"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325),
- "iskoola.pota"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.96375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "jasmineupc"= c(0.57125, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375),
- "jokerman"= c(1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.6075, 4.6075, 4.7675, 5.08875, 5.08875, 5.25),
- "juice.itc"= c(0.3925, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.58875),
- "kaiti"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "kalinga"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825),
- "kartika"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "khmer.ui"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875),
- "kodchiangupc"= c(0.3925, 0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875),
- "kristen.itc"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.32125),
- "kunstler.script"= c(0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.42875),
- "lao.ui"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875),
- "latha"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "leelawadee"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875),
- "levenim.mt"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "lilyupc"= c(0.57125, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375),
- "lucida.bright"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.46375),
- "lucida.calligraphy"= c(1.07125, 1.25, 1.42875, 1.58875, 1.58875, 1.91, 1.94625, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.3925, 2.58875, 2.7675, 2.91, 2.91, 3.285, 3.285, 3.42875, 3.57125, 3.7675, 3.94625, 4.08875, 4.2325, 4.285, 4.6075, 4.6075, 4.75, 4.94625, 5.08875, 5.2675),
- "lucida.console"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375),
- "lucida.fax"= c(1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.46375, 4.46375, 4.6075),
- "lucida.handwriting"= c(1.07125, 1.25, 1.42875, 1.58875, 1.58875, 1.91, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.3925, 2.3925, 2.625, 2.7675, 2.91, 3.05375, 3.285, 3.42875, 3.42875, 3.7325, 3.7675, 3.94625, 4.08875, 4.2325, 4.42875, 4.6075, 4.75, 4.75, 5.08875, 5.08875, 5.2675),
- "lucida.sans.typewriter"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375),
- "lucida.sans.unicode"= c(1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.46375, 4.46375, 4.6075),
- "lucida.sans"= c(1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.46375, 4.46375, 4.6075),
- "magneto"= c(1.17875, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.08875, 5.25, 5.3925, 5.57125, 5.71375),
- "maiandra.gd"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.32125),
- "malgun.gothic"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825),
- "mangal"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "marlett"= c(1.625, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.25, 5.3925, 5.57125, 5.875, 6.0175, 6.19625, 6.5, 6.6425, 6.82125, 7.125, 7.2675, 7.46375),
- "matura.mt.script.capitals"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.7675),
- "meiryo.ui"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.46375),
- "meiryo"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.46375),
- "microsoft.himalaya"= c(0.3925, 0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25),
- "microsoft.jhenghei.ui"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "microsoft.jhenghei"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "microsoft.new.tai.lue"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875),
- "microsoft.phagspa"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875),
- "microsoft.sans.serif"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825),
- "microsoft.tai.le"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875),
- "microsoft.uighur"= c(0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875),
- "microsoft.yahei.ui"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.32125),
- "microsoft.yahei"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.32125),
- "microsoft.yi.baiti"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625),
- "miriam.fixed"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.32125),
- "miriam"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575),
- "mistral"= c(0.57125, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375),
- "modern.no..20"= c(0.57125, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375),
- "modern"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575),
- "mongolian.baiti"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "monotype.corsiva"= c(0.6425, 0.785, 0.92875, 0.92875, 0.96375, 1.1075, 1.285, 1.285, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.9825, 2.1425, 2.17875, 2.32125, 2.32125, 2.46375, 2.46375, 2.69625, 2.83875, 2.83875, 2.9825, 3.0175, 3.17875, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.535),
- "moolboran"= c(0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875),
- "ms.gothic"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "ms.mincho"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "ms.outlook"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "ms.pgothic"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "ms.pmincho"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "ms.reference.sans.serif"= c(1, 1, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.6075),
- "ms.reference.specialty"= c(1.96375, 2.25, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.7675, 5.08875, 5.25, 5.57125, 5.71375, 6.0175, 6.3575, 6.5, 6.6425, 7.125, 7.2675, 7.46375, 7.8925, 8.08875, 8.2325, 8.535, 8.8575, 9),
- "ms.sans.serif"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.83875, 3.83875),
- "ms.serif"= c(0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.69625, 2.875, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.5, 3.5),
- "ms.ui.gothic"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "mt.extra"= c(1.625, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.08875, 5.3925, 5.57125, 5.71375, 6.0175, 6.19625, 6.3575, 6.6425, 6.82125, 6.9825, 7.2675, 7.46375, 7.6075),
- "mv.boli"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.08875, 5.08875),
- "narkisim"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 2.875),
- "niagara.engraved"= c(0.3925, 0.3925, 0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375),
- "niagara.solid"= c(0.3925, 0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375),
- "nirmala.ui"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875),
- "nsimsun"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "nyala"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "ocr.a.extended"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375),
- "old.english.text.mt"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "onyx"= c(0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 1.96375),
- "palace.script.mt"= c(0.42875, 0.42875, 0.6425, 0.6425, 0.6425, 0.785, 0.785, 0.92875, 0.96375, 1.1075, 1.1075, 1.1075, 1.285, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.66, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.9825, 1.9825, 1.9825, 2.17875, 2.17875, 2.32125, 2.32125, 2.32125),
- "palatino.linotype"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "papyrus"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.32125),
- "parchment"= c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.3925, 0.3925, 0.3925, 0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125),
- "perpetua.titling.mt"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625),
- "perpetua"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.21375),
- "plantagenet.cherokee"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625),
- "playbill"= c(0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.42875),
- "pmingliu-extb"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575),
- "pmingliu"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575),
- "poor.richard"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825),
- "pristina"= c(0.57125, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5),
- "raavi"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.7675),
- "rage.italic"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625),
- "rockwell.condensed"= c(0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875),
- "rockwell.extra.bold"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.46375, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.08875),
- "rockwell"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825),
- "rod"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.32125),
- "roman"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575),
- "sakkal.majalla"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875),
- "script.mt.bold"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "script"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875),
- "segoe.print"= c(1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.08875, 5.25, 5.3925),
- "segoe.script"= c(1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.08875, 5.25, 5.3925),
- "segoe.ui.light"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625),
- "segoe.ui.semibold"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825),
- "segoe.ui.semilight"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825),
- "segoe.ui.symbol"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875),
- "segoe.ui"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875),
- "shonar.bangla"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125),
- "showcard.gothic"= c(1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.32125),
- "shruti"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.32125),
- "simhei"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "simplified.arabic.fixed"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.32125),
- "simplified.arabic"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "simsun-extb"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "simsun"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "small.fonts"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 1, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 1.625, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.69625),
- "snap.itc"= c(1.32125, 1.4825, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 5.08875, 5.25, 5.3925, 5.57125, 5.71375, 5.875, 6.19625, 6.3575, 6.3575),
- "sylfaen"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "symbol"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "tahoma"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825),
- "tempus.sans.itc"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625),
- "terminal"= c(1, 1, 1, 1.625, 1.625, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 2.875, 2.875, 2.875, 4.46375, 4.46375, 4.46375, 4.46375, 4.46375, 5.3925, 5.3925, 5.3925),
- "times.new.roman"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.96375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "traditional.arabic"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5),
- "trebuchet.ms"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "tunga"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "tw.cen.mt.condensed.extra.bold"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5),
- "tw.cen.mt.condensed"= c(0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875),
- "tw.cen.mt"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825),
- "utsaah"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875),
- "vani"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.46375),
- "verdana"= c(1, 1, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.6075),
- "vijaya"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875),
- "viner.hand.itc"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 4.94625),
- "vivaldi"= c(0.6425, 0.785, 0.785, 0.92875, 0.96375, 1.1075, 1.285, 1.285, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.7675, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.9825, 2.1425, 2.17875, 2.32125, 2.32125, 2.46375, 2.69625, 2.69625, 2.69625, 2.83875, 3.0175, 3.0175, 3.17875, 3.17875, 3.3575),
- "vladimir.script"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575),
- "vrinda"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "webdings"= c(1.625, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.25, 5.3925, 5.57125, 5.875, 6.0175, 6.19625, 6.5, 6.6425, 6.82125, 7.125, 7.2675, 7.46375),
- "wide.latin"= c(2.1075, 2.25, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 4.1425, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.94625, 5.25, 5.3925, 5.71375, 6.0175, 6.19625, 6.5, 6.82125, 6.9825, 7.2675, 7.46375, 7.75, 8.08875, 8.2325, 8.535, 8.8575, 9, 9.33875))
-openxlsxFontSizeLookupTableBold <-
- data.frame( "agency.fb"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.5),
- "aharoni"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 2.875),
- "algerian"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.46375),
- "andalus"= c(1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "angsana.new"= c(0.3925, 0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25),
- "angsanaupc"= c(0.3925, 0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25),
- "aparajita"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875),
- "arial"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825),
- "arial.black"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625),
- "arial.narrow"= c(0.57125, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375),
- "arial.rounded.mt.bold"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.46375),
- "arial.unicode.ms"= c(1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "calibri"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "calibri.light"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "californian.fb"= c(0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "calisto.mt"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "cambria"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.32125),
- "cambria.math"= c(1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "candara"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875),
- "castellar"= c(1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.46375, 4.7675, 4.94625, 4.94625, 5.25, 5.3925, 5.3925),
- "centaur"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625),
- "century"= c(1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "century.gothic"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825),
- "century.schoolbook"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "chiller"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5),
- "colonna.mt"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "comic.sans.ms"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.46375),
- "consolas"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825),
- "constantia"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "cooper.black"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.46375),
- "copperplate.gothic.bold"= c(1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.46375, 4.7675, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.25, 5.25, 5.3925),
- "copperplate.gothic.light"= c(1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 4.94625, 5.25, 5.3925, 5.3925),
- "corbel"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825),
- "cordia.new"= c(0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875),
- "david"= c(0.57125, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375),
- "dfkai-sb"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "dilleniaupc"= c(0.3925, 0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.1075),
- "dokchampa"= c(1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "dotum"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1.32125, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375),
- "dotumche"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "ebrima"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "edwardian.script.itc"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5),
- "elephant"= c(1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.6075, 4.6075, 4.7675, 5.08875, 5.08875, 5.25, 5.57125, 5.57125, 5.71375),
- "engravers.mt"= c(1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625),
- "eras.bold.itc"= c(1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.46375, 4.7675, 4.7675, 4.94625),
- "eras.demi.itc"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.46375, 4.46375, 4.6075),
- "eras.light.itc"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825),
- "eras.medium.itc"= c(1, 1, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.32125),
- "estrangelo.edessa"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "eucrosiaupc"= c(0.57125, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375),
- "euphemia"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375),
- "fangsong"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "felix.titling"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375),
- "fixedsys"= c(1.21375, 1.21375, 1.21375, 1.21375, 1.21375, 1.21375, 1.21375, 1.21375, 2.46375, 2.46375, 2.46375, 2.46375, 2.46375, 2.46375, 2.46375, 2.46375, 3.7325, 3.7325, 3.7325, 3.7325, 3.7325, 3.7325, 3.7325, 3.7325, 3.7325, 4.9825, 4.9825, 4.9825, 4.9825),
- "footlight.mt.light"= c(1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "forte"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825),
- "franklin.gothic.book"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.46375),
- "franklin.gothic.demi"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.46375),
- "franklin.gothic.demi.cond"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875),
- "franklin.gothic.heavy"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.46375),
- "franklin.gothic.medium"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.46375),
- "franklin.gothic.medium.cond"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875),
- "frankruehl"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.07125),
- "freesiaupc"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.21375),
- "freestyle.script"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325),
- "french.script.mt"= c(0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325),
- "gabriola"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125),
- "gadugi"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "gautami"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825),
- "georgia"= c(1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.08875, 5.08875),
- "gigi"= c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.9825),
- "gill.sans.mt"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825),
- "gill.sans.mt.condensed"= c(0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325),
- "gill.sans.mt.ext.condensed.bold"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875),
- "gill.sans.ultra.bold"= c(1.4825, 1.625, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.08875, 5.25, 5.3925, 5.71375, 5.875, 5.875, 6.19625, 6.3575, 6.5),
- "gill.sans.ultra.bold.condensed"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.32125),
- "gisha"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "gloucester.mt.extra.condensed"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875),
- "goudy.old.style"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "goudy.stout"= c(1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.08875, 5.25, 5.3925, 5.57125, 5.71375, 6.0175, 6.19625, 6.19625),
- "gulim"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.625, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.32125),
- "gulimche"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "gungsuh"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375),
- "gungsuhche"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "haettenschweiler"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575),
- "harlow.solid.italic"= c(0.92875, 0.92875, 1.07125, 1.07125, 1.285, 1.42875, 1.42875, 1.58875, 1.7675, 1.7675, 1.94625, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.285, 2.285, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.66, 2.80375, 2.80375, 2.94625, 3.125, 3.125, 3.32125, 3.46375, 3.46375, 3.6425, 3.6425, 3.80375),
- "harrington"= c(1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "high.tower.text"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "impact"= c(1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425),
- "imprint.mt.shadow"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "informal.roman"= c(1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825),
- "irisupc"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575),
- "iskoola.pota"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "jasmineupc"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5),
- "jokerman"= c(1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.46375, 4.7675, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.25, 5.25, 5.3925),
- "juice.itc"= c(0.57125, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.7325),
- "kaiti"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "kalinga"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125),
- "kartika"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "khmer.ui"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "kodchiangupc"= c(0.3925, 0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875),
- "kristen.itc"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.46375),
- "kunstler.script"= c(0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.58875),
- "lao.ui"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "latha"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "leelawadee"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "levenim.mt"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.32125),
- "lilyupc"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5),
- "lucida.bright"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075),
- "lucida.calligraphy"= c(1.25, 1.3925, 1.58875, 1.7325, 1.7325, 2.07125, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.3925, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.91, 3.05375, 3.05375, 3.42875, 3.42875, 3.57125, 3.7325, 3.94625, 4.08875, 4.2325, 4.3925, 4.42875, 4.75, 4.75, 4.91, 5.08875, 5.2675, 5.42875),
- "lucida.console"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075),
- "lucida.fax"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.7675),
- "lucida.handwriting"= c(1.25, 1.3925, 1.58875, 1.7325, 1.7325, 2.07125, 2.25, 2.25, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7675, 2.91, 3.05375, 3.25, 3.42875, 3.57125, 3.57125, 3.91, 3.94625, 4.08875, 4.2325, 4.3925, 4.6075, 4.75, 4.91, 4.91, 5.2675, 5.2675, 5.42875),
- "lucida.sans"= c(1, 1, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.6075),
- "lucida.sans.typewriter"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375),
- "lucida.sans.unicode"= c(1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.6075, 4.6075, 4.7675),
- "magneto"= c(1.17875, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.08875, 5.25, 5.3925, 5.57125, 5.71375),
- "maiandra.gd"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.46375),
- "malgun.gothic"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "mangal"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "marlett"= c(1.80375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.08875, 5.3925, 5.57125, 5.71375, 6.0175, 6.19625, 6.3575, 6.6425, 6.82125, 6.9825, 7.2675, 7.46375, 7.6075),
- "matura.mt.script.capitals"= c(1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 4.94625),
- "meiryo"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.46375, 4.7675, 4.7675, 4.94625),
- "meiryo.ui"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.46375, 4.7675, 4.7675, 4.94625),
- "microsoft.himalaya"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.42875),
- "microsoft.jhenghei"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.32125),
- "microsoft.jhenghei.ui"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.32125),
- "microsoft.new.tai.lue"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "microsoft.phagspa"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "microsoft.sans.serif"= c(1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "microsoft.tai.le"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "microsoft.uighur"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.58875),
- "microsoft.yahei"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.46375),
- "microsoft.yahei.ui"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.46375),
- "microsoft.yi.baiti"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875),
- "miriam"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5),
- "miriam.fixed"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.46375),
- "mistral"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575),
- "modern"= c(0.75, 0.75, 0.8925, 1.035, 1.035, 1.21375, 1.3575, 1.3575, 1.5175, 1.5175, 1.66, 1.83875, 1.83875, 2, 2.1425, 2.1425, 2.285, 2.46375, 2.46375, 2.625, 2.7675, 2.7675, 2.91, 2.91, 3.1075, 3.1075, 3.25, 3.3925, 3.3925),
- "modern.no..20"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575),
- "mongolian.baiti"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "monotype.corsiva"= c(0.785, 0.92875, 1.07125, 1.07125, 1.1075, 1.285, 1.42875, 1.42875, 1.625, 1.7675, 1.7675, 1.9825, 1.9825, 2.1425, 2.285, 2.32125, 2.46375, 2.46375, 2.66, 2.66, 2.83875, 2.9825, 2.9825, 3.125, 3.17875, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.67875),
- "moolboran"= c(0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875),
- "ms.gothic"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "ms.mincho"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "ms.outlook"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "ms.pgothic"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "ms.pmincho"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "ms.reference.sans.serif"= c(1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.7675),
- "ms.reference.specialty"= c(2.1075, 2.42875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.94625, 5.25, 5.3925, 5.71375, 5.875, 6.19625, 6.5, 6.6425, 6.82125, 7.2675, 7.46375, 7.6075, 8.08875, 8.2325, 8.375, 8.71375, 9, 9.16),
- "ms.sans.serif"= c(0.8925, 1.035, 1.035, 1.3575, 1.3575, 1.5175, 1.5175, 1.5175, 1.83875, 2, 2, 2.1425, 2.1425, 2.1425, 2.7675, 2.7675, 2.7675, 2.7675, 3.1075, 3.1075, 3.25, 3.25, 3.25, 3.25, 3.7325, 3.7325, 3.7325, 4.0175, 4.0175),
- "ms.serif"= c(0.75, 0.8925, 0.8925, 1.21375, 1.21375, 1.3575, 1.3575, 1.3575, 1.5175, 1.83875, 1.83875, 2.285, 2.285, 2.285, 2.46375, 2.46375, 2.46375, 2.46375, 2.7675, 2.7675, 2.7675, 3.875, 3.875, 3.875, 3.1075, 3.875, 3.875, 3.7325, 3.7325),
- "ms.ui.gothic"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "mt.extra"= c(1.80375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.94625, 5.08875, 5.25, 5.57125, 5.71375, 5.875, 6.19625, 6.3575, 6.5, 6.82125, 6.9825, 7.125, 7.46375, 7.6075, 7.75),
- "mv.boli"= c(1.17875, 1.32125, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.08875, 5.25, 5.25),
- "narkisim"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.07125),
- "niagara.engraved"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075),
- "niagara.solid"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075),
- "nirmala.ui"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "nsimsun"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "nyala"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "ocr.a.extended"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075),
- "old.english.text.mt"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "onyx"= c(0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.625, 1.96375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.1075),
- "palace.script.mt"= c(0.6075, 0.6075, 0.785, 0.785, 0.785, 0.92875, 0.92875, 1.07125, 1.1075, 1.285, 1.285, 1.285, 1.42875, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.625, 1.7675, 1.80375, 1.9825, 1.9825, 2.1425, 2.1425, 2.1425, 2.32125, 2.32125, 2.46375, 2.46375, 2.46375),
- "palatino.linotype"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "papyrus"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.46375),
- "parchment"= c(0.3925, 0.3925, 0.3925, 0.3925, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825),
- "perpetua"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.21375),
- "perpetua.titling.mt"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 4.94625),
- "plantagenet.cherokee"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875),
- "playbill"= c(0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.58875),
- "pmingliu"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5),
- "pmingliu-extb"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5),
- "poor.richard"= c(1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425),
- "pristina"= c(0.71375, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "raavi"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "rage.italic"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875),
- "rockwell"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825),
- "rockwell.condensed"= c(0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125),
- "rockwell.extra.bold"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.46375, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.08875),
- "rod"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.46375),
- "roman"= c(0.75, 0.75, 0.8925, 1.035, 1.035, 1.21375, 1.3575, 1.3575, 1.5175, 1.5175, 1.66, 1.83875, 1.83875, 2, 2.1425, 2.1425, 2.285, 2.46375, 2.46375, 2.625, 2.7675, 2.7675, 2.91, 2.91, 3.1075, 3.1075, 3.25, 3.3925, 3.3925),
- "sakkal.majalla"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875),
- "script"= c(0.6075, 0.6075, 0.75, 0.75, 0.8925, 1.035, 1.035, 1.035, 1.21375, 1.3575, 1.3575, 1.5175, 1.5175, 1.66, 1.83875, 1.83875, 1.83875, 2, 2.1425, 2.1425, 2.285, 2.285, 2.46375, 2.46375, 2.625, 2.625, 2.7675, 2.7675, 2.91),
- "script.mt.bold"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "segoe.print"= c(1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.08875, 5.25, 5.3925),
- "segoe.script"= c(1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.83875, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.08875, 5.25, 5.3925),
- "segoe.ui"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425),
- "segoe.ui.light"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875),
- "segoe.ui.semibold"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825),
- "segoe.ui.semilight"= c(1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425),
- "segoe.ui.symbol"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825),
- "shonar.bangla"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875),
- "showcard.gothic"= c(1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.32125, 4.46375),
- "shruti"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875),
- "simhei"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "simplified.arabic"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425),
- "simplified.arabic.fixed"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.46375),
- "simsun"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "simsun-extb"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "small.fonts"= c(0.8925, 0.8925, 1.21375, 1.5175, 1.5175, 1.5175, 1.83875, 1.83875, 1.83875, 2.285, 2.285, 2.285, 2.46375, 2.46375, 2.7675, 3.1075, 2.7675, 2.7675, 3.1075, 3.1075, 3.1075, 3.7325, 3.7325, 3.7325, 3.7325, 3.875, 3.875, 3.875, 3.875),
- "snap.itc"= c(1.4825, 1.625, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.25, 5.3925, 5.57125, 5.71375, 5.875, 6.0175, 6.3575, 6.5, 6.5),
- "sylfaen"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "symbol"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "tahoma"= c(1, 1, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.6075),
- "tempus.sans.itc"= c(1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.46375, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.08875),
- "terminal"= c(1.21375, 1.21375, 1.21375, 1.83875, 1.83875, 1.5175, 1.5175, 1.5175, 1.5175, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 3.7325, 3.7325, 3.7325, 3.7325, 3.1075, 3.1075, 3.1075, 4.46375, 4.46375, 4.46375, 4.46375, 4.46375, 5.6075, 5.6075, 5.6075),
- "times.new.roman"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "traditional.arabic"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "trebuchet.ms"= c(0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.32125),
- "tunga"= c(0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575),
- "tw.cen.mt"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875),
- "tw.cen.mt.condensed"= c(0.57125, 0.71375, 0.8575, 0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.07125),
- "tw.cen.mt.condensed.extra.bold"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1.17875, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.69625),
- "utsaah"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875),
- "vani"= c(1, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.08875, 5.08875),
- "verdana"= c(1.17875, 1.17875, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.83875, 4.1425, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.6075, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.08875, 5.25),
- "vijaya"= c(0.57125, 0.57125, 0.71375, 0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.7325, 2.875),
- "viner.hand.itc"= c(1.17875, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.1075, 2.42875, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.69625, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.6075, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.08875, 5.08875),
- "vivaldi"= c(0.785, 0.92875, 0.92875, 1.07125, 1.1075, 1.285, 1.42875, 1.42875, 1.625, 1.625, 1.7675, 1.94625, 1.9825, 1.9825, 2.1425, 2.285, 2.32125, 2.46375, 2.46375, 2.66, 2.83875, 2.83875, 2.83875, 2.9825, 3.17875, 3.17875, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5),
- "vladimir.script"= c(0.8575, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.3575, 3.5),
- "vrinda"= c(0.71375, 0.8575, 1, 1, 1.17875, 1.32125, 1.32125, 1.4825, 1.625, 1.625, 1.80375, 1.96375, 1.96375, 2.1075, 2.25, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.58875, 2.7325, 2.875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.21375, 3.3575, 3.5, 3.5, 3.69625),
- "webdings"= c(1.80375, 1.96375, 2.25, 2.42875, 2.58875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.5, 3.69625, 3.83875, 4.1425, 4.32125, 4.46375, 4.7675, 4.94625, 5.08875, 5.3925, 5.57125, 5.71375, 6.0175, 6.19625, 6.3575, 6.6425, 6.82125, 6.9825, 7.2675, 7.46375, 7.6075),
- "wide.latin"= c(2.25, 2.42875, 2.875, 3.07125, 3.21375, 3.69625, 3.83875, 3.9825, 4.32125, 4.6075, 4.7675, 5.08875, 5.3925, 5.57125, 5.875, 6.19625, 6.3575, 6.6425, 6.9825, 7.125, 7.46375, 7.6075, 7.8925, 8.2325, 8.375, 8.71375, 9, 9.16, 9.4825))
+openxlsxFontSizeLookupTable <-
+ data.frame(
+ "agency.fb" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125
+ ),
+ "aharoni" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875
+ ),
+ "algerian" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "andalus" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "angsana.new" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25
+ ),
+ "angsanaupc" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25
+ ),
+ "aparajita" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875
+ ),
+ "arial.black" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625
+ ),
+ "arial.narrow" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375
+ ),
+ "arial.rounded.mt.bold" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "arial.unicode.ms" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "arial" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "calibri.light" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "calibri" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "californian.fb" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "calisto.mt" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "cambria.math" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "cambria" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "candara" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "castellar" = c(
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.7675,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.25
+ ),
+ "centaur" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5
+ ),
+ "century.gothic" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "century.schoolbook" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "century" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "chiller" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575
+ ),
+ "colonna.mt" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "comic.sans.ms" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "consolas" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "constantia" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "cooper.black" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "copperplate.gothic.bold" = c(
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.25
+ ),
+ "copperplate.gothic.light" = c(
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.7675,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.25
+ ),
+ "corbel" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "cordia.new" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875
+ ),
+ "david" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375
+ ),
+ "dfkai-sb" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "dilleniaupc" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075
+ ),
+ "dokchampa" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "dotum" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "dotumche" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "ebrima" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "edwardian.script.itc" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575
+ ),
+ "elephant" = c(
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.94625,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.3925,
+ 5.3925,
+ 5.57125
+ ),
+ "engravers.mt" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675
+ ),
+ "eras.bold.itc" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675
+ ),
+ "eras.demi.itc" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "eras.light.itc" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "eras.medium.itc" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "estrangelo.edessa" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "eucrosiaupc" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875
+ ),
+ "euphemia" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "fangsong" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "felix.titling" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "fixedsys" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.7675
+ ),
+ "footlight.mt.light" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "forte" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "franklin.gothic.book" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "franklin.gothic.demi.cond" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "franklin.gothic.demi" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "franklin.gothic.heavy" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "franklin.gothic.medium.cond" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "franklin.gothic.medium" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "frankruehl" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875
+ ),
+ "freesiaupc" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375
+ ),
+ "freestyle.script" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875
+ ),
+ "french.script.mt" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875
+ ),
+ "gabriola" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875
+ ),
+ "gadugi" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "gautami" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "georgia" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "gigi" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "gill.sans.mt.condensed" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875
+ ),
+ "gill.sans.mt.ext.condensed.bold" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875
+ ),
+ "gill.sans.mt" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "gill.sans.ultra.bold.condensed" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "gill.sans.ultra.bold" = c(
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.57125,
+ 5.71375,
+ 5.71375,
+ 6.0175,
+ 6.19625,
+ 6.3575
+ ),
+ "gisha" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "gloucester.mt.extra.condensed" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325
+ ),
+ "goudy.old.style" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "goudy.stout" = c(
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.3925,
+ 5.57125,
+ 5.875,
+ 6.0175,
+ 6.0175
+ ),
+ "gulim" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "gulimche" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "gungsuh" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "gungsuhche" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "haettenschweiler" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375
+ ),
+ "harlow.solid.italic" = c(
+ 0.785,
+ 0.785,
+ 0.92875,
+ 0.92875,
+ 1.1075,
+ 1.285,
+ 1.285,
+ 1.42875,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.7675,
+ 1.94625,
+ 1.94625,
+ 2.1425,
+ 2.1425,
+ 2.285,
+ 2.285,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.66,
+ 2.66,
+ 2.80375,
+ 2.9825,
+ 2.9825,
+ 3.125,
+ 3.32125,
+ 3.32125,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.6425
+ ),
+ "harrington" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "high.tower.text" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5
+ ),
+ "impact" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "imprint.mt.shadow" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "informal.roman" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "irisupc" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325
+ ),
+ "iskoola.pota" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "jasmineupc" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375
+ ),
+ "jokerman" = c(
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.25
+ ),
+ "juice.itc" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875
+ ),
+ "kaiti" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "kalinga" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "kartika" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "khmer.ui" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "kodchiangupc" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875
+ ),
+ "kristen.itc" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "kunstler.script" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875
+ ),
+ "lao.ui" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "latha" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "leelawadee" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "levenim.mt" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "lilyupc" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375
+ ),
+ "lucida.bright" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "lucida.calligraphy" = c(
+ 1.07125,
+ 1.25,
+ 1.42875,
+ 1.58875,
+ 1.58875,
+ 1.91,
+ 1.94625,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.3925,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7675,
+ 2.91,
+ 2.91,
+ 3.285,
+ 3.285,
+ 3.42875,
+ 3.57125,
+ 3.7675,
+ 3.94625,
+ 4.08875,
+ 4.2325,
+ 4.285,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.75,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.2675
+ ),
+ "lucida.console" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "lucida.fax" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075
+ ),
+ "lucida.handwriting" = c(
+ 1.07125,
+ 1.25,
+ 1.42875,
+ 1.58875,
+ 1.58875,
+ 1.91,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.3925,
+ 2.3925,
+ 2.625,
+ 2.7675,
+ 2.91,
+ 3.05375,
+ 3.285,
+ 3.42875,
+ 3.42875,
+ 3.7325,
+ 3.7675,
+ 3.94625,
+ 4.08875,
+ 4.2325,
+ 4.42875,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.75,
+ 4.75,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.2675
+ ),
+ "lucida.sans.typewriter" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "lucida.sans.unicode" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075
+ ),
+ "lucida.sans" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075
+ ),
+ "magneto" = c(
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.3925,
+ 5.57125,
+ 5.71375
+ ),
+ "maiandra.gd" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "malgun.gothic" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "mangal" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "marlett" = c(
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.3925,
+ 5.57125,
+ 5.875,
+ 6.0175,
+ 6.19625,
+ 6.5,
+ 6.6425,
+ 6.82125,
+ 7.125,
+ 7.2675,
+ 7.46375
+ ),
+ "matura.mt.script.capitals" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.7675
+ ),
+ "meiryo.ui" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "meiryo" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "microsoft.himalaya" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25
+ ),
+ "microsoft.jhenghei.ui" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "microsoft.jhenghei" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "microsoft.new.tai.lue" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "microsoft.phagspa" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "microsoft.sans.serif" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "microsoft.tai.le" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "microsoft.uighur" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875
+ ),
+ "microsoft.yahei.ui" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "microsoft.yahei" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "microsoft.yi.baiti" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "miriam.fixed" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "miriam" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575
+ ),
+ "mistral" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375
+ ),
+ "modern.no..20" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375
+ ),
+ "modern" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575
+ ),
+ "mongolian.baiti" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "monotype.corsiva" = c(
+ 0.6425,
+ 0.785,
+ 0.92875,
+ 0.92875,
+ 0.96375,
+ 1.1075,
+ 1.285,
+ 1.285,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.9825,
+ 2.1425,
+ 2.17875,
+ 2.32125,
+ 2.32125,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.69625,
+ 2.83875,
+ 2.83875,
+ 2.9825,
+ 3.0175,
+ 3.17875,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.535
+ ),
+ "moolboran" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875
+ ),
+ "ms.gothic" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "ms.mincho" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "ms.outlook" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "ms.pgothic" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "ms.pmincho" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "ms.reference.sans.serif" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.6075
+ ),
+ "ms.reference.specialty" = c(
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.7675,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.57125,
+ 5.71375,
+ 6.0175,
+ 6.3575,
+ 6.5,
+ 6.6425,
+ 7.125,
+ 7.2675,
+ 7.46375,
+ 7.8925,
+ 8.08875,
+ 8.2325,
+ 8.535,
+ 8.8575,
+ 9
+ ),
+ "ms.sans.serif" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "ms.serif" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5
+ ),
+ "ms.ui.gothic" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "mt.extra" = c(
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.3925,
+ 5.57125,
+ 5.71375,
+ 6.0175,
+ 6.19625,
+ 6.3575,
+ 6.6425,
+ 6.82125,
+ 6.9825,
+ 7.2675,
+ 7.46375,
+ 7.6075
+ ),
+ "mv.boli" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.08875
+ ),
+ "narkisim" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875
+ ),
+ "niagara.engraved" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375
+ ),
+ "niagara.solid" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375
+ ),
+ "nirmala.ui" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "nsimsun" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "nyala" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "ocr.a.extended" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "old.english.text.mt" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "onyx" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375
+ ),
+ "palace.script.mt" = c(
+ 0.42875,
+ 0.42875,
+ 0.6425,
+ 0.6425,
+ 0.6425,
+ 0.785,
+ 0.785,
+ 0.92875,
+ 0.96375,
+ 1.1075,
+ 1.1075,
+ 1.1075,
+ 1.285,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.66,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.9825,
+ 1.9825,
+ 1.9825,
+ 2.17875,
+ 2.17875,
+ 2.32125,
+ 2.32125,
+ 2.32125
+ ),
+ "palatino.linotype" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "papyrus" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "parchment" = c(
+ 0.25,
+ 0.25,
+ 0.25,
+ 0.25,
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125
+ ),
+ "perpetua.titling.mt" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625
+ ),
+ "perpetua" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375
+ ),
+ "plantagenet.cherokee" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "playbill" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875
+ ),
+ "pmingliu-extb" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575
+ ),
+ "pmingliu" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575
+ ),
+ "poor.richard" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "pristina" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5
+ ),
+ "raavi" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.7675
+ ),
+ "rage.italic" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "rockwell.condensed" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875
+ ),
+ "rockwell.extra.bold" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875
+ ),
+ "rockwell" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "rod" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "roman" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575
+ ),
+ "sakkal.majalla" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875
+ ),
+ "script.mt.bold" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "script" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875
+ ),
+ "segoe.print" = c(
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.3925
+ ),
+ "segoe.script" = c(
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.3925
+ ),
+ "segoe.ui.light" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "segoe.ui.semibold" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "segoe.ui.semilight" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "segoe.ui.symbol" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "segoe.ui" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "shonar.bangla" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125
+ ),
+ "showcard.gothic" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "shruti" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "simhei" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "simplified.arabic.fixed" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "simplified.arabic" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "simsun-extb" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "simsun" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "small.fonts" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 1,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "snap.itc" = c(
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.3925,
+ 5.57125,
+ 5.71375,
+ 5.875,
+ 6.19625,
+ 6.3575,
+ 6.3575
+ ),
+ "sylfaen" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "symbol" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "tahoma" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "tempus.sans.itc" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625
+ ),
+ "terminal" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375,
+ 5.3925,
+ 5.3925,
+ 5.3925
+ ),
+ "times.new.roman" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "traditional.arabic" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5
+ ),
+ "trebuchet.ms" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "tunga" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "tw.cen.mt.condensed.extra.bold" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5
+ ),
+ "tw.cen.mt.condensed" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875
+ ),
+ "tw.cen.mt" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "utsaah" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875
+ ),
+ "vani" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "verdana" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.6075
+ ),
+ "vijaya" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875
+ ),
+ "viner.hand.itc" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 4.94625
+ ),
+ "vivaldi" = c(
+ 0.6425,
+ 0.785,
+ 0.785,
+ 0.92875,
+ 0.96375,
+ 1.1075,
+ 1.285,
+ 1.285,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.7675,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.9825,
+ 2.1425,
+ 2.17875,
+ 2.32125,
+ 2.32125,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.69625,
+ 2.69625,
+ 2.69625,
+ 2.83875,
+ 3.0175,
+ 3.0175,
+ 3.17875,
+ 3.17875,
+ 3.3575
+ ),
+ "vladimir.script" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575
+ ),
+ "vrinda" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "webdings" = c(
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.3925,
+ 5.57125,
+ 5.875,
+ 6.0175,
+ 6.19625,
+ 6.5,
+ 6.6425,
+ 6.82125,
+ 7.125,
+ 7.2675,
+ 7.46375
+ ),
+ "wide.latin" = c(
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.3925,
+ 5.71375,
+ 6.0175,
+ 6.19625,
+ 6.5,
+ 6.82125,
+ 6.9825,
+ 7.2675,
+ 7.46375,
+ 7.75,
+ 8.08875,
+ 8.2325,
+ 8.535,
+ 8.8575,
+ 9,
+ 9.33875
+ )
+ )
+openxlsxFontSizeLookupTableBold <-
+ data.frame(
+ "agency.fb" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.5
+ ),
+ "aharoni" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875
+ ),
+ "algerian" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "andalus" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "angsana.new" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25
+ ),
+ "angsanaupc" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25
+ ),
+ "aparajita" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875
+ ),
+ "arial" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "arial.black" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625
+ ),
+ "arial.narrow" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375
+ ),
+ "arial.rounded.mt.bold" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "arial.unicode.ms" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "calibri" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "calibri.light" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "californian.fb" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "calisto.mt" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "cambria" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "cambria.math" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "candara" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "castellar" = c(
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.3925,
+ 5.3925
+ ),
+ "centaur" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "century" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "century.gothic" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "century.schoolbook" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "chiller" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5
+ ),
+ "colonna.mt" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "comic.sans.ms" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "consolas" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "constantia" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "cooper.black" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "copperplate.gothic.bold" = c(
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.3925
+ ),
+ "copperplate.gothic.light" = c(
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.3925,
+ 5.3925
+ ),
+ "corbel" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "cordia.new" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875
+ ),
+ "david" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375
+ ),
+ "dfkai-sb" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "dilleniaupc" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075
+ ),
+ "dokchampa" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "dotum" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "dotumche" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "ebrima" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "edwardian.script.itc" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5
+ ),
+ "elephant" = c(
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.57125,
+ 5.57125,
+ 5.71375
+ ),
+ "engravers.mt" = c(
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625
+ ),
+ "eras.bold.itc" = c(
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625
+ ),
+ "eras.demi.itc" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075
+ ),
+ "eras.light.itc" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "eras.medium.itc" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "estrangelo.edessa" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "eucrosiaupc" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375
+ ),
+ "euphemia" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "fangsong" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "felix.titling" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "fixedsys" = c(
+ 1.21375,
+ 1.21375,
+ 1.21375,
+ 1.21375,
+ 1.21375,
+ 1.21375,
+ 1.21375,
+ 1.21375,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.46375,
+ 3.7325,
+ 3.7325,
+ 3.7325,
+ 3.7325,
+ 3.7325,
+ 3.7325,
+ 3.7325,
+ 3.7325,
+ 3.7325,
+ 4.9825,
+ 4.9825,
+ 4.9825,
+ 4.9825
+ ),
+ "footlight.mt.light" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "forte" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "franklin.gothic.book" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "franklin.gothic.demi" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "franklin.gothic.demi.cond" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "franklin.gothic.heavy" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "franklin.gothic.medium" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "franklin.gothic.medium.cond" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "frankruehl" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125
+ ),
+ "freesiaupc" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375
+ ),
+ "freestyle.script" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325
+ ),
+ "french.script.mt" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325
+ ),
+ "gabriola" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125
+ ),
+ "gadugi" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "gautami" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "georgia" = c(
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.08875
+ ),
+ "gigi" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "gill.sans.mt" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "gill.sans.mt.condensed" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325
+ ),
+ "gill.sans.mt.ext.condensed.bold" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875
+ ),
+ "gill.sans.ultra.bold" = c(
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.3925,
+ 5.71375,
+ 5.875,
+ 5.875,
+ 6.19625,
+ 6.3575,
+ 6.5
+ ),
+ "gill.sans.ultra.bold.condensed" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "gisha" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "gloucester.mt.extra.condensed" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875
+ ),
+ "goudy.old.style" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "goudy.stout" = c(
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.3925,
+ 5.57125,
+ 5.71375,
+ 6.0175,
+ 6.19625,
+ 6.19625
+ ),
+ "gulim" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "gulimche" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "gungsuh" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "gungsuhche" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "haettenschweiler" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575
+ ),
+ "harlow.solid.italic" = c(
+ 0.92875,
+ 0.92875,
+ 1.07125,
+ 1.07125,
+ 1.285,
+ 1.42875,
+ 1.42875,
+ 1.58875,
+ 1.7675,
+ 1.7675,
+ 1.94625,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.285,
+ 2.285,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.66,
+ 2.80375,
+ 2.80375,
+ 2.94625,
+ 3.125,
+ 3.125,
+ 3.32125,
+ 3.46375,
+ 3.46375,
+ 3.6425,
+ 3.6425,
+ 3.80375
+ ),
+ "harrington" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "high.tower.text" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "impact" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "imprint.mt.shadow" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "informal.roman" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "irisupc" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575
+ ),
+ "iskoola.pota" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "jasmineupc" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5
+ ),
+ "jokerman" = c(
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.3925
+ ),
+ "juice.itc" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325
+ ),
+ "kaiti" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "kalinga" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "kartika" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "khmer.ui" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "kodchiangupc" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875
+ ),
+ "kristen.itc" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "kunstler.script" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875
+ ),
+ "lao.ui" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "latha" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "leelawadee" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "levenim.mt" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "lilyupc" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5
+ ),
+ "lucida.bright" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075
+ ),
+ "lucida.calligraphy" = c(
+ 1.25,
+ 1.3925,
+ 1.58875,
+ 1.7325,
+ 1.7325,
+ 2.07125,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.3925,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.91,
+ 3.05375,
+ 3.05375,
+ 3.42875,
+ 3.42875,
+ 3.57125,
+ 3.7325,
+ 3.94625,
+ 4.08875,
+ 4.2325,
+ 4.3925,
+ 4.42875,
+ 4.75,
+ 4.75,
+ 4.91,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.2675,
+ 5.42875
+ ),
+ "lucida.console" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075
+ ),
+ "lucida.fax" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.7675
+ ),
+ "lucida.handwriting" = c(
+ 1.25,
+ 1.3925,
+ 1.58875,
+ 1.7325,
+ 1.7325,
+ 2.07125,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7675,
+ 2.91,
+ 3.05375,
+ 3.25,
+ 3.42875,
+ 3.57125,
+ 3.57125,
+ 3.91,
+ 3.94625,
+ 4.08875,
+ 4.2325,
+ 4.3925,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.75,
+ 4.91,
+ 4.91,
+ 5.2675,
+ 5.2675,
+ 5.42875
+ ),
+ "lucida.sans" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.6075
+ ),
+ "lucida.sans.typewriter" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "lucida.sans.unicode" = c(
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675
+ ),
+ "magneto" = c(
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.3925,
+ 5.57125,
+ 5.71375
+ ),
+ "maiandra.gd" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "malgun.gothic" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "mangal" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "marlett" = c(
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.3925,
+ 5.57125,
+ 5.71375,
+ 6.0175,
+ 6.19625,
+ 6.3575,
+ 6.6425,
+ 6.82125,
+ 6.9825,
+ 7.2675,
+ 7.46375,
+ 7.6075
+ ),
+ "matura.mt.script.capitals" = c(
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 4.94625
+ ),
+ "meiryo" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625
+ ),
+ "meiryo.ui" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625
+ ),
+ "microsoft.himalaya" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875
+ ),
+ "microsoft.jhenghei" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "microsoft.jhenghei.ui" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "microsoft.new.tai.lue" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "microsoft.phagspa" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "microsoft.sans.serif" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "microsoft.tai.le" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "microsoft.uighur" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875
+ ),
+ "microsoft.yahei" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "microsoft.yahei.ui" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "microsoft.yi.baiti" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "miriam" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5
+ ),
+ "miriam.fixed" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "mistral" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575
+ ),
+ "modern" = c(
+ 0.75,
+ 0.75,
+ 0.8925,
+ 1.035,
+ 1.035,
+ 1.21375,
+ 1.3575,
+ 1.3575,
+ 1.5175,
+ 1.5175,
+ 1.66,
+ 1.83875,
+ 1.83875,
+ 2,
+ 2.1425,
+ 2.1425,
+ 2.285,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.625,
+ 2.7675,
+ 2.7675,
+ 2.91,
+ 2.91,
+ 3.1075,
+ 3.1075,
+ 3.25,
+ 3.3925,
+ 3.3925
+ ),
+ "modern.no..20" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575
+ ),
+ "mongolian.baiti" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "monotype.corsiva" = c(
+ 0.785,
+ 0.92875,
+ 1.07125,
+ 1.07125,
+ 1.1075,
+ 1.285,
+ 1.42875,
+ 1.42875,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.7675,
+ 1.7675,
+ 1.9825,
+ 1.9825,
+ 2.1425,
+ 2.285,
+ 2.32125,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.66,
+ 2.66,
+ 2.83875,
+ 2.9825,
+ 2.9825,
+ 3.125,
+ 3.17875,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.67875
+ ),
+ "moolboran" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875
+ ),
+ "ms.gothic" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "ms.mincho" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "ms.outlook" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "ms.pgothic" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "ms.pmincho" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "ms.reference.sans.serif" = c(
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.7675
+ ),
+ "ms.reference.specialty" = c(
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.3925,
+ 5.71375,
+ 5.875,
+ 6.19625,
+ 6.5,
+ 6.6425,
+ 6.82125,
+ 7.2675,
+ 7.46375,
+ 7.6075,
+ 8.08875,
+ 8.2325,
+ 8.375,
+ 8.71375,
+ 9,
+ 9.16
+ ),
+ "ms.sans.serif" = c(
+ 0.8925,
+ 1.035,
+ 1.035,
+ 1.3575,
+ 1.3575,
+ 1.5175,
+ 1.5175,
+ 1.5175,
+ 1.83875,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2.1425,
+ 2.1425,
+ 2.1425,
+ 2.7675,
+ 2.7675,
+ 2.7675,
+ 2.7675,
+ 3.1075,
+ 3.1075,
+ 3.25,
+ 3.25,
+ 3.25,
+ 3.25,
+ 3.7325,
+ 3.7325,
+ 3.7325,
+ 4.0175,
+ 4.0175
+ ),
+ "ms.serif" = c(
+ 0.75,
+ 0.8925,
+ 0.8925,
+ 1.21375,
+ 1.21375,
+ 1.3575,
+ 1.3575,
+ 1.3575,
+ 1.5175,
+ 1.83875,
+ 1.83875,
+ 2.285,
+ 2.285,
+ 2.285,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.7675,
+ 2.7675,
+ 2.7675,
+ 3.875,
+ 3.875,
+ 3.875,
+ 3.1075,
+ 3.875,
+ 3.875,
+ 3.7325,
+ 3.7325
+ ),
+ "ms.ui.gothic" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "mt.extra" = c(
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.57125,
+ 5.71375,
+ 5.875,
+ 6.19625,
+ 6.3575,
+ 6.5,
+ 6.82125,
+ 6.9825,
+ 7.125,
+ 7.46375,
+ 7.6075,
+ 7.75
+ ),
+ "mv.boli" = c(
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.25
+ ),
+ "narkisim" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125
+ ),
+ "niagara.engraved" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075
+ ),
+ "niagara.solid" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075
+ ),
+ "nirmala.ui" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "nsimsun" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "nyala" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "ocr.a.extended" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075
+ ),
+ "old.english.text.mt" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "onyx" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075
+ ),
+ "palace.script.mt" = c(
+ 0.6075,
+ 0.6075,
+ 0.785,
+ 0.785,
+ 0.785,
+ 0.92875,
+ 0.92875,
+ 1.07125,
+ 1.1075,
+ 1.285,
+ 1.285,
+ 1.285,
+ 1.42875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.7675,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.9825,
+ 1.9825,
+ 2.1425,
+ 2.1425,
+ 2.1425,
+ 2.32125,
+ 2.32125,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.46375
+ ),
+ "palatino.linotype" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "papyrus" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "parchment" = c(
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.3925,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825
+ ),
+ "perpetua" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375
+ ),
+ "perpetua.titling.mt" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 4.94625
+ ),
+ "plantagenet.cherokee" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "playbill" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875
+ ),
+ "pmingliu" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5
+ ),
+ "pmingliu-extb" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5
+ ),
+ "poor.richard" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "pristina" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "raavi" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "rage.italic" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "rockwell" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "rockwell.condensed" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125
+ ),
+ "rockwell.extra.bold" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875
+ ),
+ "rod" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "roman" = c(
+ 0.75,
+ 0.75,
+ 0.8925,
+ 1.035,
+ 1.035,
+ 1.21375,
+ 1.3575,
+ 1.3575,
+ 1.5175,
+ 1.5175,
+ 1.66,
+ 1.83875,
+ 1.83875,
+ 2,
+ 2.1425,
+ 2.1425,
+ 2.285,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.625,
+ 2.7675,
+ 2.7675,
+ 2.91,
+ 2.91,
+ 3.1075,
+ 3.1075,
+ 3.25,
+ 3.3925,
+ 3.3925
+ ),
+ "sakkal.majalla" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875
+ ),
+ "script" = c(
+ 0.6075,
+ 0.6075,
+ 0.75,
+ 0.75,
+ 0.8925,
+ 1.035,
+ 1.035,
+ 1.035,
+ 1.21375,
+ 1.3575,
+ 1.3575,
+ 1.5175,
+ 1.5175,
+ 1.66,
+ 1.83875,
+ 1.83875,
+ 1.83875,
+ 2,
+ 2.1425,
+ 2.1425,
+ 2.285,
+ 2.285,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.625,
+ 2.625,
+ 2.7675,
+ 2.7675,
+ 2.91
+ ),
+ "script.mt.bold" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "segoe.print" = c(
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.3925
+ ),
+ "segoe.script" = c(
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.3925
+ ),
+ "segoe.ui" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "segoe.ui.light" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "segoe.ui.semibold" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "segoe.ui.semilight" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "segoe.ui.symbol" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825
+ ),
+ "shonar.bangla" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875
+ ),
+ "showcard.gothic" = c(
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "shruti" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "simhei" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "simplified.arabic" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425
+ ),
+ "simplified.arabic.fixed" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375
+ ),
+ "simsun" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "simsun-extb" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "small.fonts" = c(
+ 0.8925,
+ 0.8925,
+ 1.21375,
+ 1.5175,
+ 1.5175,
+ 1.5175,
+ 1.83875,
+ 1.83875,
+ 1.83875,
+ 2.285,
+ 2.285,
+ 2.285,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.7675,
+ 3.1075,
+ 2.7675,
+ 2.7675,
+ 3.1075,
+ 3.1075,
+ 3.1075,
+ 3.7325,
+ 3.7325,
+ 3.7325,
+ 3.7325,
+ 3.875,
+ 3.875,
+ 3.875,
+ 3.875
+ ),
+ "snap.itc" = c(
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.25,
+ 5.3925,
+ 5.57125,
+ 5.71375,
+ 5.875,
+ 6.0175,
+ 6.3575,
+ 6.5,
+ 6.5
+ ),
+ "sylfaen" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "symbol" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "tahoma" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.6075
+ ),
+ "tempus.sans.itc" = c(
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875
+ ),
+ "terminal" = c(
+ 1.21375,
+ 1.21375,
+ 1.21375,
+ 1.83875,
+ 1.83875,
+ 1.5175,
+ 1.5175,
+ 1.5175,
+ 1.5175,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 3.7325,
+ 3.7325,
+ 3.7325,
+ 3.7325,
+ 3.1075,
+ 3.1075,
+ 3.1075,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.46375,
+ 5.6075,
+ 5.6075,
+ 5.6075
+ ),
+ "times.new.roman" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "traditional.arabic" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "trebuchet.ms" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125
+ ),
+ "tunga" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575
+ ),
+ "tw.cen.mt" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875
+ ),
+ "tw.cen.mt.condensed" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125
+ ),
+ "tw.cen.mt.condensed.extra.bold" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "utsaah" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875
+ ),
+ "vani" = c(
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.08875
+ ),
+ "verdana" = c(
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.83875,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.25
+ ),
+ "vijaya" = c(
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.57125,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875
+ ),
+ "viner.hand.itc" = c(
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.08875
+ ),
+ "vivaldi" = c(
+ 0.785,
+ 0.92875,
+ 0.92875,
+ 1.07125,
+ 1.1075,
+ 1.285,
+ 1.42875,
+ 1.42875,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.7675,
+ 1.94625,
+ 1.9825,
+ 1.9825,
+ 2.1425,
+ 2.285,
+ 2.32125,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.46375,
+ 2.66,
+ 2.83875,
+ 2.83875,
+ 2.83875,
+ 2.9825,
+ 3.17875,
+ 3.17875,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5
+ ),
+ "vladimir.script" = c(
+ 0.8575,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5
+ ),
+ "vrinda" = c(
+ 0.71375,
+ 0.8575,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1.17875,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.32125,
+ 1.4825,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.625,
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.1075,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.7325,
+ 2.875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.3575,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625
+ ),
+ "webdings" = c(
+ 1.80375,
+ 1.96375,
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.58875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.5,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 4.1425,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.46375,
+ 4.7675,
+ 4.94625,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.3925,
+ 5.57125,
+ 5.71375,
+ 6.0175,
+ 6.19625,
+ 6.3575,
+ 6.6425,
+ 6.82125,
+ 6.9825,
+ 7.2675,
+ 7.46375,
+ 7.6075
+ ),
+ "wide.latin" = c(
+ 2.25,
+ 2.42875,
+ 2.875,
+ 3.07125,
+ 3.21375,
+ 3.69625,
+ 3.83875,
+ 3.9825,
+ 4.32125,
+ 4.6075,
+ 4.7675,
+ 5.08875,
+ 5.3925,
+ 5.57125,
+ 5.875,
+ 6.19625,
+ 6.3575,
+ 6.6425,
+ 6.9825,
+ 7.125,
+ 7.46375,
+ 7.6075,
+ 7.8925,
+ 8.2325,
+ 8.375,
+ 8.71375,
+ 9,
+ 9.16,
+ 9.4825
+ )
+ )
@@ -2950,318 +17500,396 @@ openxlsxFontSizeLookupTableBold <-
-Workbook$methods(conditionalFormatCell = function(sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, dxfId, formula, type){
- sheet = validateSheet(sheet)
- sqref <- paste(getCellRefs(data.frame("x" = c(startRow, endRow), "y" = c(startCol, endCol))), collapse = ":")
- ## Increment priority of conditional formatting rule
- if(length((worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting)) > 0){
- for(i in length(worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting):1)
- worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting[[i]] <<- gsub('(?<=priority=")[0-9]+', i+1L, worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting[[i]], perl = TRUE)
+ conditionalFormatCell = function(sheet,
+ startRow,
+ endRow,
+ startCol,
+ endCol,
+ dxfId,
+ formula,
+ type) {
+ sheet = validateSheet(sheet)
+ sqref <-
+ stri_join(getCellRefs(data.frame(
+ "x" = c(startRow, endRow),
+ "y" = c(startCol, endCol)
+ )), collapse = ":")
+ ## Increment priority of conditional formatting rule
+ if (length((worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting)) > 0) {
+ for (i in length(worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting):1)
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting[[i]] <<-
+ gsub('(?<=priority=")[0-9]+',
+ i + 1L,
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting[[i]],
+ perl = TRUE)
+ }
+ nms <- c(names(worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting), sqref)
+ if (type == "expression") {
+ cfRule <-
+ sprintf(
+ '%s',
+ dxfId,
+ formula
+ )
+ } else if (type == "dataBar") {
+ if (length(formula) == 2) {
+ negColour <- formula[[1]]
+ posColour <- formula[[2]]
+ } else{
+ posColour <- formula
+ negColour <- "FFFF0000"
+ }
+ guid <-
+ stri_join("F7189283-14F7-4DE0-9601-54DE9DB",
+ 40000L + length(worksheets[[sheet]]$extLst))
+ cfRule <-
+ sprintf(
+ '{%s}',
+ posColour,
+ guid
+ )
+ } else if (length(formula) == 2L) {
+ cfRule <-
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ formula[[1]],
+ formula[[2]]
+ )
+ } else{
+ cfRule <-
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ formula[[1]],
+ formula[[2]],
+ formula[[3]]
+ )
+ }
+ worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting <<-
+ append(worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting, cfRule)
+ names(worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting) <<- nms
+ invisible(0)
- nms <- c(names(worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting), sqref)
- if(type == "expression"){
+ loadStyles = function(stylesXML) {
+ ## Build style objects from the styles XML
+ stylesTxt <-
+ readLines(stylesXML, warn = FALSE, encoding = "UTF-8")
+ stylesTxt <- removeHeadTag(stylesTxt)
+ ## Indexed colours
+ vals <- getNodes(xml = stylesTxt, tagIn = "")
+ if (length(vals) > 0)
+ styles$indexedColors <<-
+ stri_join("", vals, "")
- cfRule <- sprintf('%s', dxfId, formula)
+ ## dxf (don't need these, I don't think)
+ dxf <- getNodes(xml = stylesTxt, tagIn = " 0) {
+ dxf <- getNodes(xml = dxf[[1]], tagIn = "")
+ if (length(dxf) > 0)
+ styles$dxfs <<- dxf
+ }
+ tableStyles <- getNodes(xml = stylesTxt, tagIn = " 0)
+ styles$tableStyles <<- stri_join(tableStyles, ">")
- }else if(type == "dataBar"){
+ extLst <- getNodes(xml = stylesTxt, tagIn = "")
+ if (length(extLst) > 0)
+ styles$extLst <<- extLst
- if(length(formula) == 2){
- negColour <- formula[[1]]
- posColour <- formula[[2]]
- }else{
- posColour <- formula
- negColour <- "FFFF0000"
+ ## Number formats
+ numFmts <- getChildlessNode(xml = stylesTxt, tag = " 0) {
+ numFmtsIds <-
+ sapply(numFmts, getAttr, tag = 'numFmtId="', USE.NAMES = FALSE)
+ formatCodes <-
+ sapply(numFmts, getAttr, tag = 'formatCode="', USE.NAMES = FALSE)
+ numFmts <-
+ lapply(1:length(numFmts), function(i)
+ list("numFmtId" = numFmtsIds[[i]], "formatCode" = formatCodes[[i]]))
+ numFmtFlag <- TRUE
- guid <- paste0("F7189283-14F7-4DE0-9601-54DE9DB", 40000L + length(worksheets[[sheet]]$extLst))
- cfRule <- sprintf('{%s}', posColour, guid)
+ ## fonts will maintain, sz, color, name, family scheme
+ if (grepl("", stylesTxt, fixed = TRUE)) {
+ ## empty font node
+ fonts <- getNodes(xml = stylesTxt, tagIn = "', formula[[1]], formula[[2]])
+ fills <- getNodes(xml = stylesTxt, tagIn = "")
+ fills <- buildFillList(fills)
- }else{
+ borders <- getOpenClosedNode(stylesTxt, "")
+ borders <-
+ substr(
+ borders,
+ start = regexpr("", borders)[1],
+ stop = regexpr("", borders) - 1L
+ )
+ borders <- getNodes(xml = borders, tagIn = "', formula[[1]], formula[[2]], formula[[3]])
- }
- worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting <<- append(worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting, cfRule)
- names(worksheets[[sheet]]$conditionalFormatting) <<- nms
- invisible(0)
-Workbook$methods(loadStyles = function(stylesXML){
- ## Build style objects from the styles XML
- stylesTxt <- readLines(stylesXML, warn = FALSE, encoding = "UTF-8")
- stylesTxt <- removeHeadTag(stylesTxt)
- ## Indexed colours
- vals <- getNodes(xml = stylesTxt, tagIn = "")
- if(length(vals) > 0)
- styles$indexedColors <<- paste0("", vals, "")
- ## dxf (don't need these, I don't think)
- dxf <- getNodes(xml = stylesTxt, tagIn = " 0){
- dxf <- getNodes(xml = dxf[[1]], tagIn = "")
- if(length(dxf) > 0)
- styles$dxfs <<- dxf
- }
- tableStyles <- getNodes(xml = stylesTxt, tagIn = " 0)
- styles$tableStyles <<- paste0(tableStyles, ">")
- extLst <- getNodes(xml = stylesTxt, tagIn = "")
- if(length(extLst) > 0)
- styles$extLst <<- extLst
- ## Number formats
- numFmts <- getChildlessNode(xml = stylesTxt, tag = " 0){
- numFmtsIds <- sapply(numFmts, getAttr, tag = 'numFmtId="', USE.NAMES = FALSE)
- formatCodes <- sapply(numFmts, getAttr, tag = 'formatCode="', USE.NAMES = FALSE)
- numFmts <-lapply(1:length(numFmts), function(i) list("numFmtId"= numFmtsIds[[i]], "formatCode"=formatCodes[[i]]))
- numFmtFlag <- TRUE
- }
- ## fonts will maintain, sz, color, name, family scheme
- if(grepl("", stylesTxt, fixed = TRUE)){ ## empty font node
- fonts <- getNodes(xml = stylesTxt, tagIn = "")
- borders <- substr(borders, start = regexpr("", borders)[1], stop = regexpr("", borders) - 1L)
- borders <- getNodes(xml = borders, tagIn = "', paste(names(attr), '="', attr, '"', collapse = " ", sep = ""))
- } else {
- workbookProtection <<- ""
+ protectWorkbook = function(protect = TRUE,
+ lockStructure = FALSE,
+ lockWindows = FALSE,
+ password = NULL) {
+ attr = c()
+ if (!is.null(password)) {
+ attr["workbookPassword"] <- hashPassword(password)
+ }
+ if (!missing(lockStructure) && !is.null(lockStructure)) {
+ attr["lockStructure"] <- toString(as.numeric(lockStructure))
+ }
+ if (!missing(lockWindows) && !is.null(lockWindows)) {
+ attr["lockWindows"] <- toString(as.numeric(lockWindows))
+ }
+ if (protect) {
+ workbookProtection <<-
+ sprintf(
+ '',
+ stri_join(
+ names(attr),
+ '="',
+ attr,
+ '"',
+ collapse = " ",
+ sep = ""
+ )
+ )
+ } else {
+ workbookProtection <<- ""
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/R/helperFunctions.R b/R/helperFunctions.R
index 731d68f0..2860b470 100644
--- a/R/helperFunctions.R
+++ b/R/helperFunctions.R
@@ -331,6 +331,9 @@ writeCommentXML <- function(comment_list, file_name){
+illegalchars <- c('&', '"', "'", '<', '>', "\a", "\b", "\v", "\f")
+illegalcharsreplace <- c("&", """, "'", "<", ">", "", "", "", "")
replaceIllegalCharacters <- function(v){
@@ -339,19 +342,9 @@ replaceIllegalCharacters <- function(v){
flg <- vEnc != "UTF-8"
- v[flg] <- iconv(v[flg], from = "", to = "UTF-8")
- v <- gsub('&', "&", v, fixed = TRUE)
- v <- gsub('"', """, v, fixed = TRUE)
- v <- gsub("'", "'", v, fixed = TRUE)
- v <- gsub('<', "<", v, fixed = TRUE)
- v <- gsub('>', ">", v, fixed = TRUE)
- ## Escape sequences
- v <- gsub("\a", "", v, fixed = TRUE)
- v <- gsub("\b", "", v, fixed = TRUE)
- v <- gsub("\v", "", v, fixed = TRUE)
- v <- gsub("\f", "", v, fixed = TRUE)
+ v[flg] <- stri_conv(v[flg], from = "", to = "UTF-8")
+ v <- stri_replace_all_fixed(v, illegalchars, illegalcharsreplace, vectorize_all = FALSE)
diff --git a/R/workbook_write_data.R b/R/workbook_write_data.R
index dfe753ae..c3d8e3af 100644
--- a/R/workbook_write_data.R
+++ b/R/workbook_write_data.R
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Workbook$methods(writeData = function(df, sheet, startRow, startCol, colNames, c
dInds <- which(sapply(colClasses, function(x) "date" %in% x))
origin <- 25569L
- if(grepl('date1904="1"|date1904="true"', paste(unlist(workbook), collapse = ""), ignore.case = TRUE))
+ if(grepl('date1904="1"|date1904="true"', stri_join(unlist(workbook), collapse = ""), ignore.case = TRUE))
origin <- 24107L
for(i in dInds)
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Workbook$methods(writeData = function(df, sheet, startRow, startCol, colNames, c
if("list" %in% allColClasses){
for(i in which(sapply(colClasses, function(x) "list" %in% x)))
- df[[i]] <- sapply(lapply(df[[i]], unlist), paste, collapse = list_sep)
+ df[[i]] <- sapply(lapply(df[[i]], unlist), stri_join, collapse = list_sep)
if("formula" %in% allColClasses){
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ Workbook$methods(writeData = function(df, sheet, startRow, startCol, colNames, c
## alter the elements of t where we have a formula to be "str"
formula_cols <- which(sapply(colClasses, function(x) "openxlsx_formula" %in% x, USE.NAMES = FALSE), useNames = FALSE)
- formula_strs <- paste0("", unlist(df[formula_cols], use.names = FALSE), "")
+ formula_strs <- stri_join("", unlist(df[formula_cols], use.names = FALSE), "")
formula_inds <- unlist(lapply(formula_cols, function(i) i + (1:(nRows - colNames) - 1)*nCols + (colNames * nCols)), use.names = FALSE)
f_in[formula_inds] <- formula_strs
any_functions <- TRUE
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ Workbook$methods(writeData = function(df, sheet, startRow, startCol, colNames, c
if(length(newStrs) > 0){
newStrs <- replaceIllegalCharacters(newStrs)
- newStrs <- paste0("", newStrs, "")
+ newStrs <- stri_join("", newStrs, "")
uNewStr <- unique(newStrs)
diff --git a/R/writeData.R b/R/writeData.R
index 47bc00a5..1daf27cd 100644
--- a/R/writeData.R
+++ b/R/writeData.R
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#' @name writeData
#' @title Write an object to a worksheet
#' @author Alexander Walker
+#' @import stringi
#' @description Write an object to worksheet with optional styling.
#' @param wb A Workbook object containing a worksheet.
#' @param sheet The worksheet to write to. Can be the worksheet index or name.
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@
#' @param withFilter If \code{TRUE}, add filters to the column name row. NOTE can only have one filter per worksheet.
#' @param keepNA If \code{TRUE}, NA values are converted to #N/A in Excel else NA cells will be empty.
#' @param name If not NULL, a named region is defined.
-#' @param sep Only applies to list columns. The separator used to collapse list columns to a character vector e.g. sapply(x$list_column, paste, collapse = sep).
+#' @param sep Only applies to list columns. The separator used to collapse list columns to a character vector e.g. sapply(x$list_column, stri_join, collapse = sep).
#' @seealso \code{\link{writeDataTable}}
#' @export writeData
#' @details Formulae written using writeFormula to a Workbook object will not get picked up by read.xlsx().
@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@
#' ## - vectors/columns with class 'hyperlink' are written as hyperlinks'
#' v <- rep("https://CRAN.R-project.org/", 4)
-#' names(v) <- paste("Hyperlink", 1:4) # Optional: names will be used as display text
+#' names(v) <- paste0("Hyperlink", 1:4) # Optional: names will be used as display text
#' class(v) <- 'hyperlink'
#' writeData(wb, "Cars", x = v, xy = c("B", 32))
@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@
#' ## - vectors/columns with class 'formula' are written as formulas'
#' df <- data.frame(x=1:3, y = 1:3,
-#' z = paste(paste0("A", 1:3+1L), paste0("B", 1:3+1L), sep = " + "),
+#' z = paste0(paste0("A", 1:3+1L), paste0("B", 1:3+1L), sep = " + "),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' class(df$z) <- c(class(df$z), "formula")
@@ -267,12 +268,12 @@ writeData <- function(wb,
coords <- data.frame("x" = c(startRow, startRow + nRow + colNames - 1L), "y" = c(startCol, startCol + nCol - 1L))
- ref <- paste(getCellRefs(coords), collapse = ":")
+ ref <- stri_join(getCellRefs(coords), collapse = ":")
wb$worksheets[[sheetX]]$autoFilter <- sprintf('', ref)
l <- convert_to_excel_ref(cols = unlist(coords[,2]), LETTERS = LETTERS)
- dfn <- sprintf("'%s'!%s", names(wb)[sheetX], paste0("$", l, "$", coords[,1], collapse=":"))
+ dfn <- sprintf("'%s'!%s", names(wb)[sheetX], stri_join("$", l, "$", coords[,1], collapse=":"))
dn <- sprintf('%s', sheetX - 1L, dfn)
@@ -314,8 +315,8 @@ writeData <- function(wb,
## named region
- ref1 <- paste0("$", convert_to_excel_ref(cols = startCol, LETTERS = LETTERS), "$", startRow)
- ref2 <- paste0("$", convert_to_excel_ref(cols = startCol + nCol - 1L, LETTERS = LETTERS), "$", startRow + nRow - 1L + colNames)
+ ref1 <- stri_join("$", convert_to_excel_ref(cols = startCol, LETTERS = LETTERS), "$", startRow)
+ ref2 <- stri_join("$", convert_to_excel_ref(cols = startCol + nCol - 1L, LETTERS = LETTERS), "$", startRow + nRow - 1L + colNames)
wb$createNamedRegion(ref1 = ref1, ref2 = ref2, name = name, sheet = wb$sheet_names[wb$validateSheet(sheet)])
@@ -421,7 +422,7 @@ writeData <- function(wb,
#' df <- data.frame(x=1:3,
#' y = 1:3,
-#' z = paste(paste0("A", 1:3+1L), paste0("B", 1:3+1L), sep = " + "),
+#' z = stri_join(stri_join("A", 1:3+1L), stri_join("B", 1:3+1L), sep = " + "),
#' z2 = sprintf("ADDRESS(1,%s)", 1:3),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
diff --git a/man/writeData.Rd b/man/writeData.Rd
index 5c2763e8..4c773180 100644
--- a/man/writeData.Rd
+++ b/man/writeData.Rd
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ each column. If "\code{all}" all cell borders are drawn.}
\item{name}{If not NULL, a named region is defined.}
-\item{sep}{Only applies to list columns. The separator used to collapse list columns to a character vector e.g. sapply(x$list_column, paste, collapse = sep).}
+\item{sep}{Only applies to list columns. The separator used to collapse list columns to a character vector e.g. sapply(x$list_column, stri_join, collapse = sep).}
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ writeData(wb, "Cars", x, colNames = TRUE, rowNames = TRUE,
## - vectors/columns with class 'hyperlink' are written as hyperlinks'
v <- rep("https://CRAN.R-project.org/", 4)
-names(v) <- paste("Hyperlink", 1:4) # Optional: names will be used as display text
+names(v) <- paste0("Hyperlink", 1:4) # Optional: names will be used as display text
class(v) <- 'hyperlink'
writeData(wb, "Cars", x = v, xy = c("B", 32))
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ writeData(wb, "Cars", x = v, xy = c("B", 32))
## - vectors/columns with class 'formula' are written as formulas'
df <- data.frame(x=1:3, y = 1:3,
- z = paste(paste0("A", 1:3+1L), paste0("B", 1:3+1L), sep = " + "),
+ z = paste0(paste0("A", 1:3+1L), paste0("B", 1:3+1L), sep = " + "),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
class(df$z) <- c(class(df$z), "formula")
diff --git a/man/writeFormula.Rd b/man/writeFormula.Rd
index 50ee65e4..23b7baa3 100644
--- a/man/writeFormula.Rd
+++ b/man/writeFormula.Rd
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ writeFormula(wb, 1, x = "A2 + B2", startCol = 10, startRow = 10)
df <- data.frame(x=1:3,
y = 1:3,
- z = paste(paste0("A", 1:3+1L), paste0("B", 1:3+1L), sep = " + "),
+ z = stri_join(stri_join("A", 1:3+1L), stri_join("B", 1:3+1L), sep = " + "),
z2 = sprintf("ADDRESS(1,\%s)", 1:3),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)